Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention (BCRC-SP)

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Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention (BCRC-SP)

Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention

Bristol County Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention (BCRC-SP) Annemarie Matulis, Director [email protected] (508) 922-7278

Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) A one- to two-hour gatekeeper Audience Who is trained: Program Highlights Program Objectives training that teaches lay and Lay and professional gatekeepers • Multimedia format • Increase ability to identify an professional gatekeepers to Who is helped: • Training uses "chain of survival” individual who may be at risk for recognize and respond positively to Individuals at risk for suicide approach for recognizing and responding suicide someone exhibiting suicide warning Size of training group: positively to warning signs and behaviors • Increase ability to intervene • Training on questioning at-risk signs and behaviors. QPR requires Minimum of 10 and maximum of 35 effectively with those at risk for individuals in order to determine suicide instruction by a qualified trainer. participants in a live training for intent/desire, persuading a person to suicide Requirements gatekeepers agree to seek help, and referring a • Increase ability to refer someone at person to appropriate resources risk for suicide • Also available in other languages; can be culturally adapted Training for gatekeepers: If this is done in a classroom for A certified trainer; 1-2 hours for grades 9-12, it can be broken down standardized training; $2 per set for to 45 minutes. The same is true for trainee materials (QPR booklet & adults card); venue, laptop computer and video projector; copies of original print materials for each participant. Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) The ASIST workshop is for caregivers who Audience Program Highlights Program Objectives want to feel more comfortable, Who is trained: Caregivers (e.g., • Participatory small work group • Raise awareness of societal confident and competent in helping to those seeking to reduce immediate discussions attitudes about suicide prevent the immediate risk of suicide. risk of suicide), clergy, counselors, • Mini-lectures, facilitated • Enhance communication, ASIST is a two-day (14 hours) intensive, volunteers, law enforcement , mental discussions, group simulation, and identification, and intervention skills interactive and practice-dominated course designed to help caregivers health professionals, role play • Increase knowledge of resources recognize risk and learn how to intervene Who is helped: Clients of caregivers; • Training in suicide first aid for both caregivers and safety to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. individuals at risk for suicide Requirements Size of training group: up to 30 in training for gatekeepers Training for gatekeepers: Minimum of two certified trainers; 15 hours over 2 days for training; fee for materials and lunch (intervention handbook, workbook, wallet-size card, certificate); venue, laptop computer and video projector; 13.0 Continuing Education Units safeTALK safeTALK prepares you to be a suicide Audience Program Highlights Program Objectives alert helper. In only a few hours, you will Who is trained: See powerful reminders of why it is As a trained suicide alert helper, you will learn how to provide practical help to Educational staff, students 15+, important to be suicide alert. See how to be better able to: persons with thoughts of suicide. You parents, clergy, community activate an alert. move beyond common tendencies to will develop helping skills and feel more gatekeepers - anyone Learn clear and practical information on miss, dismiss or avoid suicide; comfortable assisting persons with what to do. identify people who have thoughts of Who is helped: thoughts of suicide to connect with Focus is on reasons for living suicide; professionals and stay safe, and reducing Individuals at risk for suicide Conclude with practice in activating a apply the TALK steps to connect a person social barriers to discussing suicide. Size of training group: suicide alert. with suicide thoughts to suicide first aid, up to 30 in training for gatekeepers intervention caregivers. 3 hour program; A certified trainer; venue, laptop computer and video projector; copies of original print materials for each participant. (in some cases, there may be a modest fee) Bristol County Regional Coalition for Break Free From Depression Suicide Prevention Break Free From Depression is a Audience Program Highlights Program Objectives classroom curriculum for students in Who is trained:  To promote mental health & Introduce students to 4 modules: grades 9-12 to raise awareness of Teachers, guidance counselors, wellness in students 1. “What is Depression?” – an overview depression in adolescents. The community coalition gatekeepers.  Teach youth to effectively of signs/symptoms/stats of depression & suicide curriculum has special instructions to Size of training group: cope with difficult life 2. What Does it Look Like?” - an adapt for 8th graders. The curriculum up to 30 in training for gatekeepers circumstances, how to innovating & engaging documentary & documentary focus on hope for identify signs of depression 3. “What can We Learn?” – offers a sufferers of depression & on how to Who is helped: in themselves & their peers, debriefing structure after viewing the find help & relief. There is a strong & Youth at risk for depression and & how to seek help documentary significant connection between suicide 4. “What Can We Do?” – learn strategies students’ emotional health & their for approaching trusted adults, seeking academic progress. The curriculum is help for themselves or others & meant for use as an educational tool. increasing coping skills It should not be used as a crisis intervention or in a school where there has been a recent suicide. Requirements in school 4 modules: Modules1, 3; & 4 require 45- 50 minutes each; module 2 requires 60 minutes. A certified trainer; venue, laptop computer and video projector; curriculum manual with DVDs materials for each participant. (in some cases, there may be a modest fee)

How Not to Keep a Secret – Peer to Peer Program How Not to Keep a Secret is an interactive peer leader program that provides students from different high schools with a one-day training focusing on depression awareness and suicide prevention. The goals of the program include building student knowledge and awareness, and teaching students how to reach out to a trained, connected and trusted adult to prevent suicide and reduce the stigma of depression and seeking help. The peer leaders from each school then create a skit that portrays how mental health issues may impact teens and how teens can learn to reach out to a trusted adult for help. These skits are presented as part of the one day training. The peers return to their respective schools and schedule presentations within their schools. These skits can also be presented to the community at large. Schools can also purchase the curriculum ($75.00) and train their students.

Break Free From Depression is a Audience Program Highlights Program Objectives classroom curriculum for students in Who is trained:  To promote mental health & Introduce students to 4 modules: grades 9-12 to raise awareness of Teachers, guidance counselors, wellness in students 1. “What is Depression?” – an overview depression in adolescents. The community coalition gatekeepers.  Teach youth to effectively of signs/symptoms/stats of depression & suicide curriculum has special instructions to Size of training group: cope with difficult life 2. What Does it Look Like?” - an adapt for 8th graders. The curriculum up to 30 in training for gatekeepers circumstances, how to innovating & engaging documentary & documentary focus on hope for identify signs of depression 3. “What can We Learn?” – offers a sufferers of depression & on how to Who is helped: in themselves & their peers, debriefing structure after viewing the find help & relief. There is a strong & Youth at risk for depression and & how to seek help documentary significant connection between suicide 4. “What Can We Do?” – learn strategies students’ emotional health & their for approaching trusted adults, seeking academic progress. The curriculum is help for themselves or others & meant for use as an educational tool. increasing coping skills It should not be used as a crisis intervention or in a school where there has been a recent suicide. Requirements in school 4 modules: Modules1, 3; & 4 require 45- 50 minutes each; module 2 requires 60 minutes. A certified trainer; venue, laptop computer and video projector; curriculum manual with DVDs materials for each participant. (in some cases, there may be a modest fee)

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