2007 Camp Ingawanis Leader's Guide
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Aloha CouncilR Camping Experience
Camp Pupukea 4-11 January 2009 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
These camping experiences are made available through the Aloha Council, Boy Scouts of America. BSA Camp Pupukea is a nationally accredited camp meeting all of the National Standards of the Boy Scouts of America and is inspected annually to assure a high quality program and a safe, successful camping experience. Our Council camps are committed to a policy that all persons shall have an equal access to the facilities, employment, safety, well- balanced meals and programs without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age or handicap.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 2 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
Welcome to the Beginning!
For years, camp has brought joy to everyone who partakes in it. Whether camper, chaperone, staff or guest, everyone shares in the excitement that stems from camp. Camp Pupukea is no different.
Some of my fondest memories of Boy Scout camp as a youth weren’t from merit badges, skills reviews, or rank advancement. What I remember from summer camp includes late nights around the campfire, exploring the far reaches of camp, and displaying our troop’s spirit to the rest of camp at the activities and ceremonies. I remember celebrating many friends’ birthdays at camp. I remember my very first report to the Camp Director as a Senior Patrol Leader for my troop.
In 2009, Camp Pupukea will continue the celebration of its service to the youth of the Pacific Basin by providing an additional week of resident camp thanks to the Order of the Arrow. In addition to celebrating the future growth of Scouting and of our camp, we take pride in celebrating our past. One such example is the National Camp Accreditation pennants that are on display in Weinberg Lodge. Since the accreditation process began many years ago, Pupukea has always met, and normally exceeded, their expectations.
This year, the 2009 Aloha Council Camping Experience Leaders’ Guide will be distributed to all units located on Oahu and includes registration and fee information, rules and policies of camp, merit badge information, and details on the Order of the Arrow services that will be provided, along with camp-wide troop, patrol, and individual programming.
On behalf of the 2009 Aloha Council Camping Experience Staff, welcome to the celebration!
Pete Thornton
Pete Thornton, Lodge Adviser Na Mokupuni O Lawelawe Lodge, Order of the Arrow [email protected]
(C) 808-391-6546
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 3 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Section 1 Table of Contents
Preparing for Camp Planning, Planning, Planning … P. 5 Getting Scouts Excited … P. 5 Dates … P. 5 Registration Information Registration Process … P. 6 Fees and Payment Schedule … P. 6 Super Troop … P. 7 Refunds … P. 7 Medical Information … P. 7 Special Needs … P. 7 Camp Information History of Camp Pupukea … P. 8 Mail … P. 8 Phone Service … P. 8 Trading Post … P. 8 Dining Hall … P. 9 Security … P. 9 Rules and Regulations … P. 10 Personal Vehicles … P. 10 Safety Information … P. 10 Discipline … P. 11 2009 Resident Camp Options Boy Scout Winter Resident Camp … P. 12 Aloha Council Camping Experience … P.12
Winter Camp Required Forms Unit Registration Form … P.13 Unit Roster … P.14 Super Troop Registration Form … P.15 Special Needs Request Form … P. 16 Class 1 and 2 Medical Form … P. 17-18 Class 3 Medical Form … P. 19-20 Equipment Lists … P. 21-22 Aloha Council Office numbers … P.23
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 4 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Preparing for Camp
Planning, Planning, Planning Planning for camp should start now so that your unit will be prepared before your arrival at camp. As the Unit Leader, it is your responsibility to insure your Scouts are prepared to set and accomplish their personal goals. Here are a few basic tips to help you insure success at camp.
Let each Scout set his own goals and choose activities that interest him at camp. You should take a few moments at a troop meeting to talk with each Scout about his summer camp agenda and provide guidance on any suggested changes.
Some troops find it helpful to hold a “Camp Meeting” just prior to camp to go over what Scouts need to bring with them for the week. At this meeting you should also hand out information packets to parents, finalize paperwork needs, secure needed troop equipment for the campsite, and briefly review each Scout’s program schedule.
Most importantly, remember that the Camping Experience is an opportunity for Scouts to grow mentally and physically. They need to be allowed to make most of their own decisions regarding program participation with your guidance!
Getting Scouts Excited about Camp There are many ways to accomplish this. Several ideas include: Take your Scouts to Camp Pupukea prior to the “Camping Experience”, and let them explore. Discuss the different program areas and historical sites around camp.
Hold Unit fund raising projects to help Scouts earn part of their own camp fees.
Invite current and former Camp Staff members to visit your troop to talk about camp to heighten the boy’s interest.
Invite an Order of the Arrow Camp Promotion Team to a unit meeting. Contact your Chapter Chief or District Camping Chair for assistance with that.
Dates The dates for our first OA – Aloha Council Camping Experience are:
January 4-11, 2009
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 5 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Registration Information
Registration The Aloha Council, BSA, provides program, facilities, and services without regard to race, color, national origin, age, gender, or handicap. However, all full-time adult leaders and youth on the reservation must be current registered members of the BSA. In addition, no camper - youth or adult will be permitted to stay in camp unless their camp fees have been paid in full.
Registration Process Once your unit has decided that the Camping Experience is a good fit, complete the unit registration form (page 13) and return it to the Council Service Center. The best way to pay for your camp is incrementally, versus paying all at once; however your unit will not have a campsite reserved without the $50 Campsite Reservation fee, due with the Unit Registration form.
Fees and Payment Schedule
Fee Type Amount Due Campsite Reservation (Non Refundable) $50.00 with unit registration form
Aloha Council Scout $185.00 Aloha Council Adult $185.00 Aloha Council early bird Scout/Adult $170.00 on or before December 1st
Adult Leader- 24-hour pass $25.00
All fees need to be paid no later than one week prior to your arrival at camp.
Each unit attending camp must comply with all Youth Protection guidelines, including having two adult leaders in camp at all times, one needing to be registered with the BSA. Units sharing campsites by prior arrangement may “share” leadership to meet the leadership requirement.
The 24-hour pass covers three meals provided by the Dining Hall (whether cooked in the campsite or served in the Lodge), cost of use of facilities throughout camp, and one overnight stay.
Upon arriving at camp, you will need to turn in your completed unit roster form. Please have it completed before you check into camp. Do NOT mail it or submit to the Council Service Center in advance.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 6 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Super Troop (Provisional Scouts) SuperTroop is an excellent way for Scouts to attend camp while their unit is not in camp. The price for a Super Troop Scout is $185.00. Units MUST provide at least 1 adult for a 72-hour span during that Scout’s attendance at camp. All SuperTroop fees must be turned into the office no later than three weeks prior to camp. The adult fee will be computed on the daily fee of $25.00.
Refunds Individuals or units that cancel a program reservation 30 days prior to the date of the event will receive a refund of fees paid, less a 15% administrative charge and the $50.00 deposit. A registration fee may be transferred to another individual that is not already registered for the event.
Absolutely No refunds will be made after the 30-day cancellation deadline.
If an emergency occurs, beyond your control, write or call the Council Service Center immediately. All requests will be considered on an individual basis. The 15% administrative charge will still apply if a refund is warranted.
Any questions about the refund policy of the Aloha Council can be directed to the Aloha Council Service Center, 42 Puiwa Road, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Medical Information and Health Forms Upon checking into camp, all weeklong campers (youth and adults) will be given a medical screening. Units have the option of turning in medications to the health lodge, or holding onto them, provided they are in a locked box at the campsite.
Prescription medicines must be in the original bottle that lists the medication, doctor’s orders, dosages, and doctor’s name and camper’s name on the bottle. We maintain a Health Officer 24 hours a day.
All attempts will be made to notify the parents/guardians if a Scout requires further medical attention. Arrangements have been made with the local hospitals and Clinics for treatment of the Scouts should the need arise. Health costs are the responsibility of the Scout’s family.
Every Scout and Leader that is camping for the week must have a valid medical form. All youth and adults under 40 must have a BSA class 2 medical form. Adult Leaders 40 or older must have a BSA class 3 medical form. Medical forms should not be turned into or mailed into camp beforehand. Please bring them with you to camp. Once your unit checks in the Camp Medic will collect the forms, screen them, and hold them until your unit checks out. The forms will be returned to you at that time.
Any 24-hour leader who wishes to participate in camp activities (swimming, COPE, horseback riding) must have a camp medical re-check done and have a valid medical form on-file.
Special Needs Any Scout or leader with special needs that require addressing while at camp needs to complete the Special Needs Request form included in this Leader’s Guide and return it to the Council Service Center no later than TWO weeks before camp. Food allergies and dietary requests should be included on your special needs form.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 7 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Camp Information
Camp Pupukea Camp Pupukea, located on the North Shore of Oahu, above Sharks Cove, is the premiere Scouting Facility on the island of Oahu. Many times we take for granted how fortunate we are in Hawaii because of our location and weather patterns, and forget that many of our brothers are not as fortunate as we are to be able to camp year round. We truly are lucky to live in paradise. It is for this reason that the Order of the Arrow, has taken on the responsibility of conducting the Aloha Council Camping Experience. It is our hopes that this experience will entice our local troops to utilize Camp Pupukea to the maximum extent possible year round.
Mail Service A mailbox for out-going mail is located at the Weinberg Lodge (Dining Hall). Incoming mail will be sorted by Troop and distributed. The mailing address is: Scout’s Name Troop number and campsite Camp Pupukea 59-780 Pupukea Road Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712
Phone Service Telephone messages will be taken for all campers, leaders or staff at Camp Pupukea. A camp staff member will deliver telephone messages to the unit leader within a reasonable amount of time (usually by the next mealtime). The camp telephone number is (808) 638-8373. A pay phone is available for campers, leaders, and staff at the Weinberg Lodge and is located outside the Camp Director’s Office. The camp telephone should be used for emergencies and official camp business only.
Although our emergency phone is manned from 6:00am until about 11:00pm every day, please refrain from calling between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m., unless it is a true emergency, a quality program has been completely organized for each day and our staff will be tied up.
Trading Post The Trading Post is your source for program equipment, t-shirts, souvenirs, candy, ice cream, and soda! We do ask that you give your Scouts spending money - the average Scout brings around $50. Hours of operation are posted at the Trading Post and distributed at camp.
Camp Weather Since we are located high in the Koolau Mountains, it is recommended that you be prepared for rain, sun, mosquitoes and bugs! Bring the proper camping equipment and personal first aid items. Be prepared for rain by having Scouts sleep on a ground cloth or in a tent with a floor.
Shoes in Camp (Closed-toe and Closed-heel) – ARE REQUIRED AT ALL TIMES. Slippers, shower shoes, sandals are only allowed once the scout or adult has entered the shower facility, and may only be used while in the shower. (CROCS are considered shower shoes while in camp). Scouts and Adults are required to wear closed toed and closed heeled shoes at all times while moving around the camp and around the campsites.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 8 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Dining Hall The Weinberg Lodge, Dining Hall is a great place where campers gather to eat some of their meals. Troops eating in the dining hall will be assigned table(s).
You can help the dining hall staff by not going into the food preparation areas. If you need something, just ask for it from the Dining Hall Staff. Coffee and tea are available to leaders in the Scoutmaster counter in the Dining Hall. Ice water is always available.
Each patrol will need to appoint two table waiters for the meals served in the dining hall. They need to arrive at the dining hall no later than 30 minutes before the meal. It is the leader’s responsibility to see that their Scouts use good table manners during meals and clean up after themselves.
During the tour of camp on Sunday, your Troop Guide will talk about our Table Waiter system and you will get a chance to come into the Dining Hall to see where you will be sitting all week and how our table waiter system works. Troops will be dismissed after breakfast and dinner by the camp staff following all announcements & program information. Do not allow your scouts to individually depart the dining hall early.
Security BSA Camp Pupukea uses many techniques to ensure the safety of everyone. Through partnerships with both Honolulu Police Department, Pupukea and Haleiwa Fire Department, and the local hospitals, Pupukea is prepared to handle any possible situation. We do ask our participants and their guests to assist us in the following ways-
All participants (youth and adults) MUST wear a color-coded wristband at all times. All guests MUST check in and check out at the Weinberg Lodge. Leaders leaving camp or coming into camp MUST check in/checkout at Weinberg Lodge. All youth participants must have a completed Early Release form signed in order to leave camp before the scheduled time. Only authorized vehicles are allowed on the service roads. People needing to drive their vehicle through camp must obtain a pass from the OA Lodge Adviser or the Oahu Island Adviser.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 9 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Rules and Regulations
Personal Vehicles Only authorized vehicles are allowed to travel through camp. The speed limit of camp is 5 miles per hour. Persons who need to travel through camp need to get approval from the Weinberg Lodge. Travel through camp is only by special exception and will not be the rule.
The Aloha Council is not responsible for loss or damage caused by fire, storms, theft, or vandalism to any personal equipment or vehicles. No scout may be transported in a vehicle at any time while that vehicle is inside the camp proper. The only exception would be if there is a bonafide medical emergency requiring the scout to be transported in a POV. In a case like this the Camp Ranger will have the final decision and approval.
Personal bicycles are not allowed during camp.
Safety Information The buddy system is to be used at all times.
Fireworks, alcoholic beverages, sheath knives, non-prescription drugs, and personal firearms are NOT permitted in camp.
Fires should be put out when leaving your campsite. Fire Orders and Emergency Procedures should be posted in each campsite and reviewed with the entire membership of the unit. Unit leaders need to appoint a fire marshal for their unit and review the responsibilities of that position with the selected Scout.
Scouts or adults are NOT to be transported in the cargo section of trucks or in any trailer.
All buildings are smoke free. Smokers, please smoke outside of the main camp in the designated area in the parking lot, in a safe manner and away from Scouts. It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to use tobacco products of any type at anytime during camp. Number 10 cans of sand will be provided for your use in the designated smoking area. Please help us keep our camp clean by depositing all tobacco debris in the cans.
Shoes, boots, or appropriate footwear should be worn at all times while walking around camp. Open toed shoes are not allowed at camp except when at the shower.
Upon departure from camp, all Scouts will leave with their unit leadership, parent, guardian, or an individual approved by the parent or guardian (this individual must be approved prior to their departing the camp). When a Scout leaves camp with someone other than the above individual, written permission must be provided by the legal parent or guardian to the unit leadership. This process is intended to maintain accountability of all Scouts and provide for their safety.
In order to easily determine visitors from participants, all campers must wear a colored wrist band that will be provided during the check-in process.
Camp staff under the guidance of their Camp Director will monitor the camp for unauthorized persons. Any questions or concerns regarding an unauthorized person will be referred to the Camp Director. Those persons found not to be official guests of Camp Pupukea or a Scout unit will be asked to leave and escorted off the premises. Local law enforcement officers will be contacted if necessary. Any problems or safety concerns regarding unauthorized persons must be referred to the Camp Director or his/her designee. Discipline
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 10 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide The following information should be shared with the unit before arriving at camp so that unit leaders and their Scouts may clearly understand what course of action will be taken if camp rules are broken. The Scout Oath and Law are the rules in camp. They are all that are needed, and unit leadership is responsible for enforcing these rules and disciplining those Scouts that break them. In the case of inter-troop conflicts or concerns, the unit leadership of the individual Scout(s) involved is responsible for disciplining each of the individual Scouts. The camp administration, beginning with the Camp Director, is available and prepared to assist in establishing communication in the event of inter-troop concerns. If the camp administration determines further action is necessary from the unit leadership, they will request it. If it is not forthcoming, the chartered organization and/or the District Executive will be contacted. The camp administration reserves the right to take action, if necessary, including sending a Scout or leader home immediately who steals, vandalizes, possesses a controlled substance, or intentionally places himself or another Scout in danger of harm. Anyone sent home will not receive a refund. Hazing, “midnight raids,” tent ditching, or other such activities are not allowed at any time at camp. Such activities place Scouts at unnecessary risk of injury and may cause bigger problems to occur as a result of seemingly small actions getting out of control. Scouts will be expected to be on their campsites by 10:30 p.m. An adult leader or camp staff member must accompany any Scout who needs to be away from his campsite after 10:30 p.m. Inappropriate behavior should be reported to the Camp Director as soon as possible.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 11 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
2009 Resident Camp Options
Boy Scout Resident Camp This is the traditional summer camp adventure: mile swims, shotgun shooting, horses, merit badges, polar bear swims, spirit stick, and much, much more! Scouts attend resident camp either a) as part of a unit, normally their own or with a friend, or b) individually, and then joining the Super Troop option. SuperTroop are Scouts from various units who are grouped together to enjoy a week of camp. The Council provides one full time leader.
Council Outdoor Camping Experience New to the Council and one of the premiere new Scouting programs across the State- the Council Camping Experience is designed for young people to have fun for one week during the off season. There are exciting themes- Aquatics, Shooting Sports, Nature, Scout Craft and the Pupukea Community College! This camp is intended for both troop and provisional camping, and participants will have the chance to enjoy other aspects of camp while having fun in their one particular area. This camping experience will probably be on a floating schedule every year due to the Department of Education Schedule, so be on the lookout for the announcements.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 12 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
2009 Aloha Council Camping Experience Unit Registration Form
Unit # ______Chapter Name ______
District Name______
Fee: $50 campsite reservation fee due with form (NON-REFUNDABLE)
Campsite Preference- Campsite Names and capacities 1st Choice ______2nd Choice ______3rd Choice ______
Estimated Attendance Youth ______Adult ______
* Make checks payable to Aloha Council, 42Puiwa Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 *
Camping Experience Contact (this person will receive ALL camp information)
Name: ______Phone:______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
MUST HAVE Email: ______
Office Use Only Account:
Date Received: ______Receipt and Campsite Confirmation Mailed: ______
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 13 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
Unit Roster
UNIT # ______Campsite Name ______
YOUTH Name Address City, State, Zip Age ______
ADULTS Name Address City, State, Zip Age ______* Must bring completed form to Camp *
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 14 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Super Troop (Provisional Scout) Registration Form
Scout’s Name ______Unit # ______
Mailing Address ______
City ______State ______Zip ______
Fees: $185 per Scout, due no later than three weeks before camp
Unit Contact (this person will receive ALL 2009 camp information)
Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
MUST HAVE Email: ______
Parent/Guardian Contact information (in case of emergencies)
Name: ______Phone: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Relationship to Scout ______
This form, as filled out by me, is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If illness or injury occurs, I authorize the adults in charge of this event to consent on my behalf, to necessary medical treatment by a duly licensed physician(s) in the event I can not be reached. I have read and understand this form completely, and hereby sign the completed form and agree to the above statements.
Parent or Guardian Signature ______Date ______Office Use Only Account:______(TO BE FILLED IN BY COUNCIL)
Date Received: ______Receipt and Campsite Confirmation Mailed: ______For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 15 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide ALOHA COUNCIL CAMPING EXPERIENCE PROGRAM
__Safe Swim __Youth Protection __Intro to NYLT
__Intro to Wood Badge __CPR __ SM/ASM TLT
__ Understanding OA __Intro Troop/Team Rep. __C.O.P.E.
__Service projects in and out of Pupukea __Basic Leader Training
Merit badges:
WATERFRONT: __Canoeing __Rowing __Swimming
__Water sports __Lifesaving
New Proposed Merit badges:
__Archeology __Athletics __Auto Mechanics
__Collections __Computers __Crime Prevention
__Disablility Awareness __Fingerprinting __Fire safety
__Home Repairs __Horsemanship __Law
__Personal Fitness __Photography __Public Speaking
__Public Safety __Radio __Woodworking
__Genealogy __Medicine __Dental
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 16 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Special Needs Request Form
Name: ______(Please print clearly)
Unit #: ______Week at Camp: ______
What are your needs?
Please return this form with your registration form.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 17 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 18 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 19 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
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For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 21 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide Equipment List
Equipment Provided by Camp Pupukea
The following items will be provided to each campsite. Other things can be requested from the Trading Post/Quartermaster. NOTE: EZ Corners Dining Fly Wall tents are not provided nor will be used Flagpole during Camping Experience (2009) Picnic table Latrine and Water supply Broom
Recommended Troop Items for Camp
Lawn chairs for leaders. Binders twine. Troop merit badge pamphlet library. Troop checks. Troop first aid kit — include Advancement chart. sunscreen and after-burn lotion such Sealable drywall buckets are great as aloe. for tinder, “sellable” storage, or as a Water cooler. clothes washer. Large battery-operated clock. Soft soap and dispenser for wash Cooler for ice, extra foodstuffs, and basin. medicine storage — varmint proof. US Flag Wax fire starters and newspapers. Citronella candle. Hose and nozzle. Large trash bags. Duct tape — many uses including Glow-in-the-dark Frisbees. covering thumbs during Hand ax and bow saw. woodcarving. Tents Clothesline and clothespins.
Some equipment sold at the Camp Trading Post
Body Soap Shampoo Deodorant Shaving Cream/Razors Toothbrush Toothpaste First Aid Kits Sewing Kits Flashlights Extra batteries Cameras
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 22 2009 Camp Pupukea - Aloha Council Camping Experience Leader’s Guide
Recommended Personal List for Camp
Camp physical completed and signed Towels (pack on top of duffel) by licensed medical personnel and Washcloth parent Toothbrush and paste Medications with directions — give Hand soap in container to your unit leader to be given to the Shampoo Health Office Brush or comb Duffle bag or pack Sunscreen Boy Scout uniform Insect repellent (non-aerosol only — Sturdy shoes or boots suitable for see note below) hiking Personal first aid kit Sandals (for showering only) Wristwatch Work gloves Flashlight and batteries Ball glove Pocketknife Cap or hat Pen, pencil, and paper Raincoat or poncho Sleeping bag or blankets & sheets Sweatshirt or jacket Pillow (if desired) Underwear Canteen or water bottle Socks (at least 1 pair for hiking), Fork, knife, spoon, and cup including Scout socks Camp stool Camp T-shirts Boy Scout Handbook Handkerchiefs Merit badge work completed prior to Pajamas or sleeping attire camp and pamphlets Extra changes of clothing Bible or prayer book Ziploc bags to keep clothing items Spending money dry Camera with extra film (disposable Swim suit (pack on top of duffel) recommended)
NOTES: Items not allowed in camp are electronic devices (game boys, radios, cell phones), items of value, extra food that might attract animals. Items prohibited are firearms or ammunition, personal archery equipment, fireworks, alcoholic beverages, and non-prescription drugs. Mark all of your equipment and clothing with your name. If you bring insect repellent, bring lotion as bug spray removes the waterproofing from canvas tents. A Scout is welcome in any Scout camp, whether or not he owns a Scout uniform.
Camp Pupukea, the Camp Staff or Order of the Arrow is not responsible for securing or the loss of personal items.
For more information, log onto http://www.alohacouncilbsa.org Page 23 Aloha Council, Boy Scout of America
Aloha Council Service Center 42 Puiwa Road Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 (808) 595-6966
Office Hours 8:30 AM-5:30 PM Monday through Friday
Aloha Council Scout Shop Year Round Hours 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM Monday through Friday, Saturday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM (808) 595-6366
Visit us on the web at www.alohacouncilbsa.org