Chapter 24 Review

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Chapter 24 Review

Chapter 24 Review

1. The Ohio Gang and the Teapot Dome Scandal were associated with Warren G. Harding what President of the early 1920’s? 2. After World War I, the U.S. was the political and economic leader of Isolationism the world. The country wanted to keep world peace but they were unwilling to keep the peace themselves. What was the name for this policy of avoiding playing a role in world affairs? 3. V.I. Lenin formed the first communist government in this country. Soviet Union (formerly Russia) The United States did not recognize this country but did send it help during a famine. 4. The United States worked to reduce the build up of arms in Europe disarmament that had helped lead to World War I. What is this policy called? 5. This agreement outlawed war but did not set up a system of keeping Kellogg-Briand Pact the peace. 6. What years do the bullets below relate to: 1918-1920 (Right after World -Supplies for war War I) -Increased production -Factories expanded -People moved to cities 7. What years do the bullets below relate to: Early 1920’s -soldiers looked for jobs -no demand for war materials 8. What years do the bullets below relate to: 1923-1929 -factories produced consumer goods - people bought the factory goods, spurring on the economy 9. Model T prices dropped from $850 to $290. Almost everybody could The automated assembly line buy this plain black car. What allowed Henry Ford to drop the prices of made factories more efficient his car so much? 10. People working in steel mills were effected. Gas stations and hotels automobile grew up. Roads were paved. This was due to the ripple effect of what? 11. This was buying on credit. People would pay for some of a product Installment buying now and pay the rest with interest at a later date. By the end of the 1920’s most large purchases were done using this system. 12. What was happening to the stock market in the 1920’s? It was going up recently

13. What do we call the stock market when prices were increasing Bull market rapidly? 14. What was the stock market called when prices were decreasing? Bear market 15. What was the method called when people bought stock on credit like On margin installment buying. People would pay 10% of the price of their purchase upfront and then borrowed money to make the rest of their purchase. They could buy more stock using this method. It worked great when the price of the stock was rising but was a catastrophe when the price of the stock went down.

16. What were women called who wore short skirts, bobber her hair and flappers drove fast cars? 17. The 18th Amendment banned the making and selling of alcohol. prohibition Drinking was banned until the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment. Great amounts of people ignored the ban on alcohol and drank illegally. Organized crime developed during this time. What was this period known as? 18. What were the illegal saloons found during prohibition called? They speakeasies were hidden, smuggled in alcohol from bootleggers and paid off the cops so they wouldn’t be raided. 19. What amendment gave women the right to vote? 19th Amendment (1920)

20. Who developed the first moving picture cameras? Thomas Edison and George Eastman 21. This handsome actor starred in The Sheik. Rudolph Valentino

22. This was the first movie with a soundtrack. The Jazz Singer

23. People gathered around these to get their entertainment. It allowed radios culture to become more similar throughout the country. People from a wide area were able to hear the same shows at the same time. 24. These allowed people to escape their home neighborhood for a day cars trip. It allowed culture to spread more quickly. People could live farther from their workplace and still get to work easily. The suburbs started to develop. 25. What word refers to a style or activity that is popular for a short time. fad Examples include flagpole sitting and dance marathons. 26. This style of music was a mix of African rhythms and European Jazz harmonies. Popular in New York, New Orleans and Chicago. Duke Ellington was one of the most famous practitioners of this style of music. The Charleston is one of the dances associated with this style of music. 27. This author wrote A Farewell to Arms. Ernest Hemingway

28. The work of this author reflected the view of people in the city that Sinclair Lewis people life in rural areas was dull and boring. He wrote Babbitt and Main Street. 29. This hero of college students and flappers wrote The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald about the people who partied a lot but who could not find happiness.

30. New York City became a center of African American culture and Harlem Renaissance pride. Langston Hughes wrote poems talking against violence toward African Americans. What was this rebirth in African American culture known as? 31. Bobby Jones played golf. Bill Tilden and Helen Wills starred at Babe Ruth tennis. College football became extremely popular. This person was a hero of the baseball world, especially after he hit 60 home runs in one season. 32. This person who flew from New York City to Paris in The Spirit of St. Charles Lindbergh Louis alone was probably the most popular person of the 1920’s. 33. This group of people suffered as farm prices dropped after World farmers War I. They had borrowed money to buy land and supplies during the war and when prices dropped back to a normal level they were unable to pay off their debts. Many fell heavily into debt. 34. V. I. Lenin led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Russia became communism known as the Soviet Union. The political ideology of the Soviet Union was much feared in the United States. What was this ideology? 35. This group of people was opposed to organized government. anarchists People felt threatened by them. 36. This was a period when many anarchists and communists (Reds) Red Scare were arrested. 37. These two people were executed because of murder and robbery Sacco and Vanzetti charges. In reality they were probably convicted because they were immigrants and anarchists, two groups that were feared at this time. 38. This act limited immigration to the United States in 1921. The Quota Act of 1921 number of people accepted into the country was based upon the current population of people from that country in the United States. It favored Northern European immigrants, especially from Great Britain. 39. This was a trial where a science teacher from Chicago was tried for Scopes Trial teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution. William Jennings Bryant was the prosecuting attorney and Clarence Darrow was the defense attorney. Teaching evolution was declared to be illegal. 40. This group, which had its origin in the South, grew tremendously in Ku Klux Klan (KKK) the 1920’s. Originally against African Americans, immigrants, Catholics and Jews were now also targeted. It was able to gain political influence before losing some of its power. It used whippings and hangings to terrify people. 41. There were riots as African Americans moved North to find jobs in Marcus Garvey factories. African Americans faced a lot of discrimination. This person organized the Universal Negro Improvement Association to help African Americans cope and promote unity and pride among the African American population.

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