A Lesson Plan for Ms. Marshall’s and Ms. Crane’s Kindergarten Classes

Lesson = 15 minutes Mask Craft = 15 minutes

Introduction to French: ● Go to Slide 2 ● We shall introduce ourselves (In French), saying “Hello, my name is______” ● Then teach them how to say it (phonetically only) ● Going around the room briefly to call on kids… “Je...m’appelle...Patrick, Gill, etc)

About Mardi Gras: ● Go to Slide 3 ● A little lesson on Mardi Gras- “Mardi Gras is a festival celebrated by eating lots of food and partying. Does anyone know what ‘Mardi Gras’ means in French? Fat Tuesday!” ● Where is it- “Many cultures celebrate Mardi Gras with dancing, wearing masks & costumes and parades. Mardi Gras is celebrated all over the world including France, Louisiana (U.S.), Brazil, Italy and Belgium. The movie ‘Rio’ takes place during Mardi Gras in Brazil. The movie ‘The Princess and the Frog’ takes place during Mardi Gras in New Orleans.” ● When is it- “It takes place in February or March.” ○ Questions(?) (If someone asks why people do this at all, you may explain that there is a tradition called Lent where people give up some things that they like to eat for forty days. Mardi Gras was the big chance to eat as much as you could of your favorite food before you had to give it up for a while. If someone wants to know more than that, gently tell them that, for time, you do have to move on.

● Go to Slide 4 ● Why do people wear masks? “This got started a long time ago. Mardi Gras masks were originally worn because it allowed people from different backgrounds (Rich & Poor) to come together and celebrate without worrying about their differences. It also allows people to be whoever they want to be” ● What are the Mardi Gras colors and what do the colors mean? Purple- Justice Green- Faith Yellow- Power

● Mask activity ○ Which will take the rest of the time allotted