Sound the Trumpet Ministries International
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Breath of Life Missions 1971 Western Avenue Box #239 Albany, NY 12203 661-747-0240
2014 Mission Team Land Package Application
NAME Home/Cell Phone: Work Phone:
(Circle One) Evangelism/ Medical/ Construction
I am interested in: (Check One)
Prophetic Evangelism,Medical and Construction Team March 18th -25th 2014 Bavaro, Dominican Republic $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by February 1st
Couples and Familes Evangelism and Medical Team - * Staying in a 5 star all inclusive hotel March 27th- April 2nd Bavaro and Higuey Dominican Republic $1000 dollars per person $1900 dollars per Couple $500.00 Children under 12
Prophetic Evangelism Team July 15th-July 23 Santiago Dominican Republic $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by May 1st
Evangelism and Medical Team July 21st July 29th Nagua and Sosua Dominican Republic $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by May1st
Youth Evangelism and Construction Team July 29th- August 4th Ochoa and Higuey Dominican Republic $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by May 1st
Evangelism and Medical Teams August 4th- August 12th Teupasenti Hondurus $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by May 1st Construction and Medical Teams August 18th-August 26th Balix and Carrefour Haiti $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by June 1st
Prophetic Evangelism Team September 15th- September 23rd Cali Columbia $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by July 1st
Evangelism and Medical Teams October 8th- October 16th La Paz Bolivia $950 dollars (airfare not included $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by August 1st
Orphanage Construction and Medical Teams November 10th-November 18th Bavaro Dominican Republic $950 dollars (airfare not included) $850 (airfare not included) If paid in full by September 1st
(Place) ______Date______
Occupation: ______
Ministry Experience:
Have you been on the mission field before? If so, where?
Do you speak Spanish? How fluent are you?
Please list any health issues you may have:
Please ALL medications you currently take:
Contact person in case of an emergency:
Name: Relationship: Phone Number: On this sheet below, please share a brief testimony of how you came to know the Lord and why you would like to be part of this mission team.
Office Use ONLY
Final approval by Pastor Jim Jorgensen ______
Missions Applicant Pastor Evaluation Form The following individual has submitted an application to go on the mission field with Breath of Life Missions. We would appreciate if you would take a moment and complete this evaluation, and submit it to the address below.
Team Member’s Name:
Is the applicant:
Saved Yes No Baptized in water Yes No Baptized in the Holy Spirit Yes No A member of your church Yes No Attends regularly Yes No
Please rate the following (circle one for each):
Christian maturity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Leadership qualities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Submits to authority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Servanthood 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Team Player 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Please state your personal spiritual evaluation of the applicant, whether or not you support the applicant going on the mission field, and include any other comments you think may be useful to the decision process.
Date: Pastor’s Name: (please print) ______Church Name: Pastor’s Signature ______
Field Policy Field policies are enforced on every mission trip for your safety and benefit. The policies strictly enforced on the field are:
Dating: Dating while on the field with a team member, or host country resident, is strictly prohibited. Due to the fact that you are in a foreign area and may feel uneasy about being away from home, you can develop very close relations with your fellow team members. The main objective to being on the mission field is not to find "Mr./Mrs. Right," but to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Gossip: Gossip is a sin and can never bring good to any situation and will not be tolerated.
Murmuring: Will NOT be tolerated!
Fault-finding: Do not slander, backbite, or criticize any member of your team. This will only bring strife to your team.
Solo-Crusading: The Bible speaks of going two by two. No one is allowed to run off by his or her self or go un- escorted to any location while on the mission field.
Medications: If you have prescribed medications that must be taken, please bring the correct amount on your trip, as there may not be a pharmacy available for a refill.
Smoking Cigarettes and Drinking Alcohol The conscious of the Christian church in the Latin Culture is that if you are Christian, you don’t drink or smoke.
Country Rules that MAY NOT BE BROKEN
1. Make no promises on the field to give money to anyone. Check with the team leader first! He will check with the local Pastor. The Pastor will have insight in to the lives of his people and will instruct the team leader accordingly. We do not want the people to look at the “rich Americans” to provide their needs. We want the people to see their local church and the Lord as their provider.
2. Whatever we do – distribute food, clothing, toys, etc. – needs to be done with a purpose, plan, and a future.
3. Do not wear expensive or costume jewelry on the trip. This is for your safety.
4. Do not give your home address, phone number, email address, or instant message name to ANYONE on the field. Use your church address. This is not an option; it is a rule!! Please respect this rule. It is in your best interest. If you form a relationship with a national or field missionary and wish to communicate with them, discuss it with Pastor Jim FIRST (if he is part of your trip) or with your team leader.
Terms and Conditions
Land Package price includes meals, (regional cuisine) and modest accommodations. Transportation will be provided upon your scheduled arrival and within the confines of Breath of Life Missions schedule only. All travel arrangements, transfers, fees, taxes, deposits, rentals, accommodations, meals, land package costs and the like, are non-transferable and non- refundable.
By signing this form you agree to hold harmless, forfeiting all claims and/or liabilities against Breath of Life Missions or its agents. Although care will be taken toward the goal of personal safety, you agree that you are traveling at your own risk, and any claims brought against Breath of Life Missions for any/every reason, will be considered satisfied, for the settlement sum of one U.S. dollar, without any further recourse. Breath of Life Missions is a non-profit organization and will make every effort toward the continuance of our longstanding tradition of honesty and integrity, as we have for the last twenty years. A list of Pastors and Churches who endorse Breath of Life Missions can be found in our “Participating Churches” brochure. Check out our “Testimony” page for comments from past mission team members.
All Mission fees must be paid in full in U.S. dollars, 30 days prior to departure. Checklist:
1) Attach a non-refundable deposit for half (50%) of the total land package cost per application. If fund-raising, attach a non-refundable deposit of $100.00 for each application, and send it to the address below.
1971 Western Avenue P.O. Box 239 Albany, NY 12203
2) Make all checks payable to “Breath of Life Missions,” and clearly mark the check “Missions Team”.
3) Obtaining a travel visa and/or tourist cards/tax to enter and depart the country if necessary, will be the sole responsibility of the applicant, payable in cash upon landing, (US $10.00 each) upon arrival and departure per person.
4) Brief testimony of how you came to know the Lord and why you would like to be part of this mission team.
5) I accept/consent to all of the terms and conditions set herein this document and also set forth by Breath of Life Missions.
6) I have read the Field Policy and agree to follow it.
Applicant signature______
Legal Guardians ______
Office Use
Final approval by Pastor Jim Jorgensen ______