Unit 7 CSS 11.8, 11.9. 11.11

Unit 7 Study Guide – Chapters 12 – 13

Instructions: Use your notes and the textbook to answer the following questions.

Unit 1 Review – Questions 1 – 2 1. Which rebellion exposed the weakness of the Articles of Confederation and the need for a stronger national government? 2. Under which laws did President Adams try to arrest people for criticizing the government? Unit 2 Review – Questions 3 – 4 3. What is the system under which Carnegie owned every step in the steel making process called? 4. How does a political machine like Boss Tweed’s Tammany Hall work? Unit 3 Review – Question 5 5. What limitations on freedom of speech exit according to Schenck v. United States? Unit 4 Review – Questions 6 – 7 6. How did the Kellogg-Briand Pact encourage isolationism between the world ward? 7. Who were the targets of the Red Scare of 1919 and the McCarthy Era of the early 1950s?

Unit 5 Review – Question 8 – 9 8. What was “Buying on Margin”? 9. To whom did Hoover’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) give aid? Unit 6 Review – Question 10 10. Who did the Lend-Lease Act help and what kind of help did it give?

Unit 7 Part 1 – Questions 11 - 20 11. What was the iron curtain? 12. The Truman Doctrine was a pledge to help ______and ______fight ______. 13. What was the Marshall Plan? 14. What was the purpose of the Berlin Airlift? 15. What started the Korean War the 1950? 16. What marked the division between North and South Korea? 17. The stockpiling of US nuclear warheads went along with Eisenhower’s foreign policy which was called ______.

1 WVHS Social Studies Dept. 2008 Unit 7 CSS 11.8, 11.9. 11.11

18. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union after Joseph Stalin died in 1953? 19. What event resulted in President Eisenhower admitting that the US spied on the USSR? 20. In which nation were soviet troops pushed out while the people waited for aid from President Eisenhower which never came? Unit 7 Part 2 – Questions 21 - 29 21. Who did HUAC investigate beginning in 1938? 22. Who led a “witch hunt” for communist spies in the US government in the early 1950s? 23. What was a result of the Hollywood Ten trial? 24. Why were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg executed? 25. What intelligence gathering organization did the US establish in 1947? 26. What is M.A.D. and how was it supposed to prevent nuclear war? 27. How did Sputnik affect the US space program? 28. What government agency coordinates American scientific and military space interests? 29. What was the main purpose of the National Defense Education Act? Unit 7 Part 3 – Questions 30 - 36 30. What government program contributed to the increase in college degrees in the late 1940s? 31. How did the Taft Hartley Act affect unions? 32. What did Eisenhower build in the 1950s that helped the growth of suburbs? 33. What was Levittown? 34. Which states are part of the sunbelt? 35. What is an example of a service sector job? 36. What was the California master plan? Unit 7 Part 4 – Questions 37 - 40 37. Why did so many people wait to have babies until after WWII? 38. Who pioneered rock and roll in the 1950s? 39. What group of anti-conformists did Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsberg represent? 40. What 1950s icons represented the youth rebellion of the 1950s?

2 WVHS Social Studies Dept. 2008