Oct 2011

Finding & Engaging Communities of Color: Community Asset Mapping1

What is Community Asset Mapping? Community asset mapping answers the question, What resources are there in the community to help us achieve our goals?, For example, what resources are there in the community to attract volunteers or partners to help the agency more effectively serve the children of color in the community.

The Steps 1. Clarify why you want asset information. For example, “What assets in the community can help us access African American male Bigs?”

2. Define the service area boundaries; use pre-determined boundaries such as county lines, cities, towns, and zip codes or boundaries defined by the parameters of a program or target group. For example, the service area boundaries may be the Latino community the agency is currently serving and the Latino communities into which the agency wants to expand.

3. Brainstorm initial list of individuals, organizations, institutions, etc. that serve that community that might be assets [engage board members, staff, Advisory Council members and key others in this process].

4. Expand this list by consulting easily located sources of information [e.g.; phone directory for your community, lists of businesses from local chamber of commerce, etc.].

5. Develop your “asset inventory” which includes names, contact information and what these organizations, individuals, businesses, etc. can provide [e.g.; Bigs, Littles, board members, partners, donors, complimentary services].

6. Conduct a community ride-around to “see” both the strengths and needs of the people in the community; modify your list.

7. Then, using your asset inventory, build connections and relationships with individuals and key people in the targeted organizations:

o Inform key community members of the proposed project or need.

o Gain insights into the community’s human capital and identify possible challenges. These challenges can either be people who are community gatekeepers or institutional policies or practices.

o As appropriate, ask individuals if they are willing to assist. It is important to have in mind a specific request or to inquire how the individual can best become involved. For example, the individual may be willing to introduce you to others in the community, help you gain needed information such as neighborhoods where diverse resources reside or may be interested in becoming a Big.

1 Adapted from the work of Maritza Soto Keen and The Community Leadership Handbook by James F. Krile Oct 2011

Possible Sources of Community Assets

Individuals Institutions Government

Block captains Faith-based organizations State/city/local government Community leaders Colleges and universities Federal government agencies Doctors Police/fire department Economic development Attorneys Hospitals and clinics Military facilities Business people Mental health facilities Small Business Administration Board members Libraries State education agency Staff members Schools Telecommunications Transportation Bureau of Land Management Courts Detention centers Probation department

Organizations Physical/Land Culture

Small and large businesses Parks and recreational City council Citizen groups/clubs facilities Historic/arts council groups Civic organizations Real estate agencies Museums Community centers Chamber of Commerce Council for cultural affairs Radio/TV stations Industrial areas Cultural traditions Nonprofit organizations Professional associations Fraternities/sororities Policy/Advocacy organizations Oct 2011

Sample Community Asset Inventory [XYZ Agency] [Date]

Agency/ Nonprofit, Civic & School & Individual Assets/ Businesses & Major Additional Resources Notes Service Church Assets Institutional Human Capital Industries Needed Area Assets [County] Sacred Heart Brenda Arce Catholic Church Windsor H.S. Research school

Ball State Joan Ortiz, founder Ron and Maritza to University and director of meet with Joan in Alumni Program Feb. Mercer Middle Contact to conduct Ron to make School focus groups inquiry Comcast Bill Monroe to meet with company YMCA of Johnson Jane Rodriguez- Possible partner Bill has a working County ~ Teen Moscow, relationship with the Achievers Community YMCA Outreach Director Latin American Manny Rodriguez, Build relationship with Meet with LASO Service Manager LASO board as a Board Organization potential partner and (LASO) source of Bigs [County] Bellingham Ms. Jackie Brown, Possible student School District School Social focus group Worker [County] Wilmington Dr. Bob McBride, Meet with school Maggie Jones to School District Director Guidance counselors set up presentation Services Baker Middle Ms. Jimenez Obtain permission from Conduct student School Mr. Perez principal and parent focus groups in Feb. 2011 Oct 2011

Agency/ Nonprofit, Civic & School & Individual Assets/ Businesses & Major Additional Resources Notes Service Church Assets Institutional Human Capital Industries Needed Area Assets St. Luke’s Research Spanish Possible source of Episcopal Church service Bigs and Littles Girls Inc of Dorothy Jones, HI and BBBS to Rehobeth & CEO hold joint parent Arianna Russell Valerie Cortez, VP outreach in 2011 Programs Hispanic owned businesses along MLK Blvd: Millie’s & Jorge’s Tanya Mendez Eco Latino Arrange a meeting for February