Teacher: Bichler Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

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Teacher: Bichler Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

5-E Model Lesson –April 12, 2010

Objectives: Review for Test over Objectives 2, 3 and 6

Content: SWBAT demonstrate mastery of the property and attributes of functions and an understanding of linear functions. In addition SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of geometric relationships and spatial reasoning

TEKS: 111.32,A.6.A The student is expected to develop the concept of slope as rate of change and determine slopes from graphs, tables, and algebraic representations; 111.32,A.4A the student is expected to find specific function values, simplify polynomial expressions, transform and solve equations, and factor as necessary in problem situations The student is expected to generate similar figures using dilations including enlargements and reductions; and The student is expected to graph dilations, reflections, and translations on a coordinate plane. The student is expected to locate and name points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs of rational numbers.

Language SWBAT describe verbally how to perform a dilation, reflection, rotation and translation.

Vocabulary: Content Specific translation, reflection, dilation, enlargement, reduction, scale factor, rate of change, slope

Related coordinate pair

Materials: Ready for TAKS Test Review Packet

Activities: Warm-Up 2 SW answer 2 TAKS problems



EXPLAIN: TW explain how to use test taking and calculator strategies to solve TAKS type problems in student's review packet after students have been given 20 minutes to finish Review Packet..

ELABORATE: SW work with group members on Review Packet for first 20 minutes of class. 4th Period - SW work in ALEKS

EVALUATE TW observe and monitor students as they work problems.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson. Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

5-E Model Lesson – April 13, 2010

Objectives: Test over Objectives 2, 3 and 6

Content: SWBAT demonstrate mastery of the property and attributes of functions and an understanding of linear functions. In addition SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of geometric relationships and spatial reasoning

TEKS: 111.32,A.6.A The student is expected to develop the concept of slope as rate of change and determine slopes from graphs, tables, and algebraic representations; 111.32,A.4A the student is expected to find specific function values, simplify polynomial expressions, transform and solve equations, and factor as necessary in problem situations The student is expected to generate similar figures using dilations including enlargements and reductions; and The student is expected to graph dilations, reflections, and translations on a coordinate plane. The student is expected to locate and name points on a coordinate plane using ordered pairs of rational numbers.

Language N/A.

Vocabulary: Content Specific translation, reflection, dilation, enlargement, reduction, scale factor, rate of change, slope

Related coordinate pair

Materials: Ready for TAKS Test

Activities: Warm-Up SW answer 2 TAKS problems reviewing calculator strategies.




ELABORATE: SW work in their TAKS workbooks on their weak objectives after finishing the test. (4th Period: Students will log into to ALEKS)

EVALUATE SW show mastery of material for Objectives 2,3 and 6 by taking test.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson. Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

5-E Model Lesson – April 14, 2010

Objectives: Lateral and Total Surface Area and Volume of Prisms, Pyramids, Cylinders, and Cones and using formulas to work backwards to find missing dimensions for both surface area and volume. Estimating measurements and using formulas to solve application problems involving lateral and total surface area and volume of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres.

Content: SWBAT to use nets to identify and find surface area and volume of 3-dimensional figures and SWBAT to use formulas to find the surface area of right prisms, pyramids, and cylinders. In addition SWBAT to estimate measurement and apply formulas to solve application problems involving lateral and total surface area and volume of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres.

TEKS: 111.24.B.08.08.A The student is expected to find lateral and total surface area of prisms, pyramids and cylinders using concrete models and nets (two-dimensional models 111.24.B.08.08.B - The student is expected to connect models of prisms, cylinders, pyramids, spheres, and cones to formulas for volume of these solids; 111.24.B.08.08.C - The student is expected to estimate measurements and use formulas to solve application problems involving lateral and total surface area and volume

Language: The student will be able to describe verbally and/or in writing how to find the surface area and volume of 3-dimensional figures.

Vocabulary: Content Specific volume, base, height, altitude, slant height, Related

Materials: Released TAKS Questions PowerPoint, white boards, dry erase markers,

Activities: Warm-Up: SW answer 2 TAKS problems reviewing calculator strategies

ENGAGE TW have students identify formulas needed to solve problems on white boards as a review of earlier rotations. Students will not actually solve problems, just identify if they are looking for surface area or volume.


EXPLAIN: TW review several released TAKS questions involving Surface area and volume

ELABORATE: SW work with group members Pre-Test 8.8.A, 8.8.B and 8.8.C in their TAKS workbooks and use Mastering TAKS Game format to answer questions in booklet. (4th Period: Students will log into to ALEKS)

EVALUATE TW observe and monitor students as they work problems

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson. Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

5-E Model Lesson –April 15, 2010

Objectives: Investigate the Effects on Perimeter, Area and Volume when dimensions are changed.

Content Objective: SWBAT demonstrate an understanding the effect on perimeter, area and volume when dimensions of 3 Dimensional objects are changed.

TEKS: describe the resulting effects on perimeter and area when dimensions of a shape are changed proportionally; and describe the resulting effect on volume when dimensions of a solid are changed proportionally.

Language: SWBAT describe verbally the effect that changing dimensions has on perimeter, area and volume of 3 dimensional figures

Vocabulary: Content Specific Specific scale factor, dimensions

Related perimeter, area, volume

Materials: Baby, Mama, Papa Activity Sheet, Are You Smarter than TAKS Test PowerPoint with Released TAKS Questions about changing Dimensions

Activities: Warm-Up: SW answer 2 TAKS problems reviewing calculator strategies

ENGAGE TW ask students how they think changing dimensions affects the amount of cereal a box can contain.

EXPLORE: SW perform investigation into the effects of changing dimensions by completing the Baby, Mama, Papa Exploration Activity

EXPLAIN: TW review findings of exploration activity and tie in to Released TAKS questions relating to effects on changing dimensions on area, perimeter and volume.

ELABORATE: SW work with group members to answer TAKS questions in Game format by playing Are You Smarter than the TAKS test.

EVALUATE TW observe and monitor students as they work problems.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson. Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

5-E Model Lesson – April 16, 2010

Objectives:. Pythagorean Theorem to Solve Real Life Problems and Using Similar Figures to find missing measurements.

TEKS: The student is expected to use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve real-life problems; and use proportional relationships in similar two-dimensional figures or similar three-dimensional figures to find missing measurements.

Language: SWBAT describe to solve real life problems using the Pythagorean Theorem

Vocabulary: Content Specific Specific scale factor, similar figures, right triangle

Related legs of right triangle, hypotenuse

Materials: Big Wheel Game, PowerPoint for Released TAKS questions relating to Pythagorean Theorem and Similar Figures, Mastering TAKS card Game for 8.9.A and 8.9.B, dice, TAKS workbooks

Activities: Warm-Up SW answer 2 TAKS problems reviewing Calculator Strategies.



EXPLAIN: : TW review several released TAKS questions having to do with using Pythagorean Theorem and Similar Figures. TW analyze answer choices, questions and reviewing strategies.

ELABORATE SW work with group members Pre-Test 8.9.A, and 8.9.B in their TAKS workbooks and use Mastering TAKS Game format to answer questions in booklet. (4th Period: Students will log into to ALEKS)

EVALUATE TW observe and monitor students as they work problems

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

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