Curriculum Vitae s464

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Curriculum Vitae s464


Curriculum Vitae

Name: Marco Macagno Date and Place of Birth:, May 13th 1983; Pinerolo, Italy. Citizenship: Italian. Status: Celibate.

Current Position

PostDoc Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences Laboratory of Immunology University of Turin - Molecular Biotechnology Center Via Nizza 52 10126,Turin-Italy Phone (+39) 011 670 6458-6457 Cell. (+39) 3478532345 Fax (+39) 011 670 6487 E-mail [email protected]

Marco Macagno was born in Pinerolo (To) in 1983. He was graduated in Molecular Biology at the University of Torino on April 8th, 2008: his thesis became an important part of the paper “Sorafenib blocks tumour growth, angiogenesis and metastatic potential in preclinical models of osteosarcoma through a mechanism potentially involving the inhibition of ERK1/2, MCL-1 and Ezrin pathways” (Molecular Cancer 2009). In June 2008 he won an undergraduate fellowship at the Laboratory of Immunology (supervisor Prof. G. Forni), Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino to perform the intra- nipple DNA vaccination technique in BALB-neuT female mice. In 2009 he was selected for the Ph.D. program (Molecular Medicine) of the University of Turin, under the supervision of Prof. F. Cavallo, and he defended his thesis entitled “Multiple Roles of Perforin in Hampering ERBB-2 (Her-2/neu) Carcinogenesis in Transgenic Male Mice” on January 28th, 2013 (Macagno et al. J. Immunology 2014). In 2010, he taught in “cancer immunology course” at School of Medicine S. Luigi Gonzaga (Orbassano – Torino). From march 2011 to July 2012 he was project manager at Bionucleon Srl, Eporgen-Venture SpA - Bio Industry Park - Colleretto Giacosa (Ivrea), Torino, working on “Oligonucleotide-based inhibition of the pro-angiogenic activity of HRP-3 in neuroblastoma“. From January 2013 to may 2015, he received a post-doctoral fellowship at working on a project “Cancer initiating cell oncoantigens for the immune-targeting of triple negative breast cancer”, under the supervision of Prof. F. Cavallo, granted by “Fondazione SanPaolo”. From may 2015 to now he received a post-doctoral fellowship at working on a new project “Immunoterapia con Cellule Killer Indotte da Citochine (CIK): ruolo e modulazione dell’asse PD1- PDL1/2 ed interazione con cellule mieloidi immunosoppressorie”, under the supervision of Prof. Dario Sangiolo at the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (Candiolo – TO). During these years he has strengthened his experience on the development and characterization of different pre-clinical transgenic and transplantable tumor mouse models. Since 2011, Marco Macagno has coordinated several students during their degree. He has worked in different research teams and he closely and autonomously collaborates with: the Department of Medical Sciences (Prof. Ponzetto A.), University of Turin, (Italy), the Department of Oncology and Neurosciences and CeSI Foundation, University “G. d' Annunzio” (Prof. Musiani P.), Chieti, (Italy), the Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (Prof. Di Renzo M.F. and Prof. Medico

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E.), Candiolo (Italy), the Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology University of Camerino (Prof. Amici A.), (Italy), the Department of Computer Science, University of Torino (Prof. Calogero R.), (Italy), the Experimental Therapies Unit, G. Gaslini Children’s Hospital, Genoa (Dr. Pastorino F.; Prof. Ponzoni M.), (Italy), the Department of Bio-Medical Sciences, University of Catania (Prof. Nicoletti F.), (Italy), the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Univesity of Bari (Prof. Ribatti D.), (Italy) and the Istituto Oncologico Veneto IRCCS (Dr. Indraccolo S.), Padova, (Italy). In 2013 and 2014 Marco Macagno was invited as Chairman at the Italian Cancer Society annual meeting. In 2014 in collaboration with AIRC (Piemonte e Valle d’Aosta committee) he organized scientific meetings patrocinate by the Comune of Perosa Argentina (TO), in the first edition of “Scienza tra le Valli” meetings. Furthermore, in June he organized in Torino the first SIC Jung Investigator Workshop: “Targeted Therapy of Cancer: where we are heading”. He is a member of numerous scientific associations among which are: the Italian Cancer Society (since 2014 Marco has been a council member of SIC scientific board), the European Association for Cancer Research, the Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical immunology and Allergology, the British Society for Immunology , the Student Society for Stem Cell Research and Euroscience. Marco is a member of numerous Editorial Board among which are: - SDI journals (SCIENCEDOMAIN international); - IORP Journal of Life Sciences and Cancers Review (Pak Publishing Group); - SM Vaccines and Vaccination Journal. From 2015 Marco Macagno creates and guides a new non-profit association with the purpose of scientific and research support called "Scienza Senza Confini".

Education ______

2013: Qualified to exercise the profession of Biologist.

2013: PhD graduation in Molecular Medicine. Experimental thesis: “Innate Immunosurveillance In Erbb-2 Autochthonous Carcinogenesis In Transgenic Mice” 2008: Specialist degree in Biomolecular Sciences. Experimental thesis: “Studi preclinici dell’efficacia del farmaco Sorafenib nel trattamento dell’osteosarcoma”.

2005: First level degree in Molecular Biology. Experimental thesis title: “Studio dell’espressione del recettore del fattore di crescita epidermoidale nel colangiocarcinoma”.

2002: High School – Accountant c/o ITSG “M. Buniva” – Pinerolo (TO).

Chronology of Employment ______

2013- now: PhD fellow, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences - Laboratory of Immunology (Prof. F. Cavallo) MBC, Torino, Italy. Projects: - Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (ido) and COX-2 silencing for improved antitumor vaccination; - Role of Perforin in the antibody-mediated protection against Her-2/neu mammary carcinogenesis; - Role of Complement in the progression of HER-2/neu carcinoma; - PNA as an antisense therapy against HER-2/neu carcinoma; - Bioeffects and therapeutic application of elf.

2011-2012: Scientific coordinator at Bionucleon Srl (Eporgen-Venture SpA - Bio Industry Park – Colleretto Giacosa (Ivrea), Torino).

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2009-2012: Selected for the doctorate program in Molecular Medicine (PhD. Student in Immunology and cellular biology) in the laboratory of Prof. G. Forni and F. Cavallo (MBC – University of Turin). Project: - Perforin-dependent immunosurveillance hampers the onset of erbb-2(neu)+ mammary carcinomas in transgenic mice.

2008: Fellowship in the Laboratory of Immunology - Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Turin, Italy (Prof. Guido Forni) paid by Fondazione Internazionale di Ricerca in Medicina Sperimentale (FIRMS).

2005-2008: Student Internship, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment (IRCC) Candiolo - Laboratory of Clinical Oncology , School of Medicine, University of Turin, Torino - Italy (Prof. Massimo Aglietta).

Pubblications ______

Chimeric DNA Vaccines: An Effective Way to Overcome Immune Tolerance. Riccardo F, Bolli E, Macagno M, Arigoni M, Cavallo F, Quaglino E. CURR TOP MICROBIOL IMMUNOL. PMID: 25294003 IF: 4,08

Microenvironment, Oncoantigens, and Antitumor Vaccination: Lessons Learned from BALB-neuT Mice Laura Conti, Roberto Ruiu, Giuseppina Barutello, MarcoMacagno, Silvio Bandini, Federica Cavallo, and Stefania Lanzardo HINDAWY ; Published 3 June 2014 IF: 2,70

Multiple Roles of Perforin in Hampering ERBB-2 (Her-2/neu) Carcinogenesis in Transgenic Male Mice. Macagno M, Bandini S, Stramucci L, Quaglino E, Conti L, Balmas E, Smyth MJ, Lollini PL, Musiani P, Forni G, Iezzi M, Cavallo F J IMMUNOL 2014 Jun; : | PMID: 24790144 IF: 5,52

Early onset and enhanced growth of autochthonous mammary carcinomas in C3-deficient Her2/neu transgenic mice. Bandini S, Curcio C, Macagno M, Quaglino E, Arigoni M, Lanzardo S, Hysi A, Barutello G, Consolino L, Longo DL, Musiani P, Forni G, Iezzi M, Cavallo F Oncoimmunology 2013 Sep; 2: e26137 | PMID: 24228231 IF: 6,28

Chimeric DNA Vaccines against ErbB2+ Carcinomas: From Mice to Humans. Quaglino E, Riccardo F, Macagno M, Bandini S, Cojoca R, Ercole E, Amici A, Cavallo F Cancers (Basel) 2011; 3: 3225-41 | PMID: 24212954 IF: --

Competencies & Interest s ______

French Ability: good reading, writing ability and oral expression English Ability: good reading, writing ability and intermediate oral expression

Computational skills:  Excellent knowledge of operating systems Windows (98/2000/XP/Vista);  Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook;  Internet use for scientific search (browsers and protein and genomic database);  Intermediate knowledge of the Primer Express program to design primers for PCR;  Good knowledge of Graph Pad;  Intermediate knowledge of Photoshop;

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2006-2007 Teaching in the subjects of Introduction to Biology and Biochemistry (Proff. A. Fasolo – B. Dore – P. Allegra), Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Turin.

2010 Teaching at PhD Program in Molecular Medicine, Cell Biology and Immunology Address: COURSE OF CANCER IMMUNOLOGY 2010 (Prof. G. Forni).

2014 Teaching at Università della Terza Età (Comprensorio di Perosa Argentina e Valli Chisone e Germanasca).

Workshops and Training courses ______

1. 7/10.11.2008: “ L’attività di ricerca a contatto con gli animali: la protezione degli animali utilizzati a fini sperimentali o ad altri fini scientifici e la salvaguardia della sicurezza e della salute dei lavoratori” Molecular Biotecnology Center, Torino – Italy.

2. 15-19.11.2010: “International Joint PhD Course in Molecular Oncology, Experimental Immunology and New Drugs Development: Biological Cancer Therapy” Università degli Studi di Catanzaro “Magna Grecia”, Campus Universitario “S.Venuta”- Catanzaro Italy.

3. 18-23.07.2011: “MedThech Summer School – Industrial challenges and the process from lab to market” [ADEBAG (Association for the Development of Bioindustry in Grenoble Area) and EDISCE (PhD School)] Grenoble, France.

4. 17-19.04.2012: “Citometria a flusso e microscopia: corso di base per applicazioni di ricerca sperimentale e clinica” c/o Centro Congressi IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino – IST Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy.

5. 26.04.2012: “Targets Extracellular di intervento antitumorale” c/o Bioindustrypark S. Fumero SpA, Colleretto Giacosa, Torino, Italia.

6. 17-18. 05.2012: “The health monitoring of rodents and the cage level environment in IVC equipe facility” c/o Campus IFOM-IEO, Milan, Italy 7. 7.06.2012: “Cancer-day: from metabolism to immunotherapy” held on June 7th 2012 c/o MBC (Melecular Biotechnology Center) Torino, Italy.

8. 29.07-05.08 2012: “ADVANCED COURSE IN IMMUNOLOGY” organized by the American Association of Immunologists, Boston, MA, USA.

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Selected for Poster Presentations ______

 22nd Biennal Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research 7-10 july 2012 Barcelona, Spain PERFORIN-DEPENDENT IMMUNE SURVEILLANCE OF ERBB2+ CARCINOMAS IN FEMALE AND MALE MICE Marco Macagno1, Silvio Bandini1, Simona Rolla1, Manuela Iezzi2, Lorenzo Stramucci2, Mark J. Smyth3, Guido Forni1 and Federica Cavallo1 1Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino, Italy. 2Aging Research Center, G. D'Annunzio University Fundation, Chieti, Italy. 3Cancer Immunology Program, Peter MacCallum Cancer Center, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

 54th Annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society: Mission impossible understanding cancer- host dialogues for personalized cancer medicine, 01 - 04 October 2012 Bologna, Italy. ROLE OF PERFORIN IN THE ANTIBODY-MEDIATED PROTECTION AGAINST HER-2/NEU MAMMARY CARCINOGENESIS Macagno Marco1, Bandini Silvio1, Balmas Elisa1, Iezzi Manuela2, Forni Guido1, Cavallo Federica1 1Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Torino, Torino, Italy.2Aging Research Center, G. D'Annunzio University Fundation, Chieti, Italy.

 54° Annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society, 01 - 04 October 2012 Bologna, Italy. CYCLOOXYGENASE-2 (COX2) SILENCING FOR IMPROVED ANTITUMOR DNA VACCINE E. Bolli, M. Macagno, M. Arigoni, V. Rolih, M. Iezzi, C. Marchini, A. Amici, F. Cavallo

 55° Annual Meeting of the Italian Cancer Society, 22 - 27 September 2013 Catanzaro, Italy. VACCINES FOR MAMMARY TUMOUR PREVENTION: DOES INDOLEAMINE 2,3-DIOXYGENASE (IDO) SILENCING ENHANCE DNA VACCINATION? Marco Macagno1, Elisabetta Bolli1, Cristina Marchini3, Augusto Amici3, Chiara Riganti2, Amalia Bosia2, Guido Forni1, and Federica Cavallo1 1Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Torino, Torino, Italy. 2Department of Genetics, Biology and Biochemistry Laboratory, University of Torino, Torino, Italy. 3Genetic Immunization Laboratory, Department of Molecular Cellular and Animal Biology, University of Camerino, Italy.

 Second Conference on GENE VACCINATION IN CANCER, Ascoli Piceno, Italy 09-11 October 2013. CYCLOOXYGENASE-2 (COX2) GENE SILENCING COULD ENHANCE DNA VACCINATION EFFICACY IN ESTABLISHED ERBB-2+ CARCINOMAS V. Rolih, M. Montone, M. Macagno, F. Riccardo, M. Arigoni, C. Marchini, A. Amici, F. Cavallo and E. Bolli

 Second Conference on GENE VACCINATION IN CANCER, Ascoli Piceno, Italy 09-11 October 2013. INHIBITION OF ESTABLISHED CARCINOMAS IN ERBB-2 TRANSGENIC MICE BY DNA VACCINATION AND INDOLEAMINE 2,3-DIOXYGENASE (IDO) GENE SILENCING S. Bandini, M. Macagno, E. Bolli, V. Ruggero, C. Marchini, A. Amici, C. Riganti and F. Cavallo

 Second Conference on GENE VACCINATION IN CANCER, Ascoli Piceno, Italy 09-11 October 2013. ROLE OF ADCC AND CDC IN THE ANTIBODY-MEDIATED PROTECTION AGAINST HER-2/NEU MAMMARY CARCINOGENESIS Macagno M., Bandini S., Lanzardo S., Ruggiero V. , Barutello G. , Quaglino E. , Hysi A. , Stramucci L, Iezzi M., Cavallo F.

 Progress In Vaccination Against Cancer PIVAC-14 (EACR) September 24-26 2014 Rome, Italy ROLE OF ADCC AND CDC IN THE ANTIBODY-MEDIATED PROTECTION AGAINST HER-2/NEU MAMMARY CARCINOGENESIS Macagno M., Bandini S., Lanzardo S., Montone M. , Quaglino E. , Hysi A. , Iezzi M., Cavallo F.

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Selected or Invited for Oral Presentations______



 Meeting held on 12 april 2012 at Centro di Scienze dell’Invecchiamento (CeSI) Unit of Immuno- oncologia, Chieti Scalo - Italy RUOLO DELL’IMMUNOSORVEGLIANZA PERFORINO-DIPENDENTE NELLO SVILUPPO DEI TUMORI MAMMARY DEI TOPI TRANSGENICI BALB-NEUT


 3 rd Conference of Translational medicine on pathogenesis and therapy of immune-mediated diseases held at Humanitas Conference Center, Milan, from September 29 to october the 1 st 2014 ROLE OF PERFORIN+ CELLS IN THE MICROENVIRONMENT OF ERBB2+ SALIVARY AND MAMMARY CARCINOMAS IN TRANGENIC MALE MICE


Prof.ssa Federica CAVALLO University of Turin Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences Molecular Biotechnology Center Via Nizza, 52 10126, Torino, Italy Phone: +39 011 670 6454/6457/6458 e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Guido FORNI University of Turin Via dei Mille 19 Torino , Italy e-mail: [email protected]


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Vice Direttore alla Ricerca Dip. Scienze Mediche-Università di Torino Direttore Dipartimento Medicina di Laboratorio Direttore SC Anatomia ed Istocitopatologia Diagnostica e di Screening U A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Corso Dogliotti 14 - 10126 Torino Segreteria: Tel: 011- 670.5606, Fax: 011- 670.8436 Email: [email protected]

Prof. ANTONIO PONZETTO University of Turin Dept. Medical Sciences A.M. Dogliotti 14 10126 Torino Phone: 011 670 8483, 335 665 22 66 e-mail: [email protected]

Prof.ssa Silvia GIORDANO Full Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology University of Torino, Medical School Department of Oncology, Laboratory of Cancer Molecular Biology Candiolo Cancer Institute- FPO, IRCCS Strada Provianciale 142, Km 3.95 10060 Candiolo-Torino-Italy e-mail: [email protected]

Prof. Gianni GAROTTA EporgenVenture SpA Bioindustry Park Ivrea (To), Italy e-mail: [email protected]

Do il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali ex D. LGS. 196/03


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