BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Thursday, February 25, 2016 10:00AM – 11:30AM 2400 Camino Ramon, Suite 158, Meeting Room K, San Ramon

Attending: Grant Shetron, Alex Noland (via conference call), Emily Ramirez, Lisa Esposito, Joanne Bohigian, Morgan Hurlbutt, Mandi Newton, Leanne Anderson-Demattei, Don Davis, Nick Berg, Rachel Donald and Kelvin Nanney Absent: Jason Marquez Guests: During the CLAC Presentation Kimberly Lilley – At Large Delegate of California Legislative Action Committee, Terri Guest, Janet Quinn-Dennis, Amy Tinetti, Jacquie Dynes and Stacie Donnelly

Call to Order/ Adjustments to Agenda 1) Approval of Minutes a) January 8, 2016 Meeting Minutes a.i) Moved, seconded and approved (MSA) b) January 28, 2016 Meeting Minutes b.i) MSA with edits 2) Treasurers Report – Leanne Anderson-DeMattei (Chair) a) January 2016 Financial Report 3) Committee Reports a) Membership – Don Davis (Chair) a.i) 523 members a.ii) New Members January - 7 a.iii) Amy and Don met with Kelvin & Rachel to review the Cvent Database and clean up the email addresses of interested parties. a.iv) Adding potential interested parties to the Cvent database from additional databases. a.v) Membership satisfaction survey to be produced on Survey Monkey. (a.v.1) Survey sent annually (a.v.2) $100 gift card randomly drawn from those people who complete the survey. Membership to reach out to new members and expiring members. a.vii) Kelvin to work with Joanne on a “Year of the Monkey” promotion using the Constant Contact. b) Education – Alex Noland (Co-Chair) a.i) San Francisco ED Forum, August 26 a.ii) South bay Education Forum May 13 a.iii) Stockton Education Forum March 16 a.iv) East Bay Education Forum March 4 a.v) North bay Education Forum March 25 Silicon Coast Education Forum, April 22 a.vii) Peninsula Education Forum, May 6 a.viii) CID Law Course, May 20 a.ix) CMCA Study Session - Friday, July 8 (a.ix.1) We are unable to provide the exam immediately following the course in the pencil and paper format (a.ix.2) There is a new CMCA Practice Exam that we may be able to incorporate into the course (a.ix.3) The mentoring committee will have a conference call with the CAMICB to discuss what the options are for testing and how to best offer options for the attendees. a.x) CAVL Meeting in San Mateo County - Alex Noland and Joanne Bohigian to develop topic next week - Kelvin to assist Joanne with confirming buy in from local officials. Fall event to be scheduled. b) Networking & Social Events - Betina Schessow-Hunt (Chair) b.i) Ladies Tea, Wednesday, March 31 - Event Launched 1/21 (b.i.1) 10 sponsor tables of 10 (b.i.2) 17 sponsor tables of 8 (b.i.3) Currently registered at 258 (b.i.4) $23K in revenue - 89% of budget b.ii) Meet the Manager, Wednesday, May 25 (b.ii.1) Date change at the request of the committee (b.ii.2) Earlier start time to allow the event to be over no later than 4pm (b.ii.3) Venue to be confirmed (b.ii.4) The committee will be meeting after the March 4th program b.iii) Golf Tournament, Friday, June 17 (b.iii.1) San Ramon Valley Golf Club (b.iii.2) Earlier shotgun start - 9am - 3pm for the tournament - out of the building no later than 4pm b.iv) Texas Hold'em Tournament, Wednesday, August 31 b.v) Annual Awards, Friday, December 2, San Francisco (b.v.1) New format (b.v.2) Venue not yet confirmed c) Communication –(Chair: Morgan Hurlbutt) c.i) Winter Edition of the Communicator has been mailed c.ii) Spring Edition is gearing up d) Mentoring Committee (Grant Shetron - Chair & Greg Smith Co-Chair) 4) Executive Director’s Report a) 2016 Marketing Plan stands at over $188K a.i) Rachel is coordinating shoot for the Platinum Sponsors a.ii) 19 Platinum Sponsors a.iii) PenTV (a.iii.1) New deadline of March 21 to deliver the final product (a.iii.2) The board will review and ask for any edits at the March 24th Board Meeting (a.iii.3) Initial launch for the new video will be at the Ladies Tea b) Website is in the final stages of production - a preview will be available for all at the meeting c) Kelvin on Vacation from April 7-20, 2016 d) 2016 Legislative Days at the Capitol d.i) April 17-18 d.ii)Registration and sponsorship opportunities are now available e) New email signature is available for all volunteers - information on the program is available on 5) Old Business a) Strategic Planning Minutes a.i) Distribute The Communicator 6) New Business a) Kimberly Lilley - California Legislative Action Committee (CLAC) delegate from the Greater LA Chapter will be a guest at our board meeting and will show our board the presentation developed by CLAC to promote the committee to chapter members to increase awareness and participation for all members b) CLAC is a National Committee for the State of California c) The people that benefit the most are those individuals that live in Homeowner Associations HOA’s. Promoting the Buck-A- Door campaign to HOA’s. d) Kimberly to send Kelvin and Janet the clause that has been used in the Greater LA Chapter and Management Companies in soliciting HOA’s to contribute. e) Asking Managers and Management Companies to include the following in the board packets during the next quarter. e.i) CLAC “Accomplishments” brochure e.ii) “Buck-A-Door” flyer e.iii) Customized “Resolution for CLAC” form for each association e.iv) Put time in each agenda for a discussion about the importance of donating to CLAC 7) Adjournment at 12:12 pm CAI Bay Area & Central CA Chapter Board of Directors Meeting Agenda and CED Report January 2016, Page 3 of 3

Next Board Meeting: Thursday, March 24, 2015 at 2400 Camino Ramon, Suite 158, Meeting Room K, San Ramon A quorum is needed for each board meeting; therefore, please make every effort to free your schedule for this timeframe and inform the President if you are unable to attend. In an effort to keep the meeting on schedule please have reports prepared in advance. CAI-Bay Area and Central California Chapter Mission Statement “Building the Bridge between Community Volunteers, Managers and Business Partners through Education, Advocacy and Networking”