Second Regular Meeting of the City of Denison
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SECOND REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF DENISON Tuesday, October 20, 2015 – 5:00 P.M. Boulder’s Conference Center – Denison, Iowa
1. Call meeting to order 2. Roll call – Ahart, Desy, Leinen, Mahrt, Rodriguez 3. Approve agenda
4. Consent agenda a. approve and waive the reading of the minutes for 10/6/2015 b. approve the bills as presented c. approve budget cash & activity reports for September 2015 d. approve liquor licenses for Little China, Ampride & Fareway
(Doug) 5. City Energy Committee Update – Jason Parker
(Lisa) 6. Possible motion to renew solid waste contract with Carroll Refuse
7. Dept. Head Reports
(Lisa) 8. Possible motion to increase garbage rates due to landfill rate increases
(John) 9. Ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending the speed regulations on North 10th St. Motion to waive the 3rd readings, then motion to approve OR Motion to approve the 2nd reading
(Rick ) 10. Ordinance amending the code of ordinances by amending Chapter 155 Building code to add a New subsection for material standards Motion to waive the 2nd & 3rd readings, then motion to approve OR Motion to approve the 1st reading
(Rick) 11. Resolution amending fees for roofing permits
(Lisa) 12. Resolution authorizing execution of a Quit Claim Deed to Richard & Cathy Christiansen for the sale of property at 1204 3rd Ave south
(Lisa) 13. Resolution authorizing delivery of a Quit Claim Deed to Richard & Cathy Christiansen for the sale of property at 1204 3rd Ave South
(Terry) 14. Resolution approving an administrative contract with Region XII for the Quality Foods Processors grant project
(Terry) 15. Resolution approving a sub-recipient agreement between the City of Denison and Quality food Processors
(Cory) 16. Motion to approve the bid for the purchase of the SCBA’s with grant money
(Lisa) 17. Motion to approve annual payment on David Reisz TIF rebate
18. Mayor Report: Set open burning date from Oct. 24 through Nov. 1
19. City Manager Report
20. Public Forum
21. Adjournment