SCOE Internship Summative Evaluation

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SCOE Internship Summative Evaluation

SCOE Internship Summative Evaluation

Unacceptable Developing Exemplary Does not meet Beginning to meet Proficient Far exceeds expectations of a expectations of a Meets expectations of a expectations of a beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher (1 pt) (2 pts) (3 pts) (4 pts)

1.1 Demonstrate a Content is clearly Content is textbook Content is Content is thorough developmentally based, developmentally supplemented with supplemented with a knowledge of inappropriate; appropriate, sequenced traditional resources, wide variety of subject matter and use such inaccurate, lacks properly, and aligned developmentally resources and knowledge to create sequence, no alignment with objectives. The appropriate, sequenced technologies, creative, effective learning exists between content learning experiences do properly, and aligned developmentally experiences for and standards. not vary from with objectives. The appropriate, students traditional teacher- learning experiences sequenced properly, SC-ADEPT-06.5.A, B, C driven experiences. are varied in their and aligned with SC-ADEPT-06.6.A, B, C approach and address objectives. The learning SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.1 diversity of learners. experiences are varied in their approach and address a wide diversity of learners.

1.2 Understand Instructional plans Instructional plans Instructional plans Instructional plans instructional show inadequate show an adequate show an adequate show a thorough planning and understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the design plans based on knowledge of subject, and/or of SC SC curriculum goals SC curriculum goals SC curriculum goals subject matter, curriculum goals and and standards and of and standards and of and standards and of students, standards. the subject matter. An the subject matter. An the subject matter. It is community understanding of how understanding of how apparent that the curriculum goals these standards and these standards and candidate understands and standards subject matter must be subject matter must be how these standards SC-ADEPT-06.1.A, B, C, adapted for the adapted for the and subject matter D, E particular students and particular students and must be adapted for SC-ADEPT-06.2.A, B, C community is NOT community is apparent. the particular students SC-ADEPT-06.6.A, B, C apparent. and community and SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.2 that modifications and adaptations are a routine part of the design.

1.3 Use of a variety No variety exists in A limited variety of A variety of A wide variety of of instructional instructional strategies. instructional strategies instructional strategies instructional strategies strategies to Only traditional paper are used, but the are used. The emphasis are employed that are encourage students' and pencil activities are emphasis on critical on critical thinking and developmentally development of used in fact recall thinking and problem problem solving is appropriate for the critical thinking and learning. solving is weak or does adequate to support teaching situation. problem solving not relate to the and relate to the Modifications have skills learning goals learning goals. clearly been made to SC-ADEPT-06.4.C accommodate many SC-ADEPT-06.5.B diverse learning SC-ADEPT-06.8.C situations and learners. SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.3 An emphasis on the development of critical Unacceptable Developing Exemplary Does not meet Beginning to meet Proficient Far exceeds expectations of a expectations of a Meets expectations of a expectations of a beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher (1 pt) (2 pts) (3 pts) (4 pts)

thinking and problem solving is readily apparent and corresponds to each learning goal.

1.4 Manage the Unable to maintain Classroom control is Classroom control is Classroom control is classroom to create classroom control so adequate, but adequate to provide a apparent at all times, a positive and safe that an unsafe difficulties during safe learning including atypical learning environment environment exists. transition times or environment during all interruptions. A positive atypical scheduling normal parts of the day, and mutually respectful SC-ADEPT-06.8.A, B, C create lapses into off- including transition classroom environment SC-ADEPT-06.9.A, B, C SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.4 task behaviors that times. A positive is immediately obvious. require interventions by classroom environment others. is evident.

1.5 Understand and Assessments do not Assessments are Formative and Formative and use formal and measure the learning confined to formal summative assessments summative assessments informal goals that are identified paper and pencil tests. are apparent in both are ongoing and in assessment strategies to or no assessments are There is no attempt to informal and formal both informal and evaluate and identified at all. modify teaching based formats. There is formal formats. It is monitor student on assessments. evidence that clearly apparent that learning and to modifications to assessments are used modify instruction teaching, based on to modify instruction SC-ADEPT-06.3.A, B, C assessments, occurs. and learning activities SC-ADEPT-06.7.A, B, C on a regular basis. SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.5

2.1 Plan and There is no evidence Use of technology is Some use of Extensive use of implement effective that technology is used confined to mechanical knowledge-based knowledge-based learning in the planning or equipment (overhead media is evident in media is apparent with environments and experiences implementation of the projectors) rather than learning experiences. both the instructor and supported by learning experiences. knowledge-based Information gathering the pupils. Information- technology media (films, technology is apparent gathering technology is SC-ADEPT-06.5.A, B PowerPoints) or in planning activities. used routinely as a part SC-ADEPT-06.8.C information gathering of normal classroom SC-COASTAL-CF-07.2.1 technology (Internet, activities. databases). Information-gathering technology may be apparent in planning activities.

2.2 Apply There is no evidence Use of technology is Use of technology is Use of technology is technology to that technology is used confined to mechanical confined to mechanical integrated into the facilitate effective in the planning or equipment for equipment for entire classroom assessment, evaluation, and implementation of the productivity practices productivity practices experience including productivity assessments or (photocopiers, grading (photocopiers, grading assessment and Unacceptable Developing Exemplary Does not meet Beginning to meet Proficient Far exceeds expectations of a expectations of a Meets expectations of a expectations of a beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher (1 pt) (2 pts) (3 pts) (4 pts) practices productivity practices. programs). programs). reporting of progress SC-ADEPT-06.1.A, D Assessments do not Assessments appear to (email - newsletters, SC-ADEPT-06.2.C appear to have any have limited online class web SC-ADEPT-06.3.B, C technological basis. technological basis pages). Assessments SC-COASTAL-CF-07.2.2 (Scantron sheets or have multiple media online quizzes). formats (audio tape, video presentations, online testing).

3.1 Demonstrate There is no evidence of There is limited There is evidence of a There is evidence of a knowledge of an understanding that evidence of an clear understanding clear understanding different cultural, students have different understanding that that students have that students have emotional, developmental and needs that are related students have different different needs that are different needs that are cognitive needs of to their levels of needs that are related related to their levels of related to their levels of students development or to their levels of development and development and SC-ADEPT-06.5.A, B, C cognition. No effort has development and cognition. Learning cognition. An effort is SC-ADEPT-06.6.A, B, C been made to address cognition. Some effort activities have been routinely made to SC-ADEPT-06.7.A, B, C cultural differences. has been made to modified to address provide support for the SC-ADEPT-06.8.A, B, C address cultural cultural differences for emotional needs of the SC-COASTAL-CF-07.3.1 differences but these the majority of the students. Learning efforts are superficial in students in the activities have been nature. classroom. modified to address cultural differences for every student in the classroom.

3.2 Evaluate, plan There is no evidence of There is limited There is clear evidence All activities or and provide activities or experiences evidence of activities or of activities or experiences address the appropriate that address the needs experiences that experiences that needs of a activities and experiences to meet of a diverse student address the needs of a address the needs of a developmentally- the needs of population. developmentally- developmentally- diverse student culturally and diverse student diverse student population so that developmentally population. Some effort population. Effort has every student is diverse student has been made to been made to address engaged in learning populations address the cultural the cultural differences that is appropriate for SC-ADEPT-06.3.A, B, C differences through for the majority of the him or her. Substantial SC-ADEPT-06.5.A, B, C learning activities, but students in the class. effort has been made SC-ADEPT-06.6.A, B, C those efforts are to address the cultural SC-ADEPT-06.7.A, B, C superficial in nature. and linguistic SC-COASTAL-CF-07.3.2 differences for every student in the class.

5.1 Analyze There is no evidence of Personal performance Personal performance Personal performance personal understanding that is analyzed superficially is analyzed on a unit or is analyzed on a daily performance to reflection is needed in with little chapter basis based on basis based on improve teaching and learning order to continue to understanding of how student performance as individual student’s improve teaching and teacher modifications a whole. Reflections educational needs and SC-ADEPT-06.2.C student learning. can or will impact and modifications are performance goals. Unacceptable Developing Exemplary Does not meet Beginning to meet Proficient Far exceeds expectations of a expectations of a Meets expectations of a expectations of a beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher beginning teacher (1 pt) (2 pts) (3 pts) (4 pts)

SC-ADEPT-06.3.B, C student learning. confined to how to re- Reflections and SC-ADEPT-06.10.E teach that particular modifications are SC-COASTAL-CF-07.5.1 unit or set of lessons applied to future rather than how to teaching of all subjects apply the reflection to and topics. future teaching of all subjects and topics.

5.2 Analyze student There is no evidence Analysis of student Analysis of student Analysis and reflection performance to that student performance has been performance has been on student improve teaching performance has been made, but reflection made as it relates to a performance are a daily and learning analyzed. has not tied the results unit or set of lessons. part of the classroom SC-ADEPT-06.2.C back to modifications The reflection has tied activities. The reflection SC-ADEPT-06.3.A, B, C that are required or to the results back to has tied the results SC-COASTAL-CF-07.5.2 modifications solely on modifications that are back to modifications the part of the student required on the that are required on the (i.e. “should study student’s part as well as student’s part as well as more”). on the teacher’s part. on the teacher’s part.


SC-ADEPT-06.1.A The teacher obtains student information, analyzes this information to determine the learning needs of all students, and uses this information to guide instructional planning. SC-ADEPT-06.1.B The teacher establishes appropriate standards-based long-range learning and developmental goals for all students. SC-ADEPT-06.1.C The teacher identifies and sequences instructional units in a manner that facilitates the accomplishment of the long-range goals. SC-ADEPT-06.1.D The teacher develops appropriate processes for evaluating and recording students’ progress and achievement. SC-ADEPT-06.1.E The teacher plans appropriate procedures for managing the classroom. SC-ADEPT-06.2.A The teacher develops unit objectives that facilitate student achievement of appropriate academic standards and long-range learning and developmental goals SC-ADEPT-06.2.B The teacher develops instructional plans that include content, strategies, materials, and resources that are appropriate for the particular students. SC-ADEPT-06.2.C The teacher routinely uses student performance data to guide short-range planning of instruction. SC-ADEPT-06.3.A The teacher develops/selects and administers a variety of appropriate assessments. SC-ADEPT-06.3.B At appropriate intervals, the teacher gathers and accurately analyzes student performance data and uses this information to guide instructional planning. SC-ADEPT-06.3.C The teacher uses assessment data to assign grades (or other indicators) that accurately reflect student progress and achievement. SC-ADEPT-06.4.A The teacher establishes, communicates, and maintains high expectations for student achievement. SC-ADEPT-06.4.B The teacher establishes, communicates, and maintains high expectations for student behavior and participation. SC-ADEPT-06.4.C The teacher helps students assume responsibility for their own behavior and participation and learning. SC-ADEPT-06.5.A The teacher uses appropriate instructional strategies. SC-ADEPT-06.5.B The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies. SC-ADEPT-06.5.C The teacher uses instructional strategies effectively. SC-ADEPT-06.6.A The teacher demonstrates a thorough command of the subject matter that he or she teaches. SC-ADEPT-06.6.B The teacher provides appropriate content. SC-ADEPT-06.6.C The teacher structures the content to promote meaningful learning. SC-ADEPT-06.7.A The teacher continually monitors student learning during instruction by using a variety of informal and formal assessment strategies. SC-ADEPT-06.7.B The teacher enhances student learning by using information from informal and formal assessments to guide instruction. SC-ADEPT-06.7.C The teacher enhances student learning by providing appropriate instructional feedback to all students. SC-ADEPT-06.8.A The teacher creates and maintains a physical environment that provides a safe place that is conducive to learning. SC-ADEPT-06.8.B The teacher creates and maintains a positive classroom climate. SC-ADEPT-06.8.C The teacher creates and maintains a culture of learning in his or her classroom. SC-ADEPT-06.9.A The teacher manages student behavior appropriately. SC-ADEPT-06.9.B The teacher makes maximal use of instructional time. SC-ADEPT-06.9.C The teacher manages essential non-instructional routines in an efficient manner. SC-ADEPT-06.10.A The teacher is an advocate for the students. SC-ADEPT-06.10.B The teacher works to achieve organizational goals in order to make the entire school a positive and productive learning environment for the students. SC-ADEPT-06.10.C The teacher is an effective communicator. SC-ADEPT-06.10.D The teacher exhibits professional demeanor and behavior. SC-ADEPT-06.10.E The teacher is an active learner. SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1 Ability to apply content and pedagogical knowledge to the teaching and learning process SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.1 Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of subject matter and use such knowledge to create effective learning experiences for students (ADEPT 5ABC, 6ABC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.2 Understand instructional planning and design plans based on knowledge of subject matter, students, community curriculum goals and standards (ADEPT 1ABCDE, 2ABC, 6ABC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.3 Use of a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking and problem solving skills (ADEPT 4C, 5B, 8C) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.4 Manage the classroom to create a positive and safe learning environment (ADEPT 8ABC, 9ABC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.1.5 Understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and monitor student learning and to modify instruction (ADEPT 3ABC, 7ABC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.2 Ability to use technology to improve teaching and learning SC-COASTAL-CF-07.2.1 Plan and implement effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology (ADEPT 5AB, 8C) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.2.2 Apply technology to facilitate effective assessment, evaluation, and productivity practices (ADEPT 1AD, 2C, 3BC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.3 Ability to work with diverse populations SC-COASTAL-CF-07.3.1 Demonstrate knowledge of different cultural, emotional, developmental and cognitive needs of students (ADEPT 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC, 8ABC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.3.2 Evaluate, plan and provide appropriate activities and experiences to meet the needs of culturally and developmentally diverse student populations (ADEPT 3ABC, 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.4 Ability to demonstrate professional behavior and dispositions SC-COASTAL-CF-07.4.1 Demonstrate a commitment to fair treatment of students based on their educational needs (ADEPT 8B, 9A, 10D) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.4.2 Demonstrate a belief that all students can learn and convey confidence and caring in their work with students (ADEPT 4ABC, 8BC, 10D) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.4.3 Demonstrate professional behaviors and a commitment to fulfilling professional responsibilities (ADEPT 10ABCDE) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.5 Ability to engage in reflective practice to improve teaching and learning SC-COASTAL-CF-07.5.1 Analyze personal performance to improve teaching and learning (2C, 3 BC, 10E) SC-COASTAL-CF-07.5.2 Analyze student performance to improve teaching and learning (ADEPT 2C, 3ABC)

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