Critical Content/Concept Web Unit Overview Subject: Science Humans have a natural curiosity about the Unit Topic: Scientific Method world. The questions that evolve from these curiosities can be answered through an Conceptual Lens: Systems & Order organized system of thinking called the Grade: 2nd Scientific Method. The students can generate many questions about a topic and determine Organizational Thinking Analytical Thinking which question is the most important to OR1: Interpreting Data AN2: Classifying investigate. This is accomplished through the OR3: Summarizing AN7: Inferring employment of Scientific Method.

Unit Topic: Suggested Time Frame Scientific 4-6 Weeks Method

Creative Thinking Critical Thinking CV2: Brainstorming CR1: Making Observations CR2: Interacting with others Suggested Support Units & Materials CR3: Asking and answering questions of clarification Light and Color “World of K-Nex” Science – Grade 2 CR4: Making and judging Toy Box Science Think Like a Scientist District Reporting Topics deductions Sound (STC) Prehistoric Animals Properties of Water

Reporting Topic 1: Experimental Design For a complete list, please refer to “Suggested Reporting Topic 2: Data Collection Activities & Resources” at the end of this unit. Reporting Topic 3: Data Analysis

Revised 12/2011 Possible Reporting Topics

RT 1: Experimental Design The first step in the scientific process, or any other problem-solving, is to identify the problem being investigated or the question being asked, then to clearly define the process you will follow to seek and answer. Performance Standards: 1. Correctly identify the problem/question being investigated. 2. Identify the steps to be followed 3. Predict the results of an experiment.

RT 2: Data Collection Observations can be made with the five senses (direct) or with instruments (indirect). It is important that when observations are made they are recorded in chronological order. Data can be displayed in any format that helps the observer better understand it. Scientists use models to help them describe their data. Performance Standards: 1. Collect, record and display data using standard and nonstandard units. 2. Record your data and the time collect; (graphs, charts, tables, tallies, journal entry, running record) 3. Make a model (diagram, drawing, poster) of what you observed.

RT 3: Data Analysis Recorded data and the models created from it are used to describe what happened during an investigation or experiment. Data is a record of any changes that happened over time. Once data is analyzed and understood it can be used to report what happened to other people. 1. Use data to draw conclusions about an experiment. 2. Explain what happened (paragraph form, oral description)

Revised 12/2011 Grade: 2nd Subject: Science Unit Topic: Scientific Method

Enduring Understandings Guiding Questions EU1: Everyone is curious about natural phenomenon. 1. What do you know about______? 2. What do you want to know? 3. What questions would you ask about your topic? EU2: Questions can be answered in a variety of ways. One 1. How can you come up with a way to answer your way is through an organized search. questions? EU3: Information can be gathered to support or refute a 1. How would you organize a way to answer your possible answer. question? 2. Did your answer fit your questions? 3. Did you come up with another question? EU4: Interpretation of gathered data can lead to a 1. What conclusion or final answer did you find to your summary that will answer a question. question?

Revised 12/2011 Grade: 2nd Subject: Science Unit: Scientific Method

AC = Assessment Code: Q – Quizzes P - Prompts Critical Content and Skills O – Observations WS – Work Samples D – Dialogues SA – Student Self-Assessment T - Tests Students will Know… AC Students will be able to… AC

Brainstorming is a method of finding questions. PR List questions specific to a topic. PR There are many questions about a topic D, PR Select a topic that they would want to find an S,A,D answer to. Choosing a question and investigating it may lead O,D Ask questions about chosen topics using how, D.P to more questions. when, where, and why. There are many ways to find an answer to a O,D,PR Select a specific question using the scientific PR, D, question, e.g. the scientific method. method O, R -how to form a question -how to set up an experiment that produces data -how to control variables -how to observe and take notes -how to compile data and use it to make a statement that answers a question The steps of the scientific method. PR, O Refocus the experiment if data does not answer O, P, the question. WS How to interpret data. O, WS, Repeat an experiment to validate data D, WS D How to develop a summary of the data. WS Summarize data collected O, WS, PR How to determine if findings answer the PR, D Determine if data collected answers the identified question. question. How to communicate findings. D, WS Communicate the findings through journaling, a product, or explanation.

Revised 12/2011 Grade: 2nd Subject: Science Unit: Scientific Method Steps of the Scientific Method

1. Brainstorming 2. Querying 3. Refining a question 4. Setting up a study 5. Conducting a study 6. Gathering data 7. Interpreting data 8. Summarizing data 9. Communicating data

Revised 12/2011 Unit Resources Unit: Scientific Method Grade: 2 LITERATURE to accompany Light & Color: What Makes Day and Night by Brunley Mouse Paint by Walsh Growing Colors by McMillan Shadows By Marcia Brown The Little Red Lighthouse by Swift Keep the Lights Burning Abbey Colors of the Day by Seuss Hail Stones and Halibut Bones by O’Neill In the Dark, Dark Woods by Schwartz Experiments with Light by Broekel Light House Children by Hoff Purple is Part of the Rainbow by Kowalczyk Color by Ruth Heller Bear Shadow by Frank Asch Colors of the Day by Dr. Seuss

Enduring Understanding Where is this unit located? Various Units & Resources

Toy Box Science Unit: Teaching Physics with Toys EU 1-4 EH, Spalding, Frontier

Sound Unit: STC kit EU 1-4 EH, Frontier

Properties of Water Unit: Teacher developed materials EU 1-4 Frontier

Prehistoric Animals: Teacher developed materials EH, Spalding, Frontier Revised 12/2011 Light & Color Unit:

Light and Color Kit: light box with prisms, slides, prisms, color paddles EU 1-4 EH, Frontier

Step by Step Science Series & Light & Color activity books EU 1-4 EH

Energy and Light by Peter Lafferty (Scholastic) EU 1-4 EH

Light by Kim Taylor (Scholastic) EU 1-4 EH

Light (Scholastic) EU 1-4 EH

All About Light ( EU 1-4

Color: Light Fantastic (National Geographic) EU 1-4 EH

K’Nex EU 1-4

Discovery Works: Light & Color EU 1-4 EH

Silver-Burdett Science EU 1-4

Tops Learning Systems-Light EU 1-4

Light by National Geographic EU 1-4 EH Other Scientific Method Resources: Scientific Method by National Geographic EU 1-4 EH Think Like a Scientist EU 1-4 EH

Revised 12/2011