World History Finals Study Guide

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World History Finals Study Guide


PRIMARY SOURCE READINGS: Know the author, time period, and main content for each of the following readings already discussed in class. What prompted the author to say what he/she said when it was said? What influence did it have on Western Civilization?  Francesco Petrach, “A Letter to Boccacio: Literary Humanism.” p. 160-161 Sherman Book 1  Peter Paul Vergerio, “On the Liberal Arts.” P. 161 Sherman Book 1  Galileo, “Letter to Christina of Tuscany: Science and Scripture.” P. 226-227 Sherman Book 1  Niccolo Machiavelli from “The Prince,” 1513. p.162-163 Sherman Book 1  Martin Luther from the “Ninety-Five Theses,” 1517* Hand Out  Thomas Hobbes, “Leviathan: Political Order and Political Theory.” p. 207-08 Sherman Book 1  Ch 19 Immanuel Kant, “What is Enlightenment?” p. 40 Sherman Book 2  Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, “What is the Third Estate?” p. 55-56 Sherman Book 2  Ch 20 The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.” p. 57-58 Sherman Book 2  Ch 22 Friedrich Engels, “The Condition of the Working Class in England.” P. 82-83 Sherman Book 2  Ch 25 Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, “The Communist Manifesto.” P. 133-134. Sherman Book 2  Ch 26 Woodrow Wilson, “The Fourteen Points.” P. 151-152. Sherman Book 2  Kipling, “White Man’s Burden” p. 117 Sherman Book 2  “Reports from the Front: The Battle for Verdun, 1916” p. 148 Sherman Book 2  Gordon A. Craig, “The Revolution in War and Diplomacy.” p. 158 Sherman Book 2  The Treaty of Versailles (Hand Out)

FALL SEMESTER: THE RENAISSANCE: What factors gave rise to the Renaissance in Italy? Humanism Michelangelo Medici Petrarch Ottoman Empire Leonardo da Vinci Niccolo Machiaveli Florence

EXPLORATION / AGE OF DISCOVERY: What motivated Europeans to begin exploring when they did? Portuguese Empire Hernando Cortez Christopher Columbus Vasco da Gama Aztecs Ferdinand Magellan Spanish Empire Gold, Glory, God

THE REFORMATION: What factors led to a Reformation movement? How did the Catholic Church respond to the Protestant movement? Martin Luther Anabaptists Index of Forbidden Books Indulgences Henry VIII Henry IV 95 Theses Elizabeth I Edict of Nantes Charles V Spanish Armada Thirty Years’ War Predestination Ignatius of Loyola Peace of Augsburg John Calvin Jesuits

SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION: How did the Scientific Revolution challenge and change existing ideas about the world? Ptolemy Nicholas Copernicus Kepler Epicycles Heliocentrism Isaac Newton Quitessence Tycho Brahe Principia Geocentricism Galileo Galilei Francis Bacon ABSOLUTE MONARCHIES: What is the theory of absolutism? Why does it begin? How did English Parliament resist absolutism? Thomas Hobbes James I Oliver Cromwell Leviathan Charles I Glorious Revolution Louis XIV Charles II English Bill of Rights Divine Right James II William and Mary Versailles English Civil War Peter the Great

SPRING SEMESTER: THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE: Based on the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers, what is the relationship between the government and the governed? How are ideals of the Enlightenment reflected in today’s governments? Philosophe Jean-Jacques Rousseau Deism Immanuel Kant John Locke Voltaire Adam Smith

THE FRENCH REVOLUTION AND NAPOLEON: What caused the French Revolution? What new ideas of government were put into practice during the French Revolution? What was Napoleon’s relationship to the French Revolution? July 14th, 1789 Declaration of Rights of Man… Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleonic Louis XVI Jacobins v. Girondins Code Marie Antoinette Maximilien Robespierre Jacques-Louis David Bastille Reign of Terror Waterloo Decree Abolishing Feudalism Congress of Vienna

ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENTS AND SOCIAL UNREST (1750 – 1848): What caused the Industrial Revolution? Describe middle class values and their impact on society. What was the effect of the Industrial Revolution on society and politics? How would you define liberalism and conservatism during this era? Enclosure Movement Communism Karl Marx James Watt Proletariat 1848 Laissez-Faire Great Exposition Socialism Friedrich Engels

NATIONALISM AND THE RACE FOR EMPIRE (1850-1914): Why did European countries want empires? Describe the unification movements in Germany and Italy. What were the political, social, and economic motives behind Imperialism of the late 19th century? Crimean War Otto von Bismarck Queen Victoria I Nationalism Franco-Prussian War Sepoy Rebellion Giuseppe Garibaldi Imperialism Japan Camillo di Cavour Cecil Rhodes China Louis-Napoleon Rudyard Kipling

TWENTIETH CENTURY EUROPE: What were the causes of World War I? Why do some consider WW1 to be the start of the 20th century? How does the Russian revolution compare to the French Revolution? What conditions led to the growth of totalitarian regimes in the Soviet Union, Italy, and Germany? What elements of these authoritarian regimes seem appealing to the people? Triple Alliance Battle of the Somme October Revolution Triple Entente Woodrow Wilson Joseph Stalin Archduke Franz Ferdinand Fourteen Points Five-Year Plans Gavrillo Princip Schlieffen Plan Great Purge Sarajevo Treaty of Versailles Weimar Republic U-boats League of Nations Great Depression Lusitania Weimar Republic Fascism Battle of the Marne Bolsheviks Battle of Verdun Lenin

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