April 3-4, 2012 BPS Meeting Minutes

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April 3-4, 2012 BPS Meeting Minutes

North American Energy Standards Board 801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: www.naesb.org

via posting TO: Interested Industry Parties FROM: Caroline Trum, NAESB Deputy Director RE: WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee Meeting Final Minutes – March 24, 2016 DATE: April 14, 2016

WHOLESALE ELECTRIC AND WHOLESALE GAS QUADRANTS FERC Forms Subcommittee Meeting Conference Call March 24, 2016 – 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM Central

FINAL MINUTES 1. Welcome and Administrative Items Mr. Spangler welcomed the participants to the meeting. Ms. Trum provided the antitrust guidelines reminder. Mr. Spangler reviewed the agenda with the participants. Mr. Skiba moved, seconded by Mr. Casey, to adopt the draft agenda as final. The motion passed a simple majority vote without opposition. The participants reviewed the draft minutes from the December 7, 2015 meeting as redlined by Ms. Davis. No further modifications were offered. Mr. Casey moved, seconded by Mr. Skiba, to adopt the draft minutes as redlined by Ms. Davis as final. The motion passed a simple majority vote without opposition. The final minutes for the December 7, 2015 meeting are available at the following link: https://www.naesb.org/pdf4/weq_wgq_ffs120715fm.docx. 2. Review Documentation for Form 1 Mr. Spangler stated that FERC staff had provided a work paper containing a database of all the fields in FERC Form 1 and a sample XML document. These two documents were used by the subcommittee co-chairs to develop the sample XML for subcommittee discussion. Mr. Spangler stated that any field in the database containing the “_f” mark notates a field that utilizes footnotes and that the subcommittee would need to discuss how footnotes should be represented in the XML. Mr. Bartholomot asked how the decision was made to begin with FERC Form 1. Mr. Spangler stated that FERC staff asked that FERC Form 1 be addressed first due to its complexities. 3. Review and Discuss Sample XML for Form 1 Mr. Spangler reviewed the sample XML document and sample data dictionary. He explained that the schedules included in the sample XML were chosen as they are representative in structure of several schedules within the form. Mr. Francis asked if any of the fields were pre-defined. Mr. Spangler responded that all fields have a field name, field length, and field type. Mr. Klein stated that some of the other forms utilize multi-line descriptions and asked how this feature would be addressed as there could be a mismatch between the numbers of lines for the various columns. Mr. Brooks responded that the subcommittee will need to determine how to address unique structure and design representations as the issues arise. Ms. Louque asked if the form instructions would be included in the XML. Mr. Spangler responded that the instructions would not be included in the XML but would presumably be included in any supporting software. Mr. Francis suggested that if there was a strong desire to include the instructions in the XML, this could be done via blob text. Ms. Given asked if FERC or the subcommittee would be responsible for determining the field name. Mr. Spangler stated that for the sample XML, the FERC database field names were used, explaining that this was done to ensure compatibility with the current manner in which FERC is storing and utilizing the data. Mr. Hudson indicated that FERC will likely provide specific guidance on the field names but stated that the

WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee Final Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2016 Page 1 North American Energy Standards Board 801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: www.naesb.org approach for determining field names in the sample XML was helpful. Mr. Bartholomot asked if the subcommittee should focus on identifying the needed information and let companies determine their own solutions instead of delving into specific details of the XML. Mr. Spangler stated that the standardization of the XML will create uniformity in submittals to FERC and provide for a more user-friendly experience. Mr. Francis stated that from a structural standpoint, the expectation and sequence of information is critical to building software that will utilize the XML. Mr. Rosado asked if entities were going to have to purchase software to develop the forms and if so, suggested that the third party developers be involved in the XML development. Mr. Darnell stated that a number of software vendors are participating in the subcommittee meetings. Mr. Hudson stated that FERC will not be providing the software for the file submission nor recommending vendors for data collection for the forms. He stated that FERC is utilizing the current process for this project to get input from the industry in the development of the XSD. Mr. Goldenberg stated that under the e-Tariff project, the Commission provided the industry with at least 18 months to allow entities and vendors time to develop the needed software following the issuance of the final rule before the initial e-Tariff filing. Mr. Spangler stated that for simplicity in creating the sample XML, footnotes were not included and asked the participants for suggestions on how footnotes should be captured in the XML. Mr. Brooks explained that the current formatting of the forms ties the footnote to specific sections. Mr. Filzow stated that users have an option to add a footnote to any page and that the attachments included in the footnotes are various field types and sizes. He added that entities can also include additional pages within a schedule of the form. Mr. Hudson stated that for the incoming data, FERC will need the structure to adhere to the current form/page/line/column format. Mr. Stoev suggested the footnotes be addressed by assigning each XML element a unique identifier, allowing the XML elements to be specifically referenced by other elements, including footnotes, and error messages. Mr. Brooks suggested utilizing a global optional footnote tag allowable within each element. The participants discussed the benefits of both approaches. Mr. Stoev noted that the various attachments can be long and reduce the visibility and readability of the XML. He expressed a preference that all footnotes be contained in the same location within the XML. Ms. Alvarez stated that currently, the attachments appear inline, directly following the page the footnote appears. Mr. Hudson stated that FERC needs the footnotes to be linked to the data object ID field and that each element that a footnote can be referenced to, as well as each footnote, will have its own unique ID. Mr. Stoev suggested a third hybrid option to address the treatment of footnotes: to provide each element with a footnote ID but have all the footnotes contained within a single footnote section. The participants agreed to utilize this approach for footnotes and revised the sample XML document to reflect this option. Mr. Hudson indicated that FERC would like input from the subcommittee regarding the types and specific sizes of files accepted as attachments as well as if the attachment files should be submitted with the form or in a separate filing. Mr. Spangler asked the types of files currently utilized for attachments to the forms. Mr. Goldenberg indicated that FERC has published a list available on its website of all acceptable e-filing document types. Mr. Spangler stated that in the sample XML, the use of line numbers that appear in the .pdf of the form had been included. He asked the participants for feedback on if the XML should include these line numbers or if it was sufficient to only reference the element (i.e. “operating revenue” or “operating expense”). Mr. Bartholomot stated that the continuation of line numbers could be helpful for internal reference. Mr. Stoev suggested a different approach in which the XML utilizes tag names and all elements under that tag become tag attributes. Mr. Klein agreed with Mr. Stoev’s suggestion. Mr. Hudson stated that the .pdf display of the form is subject to change and noted that the XML design should be dynamic enough to account for a new line, page, or field. The participants continued discussion on the use of the line numbers within the XML. Mr. Goldenberg stated that if the industry finds the line numbers useful, then they should be retained. Mr. Hudson agreed. Mr. Goldenberg suggested that the subcommittee consider the x.y.z numbering format as a way to incorporate new line numbers without have to renumber.

WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee Final Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2016 Page 2 North American Energy Standards Board 801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: www.naesb.org

4. Discuss Future Assignments Mr. Spangler asked the participants to review the Form 1 Database and, based on the discussions during the meeting regarding the XML structure, develop additional sample XML for the Form 1 schedules for subcommittee review during the next meeting. Action Items 1. Mr. Spangler and Mr. Brooks will revise the sample XML document based on the decisions and revisions made during the meeting to the .txt document. 2. Participants are asked to submit sample XML for the various schedules in Form 1. 3. NAESB will work with the subcommittee co-chairs to schedule the next meeting. 5. Next Steps and Future Meetings The NAESB office will send out an agenda for the next meeting once scheduled. 6. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 12:33 PM Central on a motion by Mr. J. Waggoner. 7. Attendance* First Name Last Name Organization Quadrant Segment Marianne Alvarez Exelon Group WGQ Services Rick Avila Kinder Morgan WGQ Pipeline Henri Bartholomot Edison Electric Institute N/A N/A Dick Brooks ISO-New England WEQ IGO Joe Casey Spectra Energy Corp. WGQ Pipeline Brian Corvino MISO WEQ IGO David Crabtree TECO WEQ Distribution Dave Darnell Systrends RMQ Retail Gas Market Skip Dees TECO WEQ Distribution Nima Ebrahimnejad FERC N/A N/A Renee Feeney Systrends RMQ Retail Gas Market Fiodor Filzow Eversource Energy WEQ Transmission Owner Dave Francis MISO WEQ IGO Dorothy Gerena Dominion Resources, Inc. WGQ LDC Nicole Given Association of Oil Pipe Lines N/A N/A Nicholas Gladd FERC N/A N/A Michael Goldenberg FERC N/A N/A Lori Hamilton Avista Corporation WEQ Technology/Services Patrick Herm LG&E and KU Services Company WEQ Transmission Owner Robb Hudson FERC N/A N/A Jason Johnson American Electric Power Service Corporation WEQ IGO

WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee Final Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2016 Page 3 North American Energy Standards Board 801 Travis, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (713) 356-0060, Fax: (713) 356-0067, E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: www.naesb.org

First Name Last Name Organization Quadrant Segment Gina Jones Kansas City Power & Light Company WEQ Generator Dan Kermode Washington State Utilities Commission RMQ Retail Electric End Users/Public Agencies Thanoj Kumar Boardwalk Pipeline Partners WGQ Pipeline Nancy Leatherland Enbridge WGQ Pipeline Mike Lewis LG&E and KU Services Company WEQ Transmission Owner Kelly Louque Entergy Services WGQ End User Steve McCord Columbia Gas Transmission WGQ Pipeline Megan Miller Spectra Energy WGQ Pipeline Sylvia Munson FIS WGQ Services Sunil Mysore Latitude Technologies WGQ Services Kellie Parker Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline WGQ Pipeline Matt Pawlowski Florida Power & Light WEQ Transmission Owner Eric Raible LG&E and KU Services Company WEQ Transmission Owner Wendy Rhyno Alliance Pipeline WGQ Pipeline Gil Rosado ConEdison Company of New York WGQ LDC Rob Short Kansas City Power & Light WEQ Transmission Owner Ed Skiba MISO WEQ IGO Leigh Spangler Latitude Technologies WGQ Services Sai Srigiriraju FERC N/A N/A Ryan Stanley Pacific Gas and Electric Company WGQ LDC Pavel Stoev Links Technology WEQ Technology/Services Anne Sutton Dominion Resources WGQ LDC Gerald Thomas FERC N/A N/A Caroline Trum NAESB N/A N/A Kim Van Pelt Boardwalk Pipeline Partners WGQ Pipeline John Waggoner ISO New England WEQ IGO Tommy Waggoner Southern Company WEQ Generator Cindy Young NV Energy WEQ Transmission Owner

*Please note that attendees that did not provide their name are not included in the attendance list above. If you did attend this meeting and are not listed, please contact the NAESB office, and we will update this record.

WEQ/WGQ FERC Forms Subcommittee Final Meeting Minutes – March 24, 2016 Page 4

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