Tekton Weatherization System

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Tekton Weatherization System


BRANZ Appraisal Certificate # 621




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W  TEKTON BUILDING WRAP is a synthetic breather-type building wrap for use as a wall SYSTEM DESCRIPTION E wrap and air barrier.

The Tekton Weatherization System consists of A TEKTON cannot be used behind direct fix non- TEKTON Building Wrap, Tekton SEAM TAPE, absorbent claddings. T TRADE-SEAL and Protecto Wrap ONE PIECE SILL


 TEKTON SEAM TAPE is a white E The Tekton Weatherization System is used

polypropylene film coated with a cold weather R behind wall claddings to form a secondary acrylic adhesive. When applied over the seams weather resistant barrier for timber and steel I

of the installed building wrap it results in the Z framed buildings.

continuity of the building wrap and assists in A creating an effective drainage plane. Tekton SYSTEM PROCESS T Seam Tape can also be used to repair small The TEKTON Building Wrap is fixed directly to I rips, punctures or tears in the building wrap O the outside of the framing. The building wrap

material. N over the openings is then cut and fixed to the

inside face of the framing.


 PROTECTO WRAP ONE PIECE SILL Y Tekton SEAM TAPE is applied over the seams TAPE is a polyethylene faced, modified SBS and Protecto Wrap ONE PIECE SILL TAPE or the S rubberized asphalt, self adhesive membrane. PROTECTO WRAP SILL SYSTEM installed around T One Piece Sill tape is a one component the openings. E secondary flashing system for 100mm

TRADE-SEAL is fitted over pipe and conduit M (nominal ) deep openings in timber and steel penetrations through the building envelope to framing. provide an air and moisture seal.

 PROTECTO WRAP SILL SYSTEM PRODUCT DESCRIPTION combines Protecto Wrap Detail tape, Sill Tape and Tak Primer/Adhesive to form a secondary


www.mwnz.com MW TWS 0611 Page 1 flashing system around 100mm (nominal) and  Tekton 150mm (nominal) deep openings in timber and Building Wrap can

steel framing. be installed as an air barrier to walls that are

not lined, such as gable ends.

 TRADE –SEAL is a highly elastic EPDM  Tekton Building Wrap has superior water

sleeve fitted with a self adhesive flange that hold out - keeping framing drier while T

will adhere to most clean and dry substrates. permanent cladding is installed. E

TRADE-SEAL provides an air and moisture seal  Tekton Building Wrap has 50 year K around pipe and conduit. durability.

T  Tekton Building Wrap can be left exposed

O FEATURES /BENEFITS for up 60 days.

N TEKTON WEATHERIZATION SYSTEM  Tekton Building Wrap has optimal

surfactant resistance (will not loose integrity if

 A system that combines a range of W respected products to form a secure exposed to soaps, detergents and cleaning chemicals). construction envelope. E  Tekton Building Wrap is Branz appraised  Highly compatible product integration. A # 548 (2007)  A fully BRANZ appraised weatherization

T system. Can be exposed to UV and weather for

H TEKTON cannot be used behind direct fix non up to 60 days.

absorbent cladding. Non absorbent cladding E  A system that combines superior strength,

must be on a cavity. R water holdout and flexibility with ease of installation. I

Z  Meets the requirements of the New

TEKTON SEAM TAPE A Zealand Building Code (NZBC) Clause B2

 High adhesion and tensile strength. T Durability and Clause E2 External Moisture.

 Wide temperature application range. I

O  60 Days UV exposure rating.

 Maximizes energy efficiency by sealing all N

joints.  Improves air tightness and contributes to a S

secondary line of defence against exterior Y FEATURES /BENEFITS (Continued)

moisture penetration. S


 Tekton Building wrap can be used in all E

wind zones up to and including very high. M  Tekton Building Wrap is fire retardant with a zero flammability index and can be used without restriction on all buildings.


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Provided the TRADE SEAL system is not

 Full range of sizes. exposed to the

 High adhesion weather or Ultra-violet light for more than 60

 Wide temperature application range . days the Tekton Weatherization System will be

 60 Days UV exposure rating. durable and serviceable for at least 15 years T

Maximizes energy efficiency by sealing all (compatible with that of the joinery). E penetrations. Improves air tightness and K contributes to a secondary line of defence

T against exterior moisture penetration



 Requires no adhesives or fixings to hold in 600mm centres. Nogs must be fitted flush W place. between the studs at a maximum of 1200mm

E  The One Piece Sill Tape can be used on all centres. The framing must be free from any

A accepted building wraps including bituminous sharp protrusions that may damage the wrap. paper. T

 .The tape can be overlapped by 100mm to Where cavity battens are installed at greater H than 450 mm centres, the wrap must be join to another roll . There is no wastage. E supported between the battens to prevent the

 One Piece Sill Tape is BRANZ appraised # R 591 (2008) wrap bulging into the cavity space when insulation is installed. I


A 2)_  BRANZ Appraised as a flexible flashing T

INSTALLATION I system for use around openings in timber and O TEKTON BUILDING WRAP steel framed buildings.

The branded side of the wrap must face away N  Zero waste as tapes can be joined by from the framing. The wrap must run overlapping 100mm. horizontally and extend from the upper side of S  A versatile and flexible system that can be

the top plate to the underside of the bearers or Y used on bevelled sills ,variable jamb angles

wall plates supporting ground floor joists, or S and to seal around penetrations in building below bottom plates on concrete slabs. wrap. T

 Can be used on all accepted building E Horizontal laps must be no less than wraps including bituminous paper.. M 75mm with the direction of the lap  Available in 50mm,75mm,150mm and ensuring that water is shed to the 200mm wide rolls. outside. End laps must be made over framing and DURABILITY be no less than 150mm wide.


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Fix the wrap into place using 6-8mm zinc all tape firmly into plated staples, hot dip galvanised large position to enhance

head clouts, tek screws or proprietary adhesion.

wrap fixings. The Tekton Seam Tape can also be used to

Tekton Building Wrap can be added as a repair small rips, punctures or tears in the

second layer over head flashings as per E2/AS1 building wrap material. For bigger repairs T

or the headflashing can be sealed to the wrap overlap the area with new building wrap and E using Protecto Wrap Head Flashing Tape. tape into place. The overlapping material must

K When fixing wrap in windy conditions, extend at least 150mm beyond the damaged

T care must be taken due to the large sail area.

O area created by the roll widths.


 Select appropriate diameter TRADE-SEAL –

Collar should be tight W  TRADE-SEAL collar extension can be trimmed to get the best fit  Ensure the surface to receive the TRADE- E

SEAL is clean and dry A  Position the roll of Tekton Building Wrap  Remove backing paper and slide collar over against the framing with a short length of wrap penetration T free of the roll. Powder or lubricant can be applied to H penetration to aid assembly.  Align the guide marks printed on the Tekton E

Building Wrap with visible studs and nail  Adhere TRADE-SEAL at 45º to aid moisture R /staple to the framing run off

and smooth onto substrate to ensure adhesion. I

 Unroll the wrap across the framing and fix  Push TRADE-SEAL collar back onto Z penetration to fit cavity width. to all framing members at a maximum of A 300mm centres.

T  Keep the wrap straight and taut over the PROTECTO WRAP ONE PIECE SILL TAPE I

O framing. (OPTION 1)

 The wrap should be run over any openings  Measure and mark 150mm up from the LHS N and these should be left covered until the bottom corner of the opening .

windows and doors are ready to be installed.  Measure the sill length. S

To form the openings cut the wrap at a 45 Y  Measure and cut a length of One Piece Sill degree diagonal in from each corner. Fold and Tape 300mm longer than the sill length. S staple the wrap to the inside of the framed

 Roll up the cut length with the branded face T opening. Excess wrap can be trimmed to finish

to the inside of the roll. Peel back 50 mm of E flush with the internal face of the framing.

the backing paper to expose the black M adhesive. TEKTON SEAM TAPE  Align the Protecto Wrap One Piece Sill tape Apply Tekton Seam tape to all horizontal and with the 150mm mark on the jamb and flush vertical building wrap lap joints. The lap joint with the inside edge of the opening. Apply the should sit halfway under the tape width. Press tape down the frame and into the corner.


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NOTE: The divided side of the tape must opening. The tape face to the outside of the opening. must be pressed

firmly into the

 When the sill jamb junction is reached corner

ensure the tape is pressed firmly into the NOTE: The divided side of the tape must

corner. face to the outside of the opening. T

 Continue removing the backing paper and  Fold the branded flap back into the opening E

sticking the One Piece Sill Tape across the to expose the lower section of the combination K length of the sill and up the other jamb. Keep tape.

T the tape flush with the inside edge of the  Remove the release film and fold the

O opening. flexible membrane onto the face of the  Fold the upper front piece of the branded opening.(Do not overstretch the membrane) N

flap back into the opening to expose the lower 

W section of the combination tape. NOTE: For ease of installation adhere the ends of the membrane onto the face of

E the opening before removing the release



H (OPTION 1)  Fold the branded flap forward and cut at the

 Starting at one end, remove the release film corners. E and fold the flexible membrane onto the face  Fold the branded flap over the top of the R of the opening.(Do not overstretch the exposed membrane. I membrane) Z

NOTE: For ease of installation, adhere the NOTE: When correctly installed to the top A corners, the tape should extend 150mm middle and ends of the membrane onto T down the jamb and 150mm across the the face of the opening before removing I the release film. lintel and be folded 50mm approx. out O

 Fold the branded flap forward and cut at the onto the face of the opening. N corners.

 Fold the branded flap over the top of the S exposed membrane. HEAD FLASHING Y For the taping of head flashings use Protecto

S Wrap Head Flashing Tape with Tak Primer.


E  Cut a 300mm length of One Piece Sill Tape After installation of the One Piece Sill

M Tape firmly smooth all tape to ensure  Remove the backing paper and fold the maximum adhesion. tape in half, keeping the adhesive membrane Adhesion increases after the tape has to the outside of the fold. been in place for a period of time.  Position the tape into the corner. Adhere the tape down the side, then across the top of the


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 Gently pull the tape forward

PROTECTO WRAP SILL SYSTEM (OPTION and around onto the face of the opening.

2)  Smooth the tape firmly into place to

PRIMING enhance adhesion.

Ensure all surfaces are clean and dry. Spray a Do not overstretch the tape. The corner T

light film of Protecto Tak Primer/Adhesive to all will form as the tape is folded onto the E surfaces that are to receive the Sill System face of opening. K tapes. The spray is coloured light blue for easy

T identification. Allow the Tak Spray sufficient

O time to cure. The spray should not pull away Do not allow the detail tape to come in from the surface when touched. The curing contact with itself. N

time will vary depending on the temperature. This process is repeated for all corners of the

W The spray can be left uncovered for a opening. reasonable length of time, however the tapes For the top corners the installation is now

E should be applied soon after application of the complete.

A Tak Spray to avoid contamination of the prepared surface. PROTECTO WRAP SILL SYSTEM (OPTION T


Detail Tape must be installed to all corners . SILL TAPE E AFTER PRIMING

Install Sill Tape in separate pieces across the R  Cut a 300mm length of Detail Tape. sill and 300mm up the jambs.


 Remove the backing paper and fold the Z

length in half with the exposed membrane to Sill Installation A the outside. AFTER PRIMING

T  Position into the corner and smooth the  Cut a length of Sill Tape slightly shorter


first half of the tape onto the jamb. Keep the than the length of the sill. O

tape flush with the inside edge of the framing.  Roll up the length of Sill Tape keeping the N  Fold the remaining 150mm of tape backing paper to the outside of the roll.

across the lintel or sill and press firmly into  Peel back 100mm of backing paper. S

place, particularly into the corner junction.  Align the tape with the inside edge of the Y  Pinch the corner of the tape and pull framing, keeping the overhang to the outside.

S away to free the corner of the release film.  Press the exposed end of the tape into the

T  Remove the release film. sill - jamb junction, adhering the Sill Tape to

E  Fan your fingers across the surface of the the top of the already installed Detail Tape.

M tape and using your thumb take hold of each  Continue removing the backing paper and direction of tape adhering the Sill Tape along the entire length of the sill. INSTALLATION (CONTINUED)  Starting in the centre of the tape , fold the overhang of Sill Tape onto the face of the DETAIL TAPE opening. SERIOUS WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS

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If minor damage Jamb Installation occurs then

 Cut a 300mm length of Sill tape. another piece of

 Remove the backing paper. tape can be used for repair as long as it

 Align the length of extends at least 100mm beyond the damaged

Sill Tape with the inside edge of the framing area. If the damage is more than minor then T and starting at the jamb - sill junction, smooth the installed tape must be replaced. E

the tape onto the jamb. K  Fold the overhang of Sill Tape onto the WARRANTY

T face of the opening. All products used in the Tekton Weatherization

O Smooth all tape firmly into place to System are warranted to be free of defect in

N enhance adhesion. manufacture for a period of 15 years. This

warranty is limited to replacement of the

W products only. Marshall Waterproofing NZ/AUS Ltd (the distributor) is not liable for incorrect

E installation or any accidental or wilful damage



HEAD FLASHING TAPE H To fit the head flashing do not cut the

E building wrap but fix the head flashing

R directly over the top of the building wrap.


Z  Cut a length of Head Flashing Tape

A 100mm longer than the head flashing.

 Begin applying the Head Flashing Tape T

50mm from the end of the installed head SAFETY PRECAUTIONS I

O flashing. Apply the tape so that it adheres The materials must be kept away from direct

N 25mm onto the head flashing and 25mm onto exposure to heat and flames. Extra precautions the building wrap. must be taken when using the Protecto Tak

S The Head Flashing Tape should run past each Primer/Adhesive in areas where there is

Y end of the head flashing by 50mm. insufficient ventilation. Do not breathe the Smooth all tape firmly into place to fumes and avoid skin contact. S enhance adhesion. T


M The products have a recommended shelf life of REPAIRS 2 years from date of manufacture. Should air become trapped under the tapes at any stage of installation, smooth the trapped air to the outside of the tape. STORAGE


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Store all materials under cover, in clean dry conditions and away from direct exposure to

sunlight. Do not remove the tapes from the

carton until ready to use and always replace in

the carton for storage.





























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