Course: Play Production (All Grade Levels)

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Course: Play Production (All Grade Levels)

Course: Play Production (all grade levels) Teacher: Mrs. Christia Gugel Email: [email protected] Supplies: The teacher will provide most supplies, but you will need a notebook and a writing utensil. Other materials may be required as the course progresses. Objective: Play Production students will learn the basic techniques of acting as well as various behind-the-scenes techniques used when producing a play, movie, etc. Students will also learn about the history of the theater. Students will be required to apply knowledge learned in class to do various acting performances, make-up, sound and lighting design, etc. Projects: There will be several INDIVIDUAL performances, a duet acting assignment, as well as demonstrations of make-up application, designing of costumes, lighting, sound, etc. Students will also be required to compare/contrast two versions of the same film. Grades: Grades will be based on points accumulated from class participation, classwork, performances, projects, etc. The grading scale is as follows: 96-100 A 79-77 C 92-95 A- 74-76 C- 89-91 B+ 71-73 D+ 86-88 B 68-70 D 83-85 B- 65-67 D- 80-82 C+ 0-64 F Make-Up Work: It is crucial to a student’s success in this class that absences are kept to a minimum. Many of the assignments in Play Production will be hands-on work and oral presentations. However, should an absence occur, it is the student’s responsibility to get the missed assignments from the teacher or a fellow student. I MUST STRESS THAT PLAY PRODUCTION IS A HANDS-ON COURSE. IF YOU MISS CLASS FREQUENTLY, YOU WILL FAIL!! Students will have one week to complete any assignments missed. Students with unexcused absences will not be allowed to make up missed work. If students have an excused absence on the day of an exam or performance, students have one week to make up the test. It is up to the student to make arrangements with the teacher regarding when the test will be made up.

Late Work: While make-up work is work missed for a legitimate absence, “late” work is any work which is simply not completed by the due date. Students will be permitted to turn in late work according to the policy established by the English Department. If a student should turn in more than four assignments late, the student will be required to obtain a parent signature for all other late assignments for the remainder of the school year.

(TURN OVER FOR RULES AND PROCEDURES) Classroom Rules and Procedures The following are the rules and procedures for Mrs. Gugel’s classroom. Students who choose not to follow the rules will be subject to Mrs. Gugel’s discipline plan, which is outlined on a separate sheet of paper. Students who choose not to follow the procedures will simply suffer academically in this class. Procedures are created to ensure the academic success of all students.

Classroom Rules: The following are RULES of the classroom. These are what the teacher expects from the students. They help the teacher do her job effectively and allow the class to operate with few disruptions. You will: 1. Immediately begin working on the bellwork assignment as soon as the bell rings. 2. Respect others, their property, and their right to learn. Students are expected to treat other classmates and the teacher with respect and courtesy. *No profanity or insulting references to race, gender, religion, or nationality will be permitted. *Talking out of turn and placing heads on desks will not be tolerated. *Talking while the teacher is speaking will not be tolerated. *Wait until an appropriate time to sharpen your pencil, obtain a book, etc. *DO NOT DESTRUCTIVELY CRITICIZE THE PERFORMANCE OF CLASSMATES! 3. Respect classroom equipment. Vandalism of desks, walls, textbooks, etc., will not be tolerated. Items on or around the teacher’s desk are not to be touched unless permitted by the teacher. 4. Keep out of the area behind the teacher’s desk. There is no possible explanation for a student being behind a teacher’s desk. 5. Leave all bags, purses, etc. off of your desk. At no time will these items be permitted on your desk.

Classroom Procedures: The following are PROCEDURES of the classroom. These should be done automatically for the academic benefit of the students. You will: 1. Be seated at your assigned desk and ready when the bell rings for class. 2. Be alert and attentive. Raise your hand to make a comment or ask a question. Be sure to make relevant comments during class discussion. 3. Visit the restroom, water fountain, etc., on your own time. 4. Come to class every day with the required materials. You will not be permitted to go to your locker unless the teacher deems it absolutely necessary. 5. Recycle trash from sodas, snacks, etc., before leaving the classroom. If this does not occur, this privilege will be revoked. 6. Wait to be dismissed from class by the teacher. The bell does not dismiss you. You are not to get up from your seat until instructed to do so by the teacher. STANDING BY THE DOOR TO WAIT FOR THE BELL WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. 7. Neatly put away all materials to be kept in the classroom, i.e., notebooks, grammar books, markers, etc., before leaving for the next class. 8. Take responsibility for all work assigned for this class. Be sure to ask the teacher or a fellow student if an absence occurs. 9. Turn in all assignments on the date due. (See make-up work and late work policy outlined above.)

Cut off the bottom portion of this sheet and turn it in for a grade. I have read and understand the information pertaining to Play Production. RETURN THIS PORTION WITHIN ONE WEEK OF RECEIPT. THIS IS WORTH THE FIRST 15 POINTS OF THE SEMESTER.

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Student Name: (Please Print) ______

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