Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide

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Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide

Halifax County Schools Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide s

k Big Idea: Molecular Biology Essential Questions e

e  What makes me healthy?

W Essential Standard: 4.L.2  Why do we need to eat?


i Understand food and the benefits of vitamins, minerals and exercise.  Can you survive without eating? S

t  Does it matter what you eat? s

r  Why is exercise important for humans? i F

5 Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: 1

0  Healthy Foods using Food Plate  Classify substances as food or non-food items based on their 2

,  Importance of exercise to remain healthy ability to provide energy and materials for survival, growth and 5

r  Name food groups repair of the body. e

b  Categorize foods in to each food group  Explain the role of vitamins, minerals and exercise in o t  Match food group with nutrient and relate to the body system maintaining a healthy body. c

O  Serving Size/calories per

 Disease/adverse effects of a poor diet 4 2

Resources t

s u

g Article: Food Guide Pyramid Becomes a Plate - u Nutrition Expedition Resource A School Menu; Health/PE Teacher Hands-on Activities Analyze Food Labels: Have students collect and bring in food labels and analyze Build a healthy eating plan for a week Create a food pyramid and classify different examples of food into the pyramid

*Boldface words indicate key vocabulary 1 | P a g e Halifax County Schools Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide s

k Big Idea: Ecosystems Essential Questions e

e  What do living things need to survive?

W Essential Standard: 4.L.1  How do parts of living things help them survive?


i Understand the effects of environmental changes, adaptations and behaviors  How do living things adapt to their environment? S

that enable animals (including humans) to survive in changing habitats.  Why do ecosystems change over short periods of time? d

n  How do short-term changes affect ecosystems? o

c  How do humans cause short-term changes to an ecosystem? e S

5 Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: 1

0  Basic needs of different animal groups  Give examples of changes in an organism’s environment that are 2

,  How animals adapt to meet their needs. beneficial to it and some that are harmful. 7

1  Food chain  Explain how animals meet their needs by using behaviors in

r response to information received from the environment.

e  Identify the 5 animal classifications and characteristics

b  Compare and contrast similar animals in different climates/habitats  Explain how humans can adapt their behavior to live in changing m

e (i.e. Black Bear/Polar Bear) habitats (e.g., recycling wastes, establishing rain gardens, planting v

o  Distinguish between Threatened and Endangered status and what trees and shrubs to prevent flooding and erosion). N

can be done to repopulate those species  Explain how differences among animals of the same population –  Discuss changes in the season and how humans/animals adapt to sometimes give individuals an advantage in surviving and 6

r those changes reproducing in changing habitats. e

b  Understand the attributes of a living organisms o t  Relate self to animal behavior c O

Resources Butterfly Garden: Research and Grow. Bird Adaptations Lab: Create A Bird Project WorldBook Online: Ecosystems Unit (use in afternoons due to 6 hour time difference) (screen content before viewing with students)

*Boldface words indicate key vocabulary 2 | P a g e Halifax County Schools Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide s

k Big Idea: Energy: Conservation and Transfer Essential Questions e

e  Where do magnets come from? What are magnetic poles?

W Essential Standard:  What are the characteristics of magnetic materials?


i 4.P.1  How can a magnet be used to move objects? S Explain how various forces affect the motion of an object.  What is force? How is force measured? d r

i  What is energy? How is electric energy formed? h 4.P.3  How does energy change forms? T Recognize that energy takes various forms that may be grouped based on 6  What are the basic forms of energy? 1 their interaction with matter. 0  What is static electricity? When does a static charge build up 2

, on an object? 5

1  What happens when a static charge builds up on an object?


r  What is an example from nature of static electricity? a u

n Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: a J

 Magnetic forces are essential in the creation of mass energy  Explain how magnets interact with all things made of iron and –  Describe how light, heat and sound is produced from electricity with other magnets to produce motion without touching them. 5

1  Demonstrate electrical safety  Explain how electrically charged objects push or pull on other 0 2

 Identify items that are conductor/insulators electrically charged objects and produce motion ,

8  Magnetic forces are essential in the creation of mass energy  Recognize the basic forms of energy (light, sound, heat, 1

r  Describe how light, heat and sound is produced from electricity electrical, and magnetic) as the ability to cause motion or e

b  Demonstrate electrical safety create change.

m  Recognize that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an e

v object or travels from one medium to another, and that light o

N can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed.

Resources Electricity Day: Inquiry Lab Write to Learn – (WTL): How is electricity transformed to magnetism? Electrical safety booklets (Dominion Power) Community Workers-Power Company, Phone Company, Fire Dept. etc.) Magic School Bus “The Magic School Bus Gets Charged”

*Boldface words indicate key vocabulary 3 | P a g e Halifax County Schools Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide s

k Big Idea: Earth in the Universe Essential Questions e

e Essential Standard: 4.E.1

W Essential Standard: 4.E.1  How do the motions of Earth and our moon affect our lives?


i Explain the causes of day and night and phases of the moon.  Why does the Earth rotate around the moon? S  How do the sun and the moon cause changes in the Earth and h t Essential Standard: 4.E.2 how do living things adapt to those changes? r

u Understand the use of fossils and changes in the surface of the earth as o

F evidence of the history of the Earth and its changing life forms. Essential Standard: 4.E.2

6  Why is it essential to all things? 1

0  What is a fossil? 2

,  How does erosion and weathering affect the surface of the 3 Earth? h c

r  Are all rocks the same? a  How do rocks tell the story of the earth? M Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: –

6 Essential Standard: 4.E.1 Essential Standard: 4.E.1 1  The Earth’s rotation around the sun causes day and night.  Explain the cause of day and night based on the rotation of y

r  This rotation occurs over a 24 hour period. Earth on its axis. a

u  The moon rotates and revolves around the Earth.  Explain the monthly changes in the appearance of the moon, n

a  Identify the phases of the moon. based on the moon’s orbit around the Earth. J  Observe the pattern of the moon phases.  Compare and contrast the different phases of the moon. Essential Standard: 4.E.2  Compare and contrast the cycles of the moon.  Compare fossils (including molds, casts, and preserved parts of Essential Standard: 4.E.2 plants and animals) to one another and to living organisms  Describe the properties of minerals  Infer ideas about Earth’s early environments from fossils of  Recognize the structures of physical properties unique to individual plants and animals that lived long ago. rocks/minerals  Give examples of how the surface of the earth changes due to  Inventory minerals used in everyday living (i.e. talc- paper making, slow processes such as erosion and weathering, and rapid plastic, paint and coatings, rubber, food, electric cable, processes such as landslides, volcanic eruptions, and pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, ceramics etc.) earthquakes.  Demonstrate knowledge of rock cycle  Identify rock classifications. How fossils are preserved/extracted. Resources - Magic School Bus Great Website: Has kid-friendly info on all planets and the moon! -; Project: Eggo Naut Students create a space capsule or a landing pad for their “astronaut” egg

*Boldface words indicate key vocabulary 4 | P a g e Halifax County Schools Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide s

k Big Idea: Matter: Properties and Change Essential Questions e

e  What is matter?

W Essential Standard: 4.P.2  Why is it essential to all things?


i Understand the composition and properties of matter before and after they  Is all matter made up of the same thing? S undergo a change or interaction. h t f i

F Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary:

6  Describe the properties of minerals  Compare the physical properties of samples of matter (strength, 1

0  Recognize the structures of physical properties unique to individual hardness, flexibility, ability to conduct heat, ability to 2

, rocks/minerals conduct electricity, ability to be attracted by magnets, 5 2

reactions to water and fire). l i

r  Explain how minerals are identified using tests for the physical p properties of hardness, color, luster, cleavage and streak A

–  Classify rocks as metamorphic, sedimentary or igneous based


on their composition, how they are formed and the processes

h that create them. c r a M


*Boldface words indicate key vocabulary 5 | P a g e Halifax County Schools Fourth Grade Science Pacing Guide

s th

k Big Idea: Weather (Introduced in 5 Grade) Essential Questions e

e  How can identifying clouds help us to predict changes in

W Essential Standard: weather?


i Fourth Grade Review  How can you use data collected from various locations to S indicate frontal positions? h t Essential Standard: 5.E.2  What conditions must be present for a hurricane to form? x i

S Understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather

in a particular place and time 6 1 0 2

Skills: Essential Skills/Vocabulary: , 9

 Identify the factors which affect predicable weather patterns  Compare daily and seasonal changes in weather conditions - e

n  Compare how factors affect predicable weather patterns including wind speed, direction, precipitation, u

J  Compare and contrast the various cloud types, including how they are temperature, and patterns.

related to weather systems  Predict upcoming weather events from weather data 6

2  Collect weather data and identify trends in the data collected through observation and measurements

l i  Explain how geographic affects climate and weather r p

A Resources  (Explore!) - Fifth Grade Science Essential Standards  Weather Jeopardy  Air Masses and Fronts  The Water Cycle  The Water Cycle Grabber 2   

*Boldface words indicate key vocabulary 6 | P a g e

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