Kindergarten Lesson Plans

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Kindergarten Lesson Plans

Kindergarten Lesson Plans-Brandi Petrucci Week of October 5, 2015

Circle Time: Calendar Math (October pattern weekdays/weekends, counting, place value), math fluency practice, oral language development, large motor skills with song/dance, letter of the day, phonemic awareness lesson

Read Aloud: Aaagghhh! Spider

Language Arts

Monday 9/28 Large Group: Introduce letter of the week Ss using Project Read process. Practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Review letter Ss and practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound.

Literacy Centers: 1. Letter Ss Packet- tracing and writing Ss 2. Letter Ss Mini Book 3. Independent Play – Alphabet Writing and blocks 4. Independent Centers – a. Tracing letters on dry erase boards b. Color Mats – identifying pictures that match corresponding color c. Independent worksheet – Now I Know My Alphabet Learning Mat – s S Sight Words – said, see, she, should d. Letter Sound Matching game from Lakeshore e. Computer – Lexia

Tuesday 9/29 Large Group: Introduce letter of the week Ss using Project Read process. Practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Review letter Ss and practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Make an Ss circle map discussing words that begin with Ss.

Literacy Centers: 1. Now I Know My Alphabet Learning Mat – Lowercase s 2. Letter Ss writing “Sam the snowman sings a song.” 3. Independent Play – Uppercase and Lowercase Ss coloring and blocks 4. Independent Centers – a. Tracing letters on dry erase boards b. Word building puzzles – Building CVC words c. Independent worksheet – Now I Know My Alphabet Learning Mat – s S Sight Words – said, see, she, should d. Letter Sound Matching game from Lakeshore e. Computer – Lexia

Wednesday 9/30 Large Group: Introduce letter of the week Tt using Project Read process. Practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Tt sound. Review letter Tt and practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Tt sound. Ask and answer questions about story and discuss pictures that begin with Tt

Literacy Centers: 1. My Ss Book 2. Pile ‘em Up – pasting words that begin with Ss 3. Independent Play – Ss Writing and blocks 4. Independent Centers – a. Tracing letters on dry erase boards b. Word building puzzles – Building CVC words c. Independent worksheet – Now I Know My Alphabet Learning Mat – s S Sight Words – said, see, she, should d. Letter Sound Matching game from Lakeshore e. Computer – Lexia Thursday 10/1 Large Group: Introduce letter of the week Ss using Project Read process. Practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Review letter Ss and practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Use Lakeshore alphabet picture cards to discuss things that begin with /Ss/

Literacy Centers: 1. Spider craft and writing 2. Spider writing – A spider would make a _____ pet because…… 3. Independent Play – My Star Ss Writing and blocks 4. Independent Centers – a. Tracing letters on dry erase boards b. Word building puzzles – Building CVC words c. Independent worksheet – Now I Know My Alphabet Learning Mat – s S Sight Words – said, see, she, should d. Letter Sound Matching game from Lakeshore e. Computer – Lexia Friday 10/2 Large Group: Introduce letter of the week Ss using Project Read process. Practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Review letter Ss and practice correct coloring process by coloring objects beginning with Ss sound. Literacy Centers: 1. Turtle coloring and writing 2. Beginning Sounds for Ss cut and paste 3. Independent Play – Ss Writing and blocks 4. Independent Centers – a. Tracing letters on dry erase boards b. Word building puzzles – Building CVC words c. Independent worksheet – Now I Know My Alphabet Learning Mat – s S Sight Words – said, see, she, should d. Letter Sound Matching game from Lakeshore e. Computer – Lexia

Math—Weekly Focus K.CC.4ab, K.CC.5, K.OA.3, K.MD.3 Foundational skills with understanding numbers 1-5

Monday 9/21 Whole Group: Module 1 Topic C Lesson 9: Numbers to 5 in different ways Centers: Lunch Number Practice Lesson 9 Exit Ticket Lesson 9 Homework Fluency practice – Subitizing flash cards Tuesday 9/22 Whole group: Identifying numbers to 5, counting to 100 song Centers: Counting spiders Adding within 5 Counting objects to 5 Writing numbers to 5 Wednesday 9/23 Whole group: Module 1 Topic C Lesson 10 Centers: Cut and Paste matching numbers Lesson 10 Exit Ticket Lesson 10 Homework Number 5 Bonds Thursday 9/24 Whole group: identifying numbers to 5, counting to 100 song Centers: Lunch number practice Shapes puzzles Sorting objects by color and shape Number 5 number bonds and addition to 5 Friday 9/25 Whole group: Module 1 Topic C Lesson 11 Centers: Lunch number practice Subitizing flash cards Sorting with Lakeshore Addition to 5

Integrated ELA—Spiders Monday 9/28-Friday 10/2 SL.K.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about kindergarten topics and text with peers and adults in small and large groups by discussing teeth. Monday – Bubble Map: What can a pet spider do? Tuesday – Spider Voting “Do you think a spider would make a good pet?” Wednesday – Spider writing Thursday – Spider craft Friday – Spider craft II Time Pulling students for:  emergent reader practice  Reading Street group  weekly journals  Lexia

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