University of the West of England s1

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University of the West of England s1

Equality analysis form

If the activity you are planning to analyse is covered by an existing Equality Analysis or a relevant former Equality Impact Assessment, please use Section 2 of the form to highlight any updated information. The updated form should be sent through to the Equality and Diversity Unit for feedback, the start of the online consultation process and publication.

Section 1 Equality Analysis Screening

The following questions will identify whether a full Equality Analysis will be required. Please read the Equality Analysis guidance prior to completing the screening.

1. Name of the activity (strategy, policy, practice etc) The review is to ensure that FBL has a Research Centres structure that can effectively contribute to the strategic aims of the University, as well as meet the meet the University criteria for Centre recognition

2. Will this activity have the potential to deliver positive outcomes for students, staff and/or visitors from equality groups? Please provide evidence for your answer. The review of research centres is intended to develop a research centre structure that aligns more closely with UWE strategic goals and priorities. The roles themselves are intended to meet the needs of the faculty (research direction and ethos, ensure that research feeds into teaching (UG & PGT) and other stakeholders (Research funders, the business and third sector stakeholders and other external agencies).

The review has the potential to benefit all FBL staff and the research centres’ various stakeholders by creating a Research Centre structure which fits with the UWE 2020 Strategy and ensure that the faculty is ready to face the challenges of the future

Because of the identities of the staff involved in these changes, the activity will be neither negative nor positive in respect of equality groups. However we have identified some potential impacts from equalities groups, and have listed some considerations for staff from equalities groups that we would be mindful of if appropriate.

3. Will this activity have the potential to create negative impacts on students, staff and/or visitors from equality groups? Please provide evidence for your answer. Women, men, transgendered people

No envisaged impact – although role changes, or changes in work patterns can be more difficult to accommodate in instances where staff – statistically more likely to be female staff - have caring responsibilities, no changes likely to cause impact in this regard are planned.

Transgendered people in organisations can experience negative impact due to moving to a new team, or having a new line manager or different tutor, but again, no Centre Director facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen.

Black and minority ethnic groups 1 E and D Unit – November 2013 No envisaged impact affecting e.g. disproportionately high BME unemployment rates, as no employment status changes are taking place. The pool of student- and stakeholder-facing staff will remain largely unchanged.

Disabled people

This staff group would be likely to have existing adjustments pertaining to current roles, and in any such case these would need to be revisited in relation to any new or revised roles, with a concomitant need to ensure appropriate disability contact and support structures maintained during realignment processes. Student support in this regard will need to be maintained.

Younger or older people

Different needs in relation to staff training, development and relevant support for new roles, and aspirations; no impact envisaged regarding staff, students or stakeholders due to nature of changes

People of different religion and beliefs

People with different faiths and beliefs can experience negative impact due to having a new line manager if arrangements for leave or for periods of fasting are not promptly put in place, but no Research Centre Director, staff or students facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen.

Lesbian, gay and bisexual people

LGB people in organisations can experience negative impact due to moving to a new team, or having a new line manager or different tutor, but again, no Research Centre Director, staff or students facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen.

Pregnancy and maternity

People who are on leave can experience negative impact due to uncertainty or change of line manager, but no Research Centre Director, staff or students facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen.

Marriage and civil partnership

No envisaged impact

4. Does the activity have the potential to impact equality groups in the following ways:  Access to or participation in UWE Faculties or Professional Services?  Levels of representation across the UWE workforce?  Student experience, attainment or withdrawal?  Staff experience?

Please indicate YES or NO. If the answer is YES then a full analysis must be carried out. If the answer is NO, please provide a justification. NO

Because of the identities of the staff involved in these changes, the activity will be neither negative nor positive in respect of equality groups. However we’ve identified some potential impacts on staff/students from equalities groups, and have listed some considerations for staff from equalities groups that we would be mindful of if appropriate.

Equality analysis screening sign off:

2 Faculty Dean or Head of Service Faculty / service


Please return the completed form back to the Equality & Diversity Unit for feedback and publication

Section 2 Full Equality Analysis

1. Name of the activity (strategy, policy or practice etc)

FBL Research Centres Review

2. What is the aim of the activity (objective or purpose)? The rationale for the project and why we should do it now combines a number of factors:

1. UWE Research Strategy 2020 has set out ambitious objectives for research performance and the further development of a research culture at UWE. Research Centres have a key role to play in realising these objectives. The proposed Research Centre structure will help to secure these strategic aims.

2. To achieve this we need to better align the drivers of research and Knowledge Exchange [the 7 existing research centres] with the strategic aims of the University including Research Strategy 2020, Learning 2020 and the broader objectives of Performance 2020.

3. It is also recognised that there are shortcomings with the current research centre structure in terms of clarity and alignment with evidence of performance including metrics. This includes the requirement for distinctive, reputable achievement and engagement in areas such as research, professional practice, community and public engagement, and other forms of knowledge exchange. 4. We have taken into consideration; the research mission to be ‘Best in Class’ in the Alliance Group of Universities, the context of an increasingly competitive market and evolving HE sector, and a knowledge of investment in research by other comparable sized Universities.

The net consequence should be that we meet the needs of our staff, students and stakeholders more strongly too.

3 E and D Unit – November 2013 3. If amending a current activity, what changes are proposed?

7 current roles are being phased out – Director of Centre for Global Finance, Centre for Legal Research, Bristol Leadership Centre, Centre for Employment Studies Research, Bristol Enterprise Research and Innovation Centre, Bristol Economic Analysis and the Centre for the Study of Behaviour Change and Influence. It should be noted that the Centre Director role is part of the current academic workload allocation for which a specific workload allocation is made. Accordingly no redundancies will ensue.

4 new roles are being introduced. Directors of the Centres for; Applied Legal Research, Applied Finance and Economics, Centre for Enterprise, and Applied Leadership and Employment [working titles at this stage]. Again, the roles are part of the academic workload allocation

Role definitions remain the same in that Research Centre Directors focus on excellence in research and aspects of knowledge exchange, such as enterprise and innovation post graduate research, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), consultancy, contract research, professional practice, community and public engagement. The Directors will lead the research agenda in their respective centres to achieve high quality outputs in areas of research, business, and/or other aspects of knowledge transfer and exchange that meet the strategic imperatives of the Faculty and University. .

4. Who is responsible for developing and delivering the activity?

The Centre parameters to be determined by members of the FBL Faculty Exec through a consultation process with staff and UCU representatives. The Associate Dean for Reserch and Innovation reporting to the PVC and Executive Dean will have responsibility for developing and delivering the activity.

5. What measures will be used to assess whether the activity is successful?

4 A series of performance measures are already in place throughtout the University focusing on reseach income, knowledge exchange income, bidding activity and success, Post Graduate research student numbers and research outputs.

The Universityalso has a tange of performance measures to assess the performance of Research Centres [some examples include];

Research with impact:

- % of research rated as world-class or internationally excellent - % Income from Knowledge Exchange, benchmarked against our comparator group - % Income from Research Councils, European Funding Councils and industry supported research Strategic partnerships, connections and networks.

The review has also been evaluated in the context of the Staff Survey Data 2014 and no particular issues arise. The review will be evaluated against the Staff Survey Data from 2016, when available.

6. Does the activity have a potentially adverse impact on equality groups, in terms of employment issues and/or service delivery for students and/or staff? In the table below, please give evidence to support your yes or no answers. If the answer is not known, indicate how you will source evidence.

Meeting the public sector equality duty Please also use the table below to demonstrate whether the activity has the potential to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. Please use the ‘no’ column to highlight your responses.

Yes No Not known Women and men No envisaged impact; although role changes, or changes in work patterns can be more difficult to accommodate in instances where staff — statistically more likely to be female staff — have caring responsibilities, no changes likely to cause impact in this regard are planned. Trans people Transgendered people in organisations can experience negative impact due to moving to a new team, or having a new line 5 E and D Unit – November 2013 manager or different tutor, but again, no Research Centre Director facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen. Black and minority No envisaged impact ethnic groups affecting e.g. disproportionately high BME unemployment rates, as no employment status changes are taking place. The pool of stakeholder-facing staff will remain largely unchanged. Disabled people This staff group would be likely to have existing adjustments pertaining to current roles, and in any such case these would need to be revisited in relation to any new or revised roles, with a concomitant need to ensure appropriate disability contact and support structures maintained during realignment processes.

Younger or older Different needs in people relation to staff training, development and relevant support for new roles, and aspirations; no impact envisaged regarding Research Centre Directors/stakeholders due to nature of changes People of different People with different religion and beliefs faiths and beliefs can experience negative impact due to having a new line manager if arrangements for leave or for periods of fasting are not promptly put in place, but no Research Centre Director facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen.

6 Lesbian, gay, bisexual LGB people in people organisations can experience negative impact due to moving to a new team, or having a new Research Centre Director but again, no Research Centre Director /staff facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen. People who are on Marriage and civil leave can experience partnership negative impact due to uncertainty or change of line manager, but Research Centre Director/staff member facing changes with the possibility of impact of this nature is foreseen. No envisaged impact Pregnancy and maternity

7. Please give evidence of how you have engaged equality groups in the equality analysis process. Is further engagement required? We are aiming to publish the full equality analysis to the various networks/committees supported by the equality and diversity unit. If further discussion is required the Faculty HRBP is happy to take it to the next E&D network meeting. The Full EA will be available via the FBL SharePoint site and available to our union colleagues working with us.

8. What action can be taken to mitigate any potential negative impacts or address different needs? Please comment and then complete an action plan (see appendix 1). There are no perceived negative impacts. A communication plan outlining the process of consultation and implementation will be employed. In addition to the revised research centre structure being made available to all staff, individual meetings with all staff affected by the change will be convened (including HR involvement).

9. Please indicate the level of equality relevance: High  Medium  Low x

10. Equality analysis sign off: Faculty Dean or Head of Service Faculty / service 7 E and D Unit – November 2013 Date

Please return this form to the Equality and Diversity Unit for feedback, the start of the consultation process and publication.

8 Equality analysis - action plan Appendix 1

Name of activity:

Plan completed by: Service / faculty:

Issues Actions Responsible Resources Target Success What progress required Person required date Indicators has been made? Information/dat a required

Consultation 3 weeks on line E&D Unit None asap Analysis made consultation available for comments

Monitoring and review arrangements

Publication Publication on the E&D E&D manager none On Analysis website completion available on of the line analysis Other actions

Please return form to the Equality and Diversity Unit

9 E and D Unit – November 2013

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