Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service

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Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service

Education Resources Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service

Duncanrig Secondary School Improvement Plan 2017 - 2018

Duncanrig Secondary School Improvement Planning Session 2017-2018

page 1 Education Resources Curriculum and Quality Improvement Service


Section 1 3 Year Improvement Plan Overview

Section 2 Strategic Improvement Plan

Section 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan

Section 4 Maintenance Plan Duncanrig Secondary School 1 3 Year Improvement Plan Overview National Improvement Framework Key Priorities  Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy  Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children  Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing  Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people

NIF Key Drivers HGIOS 4 Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement  School leadership Transforming Learning and Teaching  Teacher professionalism 1.2 Leadership for learning 1.3 Leadership of change Implementing Curriculum for Excellence  Parental engagement 1.4 Leadership and management of staff 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity Meeting the Needs of all Learners, GIRFEC and  Assessment of children’s progress Statutory Duties 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection  School improvement 2.2 Curriculum Skills for Learning, Life and Work 2.3 Learning teaching and assessment  Performance information 2.4 Personalised support Professional Learning 2.5 Family learning 2.6 Transitions 2.7 Partnership 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion Leadership (Change and Improvement) 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress 3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Strategic Priorities 3 Year Cycle Sustain attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy. Improve attainment performance in S6 Close the attainment gap. Improve pupil and staff health and wellbeing. Develop skills and skills awareness in all pupils. Improve sustained positive school leaver destinations for all pupils. Continue to develop the school curriculum Sustain and improve our positive school ethos. Improve stakeholder involvement Continue to develop teacher professionalism. Duncanrig Secondary School 2 Strategic Improvement Plan National Improvement Framework Key Priorities  Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy  Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children  Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing  Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people

NIF Key Drivers HGIOS 4 Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement Transforming Learning and Teaching  School leadership 1.2 Leadership for learning Implementing Curriculum for  Teacher professionalism 1.3 Leadership of change Excellence 1.4 Leadership and management of staff  Parental engagement Meeting the Needs of all Learners, 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity GIRFEC and Statutory Duties  Assessment of children’s progress 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection Skills for Learning, Life and Work 2.2 Curriculum  School improvement 2.3 Learning teaching and assessment Professional Learning  Performance information 2.4 Personalised support 2.5 Family learning Leadership (Change and Improvement) 2.6 Transitions Strategic Priority Intended Impact How it will be Measured Actual Impact Insight, SLC and internal outputs. PEF Raising Attainment for All Learners Improved performance across key areas Evaluation. Extended consistency of good practice and Learning and Teaching Internal review and stakeholder feedback increased teacher competence. Greater staff confidence and competence in the use of assessment, moderation and Assessment, Moderation and Tracking Internal review. Analysis of outputs. tracking strategies. Improved processes and information. Improve communication with and Monitoring levels of engagement and Stakeholder Involvement involvement of staff, pupils, parents/carers feedback. and partners. Duncanrig Secondary School 2 Strategic Improvement Plan National Improvement Framework Key Priorities  Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy  Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children  Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing  Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people

NIF Key Drivers HGIOS 4 Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes Increased teacher confidence and Teacher Professionalism performance. Leadership opportunities for Internal review. all. Embed SHANARRI in documentation, language, self-reflection and PSE lessons. Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion Internal review, stakeholder feedback. Develop and deliver mentoring and violence protection.

Duncanrig Secondary School 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan Strategic Priority 1 Raising Attainment for All Learners Impact/Success Criteria Monitoring/ Timescales Evaluation Resources Staff Development/ Target Associated Tasks (Outcomes related to impact (progress checks. review (of impact (personnel, time) Support and benefits for learners) dates) and benefits Sustain improved L&T in NC courses. Consistent, high quality Peer Termly Time for Inset activities and performance in teaching and learning. observations reflection, documentation. National Certificate and Review observations and Effective staff understanding of Insight training, SLC Exams Analysis of NC during Inset Sept/Oct discussions. and use of data. support and advice. attainment performance. days. (NIF) Time and Effective programmes of Supported study and Insight documentation Supported Study and mentoring of Senior training and Termly for training. mentoring. Phase pupils. analyses. Time for DHT dentify potential Attainment Termly Tracking training. Assessment, monitoring I and SLWG. and tracking. underperformance timeously Reviews Programme. Time and In-house, SLC and Adapt courses to meet New courses are developed, Weekly, Fortnightly, resources to SQA support and new requirements. Internal resourced and successfully Termly adapt courses. guidance. introduced Review. Pupil Termly Sustain improved Learning and Teaching in Consistent, high level teaching feedback. Time for Inset activities and attainment within the BGE. and learning. reflection, documentation. the BGE Monitoring Termly with full review in observations and Assessment, moderation, Overview of BGE performance by DHT and April Tracking training. (NIF) monitoring, tracking and discussions. across all curricular areas for working Time for DHT and performance analysis in Time for DHT all pupils. group. SLWG. the BGE. and SLWG. Discussions Termly with full review in DHT, additional Support from SLC and Close the Identify, track, monitor Cohorts identified and at DMs, PT April staff, to deliver SG concerning in the attainment gap and support identified supported successfully. Matters and monitor form of advice and (NIF, PEF) cohorts. Increased engagement. meetings and Identify the areas in Improved performance in NC progress and guidance. during Inset impact which gasp exist. exams. days. Use PEF funding to Effective use of PEF funding deliver initiatives Peer observations and Review during Inset days. Review of processes and reports.

Review of all aspects of processes and impacts by PEF Manager and PEF Co- ordinator. Duncanrig Secondary School 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan Strategic Priority 2 Learning and Teaching Timescal Impact/Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation es Resources Staff Development/ Target Associated Tasks (Outcomes related to impact (of impact and benefits for (personnel, time) Support and benefits for learners) learners) (progress checks. Support the Engage staff in evaluation Consistent, high quality Evidence generated Nov – May Department Teams. Internal and external delivery of high of the key components of learning experiences for through self and peer Cross Curricular input to Staff quality learning and a successful lesson. pupils. Particular emphasis reflection activities. Teams Development Days. teaching more upon: Identify areas of preferred Evidence gathered Nov – May consistently across SIP Working Group SLC Support via CQIS professional development Pace and challenge through lesson all lessons. for each teacher through Active learning observations. Time during DMs, (NIF, PEF) the PRD process. Differentiation CAT sessions and Evidence generated Questioning Techniques June Staff Development Derive the focus for through the PRD process. Application of Skills Days workshops on the Learning Intentions Evidence gathered November Pedagogy Day Success Criteria through pupil voice through the PRD Terms 2 Plenary Sessions activities, eg pupil feedback. and 3 Feedback surveys and learner Support the process for conversations at staff observation, department and whole- reflection and intelligence school level. sharing between the November and May Development Days.

Duncanrig Secondary School 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan Strategic Priority 3 Assessment, Moderation and Tracking Timescal Impact/Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation es Resources Staff Development/ Target Associated Tasks (Outcomes related to impact (of impact and benefits for (personnel, time) Support and benefits for learners) learners) (progress checks. Review assessment Develop and deploy Pupils will benefit from Review at DMs and Feb – June Departmental Teams Working Groups procedures. assessment instruments assessment instruments that during Development Cross Curricular Primary Partners that allow learners to link closely to benchmarks and Days and CAT sessions. Groups Groups demonstrate competence allow them to demonstrate Reviewed as part of at appropriate level. competence. SIP Working Groups. SLC Support via CQIS annual HGIOS reviews. Time during DMs, CAT sessions and Review at DMs and Review moderation Moderate assessment Staff will benefit from Feb – June Staff Development during Development procedures. instruments to ensure they increased competence and Days are appropriate. confidence in devising, Days and CAT sessions. deploying and moderating Moderate assessment Reviewed as part of assessment instruments. judgements to ensure annual HGIOS reviews. consistency. Pupils will benefit from better quality assessment procedures Extend the moderation of that are appropriate to their BGE courses, assessment needs. and pupil feedback within Time to develop and and across departments. test.

Develop an overview of More accurate overview for Generation and use of Operational Extend pupil S1–S3 progress across all pupils, parents and staff of BGE tracking database. by Jan. Technical input for tracking to all BGE curricular area over progress across all curricular Generation and use of Reporting development. curricular areas time. areas within the BGE. within the BGE. PEF tracking databse by May SLC Support via CQIS and networking with (NIF, PEF) Primary and Secondary partners. Duncanrig Secondary School 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan Strategic Priority 4 Stakeholder Involvement Timescal Impact/Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation es Resources Staff Development/ Target Associated Tasks (Outcomes related to impact (of impact and benefits for (personnel, time) Support and benefits for learners) learners) (progress checks. Further develop Learners’ views will Pupils will have further Progress will be Jan and Relevant time for Internal discussions. pupil voice in continue to be sought and opportunities to comment on monitored through May discussions, school self- acted upon though their experiences and to discussions with pupils, engagement and Examples of external evaluation. classroom dialogue, suggest improvements. Captains and the Pupil evaluation. good practice sought surveys and learning Council. and shared. conversations.

Further develop the Increased use of surveys, Parents and partners will have Progress will be Time for discussions, Website training. involvement of at departmental and more opportunities to comment monitored at Parent Jan and engagement and Benchmark parents and other whole-school levels. on their experiences and the Council, Dept, PT and May evaluation. familiarisation. stakeholders. Develop the school experiences of their children. SLT meetings. website to support Parents will have the parents; opportunity to evaluate Feedback from Parent  develop “Hints and changes and suggest Council and Partner Tips” sections, improvements. Meetings and Focus Groups.  share exemplars of learning,  share benchmarks for Greater parent/carer Time for discussions, literacy and numeracy. involvement in learning and Discussions with engagement and PEF familiarisation. Develop “Family evaluation. Specialist staff Learning” teaching.. Improved parents/carers and pupils. Jan and appointed to provide (PEF) Develop family learning relationships between parents Surveys and opportunities. and carers. Improved pupil questionnaires. May support and guidance engagement and attainment. Tracking of pupil to staff and pupils Utilise specialist staff to engagement and progress. engage proactively with parents.

Duncanrig Secondary School 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan Strategic Priority 5 Teacher Professionalism Timescales Impact/Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation (progress Resources Staff Development/ Target Associated Tasks (Outcomes related to impact (of impact and benefits checks. (personnel, time) Support and benefits for learners) for learners) review dates) Improved use of Use of PRD and Professional Development PRD discussions to agree Aug- Sept Time L&T Working Group PRD processes and professional update to focus on learning and teaching focus of staff and internal input professional provide a clear process on and collaborative approach to development. during in-service day reflection to how all staff can reflect lesson observations will lead to Nov Inset in November. Participation in Inset Day November improve learning effectively to provide a improvements in classroom development activities. Peer support. and teaching. clear focus for their own practice and an enhanced improvement. learning and teaching Lesson observation to Nov – May Time and cover for Use lesson experience for all pupils in the establish baseline and Use of Pedagogy Days to observations. observations more following areas; subsequent progress. effectively to provide a clear focus on support how all staff can improve  active learning Review of progress May May Inset their practice and measure during May Inset Day improvements in  pace and challenge the impact of learning and improvements. teaching.  differentiation Review usage of peer  skills building observations to share learning and increase  learning intentions their impact.  success criteria  plenary sessions  questioning techniques Increased Develop understanding feedback. Review at DMs and confidence in the and application of  Termly Time SLC Support via CQIS during Development use of new benchmarks in curricular and networking with Days and CAT sessions. benchmarks. areas Primary and Staff understand subject Secondary partners. Develop exemplification benchmarks and apply them for literacy and numeracy. confidently and appropriately. Literacy and numeracy benchmarks are shared and used consistently across all curricular areas.

Duncanrig Secondary School 3 Operational Improvement Priority Action Plan Strategic Priority 6 Wellbeing, Equity and Inclusion Impact/Success Criteria Monitoring/Evaluation Timescales Resources Staff Development/ Target Associated Tasks (Outcomes related to impact (of impact and benefits (progress (personnel, time) Support and benefits for learners) for learners) checks. review Further develop the Embed SHANARRI in all All stakeholders will use Discussions at DMs and Reviewed Time at DMs for In house training for use of SHANARRI Pastoral and Support language of SHANARRI and staff meetings will assess at end of discussions staff in the use of language and documentation. have greater understanding of staff awareness. single assessment tools Dec 2017 Time at staff meetings approach across all the terminology. for reporting concerns. Develop the shared use of Increased number of to promote the stakeholders. SHANARRI language Assessment of need will reflect referrals and reports from changes in approach when reporting concerns the SHANARRI approaches. staff will reflect use of and assessing pupil needs SHANARRI language. Pupils will be able to reflect on Identify opportunities to their own HWB in terms of Survey/Questionnaires Time for working embed SHANARRI in SHANARRI. for use with staff and group to meet Review at self- reflection and pupils to ascertain An increased number of end of May dialogue within PSE understanding of departments will be using the 2018 lessons, and encourage its terminology SHANARRI categories for use within all curricular self-reflection activities. areas. Staff meeting and Time at staff meetings presentations to SLT. to promote the All Staff and senior pupils’ programme and its Establish Working Group awareness raised in terms of aims Training for staff to Promote programme to the programme and its aims. Develop the Staff and pupils complete Time to allow training cascade to senior senior pupils. Organise programme of Senior volunteers deliver the pre and post survey to for senior pupils pupils and deliver training Sept 2017 Mentoring and programme to peers who ascertain awareness of events for senior pupils. Violence demonstrate an understanding programme aims and Senior pupils deliver Prevention within of the aims of the programme impact. lessons to identified the whole- school and a positive change in context cohorts. Pupil involvement will be attitudes. recorded. PVG checks for mentors Oct 2017 completed. Survey used to assess changes in attitude within May/June groups after involvement 2018 in activities. Duncanrig Secondary School 4 Maintenance Improvement Plan National Improvement Framework Key Priorities  Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy  Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children  Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing  Improvement in employability skills and sustained positive school leaver destinations for all young people

NIF Key Drivers HGIOS 4 Indicators SLC Education Resources Themes

1.1 Self Evaluation for self-improvement  School leadership Transforming Learning and Teaching 1.2 Leadership for learning

 Teacher professionalism 1.3 Leadership of change Implementing Curriculum for Excellence 1.4 Leadership and management of staff  Parental engagement 1.5 Management of resources to promote equity Meeting the Needs of all Learners, GIRFEC and Statutory Duties 2.1 Safeguarding and child protection  Assessment of children’s progress 2.2 Curriculum Skills for Learning, Life and Work  School improvement 2.3 Learning teaching and assessment 2.4 Personalised support Professional Learning  Performance information 2.5 Family learning 2.6 Transitions 2.7 Partnership 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion Leadership (Change and Improvement) 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement/Securing children’s progress 3.3 Increasing creativity and employability/ Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Key Actions Continue commitment to developing processes to support school improvement through self-evaluation. Continue commitment to develop all aspects of the school curriculum. Continue commitment to the development of skills for life, learning and work to continue to promote employability skills and sustained positive destinations for leavers. Continue commitment to developing distributed leadership. Continue to support staff through the application and interview processes. Continue commitment to sustain areas of good practice.

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