1. Target Potential WLA Members to Increase Membership

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1. Target Potential WLA Members to Increase Membership


1. Target potential WLA members to increase membership Status: Through promotional channels, WLA increased members from 632 members in June of 2010 to 701 members in December of 2010. Non-Members at the 2010 and 2011 Conferences were identified through stickers on badges and specifically targeted at the conference for memberships. 2. Collaboration with groups outside of WLA on continuing education outside of conferences as stand-along or online workshops, i.e, WLMA, ACRL, OLA, MLA, PNLA Status: Joint Conference with PNLA in Victoria which was a good partnership including great programs at a great venue. It was not, however, a good financial partnership as the conference lost money due to the venue and costs. WALE partnered with WLMA for their 2010 Conference at SeaTac. Generally it is agreed that WALE was probably not the appropriate IG to partner with as the audiences are not similar. A more appropriate combination might be CAYAS. Library Snapshot Day on April 12 was a state-wide initiative with WLMA, ACRL, LMDC, WSL, SLA, PNLA, CLAMS and was very successful. Plans are already in the works for 2012 Library Snapshot Day. 3. Recruit and develop new leaders Status: Two NEW board members for 2011-2012 – John Fossett and Ahniwa Ferrari. 2010 - New Communications Committee Chair, Brooke Fischer. New Program Chairs, Kristin Piepho and Julie Graham. 2011-2012 Committee Chairs – Kristin Piepho, Conference; Jeanne Fondrie/Jen Studebacker, Programs; Maggie Buckholz, Continuing Education; Patty Duitman, Legislative Planning; KJ Cooper, Member Services; Mary Jo Torgeson, Federal Relations; Amy Mikel, iSchool Rep; Sally Nash/John George, Scholarship Task Force. Virtual Leadership Orientation messages are being sent out weekly through Constant Contact to all WLA Leaders. 4. Create infrastructure to get the content to communicate to members via website, eNewsletter, listserves Status: Strategic Communications Plan developed and implemented. Content is solicited through listserves, website, social networks including LinkedIn, FaceBook and Twitter. CONNECT is now a bi- monthly eNewsletter with content being posted in blog format on the website and disseminated through Constant Contact template. 5. Have each IG look at their mission statement and purpose and evaluate whether it is still valuable/relevant to members and looking at ways to market Status: All IG’s revised their Bylaws through 2010 and have held elections consistent with those Bylaws for the first time in 2011. Strategy session on mission statements is planned for 2011 Retreat. 6. Educate and empower the library community to be effective advocates for libraries at local, state and federal levels. Status: With the implementation of Library Snapshot Day in April of 2011, the statistics and information gathered from that event will be disseminated to all libraries in the next month to utilize in their own advocacy efforts. WLA will use the information during our WA Legislative Lobby Day in 2012 and at National Legislative Library Day in Washington DC in 2012. “How to Lobby and Advocate” session was offered at the 2011 Conference in Yakima. 7. Develop a standardized orientation for IG Chairs that Clarifies and communicates the role and responsibility between IG Chairs volunteers and staff Status: First IG Orientation took place at 2010 Retreat with follow-up sessions through Elluminate in 2010. Additional orientations will take place through Elluminate in 2011.

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