May 2016 Agenda Item 07 - Meeting Agendas (CA State Board of Education)

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May 2016 Agenda Item 07 - Meeting Agendas (CA State Board of Education)

California Department of Education Executive Office SBE-003 (REV. 09/2011) Dsib-adad-may16item02 ITEM #07



SUBJECT California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Action Approve California Alternate Assessment 2015–16 Student Score Report, Approve California Alternate Assessment Information Performance Level Descriptors, and Provide an Update on Program Activities Related to the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress System. Public Hearing


This agenda item reflects the collaborative efforts of several divisions within the Department to provide an update on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System, and is an action item to approve both the 2015–16 CAASPP California Alternate Assessment (CAA) Student Score Report (SSR) templates and the proposed CAA performance level descriptors (PLDs).


The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the State Board of Education (SBE) approve the CAA PLDs (Attachment 2) and the 2015–16 CAASPP CAA SSR templates (Attachment 3) and authorize the CDE to make any necessary technical edits to the SSRs.


Per California Education Code (EC) Section 60640, the CAASPP System succeeded the Standardized Testing and Reporting Program on January 1, 2014.

Update on Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments

In May, the preliminary student scores and aggregate reports will be available on the Online Reporting System (ORS). ORS provides three main types of reports: preliminary SSRs, assessment target reports, and aggregate reports. The SSR provides the student’s overall score and achievement level. Assessment target reports provide relative strengths and weaknesses at each assessment target for a group of students (e.g., roster, grade, school, or district). The aggregate reports provide a summary of the results organized by subgroup, roster, grade, school, or district). Local educational agency (LEA) CAASPP and test site coordinators and other authorized users (including educators provisioned [i.e., allowed access to system] by LEA coordinators) have access to these reports in ORS.

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 Preliminary SSRs are available in the Test Operations Management System three to five weeks after a student has completed all testing. For example, a grade three student will have a preliminary SSR approximately available three weeks after completing all testing (i.e., Smarter Balanced English language arts/literacy [ELA] and mathematics assessments). Whereas, a grade five student will have a preliminary score report available approximately five weeks after completing testing (i.e., Smarter Balanced ELA and mathematics assessments and science assessments) due to time needed to process paper-pencil science assessments. Printing of the final SSRs will begin after an LEA’s test administration reaches 90 percent of having its students complete all testing and their test scores are in ORS.

In order to assist parents and guardians in understanding his/her child’s SSR, the following resources can be found on the CDE CAASPP SSR Information Web page at In addition, LEA personnel and other stakeholders can use these resources.

 Understanding the SSR: This document will be translated into Spanish and 10 other languages.

 Student Score Report Video: This 5-minute video explains the components of the individual student score report to parents/guardians and can be used for a variety of audiences, including teachers. This video will also be available in Spanish.

 Smarter Balanced Student Score Report Web page: This page is being developed to assist parents and guardians in understanding his/her child’s results. It is anticipated that this resource will be available in summer 2016. This information will be found at

Peer Review Update

In September 2015, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) released guidance regarding the criteria and process for demonstrating that statewide assessment systems meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended. Assessment Development and Administration Division staff have been working in cooperation with Smarter Balanced to prepare evidence for submission to the ED for peer review. Evidence for peer review is divided into six major components for which evidence must be presented. Evidence submitted will include information compiled by Smarter Balanced, primarily in the areas of item and test development. CDE staff are compiling evidence for other components, including test administration, scoring and reporting, inclusion of English learners and students with disabilities, standards adoption, and test security. California will submit evidence for peer review by June 3, 2016. The ED will conduct a site visit during the summer of 2016.

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 Post-Test: Connecting Assessment to Instruction Training

In May and June, Educational Testing Service (ETS) will be conducting eight Post-Test Workshops throughout California (See Attachment 1 for locations and dates). In the past, the emphasis of these meetings has been on providing LEA CAASPP coordinators with information on overall CAASPP scoring, available reports, using ORS, timeline for reporting, and interpreting results. This year, ETS has expanded the training to include LEA CAASPP coordinators as well as LEA professional development staff and curriculum specialists. The focus of the meetings will be on developing LEAs’ capacity to train others in accessing and using the available reports and data, including Assessment Target Reports, to improve classroom instruction.

Update on Smarter Balanced Digital Library of Formative Assessment Resources

The following resources were recently released by the CDE to highlight the important role of California educators who are members of the Digital Library State Network of Educators (SNE):

 The Formative Assessment in Action video series, featuring California members of the SNE as they demonstrate formative assessment practices in their classrooms. To date, two videos have been released on the CDE Formative Assessment in Action Video Series Web page at The first video, titled “Rhetorical Reading Review,” features Leisa Machado, a middle school ELA and history teacher from the Turlock Unified School District. The second video, titled “Using Ratios to Solve Real-World Problems,” features Travis Burke, an elementary school mathematics teacher on special assignment in the Santa Maria-Bonita School District.

 The CDE Digital Library SNE Web page, available at, describes the role and responsibilities of the SNE and highlights resources featuring California SNE members.

 The CDE “Meet an SNE Member” Web page, available at, which provides a spotlight on a California SNE member each month, including a look at his or her teaching background, contributions to the Digital Library, and a favorite Digital Library resource and formative assessment strategy.

In addition to the above resources, the CDE will host a convening of California SNE members in June 2016. During this collaboration workshop, SNE members will focus on submitting and reviewing resources for inclusion in the Digital Library and will identify Digital Library resources that support educator use of interim assessments.

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 Technology Update

The CDE continues to assist the K–12 High Speed Network (K12HSN) with the implementation of the Broadband Infrastructure Improvement Grant (BIIG) programs, which are designed to assist schools improve their connection to the Internet to administer computer-based assessments. In the first round of funding (BIIG 1.0) from the 2014–15 school year, 70 sites have been completed, with data passing through the circuits. There are 13 sites with circuits installed waiting for equipment, and 85 sites with work in progress. Three sites are proceeding with solutions procured through BIIG 2.0.

Additional information about the status of the remaining sites receiving upgraded connections from BIIG 1.0 is available on the K12HSN BIIG Circuit Installation Web page at (Note: If the preceding link does not display properly, copy and paste the Web address directly into a Web browser.)

The application deadline for BIIG 2.0 concluded on September 30, 2015, and 890 sites were evaluated. Fifty-four of the 58 counties had at least 1 site included in the application phase, representing approximately 600 sites. The bid process to solicit solutions for school sites in the application phase, in which 25 plus service providers submitted bids, closed on December 14, 2015. Bids were reviewed and recommendations were submitted in late January. Evaluations of the bids, which included a Technical Peer Review and Stakeholder Review, took place in January and February 2016. Two hundred unique sites were processed, 150 of which have accepted the terms of the memorandum of understanding and returned a signed agreement. Negotiation of final contract terms with service providers will conclude at the end of April 2016.

Twenty-nine sites were approved to use paper-based versions of the CAASPP for the 2016 administration. Sixty-one LEAs have requested braille paper-based versions of the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments for the 2016 administration.

California Alternate Assessments

This item seeks approval of the CAA PLDs and the CAASPP CAA SSR template.

PLDs describe what students at each achievement level know and can do by grade and content area. The PLDs were developed in conjunction with California educators utilizing the CAA blueprints, the Core Content Connectors (Connectors) for ELA and mathematics, and PLDs previously developed by the National Center and State Collaborative. The April 2016 SBE Information Memorandum outlines the process used to develop the content-specific PLDs. The Memorandum is available at

The first operational administration of the CAAs began on April 11, 2016. To date, more than 5,800 students have begun testing, with more than 3,300 students completing testing. The 2016 window closes on June 17, with an expected 37,000 students tested.

In the April 2016 Information Memorandum, the CDE also shared the draft CAA version of the CAASPP SSR (Attachment 3) for eligible students taking the CAA in ELA and mathematics and California Alternate Performance Assessment in science. The SBE

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 adopted the CAASPP SSR at the January 2016 meeting for all other students. The CAASPP SSR template was used as a basis to develop the CAA version of the CAASPP SSR and was modified as appropriate after consulting and receiving input from parents/guardians, educators, and stakeholders (e.g., the CAASPP Stakeholder Group, Regional Assessment Network, Capitol Regional Assessment Network, CAASPP Technical Advisory Group, educator focus groups). The CAASPP SSR template was modified for CAAs in the following ways:

 Change in the color scheme to be more easily identified as the CAA version  Text changes on the front and back to describe the CAAs  Removal of error bands

The CAA version of the CAASPP SSR has been produced to mirror the look and feel of the previously approved CAASPP SSR while also addressing the feedback of stakeholders.

California Next Generation Science Standards Assessments

Item 08 on the May 2016 SBE agenda seeks approval of a letter to the ED requesting a waiver under Title I, Part A, Section 8401 to waive double testing of the science requirement.

The approval by the SBE in March 2016 to develop three online California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) summative assessments to meet the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and EC Section 60640(b)(2)(B), consistent with the proposed test design in grades five and eight and high school, allowed the CDE to initiate the assessment development process (

On April 20 and 21, 2016, ETS, in collaboration with the CDE, held an initial item writer training for the CA NGSS general summative assessment in Sacramento. Participants at this training (science educators from across California) were trained by ETS science content and measurement experts on how to write CA NGSS test items and tasks.

Items developed by the trained writers will be used on the 2017 pilot tests and future tests. The CDE will report to the SBE the pilot results in the fall 2017.

For the CA NGSS alternate summative assessments, ETS, in collaboration with their subcontractor edCount (the developers of the National Center and State Collaborative Connectors for ELA and mathematics), are currently developing CA NGSS alternate summative assessment Content Core Connectors (Connectors). The Connectors provide learning goals aligned appropriately with the needs of students with significant cognitive disabilities, and serve as the basis for the state’s CA NGSS alternate summative assessments for eligible students. In November 2015, a group of 60 California educators (approximately 10 science educators and 50 special education educators who actively work with eligible students taking the CAAs) met in Sacramento to review and provide feedback to an initial draft of the Connectors.

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 In March 2016, a subgroup of the California educators from the November meeting gathered to review and edit a second draft of the Connectors. The CDE continues to have discussions with stakeholders (including California special education and science educators.) The Connectors will be presented to the SBE in July 2016 for adoption as the alternate achievement standards for the new CA NGSS alternate summative assessment.

Successor Assessment to the Standards-Based Test in Spanish

EC Section 60640(b)(5)(C) states that the State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall consult with stakeholders and English learner experts, to determine the content and purpose for the successor assessment to the Standards-based Tests in Spanish.

A design team, including national experts (who have agreed to partner with the CDE and ETS) have begun the development of a draft test design for the successor assessment to the primary language test. The high level test design will be presented at a SBE meeting in July 2016. The design team includes:

 Kathy Escamilla, Professor of Education in the Division of Social, Bilingual and Multicultural Foundations, at University of Colorado Boulder

 Kenji Hakuta, Lee L. Jacks Professor of Education at Stanford University

 Guadalupe Valdés, Bonnie Katz Tenenbaum Professor of Education at Stanford University

 Patricia Baron, Lead Research Project Manager at ETS

 Dr. Danielle Guzman-Orth, Research Scientist at ETS

 Dr. Alexis A. Lopez, Research Scientist at ETS

 Dr. Maurice Cogan Hauck, Assessment Development Strategic Advisor at ETS

 Dr. Joyce Wang, Senior Psychometrician at ETS

 Helen McMahon, Senior Director of K–12 Assessment at ETS

 Dr. Ralph Morris, Assessment Director at ETS

 Jason Gonzalez, Test Development Team Lead at ETS

 Zulma Torres, Program Director at ETS

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 CAASPP Independent Evaluation Update

At the September 2015 SBE meeting, the CAASPP Independent Evaluation Study Plan was approved. Five studies were included in the initial three-year plan. Two of the studies are being conducted this year: (1) evaluating the use of interim assessments and (2) investigating the use of accommodations and supports for students with disabilities and English learners. The three other studies approved by the SBE included: (1) the evaluation of scoring procedures; (2) the evaluation of the interpretation and use of assessment data and reporting tools; and (3) an alignment study for the new science assessments.

Because of changes in the schedule for test development, the alignment study for the new science assessments cannot be conducted through the current evaluation contract. The CDE is working with the evaluation contractor, Human Resources Research Organization to adapt the schedule and budget of the evaluation to change the focus of the alignment study to the CAAs which will be offered in its final form in the spring of 2017. This change would allow the contractor to complete all of the studies within the current timeline and budget. The NGSS science assessments alignment will be evaluated at a later date after the tests have been administered on an operational basis to students in California.


In March 2016, the SBE approved the development of three online CA NGSS summative assessments to meet the requirements of the federal ESSA and California EC Section 60640(b)(2)(B) consistent with the proposed test design in grades five and eight and high school ( In addition, the CDE provided the SBE with an update on the CAASPP activities (

In January 2016, the CDE provided the SBE with an update on the CAASPP activities ( In addition, the CDE presented the CAASPP Student Score Reports for approval ( and Lastly, the SBE approved the general performance level descriptors for the CAAs ( In December 2015, the CDE provided the SBE with two Information Memoranda on the Conducted and Planned Studies of the Validity, Reliability, and Fairness of the CAASPP System ( dec15item01.doc) and an Update on the Successor Primary Language Test (

In November 2015, the CDE provided the SBE with an update on the various CAASPP activities on the enhancements to the test delivery system, regional trainings held throughout the state ( and an Early

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 Assessment Program presentation by Carolina Cardenas, Director, Academic Outreach and Early Assessment (

In October 2015, the CDE provided the SBE with two Information Memoranda on the Summary of Post-Test Survey and Focus Group Results from the 2015 CAASPP Administration of the Smarter Balanced Online Assessments ( and the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Annual Assessment Results for 2014–15 (

In September 2015, the CDE provided a pre-release CAASPP briefing to the SBE including a preview of the new public reporting Web site to report the results for the ELA and mathematics assessments. The CDE also announced the posting of the Parent Guide to the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, Overview and Sample Questions for three grade spans (three through five, six through eight, and eleven).

These guides are posted on the CDE CAASPP Web page under the Students and Parents tab at ( ( (


The costs for reporting CAASPP results to LEAs for the 2015–16 through 2017–18 test administrations, including the development and distribution of CAASPP Student Score Reports specific to each test administration, are included in the approved ETS CAASPP contract budget approved by the SBE, the CDE, and the Department of Finance in May 2015.

The 2015 Budget Act includes $76 million for the CAASPP ETS contract work in fiscal year 2015–16. Funding for 2016–17 and beyond will be contingent on an annual appropriation from the Legislature.

The 2015 Budget Act provides $50 million for the K12HSN for the BIIG program grants for LEAs and $10 million for the K12HSN professional development and technical assistance activities.

The 2015 Budget Act also provides $94 million in funding for CAASPP contract activities in 2015–16. This funding is being utilized for the following CAASPP contracts:

 Contract activities provided by ETS ($83.6 million: $7.6 million in Contract 5417; $76 million in CN150012) were approved by the SBE for test administration and development activities, including the development of CA NGSS and primary language assessments per SBE input.

 A contract with the University of California, Los Angeles ($8 million) was approved by the SBE for Smarter Balanced consortium-managed services,

4/29/2018 10:46 上午 including access to the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments, Interim Assessments, and Digital Library tools.

 A contract with the Human Resources Research Association ($774,117) for a multiyear independent evaluation of the CAASPP System per requirements in California EC Section 60649.

 A contract with the Sacramento County Office of Education ($1.5 million in one- time funding) for CAASPP support activities, including regional CAASPP Institutes and Senior Assessment Fellows services per authority in the 2015 Budget Act (6100-113-0001, Provision 13).

Funding for 2016–17 and beyond will be contingent upon an annual appropriation being made available from the Legislature in future fiscal years. The proposed Governor’s budget for 2016–17 includes $93.03 million for ongoing costs for the CAASPP contracts listed above. However, the proposed budget does not include ongoing funding for the Senior Assessment Fellows services.


Attachment 1: California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Outreach and Professional Development Activities (7 Pages)

Attachment 2: California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors (46 Pages)

Attachment 3: 2015–16 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress California Alternate Assessments Student Score Report Templates (2 Pages)

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California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Outreach and Professional Development Activities

The California Department of Education (CDE), in coordination with its assessment contractor and CDE Senior Assessment Fellows, has provided a variety of outreach activities to prepare local educational agencies (LEAs) for the administration of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System. Outreach efforts have included Webcasts, in-person test administration workshops, focus group meetings, and presentations for numerous LEAs throughout the state. The following table lists presentations during March, April, and May 2016. In addition, the CDE continues to release information regarding the CAASPP System, including weekly updates, on its Web site and through listserv e-mail.

Advisory Panel/Review Committee Meetings Estimated Date Event Location Assessment Number of Description Attendees 4/18/16– Smarter Smarter Balanced Technical Advisory Committee and Collaboration Chicago 50 4/20/16 Balanced Conference 4/20/16– CAASPP Sacramento TBD Advisory Commission on Special Education Meeting 4/21/16 System 5/5/16– CAASPP Sacramento 34 CAASPP Technical Advisory Group 5/6/16 System CAASPP 5/14/16 Sacramento TBD State Parent Advisory Council Meeting System

Webcasts Estimated Date Assessment Number of Description Attendees 3/9/16 CAASPP 104 Test security and appeals 3/28/16 CAASPP 61 CAASPP information for public information officers

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In-Person Regional Trainings Estimated Event Date Event Name Number of Description Location Attendees 3/12/16– CAASPP Weekend workshops spread over March, April, and May to provide Davis 79 3/13/16 Weekend hand scoring training to educators for operational English language 3/19/16– Summative Hand arts/literacy and mathematics summative assessments in grades Los Angeles 218 3/20/16 Scoring three through eight and grade eleven 4/2/16– Workshops Hayward 69 4/3/16 4/9/16– Riverside 223 4/10/16 4/23/16– San Diego 180 4/24/16 4/30/16– Redding 23 5/1/16 5/14/16– Fresno 239 5/15/16 5/21/16– Irvine 208 5/22/16 5/13/16 Sacramento Post-Test TBD Educational Testing Services to conduct Post-test Workshops in 5/17/16 Fresno Workshop: TBD May and June to provide information about the principles of scoring, 5/20/16 Shasta Connecting TBD understanding reports, using the Online Reporting System, a 5/26/16 Monterey Assessments to TBD timeline for reporting; focus on using the available reports, including 5/31/16 San Diego Instruction TBD Assessment Target Reports, to improve classroom instruction 6/7/16 Riverside TBD 6/8/16 Ventura TBD 6/9/16 Los Angeles TBD 3/14/16 Riverside CAASPP 37 Session two CAASPP Institutes; professional development for 3/18/16 Sacramento Institutes 100 teams from LEAs and schools on how to best implement all

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In-Person Regional Trainings Estimated Event Date Event Name Number of Description Location Attendees 4/5/16 Marin 38 components of the CAASPP System (Session two began in 5/17/16 Alhambra 78 February and will run through May 2016)

Presentations by CDE Staff Estimated Date Event Location Event Name Number of Description Attendees 2016 California A 90–minute presentation sharing formative and interim assessment 3/1/16 Los Angeles Title I 75 resources to support all students in improved learning outcomes Conference Special Update on the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) Education Local 3/03/16 Sacramento 37 Plan Area Directors 23rd Annual A 75–minute presentation sharing formative and interim assessment California Charter strategies to support increased student achievement for all students 3/17/16 Long Beach 75 Schools Conference Regional General update on the CAASPP System 3/17/16 Sacramento Assessment 25 Network

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Presentations by CDE Staff Estimated Date Event Location Event Name Number of Description Attendees Special Update on the CAAs Education 3/17/16 Sacramento 60 Administrators of County Offices WebEx presentation on CAASPP assessment development and CAASPP transition activities including, but not limited to, summative 3/17/16 Sacramento Stakeholders 10 assessments, Digital Library, California Next Generation Science Meeting Standards (CA NGSS), CAASPP expansion, and CAA Bilingual General update on the CAASPP System 3/18/16 Sacramento Coordinators 100 Network Capitol Regional Update on the CAAs and CA NGSS assessments 3/17/16 Sacramento Assessment 23 Network California Association for 3/23/16 San Francisco 40 Update on Smarter Balanced Assessment System Bilingual Education Overview, for educators, of a comprehensive assessment system and San Joaquin TBD an update on the development of CA NGSS summative science assessments 4/13/16 NGSS Rollout III Overview, for educators, of a comprehensive assessment system and Riverside / TBD an update on the development of CA NGSS summative science San Bernardino assessments

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Presentations by CDE Staff Estimated Date Event Location Event Name Number of Description Attendees WebEx presentation on CAASPP assessment development and CAASPP transition activities including, but not limited to, summative 4/21/16 Sacramento Stakeholders 10 assessments, Digital Library, CA NGSS, CAASPP expansion, and Meeting CAAs

CAASPP Presentations by Senior Assessment Fellows Estimated Dates Event Location Number of Target Audience Topic Attendees Kern County Office of 3/1/16 20 COE staff Planning/building capacity and CAASPP update Education (COE) District assessment 3/7/16 Butte COE 10 coordinators, small district CAASPP update superintendents, and principals ABC Unified Test site coordinators and site 3/9/16 School District 40 CAASPP update administrators (USD)

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CAASPP Presentations by Senior Assessment Fellows Estimated Dates Event Location Number of Target Audience Topic Attendees Small School District Association Spring Members of the Small School 3/10/16 5 CAASPP update Conference, District Association McClellan Conference Center Bear Valley District administrators and 3/11/16 25 CAASPP update USD teacher leaders Assessment leaders from 3/18/16 Riverside COE 40 CAASPP update various Riverside county LEAs San Bernardino San Bernardino county and 3/18/16 8 CAASPP update COE district administrators 3/18/16 Solano COE 20 District assessment coordinators CAASPP update Orange County 3/22/16 Department of 30 District assessment leaders CAASPP update Education Regional System of District and 3/30/16 Sacramento 18 Formative assessments and Digital Library School Support directors Los Angeles 3/31/16 4 New LEA CAASPP coordinators CAASPP update COE San Bernardino 4/21/16 45 LEA administrators CAASPP update COE

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CAASPP Presentations by Senior Assessment Fellows Estimated Dates Event Location Number of Target Audience Topic Attendees Assessment leaders from 4/29/16 Riverside COE TBD CAASPP update various Riverside county LEAs Assessment and categorical program administrators from 5/27/16 Riverside COE 60 CAASPP update various LEAs throughout Riverside County

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts

GRADE 3—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding 3.RL.h1 Answer Moderate Text Moderate Text questions related to Complexity Complexity the relationship between Describe the relationship between characters, characters, setting, Identify a character, Describe the relationship Identify a character, settings, events, and events, or conflicts setting, event, or conflict between either setting, event, or conflict. conflicts in a literary text (e.g., characters in a literary text. characters, settings, (e.g., characters and and events, events, or conflicts in a events, characters and characters and literary text. conflicts, setting conflicts, setting and and conflicts). conflicts). 3.RL.i2 Answer Moderate Text Low Text Complexity questions (literal Complexity and inferential) and Recall information in a text Identify a detail from a Reading: refer to text to (e.g., repeated story lines). literary text. Use details from a literary Use details from a literary Literary support your text to answer literal text to answer literal and answer. questions. inferential questions. 3.RL.k2 Determine Low Text Complexity Moderate Text the central Complexity message, lesson, moral, and key Identify the topic of a text details of a text or of information presented read aloud or of Identify the topic of a in diverse media. Determine the central Determine the central information literary text or diverse idea or message and idea or message and presented in media. supporting details in a supporting details in a diverse media and literary text or diverse literary text or diverse formats, including media. media. visually, quantitatively, and orally.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts

GRADE 3—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Complexity 3.RI.h1 Identify the Identify the text feature Reading: Identify text features in an Use information from text purpose of a variety (e.g., charts, illustrations, Explain the purpose of Informational informational text. features in an of text features. maps, titles). text features in an informational text to informational text. answer questions. Reading: 3.RI.i2 Determine Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Informational the main idea of Complexity text read, text read aloud, or Identify the topic of a text information Identify the topic of a text presented by an presented in or of information presented illustration in an Determine the main idea Determine the main idea diverse media and in diverse media. informational text or of an informational text or of an informational text or formats, including diverse media. visually presented visually presented visually, information. information. quantitatively, and orally. 3.RI.h4 Use illustrations (e.g., Use illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs, Use illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs, diagrams, Identify an illustration in Identify an illustration in maps, photographs) in diagrams, timelines) in timelines) in text. text. informational text to informational text to informational texts answer questions. answer questions. to answer questions. 3.RI.k5 Determine Identify the topic of a text. Identify the topic of an Low Text Complexity Moderate Text the main idea of a informational text. Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts

GRADE 3—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding text; recount the key details and Determine the main idea Identify how key details in explain how they and supporting details in an informational text support the main an informational text. support the main idea. idea. 3.RWL.i2 Use Moderate Text Low Text Complexity sentence context as Complexity a clue to the Reading: Recall the meaning of Identify the meanings of meaning of a new Use context to identify the Vocabulary frequently used nouns. frequently used words. Use context to identify the word, phrase, or appropriate meaning of meaning of a word. multiple meaning words or phrases. word. Moderate Text 3.RWL.h2 Identify Low Text Complexity Reading: Identify frequently used Identify frequently used Complexity grade-level words Foundation nouns. words. with accuracy. Identify less frequently Identify grade-level used words. words. 3.WI.l4 Sort evidence (e.g., graphic organizer) Identify information from Identify information on collected from print print and digital sources on given topics (from orally Identify the category Sort information into Writing and/or digital given topics (e.g., pictures and visually presented related to a set of facts. categories. sources into of animals). information). provided categories. 3.WI.p1 Include text features (e.g., numbers, labels, Identify different types of Identify a text feature to Select text features to Writing diagrams, charts, text features found in Identify text features. present information on a enhance meaning. graphics) to informational text. given topic. enhance clarity and meaning.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts

GRADE 3—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding 3.WL.o1 With guidance and support from adults, Given a specific purpose, Produce a clear, produce a clear, produce a permanent Select text, identify coherent, and permanent coherent, and product (e.g., select text Identify descriptive descriptive sentences, or product that is permanent product appropriate to the purpose, sentences or select a select a concluding appropriate to the specific that is appropriate identify descriptive concluding statement. statement appropriate to task, purpose, or to the specific task, sentences, and select a the given purpose. audience. purpose (e.g., to concluding statement). entertain), or audience.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 4—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Essential Understandings Foundational Connectors Understanding Understanding Understanding Low Text Complexity Moderate Text 4.RL.i1 Refer to Complexity details and examples Recall a detail in a Use examples and in a text when Recall a detail in a text. Use details from the text. provide details from a explaining what the text to explain text text to explain text text says explicitly. references. references. Low Text Complexity Moderate Text 4.RL.k2 Determine Complexity the theme of a story, Determine the topic of a story Determine the topic of Determine the theme of drama, or poem; refer Reading: or poem. a story or poem. Determine the theme of a story, drama, or Literary to text to support a story, drama, or poem and refer to text answer. poem. details to support the answer. 4.RL.l1 Describe Low Text Complexity Moderate Text character traits (e.g., Complexity actions, deeds, dialogue, description, Identify a character in Identify a character in a text. motivation, a text. Identify physical Describe character interactions); use characteristics using traits based on details details from text to details from a text. from a text. support description. Reading: 4.RI.h4 Use Identify basic text features Identify basic text Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Informational information presented (e.g., charts, graphs, features (e.g., charts, Complexity visually, orally, or diagrams, timelines, maps). graphs, diagrams, Locate information Use information found quantitatively (e.g., in timelines, maps). found in text features in text features (e.g., charts, graphs, (e.g., charts, graphs, charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, diagrams, timelines, diagrams, timelines, animations, or maps). maps) to answer interactive elements questions. on Web pages) to answer questions.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 4—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Essential Understandings Foundational Connectors Understanding Understanding Understanding Low Text Complexity Moderate Text 4.RI.i3 Determine the Complexity Identify the topic of an main idea of an Identify the topic of a text. informational text. Determine the main Determine the main informational text. idea in an informational idea in an informational text. text. 4.RI.l1 Interpret Low Text Complexity Moderate Text information presented Complexity visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, Interpret information Locate information in from charts, graphs, animations, or Locate information within a Use information from Reading: charts, graphs, diagrams, timelines, interactive elements simplified chart, map, or charts, graphs, Informational diagrams, timelines, animations, or videos to on Web pages) and graph. diagrams, timelines, animations, or videos. explain how the explain how the animations, or videos information contributes information to answer questions. contributes to an to an understanding of understanding of the the text. text in which it appears. Reading: Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Vocabulary 4.RWL.i2 Use context Complexity as a clue to determine the meaning of Use context as a clue Identify words that unknown words, Understand that words can Use context as a clue to determine the have more than one multiple meaning have more than one meaning. to determine the meaning of unknown meaning. words, or words meaning of unknown words, multiple showing shades of words and multiple meaning words, or meaning. meaning words. words describing shades of meaning. 4.RWL.j1 Use Identify general academic Identify general Low Text Complexity Moderate Text general academic and words (e.g., EDL Core academic words. Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 4—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Essential Understandings Foundational Connectors Understanding Understanding Understanding Vocabularies in Reading, domain-specific Mathematics, Science, and Use general academic Use general academic words and phrases Social Studies [EDL] grade 2 and domain-specific words. accurately. or 3- map, character, equal, words and phrases. book, name, paper, etc.). 4.RWL.h2 Identify Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Reading: grade-level words Identify frequently used words Identify frequently Complexity Foundation with accuracy and on (e.g., EDL grade 2 or 3). used words. Identify frequently used Identify grade-level successive attempts. words. words.

Writing 4.WI.p1 Include Include appropriate text formatting (e.g., features to organize headings, bulleted Identify the purpose of using Identify the purpose of Choose an appropriate information (e.g., information), different formats, illustrations, text features (e.g., text feature for given choose either a bullet, illustrations, and or multimedia (e.g., bullets bullets used for listing information (e.g. a chart, or a timeline to multimedia when are used for listing items). items, etc.). bullets, chart, timeline). organize dates from a useful to promote person's life). understanding. 4.WI.q1 Provide a Identify a concluding Identify words and/or Choose a sentence Provide a concluding concluding statement sentence that signals a close phrases that signal that provides the best statement or section to or section to support of a paragraph (e.g., In conclusions in writing. conclusion. support the information the information conclusion…, As a result..., presented. presented. Finally…).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 4—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Essential Understandings Foundational Connectors Understanding Understanding Understanding 4.WL.o1 Produce a Given a specific purpose, clear coherent Produce a clear, produce a permanent product Select text appropriate permanent product coherent, and (e.g., select text appropriate Identify descriptive to the purpose, identify that is appropriate to permanent product that to the purpose, identify sentences or select a descriptive sentences, the specific task, is appropriate to the descriptive sentences, and concluding statement. or select a concluding purpose (e.g., to specific task, purpose, select a concluding statement. entertain), or or audience. statement). audience.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 5—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding 5.RL.b1 Refer to Moderate Text Low Text Complexity details and Complexity examples in a text Recall details in a literary Recall details in a text. when explaining text. Identify details from a Identify examples in a what the text says literary text to explain text literary text to support explicitly. references. details. Moderate Text 5.RL.c2 Low Text Complexity Summarize a text Complexity Identify what happens in Identify an event from the from beginning to the beginning of a story. beginning of a literary text. Order given events from a Determine an appropriate Reading: end in a few literary passage (e.g., summary for a literary text Literary sentences. beginning, middle, end). from beginning to end. 5.RL.d1 Compare Moderate Text Low Text Complexity characters, Complexity settings, and events within a Identify characters, Identify characters, setting, Compare character, Identify details from an story; provide or setting, and events in a and events in a literary settings, and events in a informational text that identify specific story. text. literary text; identify details support the given topic or details in the text to in the text that support the main idea. support the comparison. comparison. Moderate Text Low Text Complexity 5.RI.c4 Determine Complexity the main idea and Identify the topic of an identify key details Identify the topic of text. Identify details from an Determine the main idea informational text. Reading: to support the main informational text that and identify details that Informational idea. support the given topic or support the main idea in an main idea. informational text. 5.RI.d5 Compare 1: Identify a similarity Moderate Text High Text Complexity and contrast the between two pieces of Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 5—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding overall structure (e.g., chronology, information from a text. comparison, Compare and contrast Compare and contrast how cause/effect, Identify similarities and how events, ideas, events, ideas, concepts, or problem/solution) differences between two concepts, or information 2: Identify a difference information are presented of events, ideas, pieces of information. are presented in two between two pieces of in two or more texts. concepts, or texts. information from a text. information in two or more texts. 5.RI.e2 Explain Moderate Text High Text Complexity how an author Complexity Reading: uses reasons and Identify main/key Identify main idea or key Informational evidence to ideas/points in a text. points. Use details from the text Identify evidence to support support particular to support an author's the author's reasoning in points in a text. point. an informational text. 5.RWL.a2 Use Moderate Text Low Text Complexity context to Complexity determine the Identify multiple meaning Reading: Identify multiple meaning meaning of words (e.g., EDL grade 3 Use context as a clue to Use context as a clue to Vocabulary words. unknown or or 4). determine the meaning of determine the meaning of multiple meaning unknown words or unknown or multiple words or phrases. multiple meaning words. meaning words or phrases. 5.WI.b3 Organize ideas, concepts, Identify relationship of Organize ideas, concepts, and information set of items in various Identify the relationship Choose the correct and information using (using definition, categories (definition, Writing between given items in organizer for given ideas, definition, classification, classification, classification, various categories. concepts, or information. comparison/contrast, or comparison/‌contra compare/contrast, cause/effect. st, and cause/‌effect). cause/effect).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 5—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 2— Foundational Category Level 3—Understanding Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding 5.WL.h1 Produce a Given a specific purpose, clear coherent produce a permanent Select text appropriate to Produce a clear, coherent, permanent product product (e.g., select text Identify descriptive the purpose, identify and permanent product that is appropriate appropriate to the sentences and select a descriptive sentences, that is appropriate to the to the specific task, purpose, identify concluding statement. and select a concluding specific task, purpose, or purpose (e.g., to descriptive sentences, statement. audience. entertain), or and select a concluding audience. statement).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 6—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Low Text Complexity Moderate Text 6.RL.b2 Refer to details and Complexity examples in a text when Identify details in a Identify and use details Recall details in a text. Identify details from a explaining what the text says text. and examples in a text text to explain text explicitly. to explain text references. references. Moderate Text High Text Complexity 6.RL.b3 Use specific details Complexity from the text (words, interactions, thoughts, Use text-based details Reading: motivations) to support Identify characters in a Identify characters in from a story to support Literary inferences or conclusions story. a story. Use text-based details inferences or about characters, including to describe characters conclusions about how they change during the or support inferences. characters, including course of the story. how they change during the course of the story. Low Text Complexity Moderate Text 6.RL.c3 Summarize a text Identify an event Complexity Identify what happens in from beginning to end in a from the beginning Summarize a text from the beginning and Summarize the few sentences without and ending of a beginning to end ending of a story. beginning and ending of including personal opinions. story. without including a story. personal opinions. Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Complexity 6.RI.b4 Summarize Identify a description of Identify the topic of information gained from a Identify a topic from a Summarize information an event or individual in information from two Reading: variety of sources, including single source. gained from a variety of a text. sources presented in Informational media or texts. sources, including different formats (e.g., media or texts. media, texts). 6.RI.c2 Provide a summary Identify the main idea of Low Text Complexity Moderate Text of the text distinct from a text. Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 6—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Summarize Identify the main idea informational text personal opinions or of an informational Summarize an without including judgments. text. informational text. personal opinions or judgments. Moderate Text High Text Complexity Complexity 6.RI.g4 Determine how key Identify a description Identify a description of Identify and use details individuals, events, or ideas of an event or an event or individual in Identify details that from the text to are elaborated or expanded individual in an a text. support descriptions of elaborate or expand on on in a text. informational text. events or individuals in a key individual, event, Reading: an informational text. or idea in an Informational informational text. Low Text Complexity Moderate Text 6.RI.g6 Evaluate the claim or Identify the main idea Complexity Identify a fact from the argument; determine if it is of an informational text. Identify a claim or Determine if a claim or supported by evidence. text. argument in an argument is supported informational text. by text-based evidence. Low Text Complexity Moderate Text Complexity 6.RWL.a1 Use context to Identify multiple determine the meaning of Identify multiple Use context as a clue to Use general academic meaning words (e.g., determine the meaning and domain-specific Reading: unknown or multiple meaning words. EDL grade 4 or 5). of unknown words or words and phrases Vocabulary meaning words or phrases. multiple meaning accurately. words. 6.RWL.c1 Use general Identify general Low Text Complexity Moderate Text academic and domain- academic words. Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 6—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding

Use general academic Identify general Use general academic specific words and phrases and domain-specific academic words (e.g., and domain-specific accurately. words and phrases EDL grade 4 or 5). words accurately. accurately.

6.WL.c3 Use a variety of Use appropriate transition words, phrases, transition words, Match transition words, Identify transition and clauses to convey Identify transition phrases, and clauses to phrases, and clauses words, phrases, and sequence and signal shifts words within a text. signal shifts from one within a text. clauses within a text. from one time frame or time frame or setting to setting to another. another. Writing Given a specific 6.WI.h2 Produce a clear purpose, produce a Produce a clear, Select text appropriate coherent permanent product permanent product (e.g., Identify descriptive coherent, and to the purpose, identify that is appropriate to the select text appropriate to sentences and select permanent product that descriptive sentences, specific task (e.g., topic), the purpose, identify a concluding is appropriate to the and select a concluding purpose (e.g., to inform), and descriptive sentences, statement. specific task, purpose, statement. audience (e.g., reader). and select a concluding or audience. statement).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 7—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Moderate Text Low Text Complexity 7.RL.i2 Use two or more Complexity pieces of textual evidence to Make an inference from Select an inference Identify a detail to Use evidence to support inferences, a literary text. from a literary text. support an inference, support inferences, conclusions, or summaries of summary, or conclusions, or text. conclusion of a literary summaries of literary Reading: text. text. Literary Moderate Text High Text Complexity 7.RL.j1 Analyze the Complexity Select the theme or development of the theme or Identify the theme or central idea of a Identify evidence Analyze the central idea over the course central idea of the text. literary text. within a literary text development of a of the text. that supports the theme or central idea in theme or central idea. a literary text. Reading: Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Informational Complexity 7.RI.j1 Use two or more Identify a conclusion pieces of evidence to support Select a conclusion in Identify a detail to Use evidence to from an informational inferences, conclusions, or an informational text. support inferences, support inferences, text. summaries of text. conclusions, or conclusions, or summaries in an summaries of informational text. informational text. 7.RI.j5 Analyze the Identify the relationship Select the relationship Moderate Text High Text Complexity interactions between between people, between people, Complexity individuals, events, and ideas events, or ideas in a events, or ideas in an Identify the Use details to explain in a text (e.g., how ideas text. informational text. interactions between the interactions influence individuals or individuals, events, or between individuals, events, or how individuals ideas in an events, or ideas in an influence ideas or events). informational text. informational text.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 7—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Complexity 7.RI.k4 Evaluate the claim or Identify a claim from the Select a claim from an Analyze if a claim or argument to determine if it is Identify a claim or text. informational text. argument in an supported by evidence. argument in an informational text is informational text. supported by evidence. Moderate Text EU 1: Identify two texts Low Text Complexity on the same topic. Complexity 7.RI.l1 Compare/contrast EU 2: Select two Identify a similarity Compare and contrast how two or more authors Compare/‌contrast two informational texts and a difference how two authors write write about the same topic. statements related to a with the same topic. between two about the same topic in single detail within a informational texts informational text. topic. with the same topic. Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Use context as a clue Complexity 7.RWL.g1 Use context as a to determine the Use context as a clue Use context as a clue Reading: clue to determine the Use context as a clue meaning of a word to select the meaning to determine the Vocabulary meaning of a grade- to identify the meaning (e.g., EDL grade 5 or of a word. meaning of unknown or appropriate word or phrase. of words or multiple 6). multiple meaning meaning words. words or phrases.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 7—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 7.WL.l1 Use precise words Select/generate and phrases, relevant Identify precise words Select a visual image precise words or descriptive details, and Identify a visual image or phrases to describe that matches provided phrases to describe the sensory language to capture to match provided text. the action, convey text. action, convey the action and convey experiences or events. experiences or events. experiences and events. 7.WI.jo1 Produce a clear Given a specific Writing coherent permanent product purpose, produce a Identify text (e.g., select/generate permanent product Select/generate an appropriate to the responses to form (e.g., select text Select descriptive appropriate, permanent purpose, identify paragraph/essay) that is appropriate to the sentences or select a product that is specific descriptive sentences, appropriate to the specific purpose, identify concluding statement. to the task, purpose, or or select a concluding task (e.g., topic), purpose descriptive sentences, audience. statement. (e.g., to inform), or audience and select a concluding (e.g., reader). statement).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 8—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Moderate Text Low Text Complexity 8.RL.i2 Use two or more Complexity pieces of evidence to Make an inference from Select an inference Identify a detail to Use evidence to support inferences, a literary text. from a literary text. support an inference, support inferences, conclusions, or summaries summary, or conclusions, or of text. conclusion of a literary summaries of literary text. text. Reading: Moderate Text High Text Complexity Literary Complexity 8.RL.j2 Analyze the development of the theme or Analyze the Select a theme or central idea over the course Identify the theme or Identify the relationship development of the central idea from a of the text, including its central idea of the text. between the theme or theme or central idea, literary text. relationship to the central idea to including its characters, setting, and plot. characters, setting, or relationship to the plot. characters, setting, or plot. Reading: Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Informational 8.RI.j1 Use two or more Complexity pieces of evidence to Select an inference Use evidence to Make an inference from Identify an inference, support inferences, from an informational support inferences, an informational text. conclusion, or conclusions, or summaries text conclusions, or summary of an of text. summaries of informational text. informational text. 8.RI.k2 Determine how the Identify supporting key Select key details or Moderate Text High Text Complexity information in each section details/key information information within an Complexity contributes to the whole or to within a paragraph. informational passage Identify how the Identify how the the development of ideas. to support the information in each information in each development of ideas. section contributes to section contributes to the whole or to the the whole or to the development of ideas. development of ideas.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 8—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Complexity 8.RI.k4 Identify an argument Identify a fact from the Select a fact from the Identify an argument or or claim that the author Identify an argument or text. text. claim that the author makes. claim presented in an makes in an informational text. informational text. 8.RI.l1 Analyze a case in Moderate Text Low Text Complexity which two or more texts Complexity provide conflicting Select a similar topic Identify a similar topic information on the same in two informational Identify conflicting Identify where two in two texts. topic and identify where the texts. information on the informational texts texts disagree on matters of same topic from two disagree on matters of fact or interpretation. informational texts. fact or interpretation.

Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Use context as a clue Complexity 8.RWL.g1 Use context as a to determine the Use context as a clue Use context as a clue Reading: clue to the meaning of a Use context as a clue meaning of a word to select the meaning to determine the Vocabulary grade-appropriate word or to identify the meaning (e.g., EDL grades 6 or of a word. meaning of unknown or phrase. of words or multiple 7). multiple meaning words meaning words. or phrases.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 8—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Core Content Connectors Foundational Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 8.WI.o1 Produce a clear Given a specific coherent permanent product purpose, produce a Identify text (e.g. select/generate permanent product Select/generate an appropriate to the responses to form (e.g., select text Select descriptive appropriate, permanent purpose, identify paragraph/essay) that is appropriate to the sentences or a product that is specific descriptive sentences, appropriate to the specific purpose, identify concluding statement. to the task, purpose, or or select a concluding task (e.g., topic), purpose descriptive sentences, audience. statement. Writing (e.g., to inform), or audience and select a concluding (e.g., reader). statement). Identify an appropriate Select/generate an 8.WP.k2 Create an Given a writer’s claims, organizational organizational structure organizational structure in Select a writer's point identify the writer’s structure to best in which ideas are which ideas are logically of view or claim in a perspective on the topic present a writer's logically grouped to grouped to support the text. (e.g., pro or con). specific point of view support the writer's writer's claim. or claim. claim.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 11—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Moderate Text Low Text Complexity 11-12.RL.b1 Use two or Complexity more pieces of evidence to Identify a summary of Use two or more pieces support inferences, Select a summary of the plot of a literary Identify evidence that of evidence to support conclusions, or summaries the plot in a literary text. text. supports a conclusion inferences, conclusions, of the plot, purpose, or or summary of the plot or summaries of the theme within a literary text. within a literary text. plot, purpose, or theme within a literary text. 11-12.RL.d1 Analyze how Moderate Text Reading: High Text Complexity Literary an author’s choices Complexity concerning how to structure specific parts of a Identify elements of a Select an element of a text (e.g., the choice of story’s plot (e.g., story's plot (e.g., Use text evidence to Analyze how an where to begin or end a exposition, rising exposition, rising identify parts of a plot of author’s use of details story, the choice to provide action, climax, falling action, climax, falling a literary text (e.g., or structure contributes a comedic or tragic action, resolution). action, resolution). exposition, rising to the overall plot and resolution) contribute to its action, climax, falling meaning of a literary overall structure and action, resolution). text. meaning. Moderate Text Low Text Complexity Complexity 11-12.RI.b1 Use two or more pieces of evidence to Identify a conclusion Use two or more pieces Select the conclusion of support inferences, from an informational Use evidence to of evidence or details to an informational text. Reading: conclusions, or summaries text. support an inference, support inferences, Informational of informational text. summary, or conclusion conclusions, or of an informational text. summaries of an informational text. 11-12.RI.b5 Determine Moderate Text High Text Complexity how key details support Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 11—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Determine how key the development of the Identify the central idea Select the central idea Identify key details that details support the central idea of or key detail of an or key detail of an support the central idea development of the informational text. informational text. informational text. of an informational text. central idea of an informational text. Moderate Text Low Text Complexity 11-12.RI.d1 Determine the Complexity author’s point of view or Identify what an author Select what an author Use evidence to identify Identify an author's purpose in an tells about a topic. tells about a topic. a point of view or point of view in an informational text. purpose in an informational text. informational text. Moderate Text 11-12.RI.e1 Integrate and Low Text Complexity evaluate multiple sources Complexity of information presented in Integrate and evaluate different media or formats Locate information Locate information Identify information multiple sources of (e.g., visually, within a text related to a within a text related to a from different media or information in different quantitatively) as well as in given topic. given topic. formats to address a media or formats in words in order to address question or solve a order to address a a question or solve a problem. question or solve a problem. problem. 11-12.RWL.b1 Use Moderate Text Low Text Complexity context (e.g., the overall Complexity Use context as a clue meaning of a sentence, to determine the Use context as a clue paragraph, or text; a meaning of a word in to select the meaning of word’s position in a Use context as a clue Use context as a clue to Reading: text (e.g., EDL grade 8 a word. sentence) as a clue to the to identify the meaning determine the meaning Vocabulary or 9). meaning of a word or of a word or phrase. of a word or phrase. phrase. 11-12.RWL.c3 Develop Identify a word or words Select a word or words Moderate Text Low Text Complexity and explain ideas for why used to describe a used to describe a Complexity

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 11—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding person, place, thing, Identify words used to person, place, thing, Explain why an author authors made specific action, or event in a text describe a person, action, or event in a made specific word word choices within a text. (e.g., EDL grade 8 or place, thing, action, or text. choices within a text. 9). event in a text.

11-12.WI.b2 Create an Select/generate an Identify information that Select information that organizational structure for Identify an organizational structure doesn’t belong in a does not belong in a writing that groups organizational structure for writing that groups paragraph based on an paragraph based on an information logically (e.g., to support paragraph information logically to organizational structure organizational structure cause/effect, focus (e.g., examples, support paragraph (e.g., examples, (e.g., examples, compare/contrast, descriptions, focus (e.g., examples, descriptions, descriptions, descriptions and cause/effect, descriptions, cause/‌effect, cause/effect, examples) to support compare/contrast). cause/effect, compare/contrast). compare/contrast). paragraph focus. compare/contrast). Writing Given a specific purpose, produce a 11-12.WP.f1 Produce a Identify descriptive Select/generate a permanent product Select a descriptive clear coherent permanent sentences, a permanent product that (e.g., select text sentence or a product that is appropriate concluding statement, is appropriate to the appropriate to the concluding statement to the specific task, or text appropriate to specific task, purpose purpose, identify appropriate to the purpose (to persuade), the purpose (to (to persuade), or descriptive sentences, specific task. and audience. persuade). audience. and select a concluding statement).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for English Language Arts GRADE 11—ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Category Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 11-12.WI.b4 Select the Select the facts, facts, extended definitions, extended definitions, concrete details, Select the facts, concrete details, quotations, or other Match details, facts, or Match details, facts, or extended definitions, Writing quotations, or examples information and examples examples to a topic. examples to a topic. details, or quotations that are most that are most relevant to relevant to the topic. appropriate for the the focus and appropriate audience. for the audience.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 3—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Identify an array of Solve multiplication Solve multiplication 3.NO.2d3 Solve objects that represents equations with some equations with limited Operations & multiplication problems Create an array of sets factors in a problem context in which both or no context in which Algebraic Thinking with neither number (e.g., 3 rows of 2). with neither number numbers are equal to both numbers are greater than 5. greater than 5. or less than 5. equal to or less than 5. Combine (+), Count objects to match Solve addition, Solve addition, decompose (-), and the action of subtraction, or subtraction, or multiply (x) with combining, multiplication word multiplication word 3.NO.2e1 Solve or concrete objects; use decomposing, or problems with answers problems with answers solve and check one- counting to get the multiplying to solve up to 50. up to 100. or two-step word answers. Match the word problems. Operations & problems requiring action of combining Algebraic Thinking addition, subtraction or with vocabulary (i.e., in multiplication with all; altogether) or the answers up to 100. action of decomposing with vocabulary (i.e., have left; take away) in a word problem. Concrete Identify a pattern that Identify multiplication Identify multiplication understanding of a repeats or grows patterns with concrete patterns in real world pattern as a set that according to a rule, representations. settings and limited repeats regularly or using numbers, concrete 3.PRF.2d1 Identify Operations & grows according to a shapes, symbols, or representations. multiplication patterns Algebraic Thinking rule; Ability to identify a objects. in a real world setting. pattern that grows (able to show a pattern) (shapes, symbols, objects).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 3—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Identify ones or tens in Identify a set of objects Use place value to Use place value to bundled sets – that is closer to 1 or round numbers to the round numbers to the Similar/different with 10. nearest 10 with nearest 10 or 100. concrete minimal 3.NO.1j3 Use place Number & Operations representations [i.e., is representations. value to round to the in Base Ten this set of nearest 10 or 100. manipulatives (8 ones) closer to this set (a ten) or this set (a one)?]. Combine (+) or Solve addition and Solve multi-step Solve multistep 3.NO.2c1 Solve multi- decompose (-) with subtraction problems addition and addition and Number & Operations step addition and concrete objects; use with single digits using subtraction problems subtraction problems in Base Ten subtraction problems counting to get the concrete objects. with solutions up to 50. with solutions up to up to 100. answers. 100. Identify part and whole Identify part and whole Identify a Identify the fraction that 3.NO.1l3 Identify the when item is divided. when item is divided. representation of matches the fraction that matches Count the number of Count the number of fractional parts. representation. Number & Operations the representation the parts selected (3 of the parts selected. —Fractions (rectangles and circles; the 4 parts; have halves, fourths, thirds, fraction present but not and eighths). required to read ¾). Identify which Use =, <, or > to Use =, <, or > to Concrete 3.SE.1g1 Use =, <, or representation of a compare compare two fractions representation of a > to compare two fractional part of a representations of two with same or different Number & Operations fractional part of a fractions with the same whole is greater than, fractions with same or numerators and the —Fractions whole as greater than, numerator or less than, or equal to different numerators same denominator. less than, or equal to denominator. another. and the same another. denominator.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 3—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Organize data into a Organize data into a Transfer data from a Transfer data from a 3.DPS.1g1 Collect graph using objects graph using objects. graphic to a bar graph graphic or organized list Measurement & Data data, organize into (may have number or picture graph. to a bar graph. picture or bar graph. symbols). 3.ME.1d2 Measure Identify a Determine the area of Measure the area of Ability to identify the area of rectangular representation of the rectangular figures by rectangular figures by Measurement & Data area of a rectangular figures by counting area of a rectangle. counting unit squares. counting unit squares. figure. squares. Concept of equal parts; Find the rectangle that Identify rectangles that Partition rectangles Partitioning with is the same or match are partitioned into into equal parts with 3.GM.1i1 Partition concrete objects; Find two congruent parts to show equal equal area. Geometry rectangles into equal the rectangle that is rectangles. areas. parts with equal area. the same or match two congruent rectangles.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 4—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 4.NO.2d7 Determine Create an array of Create an array of Determine how many Determine how many how many objects go objects given a specific objects given a specific objects go equally into objects go equally into into each group when number of rows and the number of rows and the groups when given the groups when given the Operations & given the total number total number, place one total number, and place total number of objects total number of objects Algebraic Thinking of objects and groups object in each one object in each and groups, and when and groups, and when where the number in group/row at a time. group/row at a time. the number in each the number in each each group or number group or number of group or number of of groups is not > 10. groups is not > 6. groups is not > 10. 4.PRF.1e3 Solve Identify visual Identify visual Solve multiplicative Solve multiplicative multiplicative multiplicative multiplicative comparisons with an comparisons with an comparisons with an comparisons (e.g., comparisons (e.g., unknown using one- unknown using up to unknown using up to 2- which shows two times which shows two times digit numbers with two-digit numbers with digit numbers with as many tiles as this as many tiles as this information presented information presented information presented set?). set?). in a graph or word in a graph or word Operations & in a graph or word problem. problem. Algebraic Thinking problem (e.g., an orange hat cost $3. A purple hat cost 2 times as much. How much does the purple hat cost? [3 x 2 = p]).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 4—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 4.NO.2e2 Solve or Select the Match a model to Solve one-step Solve or solve and solve and check one or representation of addition/multiplication addition, subtraction, or check addition, two step word manipulatives on a equations using two multiplication word subtraction, or problems requiring graphic organizer to single-digit numbers. problems up to 50. multiplication in one- or addition, subtraction, show two-step word or multiplication with addition/multiplication problems up to 100. Operations & answers up to 100. equation; Match to Algebraic Thinking same for representations of equations with equations provided (may be different objects but same configuration). 4.NO.1j5 Use place Identify ones, tens, Identify ones, tens, Use place value to Use place value to value to round to any hundreds in bundled hundreds in bundled round numbers to the round numbers to the place (i.e., ones, tens, sets – Similar/different sets – Similar/different nearest ten or hundred. nearest hundred or hundreds, thousands). with concrete with concrete thousand. Number & Operations representations (i.e., is representations. in Base Ten this set of manipulatives (8 tens) closer to this set (a hundred) or this set (a ten)?). 4.NO.1m1 Determine Equivalency: what is Identify equivalent Identify equivalent Identify or determine equivalent fractions. and what is not representations of a representations of a equivalent fractions. equivalent; this may number/set or two fraction (e.g., shaded begin with numbers/sets identical fraction diagram). Number & Operations of objects: e.g., 3=3 or representations. in Base Ten two fraction representations that are identical (two pies showing 2/3).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 4—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 4.NO.1n2 Compare up Differentiate between Differentiate between Compare Compare two fractions Number & Operations to 2 given fractions that parts and a whole. parts and a whole. representations of two with different —Fractions have different fractions with different denominators. denominators. denominators. 4.SE.1g2 Use =, <, or > Concrete representation Compare Use =, <, or > to Use =, <, or > to to compare fractions of a fractional part of a representations of two compare two fractions compare two fractions Number & Operations (fractions with a whole as greater than, fractional parts of a or fraction with denominators of —Fractions denominator of 10 or less than, or equal to whole as less than, representations with 10 or less. less). another. greater than, or equal denominators less than to another. 10. 4.ME.1g2 Solve word Identify the perimeter; Identify a rectangle Compute the perimeter Solve word problems problems using Identify the area; Show with the smaller or or area of a rectangle. using perimeter and perimeter and area each when size of figure larger perimeter or area where changes Measurement & Data where changes occur to changes. area. occur to the the dimensions of a dimensions of a rectilinear figure. rectangular figure. 4.DPS.1g3 Collect data, Identify data sent based Identify data set based Transfer data from a Collect data, organize in organize in graph (e.g. on a single attribute on a single attribute; representation to a graph. picture graph, line plot, (e.g., pencils vs. Identify data set with graph. bar graph). markers); Identify data more or less; organize set with more or less the data into a graph Measurement & Data (e.g., this bar represents using objects. a set with more); Organize the data into a graph using objects (may have number symbols).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 4—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 4GM.1h2 Classify two- Identify attributes within Identify given attributes Sort a set of two- Classify two- dimensional shapes a 2-dimensional figure of 2 – two-dimensional dimensional shapes dimensional shapes based on attributes (# of (e.g., rectangles have shapes. based on attributes. based on attributes. angles). sides – student Geometry identifies sides of rectangle – and angles – student identifies angles in rectangle).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 5—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 5.PRF.2b1 Generate Compare two pieces of Make comparisons Make quantitative Make quantitative Operations & or select a comparison information provided in between two pieces of comparisons between comparisons between Algebraic Thinking between two graphs a single display. data shown. two data sets shown. data sets shown on from a similar situation. two graphs. 5.NO.1b1 Read, write, Recognize part whole Identify and count Identify place values to Identify place values to or select a decimal to using materials divided graphic the hundredths place. the hundredths place in the hundredths place. into tenths – Count representations of various forms. Number & Operations tenths to determine tenths. in Base Ten how many (e.g.,4 tenths) (.4 have the decimal present but not required to read). 5.NO.1b4 Round Identify place value to Identify a number in Round decimals up to Round decimals up to Number & Operations decimals to the next the ones, tens, the ones, tens, or the hundredths place the thousandths place in Base Ten whole number. hundreds, thousands. hundreds place. to nearest whole to nearest whole number. number.

5.NO.2a5 Solve word Combine (x) or Use objects to multiply Identify solutions up to Solve multiplication problems that require decompose (÷) with with products up to 100 100 in multiplication and division word Number & Operations multiplication or concrete objects; use or divide numbers and division word problems. in Base Ten division. counting to get the under 100. problems. answers.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 5—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 5.NO.2c1 Solve step Combine (+) or Solve one-step Perform one-step Solve one-step problems using decompose (-) with addition and addition and problems with decimals decimals. concrete objects; use subtraction problems. subtraction operations using any of the four counting to get the with decimals. operations. answers; Match the Number & Operations action of combining in Base Ten with vocabulary (i.e., in all; altogether) or the action of decomposing with vocabulary (i.e., have left; take away) in a word problem. 5.NO.2c2 Solve word Identify what to do with Divide sets Solve addition and Solve word problems problems involving the the parts when given subtraction word involving fractions with Number & Operations into two equal parts. addition, subtraction, the key word (using the problems involving like denominators —Fractions multiplication, or fractional parts). fractions with like using any operation. division of fractions. denominators. 5.PRF.1a1 Determine Limit to whole numbers Identify graphic set Determine if the value Determine in a word whether the product and 1 or more; Show when a multiplier of 2 of the product problem if the value of Number & Operations will increase or what happens to set or more is applied. increases or the product increases —Fractions decrease based on the when one of these (1x) decreases based upon or decreases based multiplier. versus some other the multiplier. upon the multiplier. number (e.g., 2x).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 5—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 5.ME.1b2 Convert To measure an object Match quantity of Identify converted Convert standard standard or quantity using 2 measurement of length standard lengths of lengths of measurements of different units to show needed using different measurement. measurement. length. they mean the same measuring tools to a Measurement & Data thing (e.g., 12 inches model. and 1 foot). If larger unit, there are less; smaller units, you need more. 5.ME.2a1 Solve Identify what measures Identify tool used to Convert standard Convert standard problems involving time (clock used to calculate elapsed time measurements when measurements when conversions of measure time; (e.g., years, days, solving for time lapse finding area, volume, Measurement & Data standard measurement calendar used to (e.g., 14 days to 2 or mass (inches, feet, units when finding measure days); identify hours). weeks). gallons, pounds, etc., area, volume, time past/present (for not metric lapse, or mass. lapsed time). measurement units). 5.GM.1c3 Use ordered Identify the x- and y- Identify a given axis of Locate a given point on Plot a point on a pairs to graph given axis or concept of a coordinate plane. a coordinate plane coordinate plane when Geometry points. intersection. when given an ordered given an ordered pair. pair.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 6—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 6.PRF.1c1 Describe Match/identify a simple Match a given unit rate Identify the ratio Describe the ratio Ratios & Proportional the ratio relationship ratio (1:X) to the to a model. relationship between relationship between Relationships between two quantities relationship between two quantities. two quantities. for a given situation. two quantities. 6.NO.1f1 Find a State a relationship to Select a relationship to Select a percentage of Calculate a percentage percent of a quantity a quantity out of 100. a quantity out of 100. a quantity as rate per of a quantity as a rate Ratios & Proportional as rate per 100. 100, when the given per 100. Relationships quantity is a factor of 100. 6.NO.2c3 Solve one- Concept of +, -, x, ÷. Match a model which Solve a one-step Solve a one-step step, addition, Concept of fraction and represents the addition addition or subtraction multiplication or subtraction, decimal. Use concrete or subtraction of one- problem using fractions division problem using The Number System multiplication, or object to represent the half to/from a whole. with like denominators fractions or decimals. division problems with removal (subtraction) or decimals. fractions or decimals. or addition of one-half from/to a whole object. 6.NO.1d4 Select the Ability to select the Identify a graphic Select the appropriate Select the appropriate appropriate meaning of appropriate representation of a meaning of a negative meaning of a negative The Number System a negative number in a representation of more value less than zero in number in a real-world number in a real-world real-world situation. than or less than 0 in a a real-world situation. situation when given a situation. real-world situation. graphical aid. 6.NO.1d2 Locate Recognize how Identify a number less Identify a Identify the location of positive and negative values/numbers lie on than zero on a number representation of positive and negative The Number System numbers on a number either side of zero. line. positive and negative values on a number line. values on a number line. line. 6.PRF.1d1 Solve real Recognize the Identify the intended Solve real real-world, Solve real-world, world single-step linear intended outcome of a solution of a word single-step linear single-step linear Expressions & equations. word problem based problem based on a equations requiring equations requiring Equations on a linear equation. linear equation. addition or subtraction. multiplication or division.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 6—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 6.ME.2a2 Solve one- Identify a familiar unit Identify a familiar unit Solve a one-step, real- Solve a one-step, real- step, real- world rate. rate. (e.g., 4 quarters: world measurement world measurement measurement 1 dollar is 4:1). problem involving unit problem involving unit problems involving unit rates, where no value rates. Expressions & rates with ratios of exceeds 50. Equations whole numbers when given the unit rate (3 inches of snow falls per hour, how much in 6 hours). 6.NO.2a6 Solve Decompose (÷) with Decompose (÷) with Solve a word problem Solve a word problem problems or word concrete objects; use concrete objects; use with graphic support which has numbers up Expressions & problems using up to counting to get the counting to get the which has numbers up to three digits using Equations three digit numbers answer. answer. to three digits using multiplication or and any of the four addition or subtraction. division. operations. 6.GM.1d1 Find the Use manipulatives to Count the number of Determine the area of Determine the area of area of quadrilaterals. measure the area of a grids or tiles inside a a rectangle when it has a quadrilateral. Geometry rectangle (e.g., tiling). rectangle to find the been gridded (tiled). area of a rectangle.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 6—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 6.DPS.1d3 Select Identify the highest and Identify the mean, Identify the mean, Identify the mean, statement that lowest value in a data mode, lowest value, median, or spread of a median, or spread of matches mean, mode, set given a number line and highest value of a set of data which an odd number set and spread of data for and matching symbols; graphical data set. contains either three or which contains at least 1 measure of central Identify the five values. five values. Statistics & tendency for given representation (Plastic Probability data set. snap cubes, wiki sticks) of the mode; Use concrete materials to produce the mean (leveled plastic snap cubes).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 7—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 7.NO.2f1 Identify the Recognize the Recognize the Match a given ratio to Identify unit rate proportional constancy of one constancy of one a model. (constant of relationship between object to its parts (i.e., object to its parts. proportionality) in Ratios & Proportional two quantities (use one face, two eyes). tables or graphs of Relationships rules or symbols to proportional show quantitative relationships. relationships). 7.NO.2f2 Determine if Use a table to Recognize qualitative Identify proportional Identify proportional two quantities are in a recognize the quantity comparisons of a data relationships relationships proportional of two entries, without set presented in a between quantities between quantities Ratios & Proportional relationship using a counting, to determine table. represented in represented in Relationships table of equivalent which is relatively a table or a bar graph. a table or a graph. ratios or points larger. graphed on a coordinate plane. 7.PRF.1f1 Use Identify how one Identify how one Solve problems in real- Solve multistep proportional variable changes in variable changes in world situations problems in real-world relationships to solve relation to another relation to another involving finding the situations involving the multistep percent variable in a directly variable given a percentage of a whole. addition or subtraction Ratios & Proportional problems in real-world proportional directly proportional of percentages. Relationships situations. relationship (e.g., a/b = relationship. c/d, if a increases, what will happen to c?).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 7—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 7.NO.2f6 Solve word Show rate when Identify a rate or Solve word problems Solve word problems problems involving asked; Show proportion given a set involving ratios, with no involving ratios. proportion when of data, or identify a value in the given ratio ratios. asked; Select a set for set for a given ratio. greater than 12. Ratios & Proportional the ratio given (Maria Relationships stamps three letters every minute which we write as 3:1. Show me the letters she stamps in a minute). 7.NO.2i1 Solve Create an array of Identify an array that Solve multiplication Solve multiplication multiplication objects for the represents problems problems problems with positive mathematical equation multiplication between with positive or with positive or The Number System or negative numbers. and match answer numbers of like or negative whole negative whole symbol (+ or -) different signs. numbers less than or numbers. following multiplication equal to 10. rules for an equation. 7.NO.2i2 Solve Create an array of Identify an array that Solve division Solve division division problems with objects for the represents division of problems with positive problems with positive or negative mathematical equation numbers of like or or negative whole positive or negative The Number System numbers. and match answer different signs. numbers less than or whole numbers. symbol (+ or -) equal to 10. following division rules for an equation.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 7—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 7.PRF.1g2 Use Record/replace a Identify what the Identify or create a Identify or create a variables to represent variable in an equation variable represents variable equation to variable equation or with a fact from a story in a modeled equation model a given real- inequality to model a on a graphic organizer. from a story on a world situation. real-world situation. quantities in a real‐ graphic organizer. Expressions & Equations world or mathematical problem, and construct simple equations and inequalities to solve problems by reasoning about the quantities. 7.ME.2d1 Apply Recognize the area of Identify graphical Identify or compute the Identify or compute the formula to measure a circle and the representations of area area and/or area and/or Geometry area and circumference when and circumference of a circumference of a circumference of a circumference of shown a graphic circle. circle using 3 as the circle using 3.14 as the circles. representation. value of pi. value of pi. 7.GM.1h2 Find the Demonstrate the Identify Identify or compute the Identify or compute the surface area of three- concept of the surface representations of the surface area of a surface area of a Geometry dimensional figures area of a rectangular surface area or volume rectangular prism. triangular prism. using nets of prism; rectangular of a rectangular prism. rectangles or triangles. prism.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 7—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding 7.DPS.1k1 Analyze Understand basic Identify basic Analyze graphs to Analyze graphs to graphs to determine or information from information from select appropriate determine appropriate select appropriate simple graphs (e.g., simple graphs. comparative inferences comparative inferences comparative inferences interpret a bar graph about two samples or about two samples or about two samples or using the populations. populations. Statistics & populations. understanding that the Probability taller column on a graph has a higher frequency, the shorter column on a graph has a lower frequency).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 8—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Essential Understandings Foundational Connectors Understanding Understanding Understanding 8.NO.1k3 Use Recognize how Locate a given Locate approximate Locate approximate approximations of values/numbers can lie nonrepeating, rational placement of an placement of an irrational numbers to between whole number decimal number irrational number on irrational number on The Number System locate them on a values on a number line. on a number line. a number line a number line. number line. spaced in whole number increments. 8.PRF.1e2 Represent Recognize a positive Recognize a positive Match a provided Plot provided data proportional relationship between two relationship between proportional representing a Expressions & relationships on a line variables. two variables. relationship to its proportional Equations graph. line graph. relationship on a line graph. 8.PRF.1g3 Solve linear Use manipulatives or Identify the solution to Identify the solution Solve a linear Expressions & equations with variable. graphic organizer to solve a an equation by using to a linear equation equation that Equations problem. manipulatives or a that contains one contains one graphic organizer. variable. variable. 8.PRF.2e2 Identify the Indicate the point on a line Identify the y-intercept Identify the slope Identify the slope rate of change (slope) that crosses the y-axis. of a and/or y-intercept of and/or y-intercept of Functions and initial value (y- linear graph. a positive linear a linear graph. intercept) from graphs. graph. 8.PRF.1f2 Describe or Use a graph to recognize Identify the relatively Identify the Identify the select the relationship the quantity in two sets, larger relationship shown relationship shown between the two without counting, to data set when given on a positive linear on a linear graph. Functions quantities given a line determine which is relatively two data graph with whole graph of the situation. larger. sets presented in a number values. graph. 8.GM.1g1 Recognize Demonstrate the concept of Match a concrete Identify congruent or Identify congruent or congruent and similar congruent and similar (e.g., example of a shape to similar figures when similar figures. figures. match concrete examples of a similar or congruent given common Geometry congruent shapes, match concrete example of a geometric figures. concrete examples of similar shape. shapes).

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 8—MATHEMATICS Level 2— Core Content Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Essential Understandings Foundational Connectors Understanding Understanding Understanding 8.ME.1e1 Describe the Recognize how the space Identify the figure with Describe the change Describe the change changes in surface inside a figure increases a larger area or in area, surface in area, surface area, area, and volume when the sides are volume when given a area, or volume area, or volume Geometry when the figure is lengthened. pair of figures. when a single when one or more changed in some way attribute is changed. attributes are (e.g., scale drawings). changed. 8.ME.2d2 Apply the Ability to recognize Identify an attribute of Identify the volume Compute the volume formula to find the attributes of a three- a three-dimensional of a cube or of three-dimensional volume of three- dimensional shape. shape. rectangular prism. shapes. Geometry dimensional shapes (i.e., cubes, spheres, and cylinders). 8.DPS.1h1 Graph Locate points on the x-axis Identify or place a Identify associations Plot provided data bivariate data using and y-axis of an adapted point on the x or y- between variables in on a graph and/or Statistics & scatter plots and identify grid (not necessarily axis of a numeric or identify associations Probability graphs with no more possible associations numeric). non-numeric grid. than 5 data points. between variables in between the variable. graphs. 8.DPS.1k2 Analyze Use graphic supports (e.g., Identify the Select appropriate Select or develop displays of bivariate highlighted transparency of appropriate statement claims given appropriate claims Statistics & data to develop or select an association) to identify when given a displays of bivariate given displays of Probability appropriate claims the appropriate statement relationship between data with no more bivariate data. about those data. when given a relationship two variables using than 5 data points. between two variables. graphic support.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 11—Mathematics Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding Number and HS.NO.1a1 Simplify Create an array with a Identify the array that Simplify an expression Simplify an expression Quantity: The Real expressions that number multiplied by itself represents a square that includes an that includes an Number System include exponents. (Show me 3 rows of 3). number. exponent of 2. exponent of 3. H.ME.1a2 Solve real- Ability to solve real-world Solve real-world Solve real-world Solve real-world world problems measurement problems measurement measurement measurement Number and involving units of that require interpretation problems using a problems without unit problems that require a Quantity: Quantities measurement. and use of a table. single extension of a conversions. single unit conversion. table. H.PRF.2b1 Translate Match an equation with Match an equation Identify the linear Complete a partial Algebra: Creating a real-world problem one variable to the real- with one variable to a representation of a linear equation that Equations into a one-variable world context. real-world situation. real-world situation. represents a real-world linear equation. situation. H.PRF.2b2 Solve Count and arrange a given Count and arrange a Solve a one-variable Solve a one- or two- equations with one or number of objects into two given number of word problem using variable word problem two variables using sets in multiple objects into two sets an equation or a linear using an equation or a Algebra: Creating equations or graphs. combinations. in multiple graphical linear graphical Equations combinations. representation with representation. values not exceeding 1,000. H.ME.1b2 Solve a Identify the unknown Identify the unknown Solve a linear Solve a linear equation linear equation to find quantity when given an quantity when given equation to find a to find a missing a missing attribute equation and labeled an equation and two- missing attribute of a attribute given the Algebra: Creating given the area, figure. dimensional labeled figure given the area area, surface area, or Equations surface area, or figure or volume. volume and the other volume and the other attribute. attribute. H.PRF.1c1 Select the Match a point not on a line Determine whether a Identify the linear Select information to Functions: appropriate graphical as not being part of a data given point is or is not representation of a complete the graphical Interpreting representation of a set for a given line. part of a data set real-world situation. linear representation of Functions linear model based on shown on a graph. a real-world situation. real world events.

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California Alternate Assessment Performance Level Descriptors for Mathematics GRADE 11—Mathematics Level 2— Core Content Essential Level 1—Limited Level 3— Domain Foundational Connectors Understandings Understanding Understanding Understanding H.PRF. 2c1 Make Extend a graph when Identify an extension Make predictions from Make predictions from predictions based on a provided a relationship of a graph. data tables and data tables and graphs given model (for and two choices. graphs to solve to solve problems. Functions: example, a weather problems, when the Interpreting model, data for prediction is no more Functions athletes over years). than a single increment from the given information. H.GM.1b1 Use Identify the right angle Identify the Determine if given Determine if given Geometry: definitions to within a given triangle; hypotenuse, sides, or geometric shapes are figures are congruent, Similarity, Right demonstrate sides and/or hypotenuse right angle of a right congruent, similar but similar but not Triangles, & congruency and of a right triangle. triangle. not congruent, or congruent, or neither. Trigonometry similarity in figures. neither. Statistics & H.DPS.1b1 Complete Make a connection Identify the missing Identify multiple Plot data on dot plots, Probability: a graph given the between categories in a axis labels on a missing labels on a histograms, or box Interpreting data, using dot plots, data table to the graph. graph using a given plots given data. Categorical & histograms, or box appropriate axis of a data table. Quantitative Data plots graph. Statistics & H.DPS.1c1 Use Identify the highest and Identify the greatest Calculate the mean, Calculate the mean, Probability: descriptive stats; lowest value in a data set or least value in a set median, or range of a median, mode, range, Interpreting range, median, mode, given a number line and of data shown on a set of data. and/or outliers of a set Categorical & mean, outliers/gaps to matching symbols number line or graph. of data. Quantitative Data describe data set. (concept of range).

4/29/2018 10:46 上午

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