St. Andrew the Apostle School



Saint Andrew the Apostle School is a Catholic parochial elementary school influenced by the tradition of the Presentation Sisters. Our mission is to provide a learning community rooted in the teaching and example of Christ, to guide students to reach their full potential, to be compassionate and use their gifts for others. We commit ourselves to helping our students reach their academic potential and be secure in the faith and its practice at every stage of development. We strive to develop each student’s character and personal integrity by modeling appropriate behaviors through daily adult/student interaction. We provide an environment conducive to learning rooted in the beliefs of the Catholic Church, supported by prayer and the sacraments, and exhibited by respect and service to all God’s people.

ABUSE The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Paterson shall cooperate in cases of abuse and neglect by early identification and reporting of suspected cases to duly constituted authorities, whether or not substantial evidence is available.

ACCREDITATION St. Andrew’s School has been re-accredited by AdvancED as of April of 2017, complying with standards established by the commission and demonstrating the quality of educational experience offered to our students.

AFTER SCHOOL/BEFORE SCHOOL CARE Parents in need of care for students in the morning or after dismissal may contact the office for information and registration forms. A fee is charged for students using these services. The Before School Program begins at 7:30 A.M. The After School Program takes place after dismissal and closes at 6:00. An additional $10.00 fee is charged for any student not picked up by 6:00.

ATTENDANCE There are compulsory education laws in New Jersey dealing with students’ attendance and truancy. (18A:371, 37-2, 38-25, 38-26, 38-27). In order to enforce the law, it is reasonable for the school to establish policies and regulations governing student attendance. Regular attendance and participation in classes, along with interaction between student and teacher, as well as the interaction among students in class are a vital and integral part of the learning process. Attendance is seen as a means of serving educational ends. Frequent absence and tardiness disrupts the continuity of the instructional process. Chronic absence and tardiness limits accomplishments and reinforces a habit which will handicap the individual in future education and employment. Research indicates that there is a close relationship between students’ attendance and their academic and disciplinary performance. a. Any student accumulating more than 16 absences for the year may not be promoted unless acceptable documented evidence is presented to the school administration. Parents may be reported to the Division of youth and Family Services for neglecting to have children in school regularly. b. It is understood that occasional school absences will occur. Therefore the following may be considered a documented absence: 1-illness requiring longer than a 3 day recuperation period as verified by a doctor’s note; 2-certified hospital stay; 3-periods during which bedside instruction is received; 4-school approved reasons such as field trips, suspension, death in family or other school initiated reasons. c. Parents are requested to call the school before 9:00 A.M. to report a child’s absence. If homework is to be picked up that day, it must be requested with the morning call. Upon the child returning to school, the absence should be verified by a note addressed to the teacher stating the reason for the absence. Students should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. d. A student in Grades K-8 is marked late if he/she is not in school by 8:15 A.M. A late slip is issued to the student. Upon receiving a third late slip the student will be denied lunch recess. Additional unexcused late days will require an after school detention until 3:30. Parents are notified at least one day prior to detention. e. Every effort should be made to have students attend school on time. A consistent pattern of tardiness (five or more days in a month) would be cause to contact the Division of Youth and Family Service (DYFS) for educational neglect. f. Consistent poor patterns of attendance will require a parent conference to evaluate the student’s continued enrollment at St. Andrew the Apostle School. g. Teachers are not required to give make-up tests or assignments for absences due to vacations. No assignment will be given in anticipation of the vacation. Text books may not be taken on vacation. h. More than 3 times late excludes the student from end of the year award for Perfect Attendance and Punctuality.

BOOK CARE/BOOK ROOM Students borrow texts for one year and are expected to keep the book covered, make no marks in the text and be responsible for return in June. Fines are charged by the Clifton Board of Education for books damaged or lost. Work books are also to be kept covered to extend life of the book for the school year. Notebooks are to be kept in good condition, which excludes drawing on the cover.

CLASSROOM TESTS AND WORKSHEETS In Grades K to 8, classroom tests are sent home every Tuesday in the Student School Folder. Parents must sign the tests/folder and return all material on Wednesday morning. This enables the school to know that parents are aware of the student’s progress and gives parents a means to be in touch with the teacher.

DEPARTMENTALIZATION In order to afford the student an additional education experience, grades five through eight are conducted as a departmental system. Students will report to their homeroom teacher each morning and before dismissal.

DISMISSAL PROCEDURE Grades are dismissed from three doors in the building. Parents are to be prompt in picking up children from school. There may be no double parking or parking in walk-ways while waiting for dismissal. Students may not cross in the middle of the street to get to a parent’s car. Parents of students in Pre-K to Grade 8 are requested to meet the children at the appointed place. Please do not remain in your car as teachers need to be sure children are with parents. If a child is not picked up within 5 minutes of dismissal, the child will be sent to the After School program for which there is a $5.00 an hour charge for care and $5.00 for each hour after one hour. Parents are not to remain on school grounds after picking up children, nor are students to remain outside the building.

DRUG REFORM ACT All schools in the Paterson Diocese are in compliance with comprehensive Drug Reform Act and have model agreements for school zone enforcement signed by the County Prosecutors and the Diocesan Superintendent of Schools. In the event that a student be found with illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, anabolic steroids, alcohol, weapons or firearms, the school officials will follow the procedures clearly identified in the agreements and call in the law enforcement authorities. Principals and teachers are legally permitted to conduct a search if there are reasonable grounds to suspect the search will reveal evidence that the students are violating the law or school regulations.

ELECTRONICS Students are not to bring cameras, cell phone, I-Pods, hand-held games and devices to school. Students who bring e-readers to school must have them engraved or otherwise permanently marked with their name. If parents wish student to have a cell phone, a letter must be on file in the office and with the teacher. Phones are turned off and must be kept in back packs in the closet during the day. parents need to come to school to claim the item if it has been confiscated by a staff member. Repeated offense means the phone will be held by the school until the end of the term. The school will not be held responsible for lost or damaged property.

EMERGENCY CONTACTS An emergency card is filled out by the parents during the first week of school. Custody settlement papers must be presented, as well as any restraining orders. Changes concerning any information on this card must be brought to the attention of the school office immediately. Any parent who makes a change in the Parent Portal must notify the office as well. Parents will be contacted first when an accident occurs or a student becomes ill. No student will be permitted to leave school unaccompanied by a parent or an official representative of the parent.

EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSING Saint Andrew’s School generally follows the Clifton Public Schools’ decision on inclement weather. We are closed when they are closed. We have a delayed opening when Clifton has a delayed opening. In all cases families will be notified by our Alert System. Should it be necessary for St. Andrew to have its own emergency closing, apart from the Clifton Public Schools, you will be contacted in the same manner. If school must close after the children have already arrived, the Alert system will notify parents through parent work numbers and emergency contact numbers. Parents must be diligent in keeping their contact information up-dated throughout the school year. ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES/FIELD TRIPS Legal liability and cost factors are deterrents to taking students from the building. Overnight school trips are not favored in our Diocese. If children are taken on a field trip, there must be adequate adult supervision and a written parent/guardian signed permission form for the event. The school always reserves the right to exclude a student from participation in a field trip because of unacceptable behavior patterns. A Cultural Arts Program brings worthwhile experiences to our students. Speakers and presentations are offered throughout the year.

FACULTY MEETINGS Students are periodically released after a four hour session, so that teachers may attend faculty meetings. The dates for all these early dismissals may be found on the yearly and monthly calendars.

GRADING SYSTEM The Diocesan grading scale is as follows: Marking Codes Gr. 3-8 Subject Areas: Applied Writing A 100-93 6 A B 92-85 5 B+ C 84-75 4 B D 70-74 3 C+ F 69 and below 2 C 1 D

Other Subjects: Vg Very Good G Good S Satisfactory I Improvement Needed U Unsatisfactory

Marking Codes Gr. K-2: 4 Exceeds Proficiency 3 Proficient 2 Developing 1 Beginning NM Not Measured

GRADUATION Eighth grade students will not be granted a diploma unless they have passed all subject areas and all family obligations have been met. To be eligible for honor recognition at graduation, the student’s yearly average must correspond with the Honor Roll criteria. Conduct must have been satisfactory throughout the year. Valedictorian and Salutatorian will be chosen on the cumulative grade point average.

HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY, AT SCHOOL-SPONSORED FUNCTIONS AND ON SCHOOL BUSES Acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying are prohibited in schools of the Diocese of Paterson and carry consequences determined by the Diocese or the Principal. “Harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any gesture or written, verbal or physical act that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, on a school bus or via the Internet and that: a. is motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or a mental, physical or sensory disability or b. by any other distinguishing characteristic; and have the effect of harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his person or damage to his property; or d. has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students in such a way as to cause substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. HEALTH INFORMATION Our school nurse is available, by appointment, to consult with families. Each student’s height, weight, vision and hearing is checked annually. A scoliosis screening is also done annually for students ten years and older, unless deferred by the parent. Physical examinations are required for students in Grades 1, 4 and 8. Blood pressure is taken in Grades 1, 4 and 8; Tuberculin testing is done for 8th grade students only. State law requires that children be fully immunized. Notify the school office if any absence is due to a contagious or infectious condition. A doctor’s note is necessary for re-admission. A student must be fever-free for 24 hrs. before returning to school. Be sure to update our records so when can reach out to you if your child becomes ill during school. If you child is to take medication during the school day (inhaler,etc.), we must have instructions written by a doctor and the medication in the original container or box with instructions. HOME/SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Home and School Association has been formed to bring home and school together and to assist in the development of the school. In order to insure the success of our organization, you are required to attend four (4) meetings per year and support our activities. The meetings begin promptly at 7:30 P.M. We encourage your involvement and suggestions. Parents sign a contract before school begins in September. In justice each parent is held to carrying out the signed contract in terms of volunteer service. Fund-raising is part of the tuition policy. Parents who fail to participate in fund-raising, do not perform volunteer service or pay the penalty fee, risk having educational services terminated for lack of payment

HOMEWORK Homework is an essential part of a child’s education. Every effort should be made to complete it and have it in on time. All students should have time set aside for homework and study time. Parents should inquire about assignments each evening from their children. In several grades late assignments do not receive full credit. Please do not accept, without checking with the teacher, that a child has no homework consistently. In grades one to eight assignments are written in agendas, which may be required to be signed by parents.

HONOR ROLL The honor roll begins in grade four. First Honors – To be eligible for First Honors, a student must have 93-100 in all basic subjects. In “Other Subjects” the student must have at least an S., including Conduct. Second Honors – To be eligible for Second Honors, a student must have 85-92 in all basic subjects. In “Other Subjects” the student must have at least an S, including Conduct

HOT LUNCHES/MILK Hot Lunch is optional. A menu will be distributed the month prior. Parents are to circle the days in which the child would like lunch and provide a check for $3.50 a day. Any orders received after we have submitted our totals will be returned.

INSURANCE All students are covered by the Diocese of Paterson student and sports accident insurance. A description of the plan is provided to every family in September of each year.

INTERNET AND COMPUTER USE/POLICY AND STUDENT PHOTOGRAPH POLICY A detailed policy regarding internet and computer use, as well as a policy on publishing student pictures and work, may be found on the last pages of this handbook. Parent consent forms will be sent home to be signed and returned. Engagement in social media may result in disciplinary actions if the content of the student or parent message includes defamatory comments regarding the school, the faculty, other students or the parish.

LIBRARY Our library is under the direction of a faculty member and staffed through volunteer efforts. The library is open for instruction purposes each day. Story time is provided weekly for the Primary Department. Books may be borrowed for one week and may be renewed. The fine for overdue books is $.10 per day. If a book is lost or damaged, a student is asked to pay for the cost to replace it. A means of supporting our library is through the purchase of a Book Plate for $5.00. The donor designates what is written on the book plate. It may be donated in memory of a loved one. An engraved plaque may be purchased for our permanent donor’s board for $25.00. MILK PROGRAM Milk is served at the lunch period for those who order it in Grades PreK through 8. Milk is ordered by the semester. You are billed in September and February.

MORNING DROP OFF Students are to be dropped off in the morning between 8:00 and 8:15. All students enter in the back cafeteria doors. You may pull your car up in the line near the cones. If you would like to walk your child into school, you must park in the area

ORAL MEDICATIONS IN SCHOOL If under exceptional circumstances, a child is required to take oral medication during school hours and the parent cannot be at the school to administer the medication, only the school nurse or the principal designee will administer the medication in compliance with the regulations that follow: 1. Written instructions signed by parent and physician shall be required and shall include: a. Child’s Name b. Name of Medication c. Purpose of Medication d. Time to be administered e. Dosage f. Possible side effects g. Termination date for administering the medication Other oral medication, such as aspirin, will not be administered to children under any circumstances by school personnel. 2. The school nurse shall: a. Inform appropriate school personnel of the medication b. Keep a record the administration of medication c. Keep medication in a locked cabinet. d. return unused medication to the parent only. 3. The parents of the child must assume responsibility for informing the school nurse of any change in the child’s health or change in medication. If students have life-threatening conditions that require self-medication, the parent must request forms from the school office that require parent consent and physician certification. These permissions need to be renewed for each school year.

PARENTAL CUSTODY Divorced or separated parents must file a court certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or separation decree with the principal’s office. The school will not be held responsible for failing to honor arrangements that have not been made known.

PARENT PARTICIPATION All parents in our school must have completed documentation of the following:  Fingerprinting through Diocesan approved agency.  Certificate of attendance at a Protecting God’s Children Program  Signed Diocesan Code of Conduct Parents are invited and encouraged to show interest in their child’s school life by participating in special liturgies and activities during the school year, such as: Home/School Meetings, Catholic Schools’ Week, School Plays, Olympics, Awards Ceremony, School Masses, etc. These dates can be found on the monthly calendar. Parents freely choose this school, its policies and its Catholic practices and are therefore expected to be partners in the total education of the child at St. Andrew’s. Parents are not to direct a student to act contrary to any school regulation if the family intends to remain part of the school community. Parents should request conferences in writing whenever they feel a need and are expected to respond to teacher requests for conferences. On-going communication can avoid serious or surprise situations. Parents are not to call, text or e-mail faculty members at home.

PROGRESS REPORTS Kindergarten students receive a progress report twice a year. These reports are general and broad in nature, as compared to the report card.

PARENT PORTAL Every parent is given access to the parent portal for their child. You will be emailed a password to enter date-management system. It is the parent’s responsibility to monitor their child’s grades and progress. REGISTRATION Registration begins in February each year. At the time of registration for new students, baptismal, birth and immunization certificates must be presented. A school application and medical form must be completed and returned with the registration fee. All children who will enter Kindergarten must be at least five years of age by October 1st of the year entering. Children entering Pre-K must be three by October 1st. Families already attending St. Andrew’s school must complete a registration form each year and pay the registration fee by the deadline requested. All new registrants transferring from other schools must have a pupil transfer card and report card to certify child’s grade level. Students are accepted conditionally until official school transcripts are received.

TITLE ONE/THREE Students in need of remediation in math, reading, writing and English as a second language receive services based on their Terra Nova scores, classroom performance and teacher recommendation. We have Title teachers who come to the school to work with these students. Corrective speech classes are also provided for students who qualify

REPORT CARDS For students in Grades 1 to 8, report cards are issued quarterly as indicated on the calendar. Conferences are held in November for all parents who wish to discuss a student’s progress with a faculty member. In addition, parents are encouraged to meet with the classroom teacher throughout the year if they have any concerns. Parents should put the request in writing for an appointment. The classroom teacher will confirm the appointment. Kindergarten and Pre-K report cards are issued twice a year.

SAFETY Crossing guards and safety patrol members are located at specific corners along the school routes. Students are instructed to cross only where a crossing guard and/or patrol member is assigned. For students’ safety parents are to observe all street signs regarding parking and U-turns. Double parking is prohibited at all times. Cars using the parking lot are to observe all directions and move at minimal speed. Idling cars are liable to a fine. Signs are posted and school property has been monitored by Passaic County personnel. School doors are locked during the day. All visitors must use the front door on Mt. Prospect Avenue. We do have an Emergency Operating Plan, approved by the diocesan schools office that is in effect and filed with the City of Clifton, as well as Passaic County. We are in contact with the Emergency Management Office for the city of Clifton, in order to keep our school in compliance with all crises requirements. Students are practiced in emergency drills, such as fire drills, lock downs and evacuation of the building. Parents must keep us up-dated regarding all contact numbers, such as cell phone, home, work and emergency contact persons. In any urgent situation the school should be able to contact family members within a reasonable time frame. Other safety directions are given by classroom teachers to students and must be followed.

SCHOOL BEHAVIOR Learning to respect others and their rights is an important part of maturing and becoming a responsible Christian. This means that school rules which are made to protect each student are to be obeyed. Orderly conduct is expected in all areas within the school building, on the playground and off the premises. Any student exhibiting unacceptable behavior on a school bus will be prohibited from using the bus service. Religious instruction, daily prayer and church visits are an integral part of Catholic school culture. Any parent enrolling in St. Andrew School must agree to having their child take part in these practices. Teachers may use detention as a consequence for behavior problems or academic problems. Detentions may be served during the lunch recess or after school according to teacher direction. Cheating and plagiarism in any form at all levels will carry consequences including zero in grading. Conduct referrals are issued at the Junior High level. These referrals are put into student files. After 3 referrals, a student is given an in-school suspension. A conduct referral automatically drops a student conduct grade to I or less, this means the student is not eligible for the Honor Roll. Any threats made by students (verbal, written or on-line) will be taken seriously and require school and parent intervention. Aggressive behavior may require a family to seek counseling if the student is to remain at St. Andrew’s. We believe that media can influence behavior and therefore encourage parents to prohibit that which promotes violence, sex and bigotry. These behaviors, if exhibited in school, will incur consequences. Suspension and/or expulsion are penalties for misconduct such as, but not limited to, fighting, verbal or physical disrespect to other children or adults, smoking, drinking, use of possession of any controlled substance or weapons. Should an act of vandalism affect school, parish or another student’s property, the student with parent must make restitution for the damage. Gum chewing is not permitted while the student is on school property. This includes yard time. Students may be ineligible for class trips or other special events as a result of poor behavior patterns, as deemed serious by the teacher and administration.

SCHOOL CALENDAR Each student receives a yearly calendar during the first weeks of school. It is the responsibility of families to keep this calendar in mind when planning vacations, etc. It is not the school’s obligation to make special provisions for the students who are withdrawn from school for vacations. Yearly calendars are subject to change and parents are encouraged to check the website for a current calendar at all times.

SCHOOL HOURS Classes begin promptly at 8:15 A.M. and dismissal is at 3:00 P.M. for grades K-8. Students are requested not to arrive at school before 8:00 A.M. All students report to the cafeteria for morning convocation; including prayer, flag salute and announcements. Pre-K Hours: 8:15 A.M. to 11:30 or 2:45. Students in Grades K-8 are marked late after 8:15

SCHOOL VISITORS AND TELEPHONE MESSAGES All visitors and parents must enter school by the front door. Visitors in the building must sign in. No parent may go directly to the classroom during school hours. Students are to be responsible so that parents need not come to school with lunches or forgotten supplies. Classrooms may not be disturbed by unexpected visits, no matter how brief. This regulation is also aimed at keeping the school safe. Students and/or parents are not to return to classrooms without an appointment after dismissal. Only in an emergency are parents to call the school office to have messages relayed to their children. Arrangements for after school pick-up should be made at home.

STUDENT THREATS AND VIOLENCE Schools in the Diocese of Paterson maintain a zero tolerance in dealing with threats and incidences of actual or potential violence. All threats will be taken seriously. Students who make threats will be suspended from school, and normally will be required to get a psychiatric evaluation. The student can return to school only if he/she presents a written statement indicating he/she is ready to return to school and the administration is willing to have the student return. If the student returns to school, then the student’s parents should be notified in writing that a second offence will result in automatic expulsion. Any student who reports or makes a false threat will be suspended from school and subjected to disciplinary action. He/she will also be required to get counseling before being readmitted to school.

SUMMER SCHOOL/RETENTION If a student fails a subject, the school may require summer school, tutoring by a qualified teacher or retention. Documentation and authorized signatures need to be presented upon completion of summer work. Parent-teacher conferences will make it clear why a recommendation is made and where the student needs reinforcement. The professional direction of the teacher and/or principal is to be given serious consideration by the parent. Recommendations are given as prescriptions for improvement in this school environment TESTING PROGRAM Students are evaluated academically in a variety of ways: teacher made tests, quizzes, projects, oral reports and unit assessments . A combination of these evaluation instruments are used each quarter to determine a student’s proficiency. The Terra Nova Educational Aptitude test is administered annually to all students and results are sent home. Notifications of test dates are on the yearly calendar. Students may not opt out of any school testing. All grade 8 students will take the HSPT in November for acceptances to Catholic High Schools. No student is exempt.

TRANSFERS Parents are asked to contact the office at least one week in advance of the date of transfer. Transcripts of records will be mailed upon request from the new school. Prior to the transfer, all texts and library materials should be returned and all financial obligations satisfied.

TRANSPORTATION Clifton residents may apply for transportation assistance if they have a child in Kindergarten, and the distance from home to school is at least one mile. For children in Grades One through Eight, the distance from home to school must be at least two miles. Applications must be filed by the deadline given. If families reside in another district, the local Board of Education is to be contacted to determine qualification.

TUITION In order to maintain our high standard of education, we expect the families who are registered parishioners to contribute, in the form of tuition at parishioner rate and contribute each Sunday at Mass collections. Parents who indiscriminately discontinue use of the Sunday envelopes during the school year will automatically be transferred to non-parishioner tuition. For those who are not active registered parishioners, contributing an identifiable offering every Sunday, the tuition is paid at the non-parishioner tuition. Tuition is paid through SMART Tuition Management. Fund-raising activities of the Home and School Association are directly related to tuition rates, therefore, participation in fund- raiser is expected from every family. If you do not complete your contract, educational services may be terminated. Parents who fail to make tuition payments after receiving a reminder, risk having educational services terminated. At all times, the administration of St. Andrew School is sensitive to particular circumstances which may affect the financial status of a family for a period of time. These special circumstances should be made known to the administration.


Internet and Computer Use Policy for Elementary Schools

St. Andrew the Apostle School encourages student use of computers and the Internet in a responsible and ethical manner. These pages tell you how you should use the computers and other electronic tools of the school responsibly. By learning to use computers responsibly as students, you will grow into adults who use computers effectively and appropriately. Even though we use the words “computer” and “computer system” in these pages, what we say applies to all school owned electronic devices (such as but not limited to TV’s, VCR’s and DVD players, telephones and tablets) that are at the school, along with any information and software programs. Additionally, any device you bring from home that uses the school’s Internet connection is also covered by this policy while you are connected to the school’s Internet. Also, while we use the words “teacher and “teachers” in these places, what we say applies to any adult who works in the schools supervising students. It does not just mean your classroom teacher or computer teacher. The Internet system here at school is for school activities only. While there are things that you might be allowed to do using the Internet and computers at home, you might not be allowed to do some of these things here at school. This is because what you do using the computers here at school has to go along with what you are learning in your classroom – the computers and Internet are here to help you learn. St. Andrew the Apostle School can tell you what you are allowed to do, and what you are not allowed to do using the computers at school. We have created these guidelines to help teach you how to access computers and the Internet in a responsible and safe manner, and to be sure that you use computers and the Internet the right way while you are in school. We want you to use the computers and the Internet in a way that is Christian and doesn’t break any laws. Later on, we will ask you to sign your name to show that you understand these guidelines, and that you are promising to follow them. We will also ask parents to sign so that we know that they agree with these guidelines, and have talked to you about these policies. Your parents also have to give you their permission to use the Internet while you are in school. As a user of computers and the Internet, there are certain responsibilities that you have that will help protect your rights, and the rights of others. You have a right to your own personal information.  You have a responsibility to keep your personal information private by not telling other people on the Internet where you live, how they can find you, or other personal information about yourself. People are not always honest on the Internet, so by keeping your personal information private, it will help to keep you safe from strangers. Your classmates have the right to keep their personal information protected from strangers. You have responsibility to keep all other students’ personal information probate by not telling other people on the Internet where other students live, how they can find them, or other personal information about the students. It is just as important to keep your friends safe as it is to keep yourself safe. You have a right for your picture to be private. Your picture, pictures of classmates, and pictures of other people at the school should be kept private.  You have a responsibility to keep your picture, pictures of classmates, and the pictures of other people at the school private by not sending or posting the pictures on the Internet. Once an image is posted you lose control of the picture and anyone can download and share it. You have a right to be free from danger when going online.  You have a responsibility to tell a parent or teacher if someone online asks to meet you in person or talk to you on the phone. Since people can be dishonest online, if someone asks to meet you or speak to you, they might be looking to harm you.  You have a responsibility to tell a parent or teacher if another student tries to meet someone in person that they met on line. By telling a parent or teacher, you are helping to protect the safety of the other student.  You have a responsibility to tell a parent or teacher if an adult online tells you something that makes you feel uncomfortable or asks you to keep something secret or private. An adult doing these things could be dangerous – telling your teacher or a parent will help to keep you safe. You have a right to keep your personal identity private.  You have a responsibility to respect the privacy of other students by not telling or writing about what someone else told you without permission of the person who sent you the message. Just as you would not want your personal privacy exposed on the Internet, you should respect others by showing them the same courtesy.

You have a right to protect your files and keep them free from harm.  You have a responsibility to keep your passwords, and anyone else’s password that you may know, private by not sharing them with anyone else. Keeping your password safe will help to protect your files from being accessed by other people.  You have a responsibility to respectfully share the computers with other students, and not access the school or another student’s files without their permission. Just as you would not want anyone to harm your files, you must respect your teacher’s and student’s files by not accessing them without permission.  You have a responsibility to respect the computers at school, and not do anything on purpose that would make them stop working or damage any information that is kept on them. If you intentionally damage a computer, you could potentially damage your classmates’ files.  You have the responsibility to not change any computer or software settings without permission. Remember, these are not your personal computers, so you cannot change settings just because you do not like them.  You have a responsibility to help with keeping the computers safe from damage. You should not download or copy anything from another computer or the Internet without your teacher’s permission. Sometimes files contain hidden programs that can damage a computer, which is why you need to ask permission from your teacher before you copy or download anything.  You have a responsibility to tell your teacher if something on your school computer doesn’t seem to be working right. The sooner the school knows about something wrong, the easier it is to fix. You have a right to be in a setting free from offensive language.  You have a responsibility to use the computers and school Internet in a way that represents you as a student in a Catholic school. What you say online is a reflection on both yourself and the school.  You have a responsibility to use good language, and not use words someone else might think mean or dirty, or language that shows disrespect or that would make someone else afraid or uncomfortable. Calling someone names, or using inappropriate language online is the same as doing it in the classroom. If your teacher would be upset with you saying something in the classroom, it is not something you should say online either.

 You have a responsibility to act maturely online. This includes not sending or posting information that puts someone else in danger, attacks or insults someone else, annoys or pesters someone, or acting in a way that could be considered bullying. If someone asks you to stop doing something online that makes them annoyed or upset, you have the responsibility to stop. If is just as bad to pick on someone online as it is in the classroom.  You have a responsibility to use communication tools appropriately (including email, chats, blogs, instant messaging, social media/networking, and other discussion and communication tools) by not sending annoying or unnecessary messages to people. You should only use these tools in school when it is part of your assignments. You have a right to keep other people from using your pictures, words, and ideas for class assignments without your permission.  You have a responsibility to not copy pictures, words, or ideas that you find on the Internet and try to pretend that they are your pictures, words, or ideas. Copying other peoples’ words and pretending it is your own is called plagiarism, and is something that is not allowed. When you get to college some schools will expel you for plagiarism.  You have a responsibility to respect the rights of people who own things by not copying things that you find on the Internet, like pictures or music, without the permission of the person or company that owns it. If you are not sure, you should ask your teacher. Copying other peoples’ pictures and music and using it in your own work is called copyright infringement and is against the law. People have been sued for thousands of dollars for using pictures and songs without permission. You have a right to be in an environment that is free from offensive and illegal material.  You have a responsibility to not go to websites or down load things that are dirty, against the law, or that talk about hating or hurting other people. These sites are inappropriate for both school and home.  If your parents tell you about other sites or places that they want you to stay away from when you are online, you have the responsibility to listen to their instructions even when you are at school.

 You have a responsibility to not use any device connected to the schools’ network to do anything that is against the law or not Christian behavior. Please remember you are using computers and the Internet in a Catholic school. Your online presence is an extension of yourself – your behavior online should reflect your behavior in the classroom.

Other Things you Should Know About What You Should and Shouldn’t’ Do Online  Remember that your principal and teacher are allowed to look at anything that you have stored on the computers at school, and anything that you make using the Internet or computers while you are in school. If the police or any other government officials need to look at information on the school computers to investigate a crime or something against the law, the school will help them. If you do anything that is against any of the things talked about in these pages, you may face consequences from your teacher or principal. They may also stop you from using the computers or Internet while you are in school.  The school can’t promise that the computers or Internet will always work at the school. You should always make a copy of anything you keep on the computers at school in case it is lost or damage. You should always check with your teacher about any information you get from the Internet – sometimes it may not be right. If you do anything while you are online at school that costs money, you and your parents are responsible for paying for it. If you do something that breaks the computers, or costs the school money, you and your parents will have to pay for it.  The school expects that you will follow the directions of your teachers and other school authorities when you use the computers and Internet at school. Anytime that you use the computers or the Internet you must show a respect for others. Your actions must also show that you understand that every person is important and that we are all God’s children and are brothers and sisters.  Anything that you do online leaves a “digital footprint”. Pictures that you post, words that you type and things that you say, can all float around the Internet forever. Help to respect and protect your future self by acting responsibly online now.

PATERSON DIOCESAN SCHOOLS Internet and Computer Use Agreement for Elementary Schools

STUDENT NAME (please print): ______I have read, understand, and agree to everything in the St. Andrew the Apostle School Internet and Computer Policy. I understand that I am responsible for whatever I do while I am using the computers and Internet at school. I know that I am expected to act like a good student in a Catholic school whenever I am using the computers and Internet at St. Andrew the Apostle School. I understand that I may be punished, and lose the privilege to use the computers and Internet at School if I break any of the rules in the Internet and Computer Policy of St. Andrew the Apostle School . To show that I understand, I am writing my name here.


Parental Permissions: I am the parent/guardian of the student named above. I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to all terms as outlined in the St. Andrew the Apostle School Internet and Computer Policy. I have reviewed this policy with my child and have helped him/her to understand it. I also understand that this agreement will be binding during the entire career of my child at St. Andrew the Apostle School

For e-mail usage: ____ My child MAY use e-mail while at school according to the school’s policy. ____ My child MAY NOT use e-mail while at school.

For Internet access: ____ My child has my permission to be an independent Internet user, able to access the Internet at school without direct supervision or direction. ____ My child has my permission to access the Internet at school under the supervision of a teacher or other school official. ____ My child is not permitted to access the Internet while at school.

PARENT NAME (please print): ______PARENT SIGNATURE: ______DATE SIGNED: ______

PHOTO/VIDEO PARENTAL CONSENT: □ I DO consent to the taking and use of pictures as set forth above. □ I DO NOT consent to the taking and use of pictures as set forth above.

HANDBOOK SIGN-OFF – I have read the St Andrew School handbook and agree to abide by the policies there in. I understand my financial responsibilities of tuition and the fundraising activities of the Home & School Association. I will fulfill my volunteering obligation as assigned. PARENT SIGNATURE:______

Saint Andrew the Apostle School 418 Mt. Prospect Avenue Clifton, New Jersey 07012

June, 2017

Dear Parents, Teachers and Staff:

In accordance with Federal regulations, specifically the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) our school has completed a thorough inspection of all performed to all presence and conditions of all Asbestos containing materials (ACM). The results of this inspection confirmed that these materials do not pose any immediate threat and will not in the future providing proper maintenance is maintained. Re-inspections occur every three years with bi-annual periodic surveillances of all ACM. A copy of this document is available for review in the main office.

Sincerely, Mrs. C. Schirm Mrs. Cynthia Schirm

EnviroVision Consultants 20 Wagaraw Road Fairlawn, New Jersey 07470 Saint Andrew the Apostle School 418 Mt. Prospect Avenue Clifton, New Jersey 07012

A letter of permission must be on file in the school for any student who walks unattended to and from school. Please complete the following:

We, the parents of ______(insert student’s full name and grade) allow him/her to walk unattended to and from school following the dismissal of each school day for the 20_____-20_____ school year. We (I) do not hold St. Andrew the Apostle School or its staff responsible for my child once he/she has left the school building”. Sincerely,

______Parent’s Name ______Date