
<p> CODEX BUDENSIS a catalogue please address all inquiries to: [email protected]</p><p>TENEBRAE RESPONSORIES</p><p>Marc’-Antonio Ingegneri Complete Tenebrae Responsories (27) in English - SATB - optional organ</p><p>(the Latin titles have been retained for ease of reference)</p><p>Maundy Thursday </p><p>First Nocturn</p><p>1. In monte Oliveti - On the mount of Olives 2. Tristis est anima mea - My soul is exceeding sorrowful 3. Ecce vidimus eum - Lo, we have seen him without form or comeliness</p><p>Second Nocturn</p><p>4. Amicus meus - Mine own familiar friend hath betrayed me 5. Judas mercator pessimus - Judas, that most wicked trader 6. Unus ex discipulis meis - One of my disciples shall this day betray me</p><p>Third Nocturn</p><p>7. Eram quasi agnus - I was like a lamb that was innocent 8. Una hora - Could ye not watch with me one hour 9. Seniores populi - The elders of the people</p><p>(Good Friday and Holy Saturday Responsories in preparation) </p><p>Michael Haydn Complete Tenebrae Responsories (27) in English - SATB + optional string quartet and organ</p><p>(same titles as above; Good Friday and Holy Saturday in preparation) 1 ODES FROM THE Eikon Basilike AKA Psalterium Carolinum by John Wilson (1595-1674)</p><p>(originally for SSB + continuo with optional violone; most also available for SSA or TTB, and a few for SATB; parts for two optional C instruments and ‘cello included)</p><p>1. Thou, Lord hast made us see - upon his Majestie’s calling the Parliament 2. Thou whose mercies know no bound - upon the Earl of Strafford’s death 3. Lord thou in Heav’n and in my heart - upon his Majestie’s going to the house of Commons 4. To thee I fly thou sole defence - upon the insolency of the Tumults 5. To thee, my God, I still appeal - upon his Majestie’s passing the Bill for Trienniall Parliaments 6. Our native freedom, Lord, preserve - upon his Majestie’s retirement from Westminster 7.Lord those whom thou in Vows hast tied - upon the Queen’s departure and absence out of England 8. Who vengeance on my wrongs hast shown - upon his Majestie’s repulse at Hull, and the Fates of the Hothams 9. Through human clouds thy Rays like Lightning glide - upon the Lifting and Raising armies against the King 10. O my God, to thee I fly - upon the seizing the King’s Magazines, Forts, Navy, and Militia 11. Eternal wisdom armed with might - upon the Nineteen Propositions sent to the King</p><p>(there are twenty-seven Odes; the series is in progress)</p><p>ANTHEMS WITH MORE GENERAL TEXTS, set to the music of the above (more in progress)</p><p>1. Jesu, the very thought of thee - SSA, SSB, TTB 2. Jesu, grant me this, I pray - SSA, SSB, TTB 3. We love the place, O God - SSA, SSB, TTB 5. The Word of God, proceeding forth - SATB, SSB, TTB 7. Word of God to earth descending - SSB 10. Hark, my soul, how everything - SSA, SSB, SATB, TTB 11. Creator of the Earth and Sky - SSB, SATB (Office Hymn for Vespers, Trinity)</p><p>2 LITURGICAL ANTHEMS FOR THE CHURCH YEAR</p><p>(traditional style, simple obbligato organ accompaniment on two staves, traditional English texts, mostly Scriptural ... for most Sundays and principal Feasts, Advent- Corpus Christi. Texts of the Proper Offertories, pre-Vatican II lectionary; adaptable to the three-year cycle of readings. The Latin titles have been retained for ease of cross- reference with the new Lectionary. Most available for unison and SAB, and some for SATB)</p><p>Advent 1 - Ad te, Domine - Unto thee, O Lord Advent 2 - Deus, tu convertens - Wilt thou not turn Advent 3 - Benedixisti, Domine - Lord, thou art become gracious Advent 4 - Ave Maria - Hail, Mary</p><p>Christmas Midnight - Laetentur caeli - Let the heavens rejoice Christmas Dawn - Deus firmavit - God hath made the round world so sure Christmas Mid-Day - Tui sunt caeli - The heavens are thine</p><p>Sunday in the Octave of Christmas - Deus firmavit (as on Christmas Dawn, above) Feast of the Circumcision - Tui sunt caeli (as on Christmas Mid-Day, above) Feast of the Holy Name - Confitebor tibi - I will thank thee, O Lord</p><p>Feast of the Epiphany - Reges Tharsis - The kings of Tharsis Feast of the Holy Family - Tulerunt Jesum - His parents brought Jesus to Jerusalem</p><p>Epiphany 1 - Jubilate Deo - O be joyful in the Lord (Psalm100) Epiphany 2 - Jubilate Deo - O be joyful in the Lord (Psalm 66) Epiphany 3 - Dextera Domini - The right hand of the Lord hath the pre-eminence</p><p>(the following three Sundays are now assigned to Sundays in Ordinary Time)</p><p>Septuagesima - Bonum est - It is a good thing to give thanks Sexagesima - Perfice gressos meos - O hold thy up my goings in thy paths Quinquagesima - Benedictus es Domine - Blessed art thou, O Lord</p><p>Ash Wednesday - Exaltabo te, Domine - I will magnify thee, O Lord Lent 1 - Scapulis suis - The Lord shall defend thee Lent 2 - Meditabor - My delight shall be in thy commandments Lent 3 - Justitae Domini - The statutes of the Lord Lent 4 - Laudate Dominum - O praise the Lord</p><p>3 (old) Passion Sunday - Confitebor tibi - I will give thanks Palm Sunday - Improperium exspectavit cor meum - Thy rebuke hath broken my heart Maundy Thursday - Dextera Domini (as on Epiphany 3, above)</p><p>Easter Day - Terra tremuit - The earth trembled Easter 1 (Low Sunday, old numbering) - Angelus Domini - The Angel of the Lord Easter 2 - Deus, Deus meus - O God, thou art my God Easter 3 - Lauda anima - Praise the Lord, O my soul Easter 4 - Jubilate Deo (as on Epiphany 2, above) Easter 5 (Rogation Sunday) - Benedicite gentes - O praise our God</p><p>Ascension Day - Ascendit Deus - God is gone up with a merry noise Sunday in the Octave of the Ascension - Ascendit Deus, as on the Feast, above)</p><p>Pentecost - Confirma hoc, Deus - Confirm the thing, O God</p><p>Trinity Sunday - Benedictus sit Deus Pater - Blessed be God the Father</p><p>Corpus Christi - Sacerdotes Domini - The priests of the Lord</p><p>(unison only available for Trinity 2 - Trinity 14; most of Trinity 15 - Sunday Next / Christ the King available; some Holy Days; enquire)</p><p>OTHER ANTHEMS - SSA, TTB, SAB (most available in all three), and SATB </p><p>(A mixed bag from the highways and byways … most not generally available elsewhere. SAB unless otherwise noted.)</p><p>Advent</p><p>Come, O Lord - Remondi Lift up your Hearts - C. Rossini O loving Mother of the Redeemer - Palestrina - SATB O loving Mother of the Redeemer - C. Rossini On Jordan’s banks (When Jesus Wept) - canon - SATB - arr. Clark Praeparate corda vestra - Gallus Prepare your hearts - Gallus ( the same, with English text) I looked from afar - the liturgical responsory - plainsong + SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>4 Christmas</p><p>A solis ortus cardine - C. Rossini - unison or SATB (English words: From East to West, From Shore to Shore -- Father Rossini’s answer to Yon’s Gesu Bambino <g>) And the Word was made Flesh - Magri At the Name of Jesus - Gallus It came upon the midnight clear - Stainer - SATB, div. (long out of print … from a microfilm at Sibley Library) O magnum mysterium - (English text) the liturgical responsory - plainsong + SATB fauxbourdons </p><p>Epiphany</p><p>All they from Saba shall come - Grassi The kings of Tharsis - Grassi The Son of God to Jordan came - unison (music: Parry’s “Jerusalem”) We have seen his star in the east - Grassi</p><p>Lent</p><p>By the waters of Babylon - C. Rossini (unison, SAB, SATB)</p><p>Passiontide</p><p>Thy rebuke hath broken my heart - P. Griesbacher (SAB, TBarB) Thy rebuke hath broken my heart - Dr. Witt (SATB)</p><p>Easter</p><p>Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ the Lord is risen today - Gruber (SATB, opt. brass) Easter “Trampling Hymn” - Russian traditional - SATB, TTBB O Queen of Heaven, Be Joyful (Catholic words) - C. Rossini Ye Sad Apostles, Be Joyful (Protestant words) - C. Rossini</p><p>Ascension</p><p>Eternal Monarch, King most high (music: Parry’s “Jerusalem”) - unison Jesu, Rex admirabilis - Jesu, thou King most wonderful - Palestrina</p><p>5 Pentecost</p><p>Veni Sancte Spiritus - Come, Thou Holy Spirit Come - Mozart (playable keyboard reduction; can be used with Kalmus orchestra parts) Veni Sancte Spiritus - the same, a tone lower in Bb; no orchestra parts The Spirit of the Lord - Elgar (unison choir, simplified organ part)</p><p>Trinity Sunday (see “Office Hymns”, below)</p><p>Corpus Christi /Holy Communion</p><p>Ave verum - Hail! True Body - Cipolla (SAB, TTB) Behold the Lamb of God - C. Rossini (unison, SAB, SATB) Cenantibus illis - For in the night in which he was betrayed - Clark (SATB) Come all ye people to the holy table - Russian traditional - SATB Ego sum panis vivus - I am the living Bread - Michael Haller (SAB, TTBB, SATB) O sacrum convivium - O sacred Banquet - Michael Haller (SATB, TTBB) O salutaris hostia - O Saving Victim - C. Rossini (SATB) Panis angelicus - The very angels’ Bread - Michael Haller (SATB) Sacerdotes Domini - The priests of the Lord - Ravanello (double chorus, six voices: SAB / SAB or TBarB / TBarB Tantum ergo - Therefore we, before him bending - Casciolini (SAB, TTB) This is that Bread which came down from heaven - C. de Rore (SAB or TTB, some divisi) Ubi caritas - Where charity and love are found - C. Rossini (SATB)</p><p>General</p><p>(most available in SAB, SSA, and TTB)</p><p>Jesu, the very thought of thee - Anerio Jesu, thou the beauty art - Giovanelli Jesu, thou joy of loving hearts - Giovanelli Jesu, thou light of all below - Palestrina O hope of every contrite heart - Giovanelli O Jesu, sweetness pure and blessed - Anerio O Jesu, my Saviour - Campra (unison) Prolosgion of St. Anselm - Clark (SATB, TTBB) Seek ye first the kingdom of God - Casciolini (SAB, TTB)</p><p>6 RENAISSANCE HYMNS IN ENGLISH (editions)</p><p>(Office Hymns, plainsong alternating with polyphony, for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Passiontide, and Holy Week; Proper of the Time now completed; English texts; music mostly by Victoria or Palestrina)</p><p>ADVENT - Creator of the Stars of Night - SATB ADVENT - Creator of the Stars of Night - ATB - not an arrangement - original music by Victoria</p><p>CHRISTMAS - Jesu, the Father's Only Son - SAB (original) CHRISTMAS - Jesu, the Very Thought Is Sweet - SATB CHRISTMAS - O Christ, Redeemer of Our Race - SATB</p><p>EPIPHANY - Why, Cruel Herod, Shouldst Thou Fear -SATB</p><p>LENT - Lord of our Life and God of our Salvation - SATB LENT - Now Is the Healing Time Decreed - SATB</p><p>PASSIONTIDE - The Royal Banners Forward Go - SATB (Spanish melody) PASSIONTIDE - The Royal Banners Forward Go - STBarB (Spanish melody)</p><p>GOOD FRIDAY - Faithful Cross, Above All Other - Lassus - SAB</p><p>EASTER - Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem - SATB EASTER - The Day Draws On With Golden Light - SATB EASTER - On That Fair Day of Paschal Joy - SATB EASTER - His Cheering Message From The Grave - SATB EASTER - The Sad Apostles Mourn Him Slain - SATB EASTER - The Lamb's High Banquet We Await - SATB</p><p>ASCENSION - Eternal Monarch, King Most High - SATB ASCENSION - O Christ, Our Joy, To Whom Is Given - SATB ASCENSION - Sing We Triumphant Hymns of Praise - SATB</p><p>PENTECOST - O Come, Creator Spirit, Come - SATB PENTECOST - O Come, Creator Spirit, Come - TBarB (original)</p><p>CORPUS CHRISTI - Now, My Tongue, The Mystery Telling - SATB (Spanish melody)</p><p>7 BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - Hail, O Star That Pointest - SATB BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - The God Whom Earth and Sea and Sky - SATB BLESSED VIRGIN MARY - O Glorious Maid, Exalted Far - SATB</p><p>ST. JOHN BAPTIST - Let Thine Example - SATB SS. PETER AND PAUL - With Golden Splendour - SATB</p><p>VISITATION OF THE B. V. MARY - Now In Holy Celebration - SATB VISITATION OF THE B. V. MARY - Portal of the World's Salvation - SATB</p><p>ST. MARY MAGDALENE - Mary, Weep Not, Weep No Longer - SATB</p><p>HOLY NAME OF JESUS - To The Name of Our Salvation - SATB TRANSFIGURATION - An Image of That Heavenly Light - SATB TRANSFIGURATION - O Light of Light, By Love Inclined - SATB</p><p>ASSUMPTION BVM - As When The Dawn's Increasing Light - SATB ASSUMPTION BVM - As When The Sun With Glorious Ray - SATB (Palestrina)</p><p>DEDICATION OF A CHURCH - Blessed City, Heavenly Salem - SATB</p><p>ALL SAINTS' DAY - If There Be The Skills To Reckon - SATB ALL SOULS' DAY - Christ, Enthroned In Highest Heaven - SATB</p><p>CHRIST THE KING - O Thou, Eternal Image Bright - SATB CHRIST THE KING - See Now the Christ in Triumph High - STBarB</p><p>COMMON OF APOSTLES - Let The Round World With Songs Rejoice - SATB</p><p>BLESSED SACRAMENT</p><p>At This Our Solemn Feast - Casciolini Humbly We Adore Thee - Palestrina (Ambrosian tune) Now, My Tongue, The Mystery Telling - Lassus -SAB The Word of God, Proceeding Forth - Palestrina</p><p>8 THE PROPER OF THE MASS - American (Anglican) Missal English texts (Elizabethan English)</p><p>Proper of the Time, Proper of the Saints (Major Holy Days), Common of the Saints (those used on Major Holy Days) - </p><p>Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Tracts, Sequences, Offertories, Communions -- available in the following forms:</p><p>(1) the original Plainsong melodies, modern notation, English text, some organ accompaniments - most of the Communions, some of the Introits, a few of the Graduals, Alleluias, Tracts and Offertories</p><p>(2) Simple modal settings for SATB choir, organ ad lib - most of the Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, Tracts, and Communions</p><p>(3) SATB fauxbourdons, alternating with the solemn versions of the Psalm-Tones -- most of the Introits, Graduals, Alleluias, and Tracts</p><p>(4) Simple "composed" settings (available in unison, SA, SAB, and SATB) - all of the Offertories, some of the Communions.</p><p>GRADUAL PSALMS for the USA Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, 1979</p><p>(SATB fauxbourdons by Viadana, others, alternating with plainsong psalmody and simple plainsong Responds. Psalmody written out in full in standard modern notation with organ accompaniment; no pointing to read!)</p><p>Year A - in progress</p><p>Year B - in progress</p><p>Year C - in progress</p><p>(ask for whatever Sundays and Feasts you need)</p><p>9 HOLY WEEK</p><p> complete Manual for SATB choir (American Missal translation)</p><p>Palm Sunday</p><p>Hosanna to the Son of David 1. Plainsong 2. SATB</p><p>The children of the Hebrews and the Distribution Psalms Plainsong & SATB fauxbourdon alternating</p><p>When the Lord Entered the Holy City SATB</p><p>Propers - Introit, Gradual, Passion (Victoria, Lassus, Viadana turba choruses, depending on which Passion), Offertory, Communion - SATB</p><p>Maundy Thursday</p><p>Propers - SATB</p><p>Foot-Washing Antiphons (complete) 1. Plainsong 2. Plainsong with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>Pange lingua - Palestrina, Victoria, Lassus, etc.</p><p>Psalm 22 - Plainsong with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>10 Good Friday</p><p>Psalm - Plainsong with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>Christus factus est - SATB</p><p>Veneration of the Cross</p><p>Trisagion - Victoria - SATB Popule meus - Victoria alternating with Plainsong Crux fidelis - SATB alternating with Plainsong - Palestrina, Victoria, Clark, Lassus, etc.</p><p>Vexilla Regis - Plainsong alternating with Victoria fauxbourdons</p><p>Easter Vigil</p><p>The Psalms (complete, '79 ECUSA BCP text) - Plainsong alternating with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>Exsultet - complete chant, modern notation</p><p>Exsultet - '79 ECUSA BCP text with SATB choruses</p><p>Benedicite, omnia opera Domini - Tonus peregrinus with fauxbourdons</p><p>Vidi aquam - Victoria</p><p>Great Alleluia - solemn and simple versions with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>11 OCCASIONAL LITURGIES - SATB</p><p>Candlemas</p><p>Ash Wednesday</p><p>Dedication of a Church</p><p>Burial Office, Requiem, Absolutions, Graveside Service</p><p>Burial of a Child</p><p>MASSES (editions)</p><p>Mass IX (Plainsong, modern notation, with accompaniment)</p><p>Missa l’hora passa - Viadana - 1928 BCP text</p><p>Mass of the Quiet Hour - George Oldroyd (string quartet ad lib)</p><p>Missa Pastorale - Pietro Yon (woodwind quartet ad lib)</p><p>Missa Pro Defunctis - Claudio Casciolini / Matteo Asola - English text</p><p>MISC.</p><p>Asperges me - Victoria - SATB</p><p>Athanasian Creed - plainsong alternating with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>Divine Praises - SATB</p><p>12 Kyrie Pantokrator - plainsong alternating with SATB fauxbourdons</p><p>Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary - SATB - traditional, arr. Clark</p><p>Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - Tones 1, 2, 4, 8 - Plainsong alternating with renaissance polyphony - English text</p><p>Phos hilaron - Clark - SATB Phos hilaron - Arkangelsky - SSAATB</p><p>Prayers of the People - Form 1 - SATB</p><p>Psalter - SATB fauxbourdons alternating with Plainsong psalm-tones, noted in full - English texts - a selection</p><p>Sunday Trisagion (ninefold) - Victoria - SATB</p><p>Three-Part Gospels for Epiphany, Easter, Pentecost, St. Mary the Virgin, etc. 3 deacons (soloists), with optional choir, percussion instruments</p><p>A STRICTLY VOLUNTARY donation of US $1.00 per page for the MASTERS of each page is REQUESTED ... make all the copies you like.</p><p>MAKE CHEQUES / MONEY ORDERS (from within the U.S. only, drawn on US banks ... our bank charges $35 to process overseas cheques and money orders) payable to:</p><p>Raymond H. Clark (my legal name <g>), 3344 32nd St., San Diego CA 92104-4738</p><p>PAYPAL (Canada, UK, European Union, Australia): [email protected] (our family's PayPal account)</p><p>EXAMINATION is FREE. Ask to see whatever you'd like to see. FILES are available in .sib 1.4 or PDF format. Please specify which you'd like. </p><p>And PLEASE pass this on to EVERYONE you know who MIGHT be interested!</p><p>Cheers,</p><p>Bud 13 14</p>
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