For the Sigma Chi Fraturnity At

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For the Sigma Chi Fraturnity At





1Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Table of Contents

Section Page #

Introduction 3-5

Program Stages 6-7

RMO/RMAA Responsibilities 8-9

Training 10

Designated Driver Program 11-16

Sigma Chi Policies 17

Controlled Substances Policy 18-19

Alcohol Policies 20-23

Guns and Firearms 24

Open Flame Policy 24

Smoking Policy 24

Sex Abuse Policy 25

Hazing Policy 26

Other Groups Using Chapter House Policies 27

Inspections 28-30

Emergency Procedures 31-32

Requirements of Type B Probation 33

Long Term Goals 33

Training Program to Subsequent RMF Officer 33

Relationship to Other Chapter Areas 34

Emergency Drills / Procedures 35-38

RMF Forms 39

2Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Introduction


The purpose of the Sigma Chi Fraternity Theta Eta Chapter Risk Management Program is to provide a safe environment for our brothers, our associates, our fellow students and our University.

As a secondary minor benefit, the Risk Management Program assists in protecting the property investment of our chapter house and mitigates the coast associated with property and liability insurance.

The Program:

The Risk Management Program will function with specific emphasis on certain areas of our organization. These areas will be:

1. Sigma Chi Held Social Functions 2. Sigma Chi Designated Driver Program 3. Sigma Chi Participating Events 4. Grounds and Facilities 5. General Operations / Disaster Preparation 6. Policies and Regulations

Specific plans are provided for specific situations. These guide lines are provided to address typical items. Each activity must be reviewed and appropriate plan developed to address the hazards and circumstances of the event and location. Special attention must be noted to locations and events which are unfamiliar to the Sigma Chi members, involved people from outside the chapter, or propose a particular hazard.

It is the intent of this Risk Management Program to cover all the items in the Risk Management Foundations Safety Coordinators Guide, the specific Missouri S&T Policies, and Interfraternal Council, and Risk Management Foundation guide lines and additional items as are appropriate as a minimum.

Appointment of a Risk Management Officer (RMO)

The Executive committee shall appoint a Chapter Safety Coordinator referred to in this document as the Risk Management Officer (RMO).

The RMO shall be approved by the RMAA and the Housing Corporation. The RMO will gather a committee as he sees fit to complete the work required. Regardless of the members of the

3Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan committee, all responsibility for planning, reporting and executing risk management plans lies with the RMO.

The RMO must review current Safety Coordinators Guide and information provided by the University, local fire officials and health departments and implement and modify the Risk Management Program to include these requirements.

Sigma Chi Social Functions:

Sigma Chi social functions must be specifically planned to allow for protection of all brothers, pledges, friends and associates, and guests. Each plan for a social function must address the control and regulation of the use of alcoholic beverages in accordance with this policy. Each plan must address each of the concerns of each particular policy if they interface with that policy or regulation in any way.

Each plan for a social function must address use of alcohol by minors, management of people under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Each plan must also address transportation of individuals to a safe location. Each plan must address finding appropriate medical care for anyone associated with the function.

Designated Driver Plan Required:

Theta Eta Chapter is committed to eliminating drunk driving by our actives, pledges, associates, friends, alumnae and guests. Each plan for an event which will have alcohol present or can be reasonably assumed might have alcohol present must implement the designated driver program portion of this manual. This program must be modified as appropriate for each event. The program must also be implemented for “Non Party” periods.

Specifics of the plan are provided in the Policy and Regulations portion of the manual.

The designated driver program will be in effect at any time when any brother or other associate may partake in alcoholic beverages and require the use of a designated driver. These times would include bar nights during the week and / or Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights when drinking would be most prevalent. The system must be available to be called upon by any brother during any of those times.

Sigma Chi Participating Events:

Sigma Chi participating events would include social functions not sponsored by Sigma Chi at off site locations, service projects, intramural events, etc. Each activity in which Sigma Chi’s participate must be reviewed for risk management purposes.

Submission of a plan for ongoing or regular events such as intramurals can be addressed at the beginning of the semester with one master plan and approval. However, this plan must be

4Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan reviewed immediately prior to each event by the RMO (Risk Management Officer). EVERY EVENT THAT MAY INCLUDE THE USE OF ALCOHAL REQUIES THE SUBMISSIN OF A SEPARATE PLAN AND APPROVAL BY THE RMAA (Risk Management Alumni Advisor).

Sigma Chi Grounds and Facilities:

Specific programs and check lists are also provided for the monitoring and improvement of the Sigma Chi property and buildings.

In addition refutations regarding the use, upkeep, and planning of events on Sigma Chi Property are also provided.

Sigma Chi General Operation Plan / Disaster Preparation Plan:

Plans are provided for specific disaster events which could occur.

These events include tornado, fire and nuclear disaster. The plans for this section provide programs for the brothers of Sigma Chi to plan, handle, and communicate during these events.

This section includes provisions for drills for emergencies.

5Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan PROGRAM STAGES

Each program will involve FOUR (4) specific stages. These stages are Plan Stage, Approval Stage, Execution Stage and Reporting Stage. Our program will rely on planning, monitoring, reporting and evolution of original plans for future events.

The Plan Stage:

Prior to each planned event, an appropriate risk management plan will be prepared by the Risk Management Officer (RMO). This plan must be filed with the Risk Management Alumni Advisor (RMAA). This plan must be filed no later than 10 days prior to a scheduled event.

The Approval Stage:

The RMAA will confirm with the chapter that the present plan is acceptable or resubmission is required. The RMAA will consult appropriate resources as he feels appropriate. If the plan is not approved by the RMAA, the event cannot be held. If Theta Eta Chapter attends or holds an event sponsored by the chapter or where Sigma Chi Greek letters are worn without the approval of the RMAA and in accordance with the approved specific risk management plan, a risk surcharge will be charged to the chapter in the amount of $20.00/active at the event payable to the housing corporation with in 15 calendar days.

The Execution Stage:

It is the RMO’s responsibility to assure the appropriate plan is in place and followed during events. Should the RMO not be available to monitor an event or if the event id of sufficient length that it would be cumbersome for one man to monitor the event, a clear chain of command will be noted in the plan to allow passing of responsibility on to others. If the RMO will be completely unavailable during an event, the RMAA must be informed and specific notations made in the submitted plan. If a violation of the designated driver portion of any plan occurs, such as a driver being drunk and unable to perform his duties, the violator will be accessed a risk surcharge of $100.00 payable in 15 calendar days.

The Reporting Stage:

The RMO must report to the executive committee at the executive meeting following the event of the success of the risk management plan and any immediate action that must occur. The RMO must report the RMAA within 48 hours following an event with a follow up form indicating the success of the risk management plan, potential issues and recommendations for future success.

6Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan The Program Stages:

Issues not addressed in the risk management plan are foreseeable. It is the intent that Theta Eta learn from each experience, pass along these experiences and develop better and better risk management plans to keep their members safe. Each plan must be electronically modified to include lessons learned within 48 hours and modifications forwarded to the RMAA.

The RMO and RMAA will prepare a yearly report regarding the success and failures of the Risk Management Program and how the Program can be improved. This must be presented to the Executive Board and the Housing Corporation yearly for review and action if required.

The RMO must contact the RMAA within 12 hours if a violation of the Sigma Chi alcohol policy or substance abuse policy occurs.

The RMO must contact the RMAA within 12 hours if an action by law enforcement or medical professionals is required.

The RMO must complete in coordination with house manager weekly, monthly, semester and annual reports regarding conditions and systems within the house. These forms must be electronically submitted to the RMAA weekly. The house manager and RMO share these inspection duties. However, both must perform at least one weekly inspection each month. Both the RMO and the house manager must be present at the semester inspection.

The RMAA or other housing corporation member must be present at a minimum of one time per year for the semester property inspection. It is highly recommended that some Housing Corporation member or RMAA attend both semester inspections.

All members of the house should be aware that the periodic inspections of the house require the visual review of all areas of the house including areas traditionally viewed as sleep or individual rooms. These inspections will not be scheduled and can occur at any time. It is not the intent of the inspections to encroach on a brothers privacy or to rate the cleanliness of his room. It is the sole purpose of these inspections to discover situations and circumstances which could be corrected to provide a safer environment for all brothers, associates, pledges and guests of Theta Eta House.

7Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan RMO/RMAA RESPOSIBILITIES

Responsibilities of Risk Management Officer (RMO):

1. Assure all RMF requirements of a Sigma Chi probation or Missouri S&T probation are followed. 2. Assist in planning Sigma Chi events. 3. Assist in implementing RMF policies for typical events. 4. Assist in post event RMF analysis for all events. 5. Monitor or assure the events are controlled to assure RMF policies are held. 6. Encourage diligent enforcement of designated driver policy. 7. Take steps to prevent underage drinking. 8. Arrange and set up RMF ongoing training 9. Report to House Corporation or RMAA status of RMF policy after each Sigma Chi event and complete the post event form. 10. Report to the RMAA status or RMF policy after each Sigma Chi inspection. 11. Maintain a long term file of activity reports for each year’s inspection. 12. Maintain a long term file of inspection reports for each year’s activities. 13. Provide yearly recommendations to Executive Committee and Housing Corporation on ways to improve RMF. 14. Include / file / save specific RMF planning sheets for new activities that are completed in a given year and update sheets electronically to provide as complete information as possible to the next RMO. 15. Set up and conduct training and succession plan for new RMO. 16. Notify RMAA of new RMO. 17. Provide copies of Sigma Chi and Missouri S&T Risk Management and substance abuse policies to each active and pledge at the beginning of each semester. 18. Arrange in house Risk Management training for all members of Theta Eta. 19. Assist the house manager in general housekeeping, maintenance issues. 20. Immediate notification to RMAA if Risk Management Program is not being followed or an increased risk is perceived to people or property. 21. Pray people are not dumb.

8Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Responsibilities of RMF Alumnae Advisor:

1. Assume all Risk Management requirements of a Sigma Chi probation or a Missouri S&T probation. 2. Maintain open lines of communication between chapter, Consul and RMO. 3. Monitor event planning status via e-mail and other communications for pre event RMF planning. 4. Promptly review proposed risk management plans and provide reviewed status to the chapter when appropriate or required modification to submitted plans. 5. Review post event compliance report following events. 6. Encourage diligent enforcement of designated driver program. 7. Encourage diligent enforcement of RMF inspections. 8. Encourage and track RMF ongoing training. 9. Assist in ongoing training of all Sigma Chi relating to life safety and substance abuse. 10. Review year end files and manuals for ongoing improvements. 11. Provide appropriate modifications to RMF policy and make recommendations yearly to Sigma Chi Housing Corporation. 12. Assist the house manager in obtaining funding of general housekeeping, maintenance issues as they relate to RMF issues. 13. Assist house manager in planning larger projects and long range goals. 14. Track that all actives and pledges are aware of all RMF policies and substance abuse policies of Sigma Chi and Missouri S&T. 15. Assure that copies of Sigma Chi and Missouri S&T Risk Management and substance abuse policies are provided to each active and pledge at the beginning of each semester. 16. Track that all members have attended at least one (1) Risk Management seminar each semester. 17. Track leadership consultant’s semester visits to Missouri S&T to hold risk management seminar. 18. Follow the Risk Management seminars by an all house meeting to review the Program and substance abuse issues each semester. 19. Meet the leadership consultant if possible. 20. Pray people are not dumb.

9Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan TRAINING

Training Program at Sigma Chi Theta Eta Chapter:

1. Each Sigma Chi active shall attend New Initiation training immediately following initiation. This shall review completely the Risk Management Program for Sigma Chi Theta Eta Chapter. 2. Early each pledge semester (within 40 days of pledging), each pledge shall attend at a minimum a 1 hour risk management and substance abuse training program. This can be an in house or an offsite program. The program and or agenda must be approved by RMAA. 3. At a minimum of once a year every member or pledge shall attend a substance abuse seminar. 4. If possible, each member or pledge shall attend an additional risk management training seminar each year. 5. Each active and pledge shall annually sign that they have reviewed the Risk Management Program and understand the risk of alcohol and substance abuse. 6. Each member or pledge will be instructed on the law regarding drinking age, regulation of alcohol sales, open container laws and other laws applicable in Missouri including but not limited to Dram Shop expositor, implied consent and host liquor liability. Instruction shall also be provided with the goal of engendering in each member and pledge a sense of responsibility toward the welfare of those who consume alcohol, the encouragement of intervention to prevent any person from drinking to excess, or from engaging in any potentially dangerous activity including driving a motor vehicle, riding a bicycle or skateboard or other potentially dangerous activity while under the influence of alcohol. 7. Each member or pledge will be instructed on the emergency procedures to be employed in the event of accidental injury resulting from alcohol or drug abuse. 8. The chapter RMO shall consult a fire safety program and prevention official and conduct a program for the chapter at the beginning of each school year. 9. A heath education program should be conducted to ensure that the chapter facility meets all heath codes and that the chapter is aware of current problems or issues. This information can be obtained from local health department or medical professionals. 10. A tort or criminal liability basic legal concepts awareness program should be conducted for the entire chapter. The local police department, district attorney officer or local attorney should be contacted to obtain this information. 11. FAILURE OF THE THETA ETA CHAPTER TO MEET THE REQUIRMENTS OF ON GOING SUBSTANCE ABUSE TRAINING AND RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM REVIEW SHALL RESULT IN THE ASSESSMENT OF A $200.00 ADDITIONAL RISK ASSESSMENT. This must be paid to the Housing Corporation within 15 calendar days.

10Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan DESIGNATED DRIVER PROGRAM

Sigma Chi Theta Eta Designated Driver Program:

Every planned activity for Sigma Chi that includes or might reasonably include alcohol must also include the Designated Driver Program. This program shall include the basic program provided at all times; but, must also include specific sections unique to the event. Review of this program and the overall Risk Management Plan for the event must be reviewed and approved by the RMAA 5 days prior to the event. Without the RMAA approval, the event shall not occur.

The designated driver program will exist for the following situations:

1. Planned functions on the Sigma Chi Premises 2. Planned functions off house property but sponsored by Sigma Chi 3. BADD (Brothers Against Drunk Driving) a) Planned functions off house property sponsored by others and attended by Sigma Chi’s, pledges or associates b) Typical bar nights and specifically Friday and Saturday night 4. A stealth program available for any brother, pledge, associate or guest available at any time


A list of every actives and pledges phone number shall be given to every active and pledge at the beginning of each semester. This will allow everyone to have easy access to the designated drive at any point. Who is sober driver every night shall be posted in the house every night.

The Stealth Component:

The basic stealth component of the program is that the system shall be available at ALL times for use by a needed person. The designated driver must be available at all times. The RMO must assure that transportation during this stealth mode is available. Sigma Chi shall not turn down any request for a designated driver. We will not turn down a request for a designated driver even if the requesting person is not familiar with us.


1. At each chapter meeting the active chapter shall be reminded of the availability of the sober driver. 2. At each pledge meeting, pledges will be reminded of the availability of the sober driver program by the Magister.

11Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan 3. At the chapter or pledge meeting immediately prior to a given event, the RMO or Magister will inform the members specifically of the sober driver program and encourage its use. 4. Immediately prior (+/- 1-2 hours) to each Sigma Chi sponsored event, all Sigma Chis’, pledges or associates shall be drawn together reminded of the risks associated with substance abuse and the availability of the sober driver program. This shall be completed by the RMO; but, can be delegated to the Consul or other responsible person. 5. Signs must be posted within the house reminding people of the availability of sober drivers at all house functions. 6. Active Sigma Chi members shall serve appropriately as a designated driver for specific terms as delineated by the Theta Eta Chapter. A brother shall not be considered absent from his duties if he is not the driver. He will be encouraged to serve the chapter in other means as may be appropriate. 7. A brother who is scheduled to be sober driver must be able to perform his task or clearly have passed on his duties to another volunteer well in advance of not being able to perform his duties. If a lapse in the sober driver program occurs due to a brother being unfit for duty a risk surcharge of $100.00 will be levied by the Housing Corporation payable within 15 calendar days.


For a typical night; going to the bar, drinking in a friend’s house, etc.

Designated Driver Program:

This plan will include:

1. In an attempt to curb driving under the influence of alcohol, there will be a designated driver from 9:00pm to 1:00am on Sunday-Thursday nights, and 9:00pm to 3:00am Friday and Saturday nights. 2. All members of the chapter, actives and pledges, will take turns being the designated driver, where each will choose 1 to 2 days a month. The program will be used every night it is scheduled and will not be cancelled for any reason. Exceptions would be Christmas Break, Spring Break, etc. 3. The DD may not use any drugs/alcohol during his shift or within 12 hours prior to the drivers shift. DD must be 100% sober. 4. The DD is responsible to find any and all means for transportation during his shift. (car, gas, etc.) 5. All rides given by the designated driver must be to and/or from destinations within Rolla, unless time permits and the driver is willing to go the extra distance. 6. Individuals, who fail to participate as the DD on their assigned night or fail to find a substitute may not take part in the next social event will follow the following punishment.

12Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan  1st Offense (per semester): Assigned extra Sober Sig duty for the following month and shall receive last pick for the extra duty.  2nd Offense (per semester): Brothers will be brought to a Judicial Board for punishment, and Pledges shall be given an appropriate punishment by the Magister 7. Individuals found not to be taking full advantage of BADD (i.e. driving drunk) will be subjected to the following list of suggested punishments for violators: a) Extra nights as BDAA drivers b) Social probation c) Alcohol awareness class 8. All actives and pledges will be given a list of every active and pledges phone number. 9. This program will be set up and overseen by the RMO

13Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan EVENTS ON SIGMA CHI PROPERTY

For Sigma Chi sponsored events a more detailed designated driver and risk management program will be completed and submitted for approval by the RMAA.

Designated Driver Program:

This plan will include:

1. A list of sober drivers for specific time slots from one hour to the start of a function to 4am (Sober actives should be reminded that they must be completely sober during their duty. They must not have consumed alcohol prior to their work times or must have stopped drinking a sufficient time (at least 12 hours) before their work period to be 100% sober. No person shall function as a sober driver who is not 100% sober. A non drinking person must be provided in all plans to address the possibility that a planned driver will not be available. 2. A minimum of two (2) sober persons must be available for at any time. 3. A listing of sober drivers will be publicly posted a minimum of 5 days prior to an event. 4. The plan must include transportation options. The driver must have access to a car. For events off premise, transportation must be arranged such that leaving with one vehicle will not strand other members. 5. Non Sigma Chi persons who attempt to enter the house who are intoxicated at any time should be offered a ride to a safe haven. This will be offered by the sober driver or the alcohol control officer for a specific party. Under no circumstance shall a visibly intoxicated person be allowed to enter our home. 6. If a person refuses a ride to a safe haven, the alcohol control officer shall attempt to get the person’s name. If they cannot get the person’s name they shall get a description of the person or persons. This must be immediately logged and given to an officer for safe keeping for a period of 6 months. The person’s name or description shall also be noted on the post event Risk Management Form. 7. If a person has become intoxicated at the Sigma Chi house they shall be approached by the sober driver, alcohol control officer or other chapter officers and asked to abstain from alcohol and return to their safe haven. They shall be offered a ride to that location or assisted to their room. They must not be allowed to continue to drink. Sigma Chi must make every effort to convince the person to return to their safe haven and stop partaking in alcohol.

14Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Events off Sigma Chi Property

Designated Driver Program

This plan will include:

1. For events of Sigma Chi property a designated person or persons will have a cell phone. When a call comes in for assistance, the person on duty will respond to the location and administer aid. 2. The sober driver will set up a specific outside meeting point with an anticipated arrival time. 3. The sober driver shall get a description of the clothing worn by the caller and their name. 4. The sober driver shall tell the person the color of their cloths and the color of the car. It would be advised that perhaps the driver wear an orange shirt or caution vest to make them more visible. 5. The sober driver shall tell the caller to call back not connect within 20 minutes. This will allow the driver to be very near the caller so they can connect farther. 6. When picking up a caller the driver should determine if they believe that the person is intoxicated but not sick. Then they should be taken home. If he determines that the person is at risk due to their state and must require medical care, they should take the person to the hospital emergency room. If the person is unconscious or convulsing or vomiting profusely, the call for immediate medical treatment shall be made. Medical professionals should transport the victim. 7. When assessing the condition of a caller the driver should always lean to the side of caution and assume the caller is more intoxicated than they show. 8. If medical assistance is required the driver shall immediately contact the RMO so the RMAA can be called. The RMAA must be called within 12 hours. 9. If confronted by a legal situation when arriving to transport a person, the driver should identify themselves as a sober driver available for support if the officer so desires. At no time shall the driver interfere with the work of law enforcement. 10. When called by a female for assistance, the driver shall TRY to obtain an escort from another female when delivering the victim. If a female cannot be brought to the site by the driver, one should be recruited at the site. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU BRING ANOTHER FEMALE, BUT IF ONE CAN NOT BE FOUND DO GO AND PICK HER UP. 11. When delivering an intoxicated female, the person shall be “handed off” to another person associated with the victim such as a sorority sister, resident hall advisor or other person of authority. The female shall not be left alone. 12. The driver shall attempt to obtain the name of the person receiving the victim and report such to the RMO. A listing of victims and their hand off person shall be kept for 6 months following the events. This information shall also be noted in the post event report.

15Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan 13. Events held off Sigma Chi property shall not allow the use of alcohol by people other than the legal age. If this cannot be guaranteed, the event cannot be sponsored as a Sigma Chi event and Greek letters cannot be worn. 14. Extreme caution should be observed when an offsite event location may make evacuation difficult or impossible. Caution should be used when the activities of the event and the mix with alcohol could cause additional or extreme risk. An example would be a float trip in a remote location.

16Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Sigma Chi Policies

Sigma Chi Housing Corporation Policy on Risk Surcharges

It is not the intent of the Housing Corporation to raise funds via the application of risk surcharges for Chapter violation of policy. It is the intent of the Housing Corporation to improve the safety of the chapter by minimizing risk when possible and increasing knowledge. The additional assessments are made to offset additional risk which has been placed on the Chapter and Housing Corporation due to specific actions or inactions. Funds collected by this means can only be spent on increased Risk Management insurance cost or on a long term risk management program such as sprinkler systems and fire alarms, etc. as the Housing Corporation sees fit.

17Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Controlled Substance Policy

Sigma Chi Policy on Controlled Substances

The illegal use, possession, sale or distribution of any controlled substance at a chapter house or any chapter function or by an active, pledge or alumni is strictly prohibited.

Any active, pledge, or alumni possessing controlled substances away from the chapter house or properties in considered to be “conduct unbecoming of a Sigma Chi”: and the executive committee shall invoke the appropriate provisions of the Sigma Chi Governing Law should said violation occur (Including fines, suspensions or expulsions). Each violation shall be reported to the Chapter Advisor, Grand Praetor, and RMAA. Violators shall be required to seek qualified counseling.

If a brother refuses counseling he shall be expelled from the chapter.

If law enforcement becomes involved in any situation regarding a brother and a controlled substance, each person associated with Sigma Chi has a duty to inform law enforcement of all knowledge they have concerning the situation. Failure to do so will also result in a charge of “conduct unbecoming of a Sigma Chi”.

The chapter will be assesses an additional risk assessment of $25.00/brother for violation of this policy.


The use of alcohol or other controlled substances at training, rush events, pledge events, chapter meetings, I week or initiation events is strictly prohibited.

Offending brothers shall be excluded from the event and confined to their room for the duration of the event. The violator shall be subject to an additional risk assessment of $100.00 payable within 15 calendar days to the Housing Corporation and additional penalties as indicated attached.

Pledges shall be examined as to their behavior and discussions held concerning the quality of their character to be a Sigma Chi.

Sigma Chi policy on use or possession of drug referred to as “Date Rape” Drugs

The use or possession of so called “Date Rape Drugs”, ecstasy, or similar classifications of drugs is expressly prohibited as being predatory to our community at large.

18Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Any brother who has knowledge of the possession of these drugs on Sigma Chi Property shall inform the Chapter Consul, the RMAA officer and the appropriate legal authorities.

Possession of these drugs will result in immediate expulsion.

Failure by the chapter to follow this policy and report this possession will result in an additional risk assessment of $500.00 payable to the Housing Corporation within 15 calendar days.

19Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Alcohol Policies

Sigma Chi, Theta Eta Underage Drinking Policy


No chapter member, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, allow to be served, or sell alcoholic beverages to those under the drinking age.

Active brothers violating this policy shall subject the chapter to an additional risk assessment of $100.00/event payable within 15 calendar days to the Housing Corporation.

Alumni violation of this policy shall be addressed by the immediate education by chapter officers and actives to thee alumnae explaining the risks to the individual and the violation of University and Theta Eta Policy.

Possession of alcohol by minors is a violation of state and federal law.

If alcohol is in an individual’s room where only minors typically reside, it shall be determined that the minors who live in the room are in possession of the alcohol. The material shall be confiscated and destroyed.

Possession of alcohol by a minor member living in the fraternity house shall result in an additional risk assessment of $100.00/event.

Sigma Chi Policy on use of alcohol at rush events or in the presence of rushes

Use of alcohol or controlled substances at formal rush events is absolutely prohibited. No chapter or member may serve or permit the use of consumption of alcoholic beverages at any recruitment functions whether held on Theta Eta property or elsewhere.

Sigma chi policy on using fraternity funds to purchase alcohol

No alcoholic beverages may be purchased with funds from the chapter treasury nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the chapter.

A chapter may secure the services of a professional catering service with professional bartenders. Any service retained must have a general liability policy naming the Theta Eta Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity and Housing Corporation as primary additional insured. The catering company will have complete responsibility regarding the distribution of alcohol, obtaining all licenses and permits, etc. This does not relieve the chapter of responsibilities to provide a designated driver program.

20Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Use of Kegs, Party Balls, Pony Kegs

Presence of kegs of any kind, on the property of the Theta Eta chapter house is specifically prohibited.

The use of tap systems, kegs, party balls, and punch off sigma chi property requires the container to be administered by a licensed or certified bartender or catering company who is not a member of the chapter as an active or alumnus. The catering company will have complete responsibility regarding the distribution of alcohol, obtaining all licenses and permits etc. This does not relieve the chapter of the responsibilities to provide a designated driver program.

Sigma Chi Policy on escorting intoxicated persons from chapter sponsored events

If any member, associate, pledge or guest appears to be even slightly intoxicated at any chapter function, chapter members led by the officers shall safely escort said person from the function to an area of safe haven.

The chapter must make all reasonable efforts to prevent intoxicated persons from driving automobiles or walking themselves home. Such persons must be accompanied by a sober driver/walker who is not under the influence of alcohol or any other controlled substance.

Each active brother or pledge agrees that other brothers may actively confiscate their keys to prevent them from driving.

Sigma Chi has the responsibility to immediately call the authorities if in their opinion a person has driven away from an event while intoxicated. This responsibility is equally binding if the offending member is a brother or a guest.

Failure to follow this process shall result in an additional risk assessment to the chapter of $100.00 payable to the Housing Corporation within 15 calendar days.

Sigma Chi Policy on open campus parties or Greek parties

Open campus parties or Greek parties where alcohol is present or allows will be followed with strict guidelines, for party duties and within party duties there will be an alcohol checking policy. 1. Must be 21 to carry in and sign saying you are 21 2. Every cooler and/or container will be checked 3. People of age will wear wrist bands

21Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Sigma Chi policy on controlling access to private closed parties where alcohol will be present

Any private party sponsored by Sigma Chi must be a private function where only Sigma Chi and their guests are allowed.

Guests (Non Members) must be registered on a published guest list indicating who is their responsible sponsoring active or pledge.

Chapter members are 100% responsible for the behavior and welfare of their guests as well as any damage they may cause. They must maintain the ability to control their guests.

The published list shall be held at the gate of entry for said parties. When a guest arrives, the sober alcohol control officer (ACO) or his assistance shall determine the state of the person who desires to enter. If they are remotely intoxicated, they shall be denied entry to a party without exception. They shall be offered a sober designated driver home. Two ACO’s are required at all times.

If a person is not on the list and is intoxicated they shall also be offered a sober ride home.

If the person refuses, the alcohol control officer shall attempt to obtain their name and record their name on the post party form. If they will not provide their name a description shall be noted on the form.

If a person drives away and appears intoxicated, the alcohol control officer shall call the authorities with as much available information as possible emphasizing that the person leaving did not attend a Sigma Chi Function.

If a person is on the guest list and is not visibly intoxicated they will be allowed to enter the party. They should be informed that the sober drivers are available until 4 am.

The person entering the party shall show an appropriate ID indicated their name and age. If they are over the age 21 they shall be given an ID bracelet that will allow them to consume their own alcoholic beverages on the property. If they are under 21, they will not be given a bracelet and will not be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages on the property. Persons entering the party may only bring 12 alcoholic beverages or the equivalent into the party at a given time. No glass containers are allowed. No open containers may leave a party.

If the alcohol control officer, Chapter officer, or other active sees a person without a bracelet consuming what appears to be alcohol. A chapter officer and the alcohol control officer shall approach the person and demand that they leave the property immediately. They will be offered a sober driver to escort them home. However, as an underage minor consuming alcohol they will be required to leave immediately. The incident shall be noted in the post event report indicating name of the person, time, circumstances, etc.

22Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Failure to control the entrance and exit from a party until 4 am or until the house is secure and all lights are off and music ended shall be a violation of this policy. Violation of this policy shall result in an additional risk assessment to the chapter of $200.00 payable to the housing Corporation.

Sigma Chi Policy on written advertisements referring to alcohol

It is prohibited to advertise or provide written documents with alcohol. Alcohol related events or advertisement with the Greek Letters Sigma Chi or our property or house address.

Sigma Chi Policy on serving alcoholic beverages on property occupied by the Theta Eta Chapter

No alcoholic beverages of any kind shall be served on the Theta Eta Property without exception.

Individual members, guests, or pledges who are above the age of 21 may partake in their own alcoholic beverage at approved events and times.

Violation of this policy will result in an additional risk assessment of $2,000.00 payable to the housing corporation with in 15 calendar days.

Sigma Chi Policy on partnering with other campus organizations events that involve the consumption of alcohol

The Theta Eta Chapter is encouraged to partner with other campus organizations for charities and services.

However, the Theta Eta Chapter is prohibited from partnering with any other campus organization for an event that will involve the consumption of alcohol.

23Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Guns and Fire Arms Policy


Sigma Chi, Theta eta Policy on use of flames and candles

ABSOLUTLY NO OPEN FLAMES, CANDLES, POT POURI POTS OR FIRE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSES NOT OF RITUALISTIC NATURE OR COOKING ON THE THETA ETA CHAPTER PROPERTY. Use of candles in the sleeping or second floor corridor areas must be organized and planned by the RMF officer and only used for ritualistic purposes. No cooking is allowed in doors except in the kitchen area.

Sigma Chi Policy on smoking

No smoking is allowed at any time in the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

24Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Sexual Abuse Policy

Sexually abusive behavior, language, or hazing of any kind is strictly prohibited by active members, pledges, and alumnae. This includes any actions which demean or injure any person including but not limited to verbal harassment, sexual assault or rape.

Full cooperation with any investigations by law enforcement must occur. If an alleged incident has occurred, the RMAA must be contacted within 12 hours.

Each brother, pledge, or alumnae shall be watchful of any of our associates which may not be in control of their faculties and approaching a situation where sexual abuse may occur.

Each brother has the obligation to protect all female guests on our property from abuse from any source including our own brothers.

Failure by the chapter to abide by this ordinance shall result in an additional risk assessment of $1,000.00.

Failure by the chapter to follow this policy and report this possession will result in an additional risk assessment of $500.00 payable to the housing corporation with in 15 calendar days.

25Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Hazing Policy

No chapter or individual member shall conduct or tolerate any form of hazing activity. Guidelines to proper pledge education and examples of prohibited activities are outlined in The Sigma Chi Policy Statement concerning Pledge Training and the Ritual and the Sigma Chi Preparation for Brotherhood Manual.

Each brother shall review every action, word, or lesson associated with pledge-ship, that is directed to each pledge or candidate and determine if the action, word, or lesson has a specific purpose or positive intent. If that specific purpose or positive intent is not known, it should not occur.

If the Chapter allows the hazing of any pledge or candidate, an additional risk assessment of $200.00 will be required payable to the housing corporation with in 15 calendar days. In addition, a 4 hour reeducation program must be attended by all members of the Theta Eta Chapter.

Additional fines and punishments shall also be implemented as required by the Constitution of the Sigma Chi Fraternity.

26Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Other Groups Using Chapter House Policies

Sigma Chi Policy on the use of Chapter House and Grounds by other groups

The use of the Sigma Chi House and grounds by other groups for purposes that will involve the use of alcoholic beverages is expressly prohibited.

The use of the Sigma Chi House and grounds by other groups for purposes that do not involve the use of alcoholic beverages is highly discouraged.

The use of the grounds by other organizations will require that they provide an insurance certificate naming the Theta Eta Chapter and the Housing Corporation as primary additional insured.

The Theta Eta Chapter must still provide a risk management plan, approved by the RMAA, and the required post event paper work.

Sigma Chi Policy on affiliated groups such as Theta Eta Sigma

The policy of the Theta Eta Chapter and The Housing Corporation is that no affiliated groups such as the Theta Eta Sigmas are allowed. Any affiliated group must be recognized on its own standing by the university. The use of Sigma Chi facilities shall be governed by other policies herein.

27Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Inspections

Sigma Chi Policy on random inspections

Inspections may be done by Risk Management Foundation, National Fraternity Staff, Housing Corporation Staff, and Risk Management Officer (RMO), Risk Management Alumnae Advisor (RMAA), or House Manager, or Fire Marshal.

Inspections of ALL building and ground areas by the above listed authorities may occur at any time and under any circumstances.

Each brother must understand that the inspections made are not being made as a violation of the individual brothers’ privacy but as a method to assure the protection and safety of our brothers, pledges, alumnae, guests and community.

Each brother understands this situation and accepts these terms when he signs his housing contract.

Sigma Chi Policy on meeting Fire Codes, Heath Code and Public Safety

It is the intent of the Theta Eta Chapter and the Theta Eta Housing Corporation to meet all applicable codes and standards for the grounds, facilities, and health regulation of our property.

It is understood that certain systems within the house are grandfathered and do not meet modern codes. These items would relate to modern sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems, etc. It is the intent of the housing corporation to update these systems as soon as financial resources are available.

The RMO shall post near the fraternities public phone contact numbers for emergency service, law enforcement, fire protection services and 911.

The RMO shall post evacuation routes from the chapter house in common lower level rooms, the main lobby and at the top of main stairs.

The RMO shall post the maximum occupancy of the main meeting room on the ground floor. This maximum occupancy shall not be exceeded.

The RMAA or the Housing Corporation shall complete a thorough facility evaluation annually at a minimum. It is recommended that this inspection occur each semester. A list of items that must be repaired immediately shall be developed. The house manager and RMO will assure this list is completed.

28Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan The RMAA and Housing Corporation shall prepare a second list of improvements that should be completed that would significantly improve the safety of the house and its members.

The RMO, housing manager, RMAA, and Housing Corporation shall immediately follow the recommendations of any public works official, building division official, fire marshal or insurance carrier.

The RMO, RMAA, and Housing Corporation shall immediately respond to any facility evaluation report in writing to the Risk Management Foundation to address any deficiencies in the report.

Completion of all facility, smoke detector, fire extinguisher and emergency and exit lighting inspections must be completed by the appropriate parties when required.

Building Inspections

Enforcement of Risk Management Programs within Sigma Chi

All undergraduate, pledges, and alumni members of the Sigma Chi Fraternity are reminded that they have committed themselves to comply with the law, rules and regulations in effect in their local jurisdictions, as more specifically provided in section 3.18 paragraphs (d) and (e) of the Constitution, Statues and Executive Regulations of the Sigma Chi Fraternity. Members are responsible and subject to all applicable local, state and federal laws and law enforcement authorities to observe these requirements.

As appropriate and at its sole discretion, the Executive Committee may take disciplinary action under statute 7 against individuals or chapters who are found or judged to be in violation of the law.

Violation of the Risk Management Foundation rules and regulations pertaining to any of the policies may result in cancellation of insurance, membership, insurance contribution increases, yearly surcharges and additional risk surcharges by the local Housing Corporation.

It is to the benefit of the subscribers of the Risk Management Foundation to adopt the Risk Management Foundation programs and policies and place them within the bylaws of their local chapters and housing corporations.

Filing of Insurance Certificates

The Theta Eta Chapter will file with the Greek Life Office a copy of their insurance certificate.

Sigma Chi Building and Grounds Risk Management Policy and Inspections

Complete weekly, monthly, semester and annual inspections must be made by the RMO and house manager.

29Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Annual inspections by the RMAA or Housing Corporation must also be made.

Each inspection must be kept electronically for 12 months and hard copies saved for 5 years.

Electronic copies must be sent to the RMAA by the RMO within 48 hours after each inspection.

The timing of each inspection shall be developed at the start of each semester and forwarded to the RMAA. Emphasis shall be made to provide consistent times for inspections.

Items requiring immediate attention must be addressed within 24 hours. The Queaster shall maintain an emergency Risk Management fund of $100.00 for necessary emergencies.

Required building and grounds and safety inspection forms and reviews are listed below. The inspections must be completed as scheduled.

The following forms are provided to complete the inspections required:

 Sigma Chi Risk Management Master Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 001)  Sigma Chi Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 002)  Sigma Chi Portable Fire Extinguisher and Hood Suppression Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 003)  Sigma Chi Emergency / Exit Light Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 004)

Each brother shall be responsible for the smoke detectors in his room. He shall immediately notify the RMO if a detector is malfunctioning or if the battery is dead. No brother shall remove the batteries from his smoke detector.

No brother shall be allowed to vandalize or use any life safety equipment in a method not intended.

Misuse of safety equipment(smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, emergency and exit lights and the hood suppression system shall subject the chapter to a $500.00 additional risk assessment payable within 15 days to the Housing Corporation as well as cost to replace as cost to replace the damaged system.

Removal of the fire extinguishers for parties is highly discouraged and must be specifically approved by the RMO and RMAA within the guidelines of a specific Risk Management Plan.

30Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Emergency Procedures

Sigma Chi Emergency Procedures

1. Never put yourself at risk in a situation where assistance might be offered. Always evaluate the situation for additional risk before coming to assistance. 2. Decide in advance if you will provide emergency aid. This is a personal decision. You put yourself at risk when providing aid in an emergency. Understand those risks and decide if you will administer first aid or response. 3. Each brother is encouraged to learn CPR and First Aid. However, the decision to provide this is a personal choice. 4. If you determine that a person needs assistance. Send someone else to call for professional aid i.e. 911. 5. Approach the person and attempt to revive them. Rub on their sternum to them to respond. Do not shake or move them. 6. Determine if the person is breathing. If they are not breathing, begin the breathing portion of CPR. Do not administer breaths if a person is breathing. 7. Determine if they have a heartbeat. If they do not begin the compression stages of CPR. 8. If additional help arrives, control any bleeding by use of direct pressure. Keep the person warm until help arrives. 9. Never move a person’s head or neck unless they are not breathing and have no pulse. You may be making a decision to move them to save their life but create paralysis as a result. Only move them if absolutely necessary. If they are breathing and have a pulse, they should never be moved unless additional risk. 10. Be especially watchful for situations where electrical shock may have caused an issue. If you rush into a situation, you may become a second victim. 11. If faced with the situation to render aid by one self or call 911. Call 911 first. 12. If a person is breathing and has a pulse. Address others needs for the victim including control of blood loss and prevention shock. 13. If possible have the victim continue to talk to you and obtain as much information as possible such as name, address, phone number, medical condition, what occurred, etc.

Sigma Chi Fire Drill Plan

The RMO shall complete a minimum of one fire drill each semester. Additional fire drills are recommended. It is recommended that one fire drill a month occur. If possible the inclusion of pledges in the drill is recommended. At a minimum all pledges should be aware of what to do in case of fire. This instruction should occur during the first two weeks of pledge-ship.

Each brother should be reminded that they are not to become a fireman or attempt to extinguish a fire. Their primary concern is their safety and the safety of other brothers in the house. Grounds and property can be replaced. Brothers cannot be replaced.

31Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Each brother should be instructed on how the automatic kitchen fire suppression hood works. This system is set up to smother the fire. However, latent grease can reignite and the fire can continue. The K type fire extinguisher in the kitchen is present such that it could be used after the hood system is discharged. It is the hope of the Housing Corporation that if the hood discharges, all brothers are safely out of the house before using the K extinguisher would be necessary or possible.

Drill / procedure in Emergency Drills section

Tornado Drills

The RMO shall conduct a minimum of one tornado drill each semester. It is recommended that monthly drills occur.

Drill / procedure in Emergency Drills section

Earthquake Drills

The RMO shall conduct a minimum of one earthquake drill each semester. It is recommended that monthly drills occur.

Drill / procedure in Emergency Drills section

Nuclear Disaster

An annual drill is not recommended.

Drill / procedure in Emergency Drills section

32Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Requirements of Type B Probation

The requirements of the National Sigma Chi Type B probation as it is understood is to develop and implement a new regimented approach to Risk Management and risk management action plan and program.

It is the intent of this Risk Management Program and the included forms and policies to meet those requirements and provide a new approach for Theta Eta and minimize risks specifically related to alcohol and controlled substances and life safety.

Long Term Goals

Means of Funding Long Term Funding of Risk Management Systems

1. Each active living in or outside of the fraternity house shall pay as a portion of their board bill a fee of $20.00 / Month to fund long term improvements of the facility. At a minimum $7.00 of this amount must be saved for long term RM improvements such as smoke detection system, automatic fire sprinkler systems, replacement of Ansul Systems, etc.

Long Term Goals to Improve Facility Risk Management and Life Safety 1. Automatic – Magnetic Door hold open for lower level door way. 2. Rear exit stair rail modifications. 3. Whole house sprinkler system. 4. Whole house fire alarm. 5. Individual Room smoke detection system. 6. Individual Room heat detector system.

Transition Program to Subsequent RMF Officer

1. Arrange and complete a minimum one hour meeting educating new RMO. 2. Complete review of all programs, required reports, property and grounds, concerns and opportunities with new RMO. 3. Prepare detailed check list of transition items to be reviewed. 4. E-mail to RMAA from new RMO indicating transition has occurred. 5. E-mail to RMAA from old RMO indicating transition has occurred. 6. Complete one complete building and grounds inspection to initiate the new RMO to the process.

33Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Relationship to Other Chapter Areas

1. Social a) In house parties b) Out of house parties c) Off premise sponsored parties or bar-b-ques 2. Rush a) Parties b) Attendance of parties by rushes c) Attendance by rushes at any Sigma Chi event 3. House Management a) Assistance during house and ground inspections b) Assistance in long term planning for facility improvements c) Assistance in house cleanliness d) Assistance in house maintenance e) Assistance in assurance that life safety items work 4. Executive Committee a) Reporting to EC and assuring prompt action to avoid RM issues b) Assist EC in the enforcement of all policy and regulations c) Provide recommendations as required for RM improvements 5. Financial a) Encourage financial prudence to assure funds are available for RM issues b) Assure $100.00 emergency fund is maintained for emergency RM needs c) Assure that RM policies are met to avoid large risk surcharges 6. Initiation a) Review of each and every initiation, I-week event and Pledge lesson with the Kustos and Magister to assure that all RM policies are met and all efforts are maintained to promote life safety. 7. RMAA and Housing Corporation a) Communica te with the RMAA regarding all inspection, planning, approvals, support and follow up of all RM plans b) Coordinate with the RMAA to develop recommendations to the Housing Corporations c) RMO shall assure Risk Management Program is followed and notifies RMAA if violations of the policies occur

34Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan 35Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Emergency Drills / Procedures

Fire Drill

1. Fire drills should be executed at the beginning of every semester (Preferably after Pledging). 2. No one should be excused. 3. Have an orderly evacuation rather than a speedy one.

What to do When a Fire Happens

1. Call 911. 2. Have someone get everyone aware of the fire and prepared to evacuate (Check every room and in every bed). 3. When exiting an area shut the door to slow the fire down. It won’t spread as easily then (SEE WHAT TO DO WHEN BEHIND CLOSED DOOR). 4. Try putting the fire out, but use proper equipment a) Combustible – Put out by smothering or cooling with water, Red Extinguishers. b) Flammable Liquids – Must be smothered, Red Extinguishers, DO NOT USE WATER. c) Electrical – try to turn off the appliance, Red Extinguishers, DO NOT USE WATER d) Grease – Kitchen fire from grill or fryer etc., Silver Extinguisher (NOT TO BE USED ON ANYTHING ELSE). 5. If fire gets too big to handle escape out nearest exit. 6. If your clothing catches on fire, stop drop and roll. 7. IF behind closed door, first feel the door for heat. a) Door is cool, stand to side and open door slowly. b) Door is hot, go out window. If too high hang a white sheet, towel, etc. out of your window. 8. If it is smoky get down on the floor and crawl out. 9. EVERYONE WILL MEET in the field across from Pine Street by the Physics Building.

36Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Tornado Drill

1. Tornado drills should be executed at the beginning of every semester (Preferably after Pledging). 2. No one should be excused. 3. Have and orderly evacuation rather than a speedy one.

What to do During a Tornado Watch

1. IF a watch is announced keep a TV or Radio on the Weather station. 2. Be alert for approaching storms, watch to the South and Southwest. If you see any revolving funnel shaped clouds, report them immediately by telephone to your local police department or sheriff’s office. 3. Watch for tornado danger signs: a) Dark, often greenish sky. b) Large hail. c) A large, dark, low-lying cloud (particularly if rotating). d) Loud roar, similar to a freight train. 4. Be prepared to take shelter immediately. Gather household members and pets. Assemble supplies to take such as flashlight, battery-powered radio, water and first aid.

What to do During a Tornado Warning

1. If a warning is announced, get to the downstairs Bathroom and Supply Room; shut the doors in the Bathroom and Supply room. Then kneel and cover your head with collapsed hands. 2. If you can’t make it downstairs, get to the shower, kneel and cover your head with collapsed hands. 3. Do not try to open any window or door to help reduce the damage. Time is too important for that. If time permits turn off gas and electric.

37Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan Earthquake Drill

1. Earthquake drills should be executed at the beginning of every semester (Preferably after Pledging). 2. No one should be excused. 3. Have and orderly evacuation rather than a speedy one.

What to do During an Earthquake

1. First choice would be to get under a desk or table. Watch for falling debris, stay away from windows, light fixtures, etc. 2. If not possible go to corner away from windows or a strong doorway covering your face with your arms and crouch down. Watch for falling debris, stay away from windows, light fixtures, etc. 3. DO NOT GO OUTSIDE. (Once inside stay inside) Stay indoors until shaking has stopped and you are sure exiting is safe. 4. If you are outside. First try to get into an open area away from trees, buildings, etc. Secondly, try getting into what appears to be the most structurally sound building nearest to you.

38Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan What to do During a Nuclear Disaster

1. Listen to the warning. Not all incidents result in the release of radiation. The incident could be contained inside the plant and pose no danger to the public. 2. Stay tuned to local radio or television. Local authorities will provide specific information and instructions. a) The advice given will depend on the nature of the emergency, how quickly it is evolving and how much radiation, if any, is likely to be released. b) Local instructions should take precedence over any advice given in this handbook. c) Review the public information materials you received from the power company or government officials. 3. Evacuate if you are advised to do so. a) Close and lock doors and windows. b) Keep car windows and vents closed; use re-circulating air. c) Listen to radio for evacuation routes and other instructions. d) See the “Evacuation” chapter for important details. 4. If you are not advised to evacuate, remain indoors. a) Close doors and windows. b) Turn off the air conditioner, ventilation fans, furnace and other air intakes. c) Go to a basement or other underground area if possible. d) Keep a battery-powered radio with you at all times. 5. Shelter livestock and give them stored feed, if time permits. 6. Do not use the telephone unless absolutely necessary. Lines will be needed for emergency calls. 7. If you suspect exposure, take a thorough shower. a) Change clothes and shoes. b) Put exposed clothing in a plastic bag. c) Seal the bag and place it out of the way. 8. Put food in covered containers or in the refrigerator. Food not previously covered should be washed before being put in containers. 9. If we are told to evacuate then everyone shall meet at St. James Mc. Donald’s. 10. Brothers shall call their parents or guardians as quickly as possible.

39Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan RMF Forms ( highlighted should stay, pretty sure don’t have them all) 1. Sigma Chi Risk Management Master Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 001) 2. Sigma Chi Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 002) 3. Sigma Chi Portable Fire Extinguisher and Hood Suppression Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 003) 4. Sigma Chi Emergency / Exit Light Inspection Form (Form: Sig RM 004) 5. Semesterly receipt / review of RM Policies Form (Form: Sig RM 005) 6. New Initiate Risk Management Form (Form: Sig RM 006) 7. New Pledge Substance Abuse / Risk Management Form (Form: Sig RM 007) 8. Training Planning Form (Form: Sig RM 008) 9. Training New RMF Verification Form (Form: Sig RM 009) 10. Transition Verification Form (Form: Sig RM 010) 11. Pre-event Rush Party Form (Form: Sig RM 011) 12. Pre-event New Initiate Party Form (Form: Sig RM 012) 13. Pre-event Off Site Party Form (Form: Sig RM 013) 14. Pre-event Private Party Form (Form: Sig RM 014) 15. Pre-event Intramural Sporting Event Form (Form: Sig RM 015) 16. Pre-event Initiation Events Form (Form: Sig RM 016) 17. Pre-event Service Function Events Form (Form: Sig RM 017) 18. Pre-event Derby Day Event Form (Form: Sig RM 018) 19. Pre-event Highway Clean Up Events (Form: Sig RM 019) 20. Pre-event Work Weekend Event Form (Form: Sig RM 020) 21. Pre-event Routine House Clean Up Form (Form: Sig RM 021) 22. Pre-event Non Ritualistic Use of Candle Events Form (Form: Sig RM 022) 23. Fire Drill Participation Form (Form: Sig RM 023) 24. Tornado Drill Participation Form (Form: Sig RM 024) 25. How To Run a Party Check List Form (Form: Sig RM 025) 26. Sigma Chi Accident Report Form (Form: Sig RM 026) 27. Sigma Chi Incident Report Form (Form: Sig RM 027) 28. Sigma Chi Near Miss Accident Form (Form: Sig RM 028) 29. RMF Policy Distribution Confirmation Form (Form: Sig RM 029) 30. RMF Training Confirmation Form (Form: Sig RM 030) 31. Risk Management Seminar Attendance Form (Form: Sig RM 031) 32. Post Event Form (Form: Sig RM 032) 33. How To Run a Party From an RMF Perspective (Form: Sig RM 033)

40Last Modified: 2/18/13 By: Kevin McCowan

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