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PHARE CV FORMAT (Not More Than Four Pages) s1


1. Family Name: Berisha Kida 2. First Name: Edona 3. Nationality: Kosovar Albanian 4. Date of Birth October 29, 1982 5. Gender: Female 6. Contact details: Email: [email protected] , [email protected] Tel: 044/049 256 215 ;

7. Education Degree: Institution: Institute for Psychology and Pedagogy - University of Ulm/Germany Degree Date: 2012 Degree : PhD-ongoing

Institution: Faculty of Philosophy/Psychology Department- University of Pristina Degree Date: 2010 Degree : Child School Clinical Psychologist- Master

Institution: Faculty of Philosophy/Psychology Department- University of Pristina Degree Date: 2004 Degree General Psychologist

8. Academic Degree: New Assistant Institution: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Prishtina Degree Date: 2006 Assistant Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina 2010

9. Scientific Publications: Abstracts from the International and National Conferences Title of paper Journal name Year / Volume / Pages Psycho-sociological factors European Forum on Street leading to drug abuse among Please see on: Children- Conference in children: The need for new Warsaw/Poland integrative methods of social pid=140 inclusive prevention through co- operation of all actors in December 2009 the field: Problem analyses- examples from Kosovo The situation of labour Please see on: European Forum on Street

1 children in Kosovo. Children- Conference in pid=135 Budapest/Hungary September 2009 Child laborer’s their Master Thesis results were “ Combating child labor”- academic performance and presented Conference in social support Pristine/Kosovo June 2009 Other publications Title of paper Journal name Year / Volume / Pages “ Guidelines for the Manual December 2011 development of CLM process in the local level” Worst Forms of Child Labour Master Thesis 2008-2009 in Kosovo: Affective and Cognitive Traits of Labourer Children. One of the key resource Manual June 2008 persons in the “Case Management Manual for Social Service Officers and Other Professionals Caring for Children Victims of Worst Forms of Child Labor including Trafficking”

10. Work experience record: Dates: 2006- up to date Location: Prishtina Name of the Institution: University of Prishtina Position: Assisstant Description: More than 6 years experience within Pristine University. Practiced doing assignments with students, learned how to write syllabuses through cooperation with professors, being part of exams, managed to use modern technology for lectures etc. My subjects were on the field of Psychology were I did lots of efforts to make students of Education reflect and apply psychological knowledge to their practice work. Dates: 2012-2013 Location: Pristina Name of the Institution: GIZ: EU IPA 2009 Position: Junior Expert for In-service course writing Description: Design, develop and implement an in-service teacher training programme and professional development of teachers for priority learning areas and core subjects for primary, secondary education and VET sub-sectors. Dates: 2011 Location: Prishtina

2 Name of the Institution: ILO-IPEC Position: External Consultant to the Institute for Social Policies-MLSW Description: Enhance the performance of the Child Labour Unit/MLSW as a focal point for all activities against child labour within the Government

Strengthening of inter-ministerial and inter-sectorial partnerships as well as partnerships between the central and local authorities for implementation of KAP. Dates: 2010 Location: Prishtina Name of the Institution: IMP-Institute for Public Relations Position: Trainer Description: I worked as a trainer for Kosovo Municipal Administrative Officials. The themes were related to clinical psychology such as: Techniques in managing job related stress, dealing with the clients etc.

Dates: 2008-2009 Location: Prishtina Name of the Institution Centre for Protection of Victims and Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings Position: Project Coordinator Description I was coordinating the project “Support to Long Term Prevention/Reintegration of children in risk/involved in WFCL in street and agriculture” which was piloting the role of multi local level cooperation in combating child labour. Through this project I managed to complete my thesis research study since I easily reached my subjects in four different municipalities, gathered and analysed the needed data. Dates: 2007 Location: Prishtina Name of the Institution MDA Position: Trainer Description I worked as a trainer for “safe homes” on giving psycho-social support for cases of domestic violence.

Dates: 2005-2007 Location: Pristine Name of the Institution Centre for Protection of Victims and Prevent Trafficking in Human Beings Position: Project Coordinator Description I was coordinating the implementation of the project “Support to Long-Term Reintegration of Children Withdrawn from Trafficking and other Worst Forms of Child Labor”. During this time together with ISP we were piloting the Local Action Committees in combating child labor so we developed a great collaboration with

3 local and central institutions. At the end of the project we analyzed and presented our project data through a published report for policy actors and presented it to Kosovo Committee on Prevention and Elimination of CL.

Dates: 2005 Location: Pristine Name of the Institution “Aureola” -NGO Position: Assistant Coordinator Description Main objective of the activities was reaching women’s empowerment in Kosovo. Dates: 2004-2005 Location: Skenderaj Name of the Institution Centre for Stress Management and Education Position: Asistant to a Psychologist Description Through this NGO which was located in Skenderaj Drenica I had the chance to deal with youth appeared with different mental health problems such as: anxiety and depression, personal and family relationship problems, learning disabilities, behaviour disorders, suicidal attempts etc. Dates: 2002-3003 Location: Pristine Name of the Institution Pristine Municipality Position: Official Clerk Description I was working for the Municipal Civil Registration Center of Prishtina. My main issue was children’s and youth travel documents

11. Trainings, conferences and study visits:

Dates: December 2012 Title of qualification awarded: Albanian International Conference on Education Principal Kosovo Laborer Children: Their Affective and Cognitive Traits subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of institution Universiteti i Tiranes, Shkolla e larte e Edukimit, Epoka University. providing education and training:

Dates: November 2012 Title of qualification Conference: 100 years of development in the field of Psychology awarded: and Pedagogy

4 Principal How Albanians are perceived from Europeans, during their ethnic subjects/occupational skills identity development. covered: Name and type of institution Universiteti i Tiranes providing education and training:

2008-2009 Dates: Title of qualification Master of Higher Education Academic Practice awarded: Principal One Year Enhanced Higher Education Academic Practice, subjects/occupational skills Luton/England covered: Through this Tempus Programme, I successfully learned new teaching techniques for Higher Education; I developed further my curriculum, my philosophy of teaching, learned new assessment strategies and managed to better reflect upon my university and students. Name and type of institution University of Bedfordshire, Luton, England providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification:

Dates: 2009 Title of qualification Presented in European Forum on Street Children- Conference in awarded: Warsaw/Poland

Principal Child poverty and drug addiction. subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of institution European Forum on Street Children- providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates: 2009 Title of qualification Advance Human Resource Development Training in awarded: Pristine/Kosovo Advanced human resource person Principal Professional development in human resources and social issues. subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of institution PVPT- EU project providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2009

5 Title of qualification Presented in “Combating child labor”- Conference in awarded: Pristine/Kosovo

Principal The issue of child labor in Kosovo. 12 June, as the international day subjects/occupational skills against child labor. covered: Name and type of institution MLSW providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2009 Title of qualification Presented in “European Forum on Street Children”- Conference in awarded: Budapest/Hungary

Principal Migration of unaccompanied children: The increasing challenge to a subjects/occupational skills social EU. The origin countries in Central and Eastern Europe after covered: the first years of EU membership. Name and type of institution European Forum on Street Children providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2009 Title of qualification Presented in the 11th EU-NGOs Forum on Human Rights Violence awarded: Against Children –Stockhom/Sweden

Principal Presented Kosovo on the panel for children’s’ rights in crisis and subjects/occupational skills conflicts covered: Name and type of institution Swedish European Presidency providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2009 Title of qualification Presented in the "4th European Forum on the Rights of the Child"- awarded: Brussels/Belgium

Principal Presented the situation of Kosovo children involved in WFCL. subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of institution European Commission providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2006

6 Title of qualification Presented in “Knowledge sharing with regard to preventing and awarded: combating child labor, including trafficking in children in South- East European countries” Conference- Bucharest/ Romania Principal International conference on combating child labour as part of subjects/occupational skills project funded by International Labour Organisation. covered: Name and type of institution ILO-IPEC providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2006-ongoing Title of qualification European cognitive behavioral therapist awarded: Principal Attending a Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy long term training held subjects/occupational skills from KRCT in cooperation with the European Cognitive-Behavioral covered: Association. Name and type of institution providing education and The Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims , training: Pristine/Kosovo

Level of national and CBT therapist certificate international classification: Dates 2006 Title of qualification Trauma therapist awarded: Principal subjects/occupational skills Successfully completed the module Psychological Practice with covered: Survivors of Torture and Organized Violence as part of Psychology Programme Name and type of institution English Medical Foundation for Torture Victims providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2006 Title of qualification Completed the training on Counter-Trafficking: Prevention and awarded: Capacity Building” Principal Successfully completed this training course organized by Advisory subjects/occupational skills Office on Good Governance Office of Prime Minister, IOM and covered: Government of Finland. Name and type of institution Advisory Office on Good Governance Office of Prime Minister, providing education and IOM and Government of Finland. training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2005 Title of qualification awarded: Presented in the ‘Knowledge sharing with regard to preventing and combating trafficking in South-East European countries” – Conference in Skopje/Macedonia

7 Principal Regional conference on preventing and combating trafficking with subjects/occupational skills human beings. covered: Name and type of institution IOM Macedonia providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2003 Title of qualification Summer course upon “Ethics in Multicultural Societies” awarded: Principal subjects/occupational skills Multiculturalism covered: Name and type of institution Prishtina Summer University and Academic Training Association. providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2003-2004 Title of qualification Completed 100 of practical hours as part of my internship as a awarded: psychologist.

Principal The practice was related to youth involvement in narcotics. subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of institution “Labyrinth”-NGO providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification: Dates 2002 Title of qualification Participated in the conference “Traumatized children and awarded: adolescents” Principal Understanding war trauma subjects/occupational skills covered: Name and type of institution Continuing Medical Education and DAAD in Prishtina. providing education and training: Level of national and Certificate of completion international classification:

12. Additional information: Organizational skills and  Hands – on experience with lectures, training material competences: designs, slides, handouts and background reading, training notes and case studies;  Extensive use of tools, e.g. surveys and focus groups to analyze, test, review and evaluate lecturing/research elements;

8  Excellent written communications skills combined with strong public speaking abilities;  Experience as a trainer for local level institutions in all Kosovo Municipalities, such as: MDEs-schools, CSWs, youth departments, Community Police Units, NGOs etc.

Computer skills and MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe, SPSS, Internet competences: Language skills: (1 to 5: 1 lowest - 5 fluent) Language. Speaking Writing Reading English 5 5 5 Serbian 2 4 2 Turkish 2 4 5

Awards and Membership: DAS Group1 Member the group for CLM activities2 Member

1 Direct Assistance Support Group is an inter-disciplinary group of high level institutions created for guiding and implementing different policies regarding treatment of the trafficked victims.

2 Child Labour Monitoring activities are set in the governmental and local levels. The group is monitoring the process in both levels and giving recommendations and analyses for further improvement.


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