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Marc’-Antonio Ingegneri Complete Tenebrae Responsories (27) in English - SATB - optional organ
(the Latin titles have been retained for ease of reference)
Maundy Thursday
First Nocturn
1. In monte Oliveti - On the mount of Olives 2. Tristis est anima mea - My soul is exceeding sorrowful 3. Ecce vidimus eum - Lo, we have seen him without form or comeliness
Second Nocturn
4. Amicus meus - Mine own familiar friend hath betrayed me 5. Judas mercator pessimus - Judas, that most wicked trader 6. Unus ex discipulis meis - One of my disciples shall this day betray me
Third Nocturn
7. Eram quasi agnus - I was like a lamb that was innocent 8. Una hora - Could ye not watch with me one hour 9. Seniores populi - The elders of the people
(Good Friday and Holy Saturday Responsories in preparation)
Michael Haydn Complete Tenebrae Responsories (27) in English - SATB + optional string quartet and organ
(same titles as above; Good Friday and Holy Saturday in preparation) 1 ODES FROM THE Eikon Basilike AKA Psalterium Carolinum by John Wilson (1595-1674)
(originally for SSB + continuo with optional violone; most also available for SSA or TTB, and a few for SATB; parts for two optional C instruments and ‘cello included)
1. Thou, Lord hast made us see - upon his Majestie’s calling the Parliament 2. Thou whose mercies know no bound - upon the Earl of Strafford’s death 3. Lord thou in Heav’n and in my heart - upon his Majestie’s going to the house of Commons 4. To thee I fly thou sole defence - upon the insolency of the Tumults 5. To thee, my God, I still appeal - upon his Majestie’s passing the Bill for Trienniall Parliaments 6. Our native freedom, Lord, preserve - upon his Majestie’s retirement from Westminster 7.Lord those whom thou in Vows hast tied - upon the Queen’s departure and absence out of England 8. Who vengeance on my wrongs hast shown - upon his Majestie’s repulse at Hull, and the Fates of the Hothams 9. Through human clouds thy Rays like Lightning glide - upon the Lifting and Raising armies against the King 10. O my God, to thee I fly - upon the seizing the King’s Magazines, Forts, Navy, and Militia 11. Eternal wisdom armed with might - upon the Nineteen Propositions sent to the King
(there are twenty-seven Odes; the series is in progress)
ANTHEMS WITH MORE GENERAL TEXTS, set to the music of the above (more in progress)
1. Jesu, the very thought of thee - SSA, SSB, TTB 2. Jesu, grant me this, I pray - SSA, SSB, TTB 3. We love the place, O God - SSA, SSB, TTB 5. The Word of God, proceeding forth - SATB, SSB, TTB 7. Word of God to earth descending - SSB 10. Hark, my soul, how everything - SSA, SSB, SATB, TTB 11. Creator of the Earth and Sky - SSB, SATB (Office Hymn for Vespers, Trinity)
(traditional style, simple obbligato organ accompaniment on two staves, traditional English texts, mostly Scriptural ... for most Sundays and principal Feasts, Advent- Corpus Christi. Texts of the Proper Offertories, pre-Vatican II lectionary; adaptable to the three-year cycle of readings. The Latin titles have been retained for ease of cross- reference with the new Lectionary. Most available for unison and SAB, and some for SATB)
Advent 1 - Ad te, Domine - Unto thee, O Lord Advent 2 - Deus, tu convertens - Wilt thou not turn Advent 3 - Benedixisti, Domine - Lord, thou art become gracious Advent 4 - Ave Maria - Hail, Mary
Christmas Midnight - Laetentur caeli - Let the heavens rejoice Christmas Dawn - Deus firmavit - God hath made the round world so sure Christmas Mid-Day - Tui sunt caeli - The heavens are thine
Sunday in the Octave of Christmas - Deus firmavit (as on Christmas Dawn, above) Feast of the Circumcision - Tui sunt caeli (as on Christmas Mid-Day, above) Feast of the Holy Name - Confitebor tibi - I will thank thee, O Lord
Feast of the Epiphany - Reges Tharsis - The kings of Tharsis Feast of the Holy Family - Tulerunt Jesum - His parents brought Jesus to Jerusalem
Epiphany 1 - Jubilate Deo - O be joyful in the Lord (Psalm100) Epiphany 2 - Jubilate Deo - O be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 66) Epiphany 3 - Dextera Domini - The right hand of the Lord hath the pre-eminence
(the following three Sundays are now assigned to Sundays in Ordinary Time)
Septuagesima - Bonum est - It is a good thing to give thanks Sexagesima - Perfice gressos meos - O hold thy up my goings in thy paths Quinquagesima - Benedictus es Domine - Blessed art thou, O Lord
Ash Wednesday - Exaltabo te, Domine - I will magnify thee, O Lord Lent 1 - Scapulis suis - The Lord shall defend thee Lent 2 - Meditabor - My delight shall be in thy commandments Lent 3 - Justitae Domini - The statutes of the Lord Lent 4 - Laudate Dominum - O praise the Lord
3 (old) Passion Sunday - Confitebor tibi - I will give thanks Palm Sunday - Improperium exspectavit cor meum - Thy rebuke hath broken my heart Maundy Thursday - Dextera Domini (as on Epiphany 3, above)
Easter Day - Terra tremuit - The earth trembled Easter 1 (Low Sunday, old numbering) - Angelus Domini - The Angel of the Lord Easter 2 - Deus, Deus meus - O God, thou art my God Easter 3 - Lauda anima - Praise the Lord, O my soul Easter 4 - Jubilate Deo (as on Epiphany 2, above) Easter 5 (Rogation Sunday) - Benedicite gentes - O praise our God
Ascension Day - Ascendit Deus - God is gone up with a merry noise Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension - Ascendit Deus, as on the Feast, above)
Pentecost - Confirma hoc, Deus - Confirm the thing, O God
Trinity Sunday - Benedictus sit Deus Pater - Blessed be God the Father
Corpus Christi - Sacerdotes Domini - The priests of the Lord
(unison only available for Trinity 2 - Trinity 14; most of Trinity 15 - Sunday Next / Christ the King available; some Holy Days; enquire)
OTHER ANTHEMS - SSA, TTB, SAB (most available in all three), and SATB
(A mixed bag from the highways and byways … most not generally available elsewhere. SAB unless otherwise noted.)
Come, O Lord - Remondi Lift up your Hearts - C. Rossini O loving Mother of the Redeemer - Palestrina - SATB O loving Mother of the Redeemer - C. Rossini On Jordan’s banks (When Jesus Wept) - canon - SATB - arr. Clark Praeparate corda vestra - Gallus Prepare your hearts - Gallus ( the same, with English text) I looked from afar - the liturgical responsory - plainsong + SATB fauxbourdons
4 Christmas
A solis ortus cardine - C. Rossini - unison or SATB (English words: From East to West, From Shore to Shore -- Father Rossini’s answer to Yon’s Gesu Bambino
All they from Saba shall come - Grassi The kings of Tharsis - Grassi The Son of God to Jordan came - unison (music: Parry’s “Jerusalem”) We have seen his star in the east - Grassi
By the waters of Babylon - C. Rossini (unison, SAB, SATB)
Thy rebuke hath broken my heart - P. Griesbacher (SAB, TBarB) Thy rebuke hath broken my heart - Dr. Witt (SATB)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ the Lord is risen today - Gruber (SATB, opt. brass) Easter “Trampling Hymn” - Russian traditional - SATB, TTBB O Queen of Heaven, Be Joyful (Catholic words) - C. Rossini Ye Sad Apostles, Be Joyful (Protestant words) - C. Rossini
Eternal Monarch, King most high (music: Parry’s “Jerusalem”) - unison Jesu, Rex admirabilis - Jesu, thou King most wonderful - Palestrina
5 Pentecost
Veni Sancte Spiritus - Come, Thou Holy Spirit Come - Mozart (playable keyboard reduction; can be used with Kalmus orchestra parts) Veni Sancte Spiritus - the same, a tone lower in Bb; no orchestra parts The Spirit of the Lord - Elgar (unison choir, simplified organ part)
Trinity Sunday (see “Office Hymns”, below)
Corpus Christi /Holy Communion
Ave verum - Hail! True Body - Cipolla (SAB, TTB) Behold the Lamb of God - C. Rossini (unison, SAB, SATB) Cenantibus illis - For in the night in which he was betrayed - Clark (SATB) Come all ye people to the holy table - Russian traditional - SATB Ego sum panis vivus - I am the living Bread - Michael Haller (SAB, TTBB, SATB) O sacrum convivium - O sacred Banquet - Michael Haller (SATB, TTBB) O salutaris hostia - O Saving Victim - C. Rossini (SATB) Panis angelicus - The very angels’ Bread - Michael Haller (SATB) Sacerdotes Domini - The priests of the Lord - Ravanello (double chorus, six voices: SAB / SAB or TBarB / TBarB Tantum ergo - Therefore we, before him bending - Casciolini (SAB, TTB) This is that Bread which came down from heaven - C. de Rore (SAB or TTB, some divisi) Ubi caritas - Where charity and love are found - C. Rossini (SATB)
(most available in SAB, SSA, and TTB)
Jesu, the very thought of thee - Anerio Jesu, thou the beauty art - Giovanelli Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts - Giovanelli Jesu, thou light of all below - Palestrina O hope of every contrite heart - Giovanelli O Jesu, sweetness pure and blessed - Anerio O Jesu, my Saviour - Campra (unison) Prolosgion of St. Anselm - Clark (SATB, TTBB) Seek ye first the kingdom of God - Casciolini (SAB, TTB)
(Office Hymns, plainsong alternating with polyphony, for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Passiontide, and Holy Week; Proper of the Time now completed; English texts; music mostly by Victoria or Palestrina)
ADVENT - Creator of the Stars of Night - SATB ADVENT - Creator of the Stars of Night - ATB - not an arrangement - original music by Victoria
CHRISTMAS - Jesu, the Father's Only Son - SAB (original) CHRISTMAS - Jesu, the Very Thought Is Sweet - SATB CHRISTMAS - O Christ, Redeemer of Our Race - SATB
EPIPHANY - Why, Cruel Herod, Shouldst Thou Fear -SATB
LENT - Lord of our Life and God of our Salvation - SATB LENT - Now Is the Healing Time Decreed - SATB
PASSIONTIDE - The Royal Banners Forward Go - SATB (Spanish melody) PASSIONTIDE - The Royal Banners Forward Go - STBarB (Spanish melody)
GOOD FRIDAY - Faithful Cross, Above All Other - Lassus - SAB
EASTER - Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem - SATB EASTER - The Day Draws On With Golden Light - SATB EASTER - On That Fair Day of Paschal Joy - SATB EASTER - His Cheering Message From The Grave - SATB EASTER - The Sad Apostles Mourn Him Slain - SATB EASTER - The Lamb's High Banquet We Await - SATB
ASCENSION - Eternal Monarch, King Most High - SATB ASCENSION - O Christ, Our Joy, To Whom Is Given - SATB ASCENSION - Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise - SATB
PENTECOST - O Come, Creator Spirit, Come - SATB PENTECOST - O Come, Creator Spirit, Come - TBarB (original)
CORPUS CHRISTI - Now, My Tongue, The Mystery Telling - SATB (Spanish melody)
7 BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - Hail, O Star That Pointest - SATB BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky - SATB BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - O Glorious Maid, Exalted Far - SATB
ST. JOHN BAPTIST - Let Thine Example - SATB SS. PETER AND PAUL - With Golden Splendour - SATB
VISITATION OF THE B. V. MARY - Now In Holy Celebration - SATB VISITATION OF THE B. V. MARY - Portal of the World's Salvation - SATB
ST. MARY MAGDALENE - Mary, Weep Not, Weep No Longer - SATB
HOLY NAME OF JESUS - To The Name of Our Salvation - SATB TRANSFIGURATION - An Image of That Heavenly Light - SATB TRANSFIGURATION - O Light of Light, By Love Inclined - SATB
ASSUMPTION BVM - As When The Dawn's Increasing Light - SATB ASSUMPTION BVM - As When The Sun With Glorious Ray - SATB (Palestrina)
DEDICATION OF A CHURCH - Blessed City, Heavenly Salem - SATB
ALL SAINTS' DAY - If There Be The Skills To Reckon - SATB ALL SOULS' DAY - Christ, Enthroned In Highest Heaven - SATB
CHRIST THE KING - O Thou, Eternal Image Bright - SATB CHRIST THE KING - See Now the Christ in Triumph High - STBarB
COMMON OF APOSTLES - Let The Round World With Songs Rejoice - SATB
At This Our Solemn Feast - Casciolini Humbly We Adore Thee - Palestrina (Ambrosian tune) Now, My Tongue, The Mystery Telling - Lassus -SAB The Word of God, Proceeding Forth - Palestrina
8 THE PROPER OF THE MASS - American (Anglican) Missal English texts (Elizabethan English)
Proper of the Time, Proper of the Saints (Major Holy Days), Common of the Saints (those used on Major Holy Days) -
Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Tracts, Sequences, Offertories, Communions -- available in the following forms:
(1) the original Plainsong melodies, modern notation, English text, some organ accompaniments - most of the Communions, some of the Introits, a few of the Graduals, Alleluias, Tracts and Offertories
(2) Simple modal settings for SATB choir, organ ad lib - most of the Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Tracts, and Communions
(3) SATB fauxbourdons, alternating with the solemn versions of the Psalm-Tones -- most of the Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, and Tracts
(4) Simple "composed" settings (available in unison, SA, SAB, and SATB) - all of the Offertories, some of the Communions.
GRADUAL PSALMS for the USA Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, 1979
(SATB fauxbourdons by Viadana, others, alternating with plainsong psalmody and simple plainsong Responds. Psalmody written out in full in standard modern notation with organ accompaniment; no pointing to read!)
Year A - in progress
Year B - in progress
Year C - in progress
(ask for whatever Sundays and Feasts you need)
complete Manual for SATB choir (American Missal translation)
Palm Sunday
Hosanna to the Son of David 1. Plainsong 2. SATB
The children of the Hebrews and the Distribution Psalms Plainsong & SATB fauxbourdon alternating
When the Lord Entered the Holy City SATB
Propers - Introit, Gradual, Passion (Victoria, Lassus, Viadana turba choruses, depending on which Passion), Offertory, Communion - SATB
Maundy Thursday
Propers - SATB
Foot-Washing Antiphons (complete) 1. Plainsong 2. Plainsong with SATB fauxbourdons
Pange lingua - Palestrina, Victoria, Lassus, etc.
Psalm 22 - Plainsong with SATB fauxbourdons
10 Good Friday
Psalm - Plainsong with SATB fauxbourdons
Christus factus est - SATB
Veneration of the Cross
Trisagion - Victoria - SATB Popule meus - Victoria alternating with Plainsong Crux fidelis - SATB alternating with Plainsong - Palestrina, Victoria, Clark, Lassus, etc.
Vexilla Regis - Plainsong alternating with Victoria fauxbourdons
Easter Vigil
The Psalms (complete, '79 ECUSA BCP text) - Plainsong alternating with SATB fauxbourdons
Exsultet - complete chant, modern notation
Exsultet - '79 ECUSA BCP text with SATB choruses
Benedicite, omnia opera Domini - Tonus peregrinus with fauxbourdons
Vidi aquam - Victoria
Great Alleluia - solemn and simple versions with SATB fauxbourdons
Ash Wednesday
Dedication of a Church
Burial Office, Requiem, Absolutions, Graveside Service
Burial of a Child
MASSES (editions)
Mass IX (Plainsong, modern notation, with accompaniment)
Missa l’hora passa - Viadana - 1928 BCP text
Mass of the Quiet Hour - George Oldroyd (string quartet ad lib)
Missa Pastorale - Pietro Yon (woodwind quartet ad lib)
Missa Pro Defunctis - Claudio Casciolini / Matteo Asola - English text
Asperges me - Victoria - SATB
Athanasian Creed - plainsong alternating with SATB fauxbourdons
Divine Praises - SATB
12 Kyrie Pantokrator - plainsong alternating with SATB fauxbourdons
Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary - SATB - traditional, arr. Clark
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - Tones 1, 2, 4, 8 - Plainsong alternating with renaissance polyphony - English text
Phos hilaron - Clark - SATB Phos hilaron - Arkangelsky - SSAATB
Prayers of the People - Form 1 - SATB
Psalter - SATB fauxbourdons alternating with Plainsong psalm-tones, noted in full - English texts - a selection
Sunday Trisagion (ninefold) - Victoria - SATB
Three-Part Gospels for Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost, St. Mary the Virgin, etc. 3 deacons (soloists), with optional choir, percussion instruments
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