Cabinet Is at the Meeting and Is Encouraged to Speak Up

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Cabinet Is at the Meeting and Is Encouraged to Speak Up

Senate Meeting January 23, 2011 Call to Order: 10:15 Roll Call Acknowledgments: Cabinet is at the meeting and is encouraged to speak up Lena Tome and Cory Sims for being present and active Laura from OSU for welcoming us Jason from OSU for sitting through our Senate meeting Approval of Minutes: No objections, Approved Report of the Speaker of the Senate: Most of report has been told at the retreat this weekend Reach out to interns, if you don’t have work talk to Director Sutton Stay on top of logging office hours online Director Bikas is working on code revisions for new website so pictures and everything will be updated but we aren’t updating the old website Dinovo: Any updates on shuttle tracker? Hart: We have a new design and very improved and we will test it out. Looking to roll out a mobile website package to students. And UC libraries working on a packag as well as for mobiles coming out.

Report of the Student Body President: Acknowledgements: President of SAB, Nesbitt, here as well as 3 Interns: Lucy Simon, Steven, and Brandon Reynolds Wish Former President Lolli a Happy Birthday today VP Rooney and I went to Florida to cheer on the bearcats and our cheerleaders came in 15th in the nation, 2nd in poms and hip hop Working with IFC to cut down on Fraternity parties during welcome week Had lunch with President Williams and he has positive view of work of SGA Smoking Ban: working with CAC and Anthony Voveris and Faculty Chair. Working to review our current policy. Great retreat and lets keep being productive Did you know UC has an impact of $1.2 billion on the economy Report of the Student Body VP: Metro Bus has initially accepted the proposal of $1 rides BTS should be $80,000 from SACUUB for our proposal to increase routes Report of the Internal Holdover Senator: No report Report of the External Holdover Senator: LGBTQ Bill is on the agenda Elect Her Bill is on the agenda for the day for promotional items Cabinet and Senate relationship is being evaluated AVP meetings are being attended Gen 1 basketball game is this week right after Senate Meeting with Shy Ruparal last week about sending out the diversity initiative Wants to work with Senators more, so approach him if needed or want Report from the Director of Finance: Could not be here. $138.73 was re-appropriated from the marketing line item Received refund from METRO $578.69 $285 re-appropriated $700 outstanding for Mission event in February We are all paid back on Louisville bus trip Executive Nominations: Committee Reports: EFC: Taylor: Received huge feedback from interns. Still want more. Will have this finalized by the end of the day and elections will be coming up. Academic Issues: Clark: Co-op Bill of Rights hit a “snare” (slowed down) Looking into Academic Integrity week for end of Winter or Spring Seeing if we want to have a more detailed breakdown of classes on paper Busy with Semester conversion Smith: Updates on grade distribution website? Clark: It is essentially put on hold until 2013 because of semester conversion Governmental Affairs: Miller: Adding word to non-participle to the bi-laws Working on logistic planning for the summit and need help with how to make it better and use connections/resources Looking to start a speaker series in Spring and need help getting the word out about it and then feedback after Public Affairs: R. Quinn: working on Bearcat meal deal and just had meeting with director of bearcat card to find out how we can continue with this Student survey about U-Square Revamping marketing for Book Swap Developing final plans on Grill Bill and raising money and obtaining approval This past year worked with sustainability and that was a victory Internal Holdover Hertlein is doing a fabulous job SRI: Idries: Proud of committee for all that was accomplished in the fall Working on co-sponsorship bill Self defense seminar in the next two quarters International Leadership Collaboration is being looked into Planning things for Black History Month (movie) Sen. Lopez is working with partnership for megabus Sen. Maul working on partnership with Freedom Center for Black History Rooney: Can you update on the partnership Maul: 75% committed, looking to do do a field trip. Should be finalized in the next 2 weeks but they are workingon Black Love Week Rooney: Is it possible to be a part of the Black Love Week? Maul: Usually they like to do it on their own but we can talk about it later. Dinovo: Talk more about Mega Bus? Lopez: working on finding out what other options are available because right now they aren’t fully committed.

Board Reports: UFB: Volmering: UC Hopsitality Navigators, and many others got their funding approved see me if you want more info John Sims is stepping down, so we will be replacing him as quickly as possible. NSB:Clark: no meeting this week due to Holiday February 1st and February 2nd are the days for texting while driving pledge SAB: Goertelmiller: we didn’t meet this week due to snow. We are sending a survey to find out feedback of how to make it better. Joy Fellowship was passed as a group. Not doing student activities fair. Elections will be March 3rd Miller: how is Joy Fellowship different than the other 5 groups? Goertelmiller: It was approved as being different and is predominantly Asian. Board of Trustees: I will give my report from what I would give to board of trustees: Give a student spotlight in order to give BoT things to talk at their events, so I will give you some of that information: 1. Eric Finann won NCAA cross country regionals 2. Men’s basketball teams 3. Josh Snider: Set swimming record 4. Pay it forward award went to UC’s service learning students 5. Students participated on SBC trips this winter 6. Gender Fu*k Fashion Show Miller: Gender Fu*k Drag Show, not Gender Fu*k Fashion Show Vomering: If anyone wants a ROAR tour we can give them that Quinn: Funny, because I was planning on talking about ROAR and Missy Feltz will be giving a tour to the board in the Spring

Tribunal reports: A&S: Gunther: look for information about speaker. Business: Perez: Did not meet, but in process of getting another Senator. We will be holding elections on Monday 6 pm in 111 in CoB. Social work: Taylor: did not meet but sending kids to Columbus to for Advocacy day. It is free let us know if you are interested. Engineering: Clark: Did not meet. CCH: Dean welcomes us back to college. Remind Senators when we are guests in other places watch how we leave the place, there was chat from staff members. Our next meeting is January 31st. Comments from the Gallery: No Updates Old Business: Volmering: open discussion on S-11.A.29 Bell could not be here to discuss so I will discuss for her. “How does this bill commit stronger connections? We could calI it the SGA Talent show because of how much money we are giving. SGA’s job is to allocate money to serve students this is not a large representation of our students. We need to stick to our budget. Less funds for Sigma Sigma Carnival, CDM, etc. This is not sustainable. $500 makes sense but why would we fund for any more when money can go towards things that are in line with the Smith Rooney Platform.” Taylor: All students try out for this and it is strongly marketed. Last year we gave $3500 and this year we are just asking for $3000. Richman: We have already agreed to give money to PAC spring Concert and this is half of our programming budget so this would wipe us out. Smith: we gave have $1000 allocated for PAC Concert Feltz: People from all different backgrounds are represented at this. Lawson: We are working on Marketing and we could market at events like the cultural event and large events. Rooney: We have in the past promoted the elections at this event and it is a great opportunity. Idries: Why did the not give a presentation on their budget and where this would be allocated, etc? Smith: Director of Alumni Affairs and President of Metro was supposed to be here but is sick and can not present. We can present it later. Miller: I’d like to see the breakdown in a different format. $3000 is too much in comparison to what we give other organizations. We definitely need to support but not that much. Clark: I agree with Senator Idries. We should wait until we have the whole senate and the presentation. Rooney: I think we should close discussion, have the president send us the file, and bring this up later. I move to close discussion. Discussion is closed. New Business: Shannon: Move to open discussion on S.11-A.032 Discussion Open Shannon: Yeild to AVP Feltz. Feltz: This book has been in the works for a year. It is roughly $2000 works of books. This is a wide spectrum of people that would be looking at these books. This book is old, average 40 years old and they are out of date. GRID is referred to in the book to refer to AIDS. This is tangible and sustainable. Volmering: They just got a new director so this would be a good show that we are in support of them and the new director. Rooney: I’m in full support of this but I want to ask are we expecting them to come back to us for more money? Miller: No we would not be coming back we have additional places to get the money through a grant and private donations. Rooney: The women’s center didn’t ask for more money. Miller: They could be asking for more money from SACUUB in the future. As someone from the community that spends a lot of time in the office it would be greatly appreciated. We have many of old books donated by the LGBTQ center in Northside. A lot of the books are Gay male related and not representing the whole community. Smith: This is the year for LGBTQ affairs. We are working with Dean Bowen and looking to get LGBTQ a new office and these books would be a welcome to the new office. Discussion Closed. Move to call in question s.11-a.032 No objections Majority Rule.

Smith: Move to open a 2 minute discussion on executive session. Executive session is so we can discuss without parliamentary procedure and we don’t take minutes. If you are in Executive session you don’t talk about what is being discussed in executive session! Things that happen in executive session STAY in executive session! If you are in executive discission DO NOT talk about it! It is unacceptable. Discussion closed

Richman: Move to open discussion S.11-R.031 We only need to pay for the marketing to get individuals to attend this conference. It is completely free and beneficial to students. Feltz: It is new and a national campaign that prestigious schools are a part of. We just want help with the marketing, because it is very important. Floor open. Linger: Question about the format of the bills. Is it appropriate to have things underlined? Hart: all of the bills being brought before us formatted incorrectly. It is not Hertlein’s job to reformat so in the future send them to him formatted correctly. Miller: I am in support of this. I move to close the floor. Move to call in question s.11.a-031. No objections Recognize Majority bill passes

Volmering: move to open discussion on S.11-R.019 Volmering: This is a shoe drive that a 5th year in the honors program is doing and I saw it in Turner all. They accept any shoes except for cletes. She wants to get 100 shoes by April 18th. This goes along with our sustainability efforts. Rooney: Great job to Senator Volmering for using SG to leverage something on campus to make it better. I move to close discussion. Discussion Closed. Move to call to question resolutions bill S.11-R.019 Majority Recognized, bill passes.

Miller: Open discussion S.11-E.019 Miller: Only revision is adding the words “shall be non-partisan” in the bylaws. Markoe: I think this should be passed that all of the political groups that are politically affiliated should be represented. Herlein: move to close discussion. Discussion Closed. Move the table to the body S.11.-E.019 No objections Tabled to the Body

Rooney: Move to go to old business Smith: Object. Presentation is not here. I move to recess until we receive presentation. Recess for 15 minutes.

Senate Meeting- Call to Order: 12:04 Roll Call

New Business: Hertlein: I move to open a 5 minutes discussion on bill submittal. I have identified a disjointedness of people submitting bills and me receiving them. I can’t change your bills. An appropriations form should contain every appropriations bill. Every bill should be submitted 50 hours before. Show for sight and try to get to it before that time. For professionalism we should get all bills before 50 hours in the interest of full disclosure for everyone involved. Motion to close the discussion. Discussion closed

Smith: Motion to change order of the day to old business. No objections Smith: Open discussion on appropriation bill S.11-A.029 No objections Smith: We are going to wait until Wednesday until so the Talent show chair and the President of Metro can attend the meeting and present. Close discussion Restore order of day.

Announcements: Richman: Feb 7 Anthony Rapp cast member of Rent is coming through PAC in TUC from 7:00- 9:00 pm Smith: Tuesday Board of Trustees meeting is open to anyone. 8:30 am Tuesday is Alumni Center. Wednesday going to Gen 1 basketball game Nesbitt: Lets pick up our trash as we head out. Volmering: Send flyer out for the re-use a shoe event to list serves Quinn: The BoT meeting will be a very monumental moment if you have never been to one. It is a great way to be a mover and shaker and mingle. 8:00-8:30 is mingling and then open meeting. Good and Welfare: Interns came on the retreat. Lucy Simon wrote her first bill. Lane and Laura for putting all of this together. Kyle Sutton for FYE presentation Ric Sweeney for branding presentation. Lena for taking minutes and being a good assistant Cory for being a good assistant and filling in for meetings in his first week in SGA President Smith and Exec for setting this up Michael Linger for driving 7 hours to get here All Bearcats University for it being the 1 year installation anniversary for Pi Phi Representatives from Ohio State for letting us use this space.


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