Vision and Scope Template

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Vision and Scope Template


Team C Michael S Robert B Robert M Thomas O

Assignment 1-3-2: Team Project Scope and Vision?

Professor Wayne Smith

October 5, 2008 Vision and Scope Document


Emerald Pharmaceuticals

Web Hosting Project

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Team C Development

Michael S

Robert M

Thomas O

Robert B

September 27, 2008 Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page iii

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...... ii Revision History...... iii 1. Business Requirements...... 1 1.1. Background...... 1 1.2. Business Opportunity...... 1 1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria...... 1 1.4. Customer or Market Needs...... 3 1.5. Business Risks...... 4 2. Vision of the Solution...... 4 2.1. Vision Statement...... 4 2.2. Major Features...... 5 2.3. Assumptions and Dependencies...... 5 3. Scope and Limitations...... 5 3.1. Scope of Initial Release...... 5 3.2. Scope of Subsequent Releases...... 5 3.3. Limitations and Exclusions...... 5 4. Business Context...... 6 4.1. Stakeholder Profiles...... 6 4.2. Project Priorities...... 7 4.3. Operating Environment...... 7 5. Human Resources...... 8 5.1. Team Charter...... 8 5.2. Technical Skills and Attributes...... 9 5.3. Roles and Responsibilities...... 9 5.4. Communication Strategies...... 9 6. Project Management...... 9 6.1. Deliverables...... 10 6.2. Dependencies...... 10 6.3. Schedule...... 11 7. Educational/Program Outcomes...... 11 7.1. General Education...... 12 7.2. Information Technology...... 12 8. Annotated Bibliography...... 13 Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page iv

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version Robert Banzaca 9/26/08 Compilation of sections written by team members .01 into rough draft. Robert Banzaca 9/30/08 Compilation of section 2 and 3 written by team .02 members into rough draft. Robert Banzaca 10/2/08 Reviewed and edited rough draft, added company .03 logo Robert Banzaca 10/4/08 Incorporated revisions provided by team members .04 Michael 10/5/08 Reviewed document to ensure accuracy for final 1.0 Szewczyk draft Michael 11/1/08 Revised after initial grade 2.0 Szewczyk Michael 11/22/08 Revised between status reports 1 & 2 3.0 Szewczyk Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 1

1. Business Requirements

Emerald Pharmaceuticals is seeking to provide more in depth access to web based resources and databases for current and future customers in a manner that is secure, adaptable, and cost effective. The organization has requested Team C to create a document that will outline the necessary processes and costs to accomplish this task.

1.1. Background

Emerald Pharmaceuticals has been in business for decades, producing mostly patent medications. Most of these medications were. At this present time, the organization’s website is strictly limited in the amount of interaction that can be performed with customers. The existing platform is externally hosted and only consists of information about Emerald and its products. The company would like to create a secure environment to host its website that allows access for customers, limiting inroads to internal resources.

1.2. Business Opportunity

All companies in pharmaceuticals have established a secure computer system. The competition, which was behind Emerald Pharmaceuticals in production, are making great headway because of their faster sales and marketing methods using Internet technology. The company has been offered the opportunity of producing more products for overseas companies. Markets at home have blossomed and opportunities of producing more tablets of the generic format must be seized. Web based database access will provide a multitude of benefits to Emerald’s current and potential customers.

1.3. Business Objectives and Success Criteria

By establishing an external web presence with limited access to database information, Emerald Pharmaceuticals will be able to more adequately and efficiently provide communication with its customers. Because of the sensitive nature of customer records and inventory control for the medications, it is essential that the system be setup in a secure fashion. The objective of this project is a documented plan to guide Emerald Pharmaceuticals through the creation and configuration of secure network to implement such a solution. This project’s success will be measured by Emerald Pharmaceuticals’ satisfaction with a document that contains the following:

1. Detailed documentation of equipment specifications, network requirements and pricing 2. Network diagram consisting of all proposed equipment 3. Configuration summaries for network equipment and servers a. Firewall b. Windows Server c. Database access to internal resources Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 2

1.4. Customer or Market Needs

Currently, Emerald’s website is being hosted by a 3rd part Internet service provider. Although it has been efficient in providing quality information about the company, the ability to link to internal database systems has become more of a priority. Likewise, the ongoing costs continue to rise, while the level of service stays the same. Hosting the website internally within the organization will simplify systems integration, reduce ongoing costs, and increase the level of flexibility and control for the pharmaceutical company.

1.5. Business Risks

As with any project there are risks that could disrupt processes all the way to causing a complete failure. Creating a fully detailed, professional document to enable Emerald to host its website in a secure environment will contain several of those risks.

1. Potential of Internet service not being available –(H) Team C will need to verify that the service and bandwidth requirements are available at given location. 2. Potential of power loss to server/equipment –(L) This severity of this risk is dependent upon Emerald’s requirements for system uptime. If critical, the organization may choose to purchase a generator. (All equipment will include uninterruptible power supply units). 3. Project scope creep that could detract from the focus –(M) Team C is tightening its scope to be centralized on the security requirements. 4. Delays in provision of deliverables –(H) The team will continue to communicate on a regular basis to stay up to date with one another. Float time has also been added to address any such issues. 5. Delays in delivery of equipment and/or services –(M) While float time should be added into all project schedules, it will also be necessary to consider alternate providers. Contracts can also be created specifying delivery timelines. 6. Potential for internal data to be compromised by hackers –(H) Team C is proposing to optional services to protect and test Emerald’s website. 7. Delays due to company procedural policies – (Risk Level – M) While this will not affect the creation of the document, purchasing and professional services procurement will need to added into the implementation project schedule.

There are certain risks which must be associated with the installation of the proposed system. One of those risks pertains to time. During the time of installation there will be disruptions, power outages, and production will not be at its regular peak. Installation of a system also means that all staff must be trained in the handling of computers. (Rob & Coronel, 2007, p. 611).The whole effect of the system is that the production culture and language of the company have to be altered. With the rate of production going low, the rate of delivery of orders to customers will also be low. It may be a great need to warn customers of upcoming internal events.

Other risks would include delays in delivery of equipment/services and improperly configurations. To address these issues, documentation will include increased delivery timelines and detailed setups. Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 3

2. Vision of the Solution

Team C’s report will enable Emerald Pharmaceuticals to establish a web presence that will provide secure access to both employees and customers. It will also be able to serve as the starting block to eventually enable the company to establish a corporate intranet that uses secure passwords. The primary focus of the solution is to provide an internally hosted corporate website. This website will be easy to use and allow customers to have limited access to organizations database systems, (for purposes such as ordering medicines and supplies). The report will provide the ability to tie databases into the web system, while segmenting it on a completely different portion of the network.

2.1. Vision Statement

The Vision Statement is to provide a detailed report for a secure, reliable networks system to develop a marketable web environment that will exceed expectations of customers and to out distance the competitors.

2.2. Major Features

3. A report that will include: 3.1. A secure network environment for hosting Internet resources 3.2. Configurations of hardware and software that will protect internal data systems 3.3. Additional security components to provide a system of checks and balances 3.4. Budgetary pricing of all equipment and services recommended

3.5. Assumptions and Dependencies

4. A function and secure website and database for our customers 5. CISCO Firewalls, Routers Switches 6. AD or SAM type of security system on our networks 7. A robust website that will meet the need of our customers

8. Scope and Limitations

Scope and Limitations – This project will be limited to a report that will provide detailed documentation for the installation of a robust hosted web presence with limited access to database resources. This system will be a “No Frills” system; this means no unneeded items will Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 4 not be added into the network. The website and Database will tied into together. However it will keep separate from the rest of the intranet.

8.1. Scope of Initial Release

The report provided by Team C will enable Emerald Pharmaceuticals to establish a secure environment for the provision of a robust website environment. While the purpose of this document is strictly focused on the environment that will host the Internet accessible resources, it will open the door for numerous possibilities with respect to the applications Emerald will be able to provide its customers.

8.2. Scope of Subsequent Releases

Several key features envisioned for Emerald include:

 Web based ordering system  Customer account inquiries  Possible DVR and security team that will watch over key areas in the factory  Biometric systems for access to different systems and timecard punch out system

8.3. Limitations and Exclusions

 This report is entirely focused on the needs required to create a secure, stable environment for website hosting.  Databases are not linked directly with the intranet. Any queries for marketing or research purposes must be done outside the systems.  No DVR systems will be implemented in this release  No Biometric systems will be installed for this release

9. Business Context

One of the priorities of building the computer system is to appoint a pharmacist to act as technical advisor to the team that will be installing the system (Davis, 1995, p.442). It is necessary to initiate the drafting of procedure manuals which will reflect the new methods that shall be adopted. The printing section of the company should be alerted of this possibility Management should also initiate a meeting where a decision to explore systems installation companies might be explored. Sister companies must be made aware of plans and business companies who have contracts of trade names and manufacturing be requested to be prepared to the changes of names and code names for products that must be made to fit into the format of computing. The Marketing section and the Accounts office must stall all monetary procedures or arrange them accordingly so that the company has time to prepare for the new financial culture. All files in salesmen accounts and financial transactions must change. Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 5

There is a growing need of uniting all sister companies under one name so that the system is accurately synchronized.

9.1. Stakeholder Profiles

Stakeholder Major Value Attitudes Major Interests Constraints Directorate increased see product as richer feature set than maximum budget = revenue avenue to 25% competitors; time to $1.4M increase in market market share Printing Exact labeling Information Proof reading of Section located in of dates on provided not items must be less factory. Copyright product labels reliable arduous for QC issues difficult to resolve Marketing Sales and System slow, Faster delivery to No adequate Marketing inaccurate and wider markets machinery for Strategies inadequate processing Advertising Certainty of Marketing Successful Not enough data products to dependent on advertising and and information promote production. positive response flowing fast in Protracted reflected in sales system products often not available Sister Immediate All autonomous Producing different Situated in different Companies and close in attitude and lines but united in towns with different cooperation products contribution to names revenue

9.2. Project Priorities

Dimension Driver Constraint Degree of Freedom (state objective) (state limits) (state allowable range) Schedule Duration of Training period for Access of two weeks installation: staff undefined permitted before any loss Three Months Features Recent versions of Must operate on staff If database operational in software to be already trained two months, acceptable. installed Quality Management must When prototype passes, test prototype and installation must be selected users test established system Staff Commencement of Size of team is 8 Permitted to co-opt Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 6

Installation including Pharmacist employees to train during installation process Cost Durable system at Budget up to An overage of reasonable cost $50 000.00 including $500.00 permitted. training of staff

9.3. Operating Environment

Pharmaceuticals are actually chemicals which are categorized because they have therapeutic properties that are used by living organisms. Because of these qualities, great care has to be taken in storing and handling pharmaceuticals.

The company is a large spread with a Receiving Department at one end and the Dispatching Department at another. In between these two departments are two manufacturing departments, one for galenicals and another for tablets and capsules. The two manufacturing department share a storage area. Beyond these two areas is a packaging area which is linked to a finished goods store. In a separate building there is newly established department which manufactures injections. Al these departments have their activities originating from the Administration building. In the administration building is the Managing Director’s Office which holds all formulae for products. The Managing Director’s Office works with the Central Planning Office, the Marketing Office, the Accounts Office, Purchasing Office and all Pharmacists in all departments. Reporting to the Managing Director’s Office is the Research and Development Office. (Chemical and Pharmaceutical Manufacturers of South Africa)

A logical system which connects all departments has to be created and set in place. This system will be used to access data both by administration, manufacturing and packaging. It is important that data be kept up to date. It is also necessary that this system reflect transactions as they stand each day. Transactions must show discrepancies to the milligram measure.

The system will want access to the Internet, for the sake of advertisement. It may want only ‘”read-only” displays on the Internet as an initial stance with plans of growth. The system must use a distributed database as stores are held in several other towns.

10. Human Resources

In order to complete the project in an effective and timely fashion, it is necessary to have several human resources guidelines to be addressed. The team charter and communication strategies sections document the inner workings of the team with one another. Sections 5.2 and 5.3 outline the team member’s skills and assignments to accomplish the goal. Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 7

10.1. Team Charter

11. How will the team be organized?

It is recognized that each member has different talents that can prove beneficial to the team. Primary assignments will include a project leader, a pharmaceutical liaison, technical design, and documentation. The technical aspects of the project will be divided based upon network & security configuration, and server configurations. Documentation duties will also be equally shared.

12. When there is no consensus on how to proceed, how will decisions be made?

Majority rule will be used if all other efforts fail to come to a group consensus. Project leader’s vote will break any ties.

13. When someone is not fulfilling individual commitments or abiding by the agreed upon ground rules, how will that be addressed so that the project does not suffer?

Successful completion of the projects is most important. If one person does not pull his/her weight for the week, their responsibility will fall back on the other team members. Underperforming members will be politely confronted and provided the opportunity to make-up their share on the remaining aspects of the project. Those who do not pull their weight or abide by the ground rules will receive a poor score on the team evaluation, which may lower their grade. In addition, if a team member consistently fails to pull his/her weight, the team can vote to take that member’s name off of the assignment. The professor will be contacted if the team member in question does not participate for two weeks in a row.

14. How will the team deal with personality differences to ensure project goals are met?

The most important thing is the goal of completing the projects. Online classes bring together many people, with many demographic and cultural backgrounds. Although the team may have vastly different personal opinions about many subjects, all are here for the same reason. With this in mind, all group members will act in a respectful and professional manner at all times.

14.1. Technical Skills and Attributes

Name Skills Attributes Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 8

Robert Banzaca Microsoft Detail orientated, open minded Robert Mazibuko Vast Pharmaceutical exp., Quality Precise, on time, very Control professional Thomas Oen Hardware, Microsoft, Networking Laid back, introverted Michael Szewczyk Networking, Security, Project Detail oriented facilitator Management, Documentation

14.2. Roles and Responsibilities

Name Role Responsibilities Robert Banzaca Systems Researches, designs and documents Microsoft Administration server and application configurations Robert Mazibuko Pharmaceutical Serves as intermediary between team and Liaison customer, performs research and documents customer needs and solutions Thomas Oen Network Researches, designs and document network Administration hardware configurations Michael Szewczyk Project Lead Provides project oversight, facilitates and assists with deliverables

14.3. Communication Strategies

Because of varying schedules and the need to stay in contact with one another, the team will use e-mail as the primary means of communication. To stay on target, messages will be checked and responded to within 24 hours. Other collaboration tools, such as Franklin Live and the chat room, will be used as needed. 15. Project Management

The project management section outlines the deliverables, dependencies, and schedule of tasks to complete the recommendation. As evidenced by the tasks and timelines, there are a variety of details to address in a short timeframe. Team C is willing and able to provide the services below by the scheduled dates.

15.1. Deliverables

Team C shall provide the professional services required to design an external web presence for the Emerald Pharmaceutical Company.

Specifically, Team C shall provide:

Planning Tasks: Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 9

1. Review configuration 2. List and discuss hardware, network, and security configurations 3. Develop upgrade plan 4. Develop test plan

Design Configuration: 1. Physical network design 2. Security appliance configuration 3. Server hardware configuration 4. Server application configuration 5. Naming conventions 6. Security 7. Service provision ability to customers

Documentation: 1. Completed project plan 2. Documentation of configurations 3. Network Diagram 4. Other documentation that may be applicable to this project

The project will be measured by complete provision of all documentation for customer to be able to implement the solution.

15.2. Dependencies

In accordance with the project, Emerald Pharmaceuticals shall:

 Assign a person to work directly with the Team C as the main point of customer contact.  Provide information within the scope of the project as requested by the Contractor.

To implement the recommendations provided in the document, Allied Systems Company shall:

 Provide network, fiber, and other cables or equipment that is considered “customer supplied.”  Provide dedicated Internet connection  Obtain hardware outlined in final report  Be properly licensed for all software required

15.3. Schedule

Task_Name Start_Date Finish_Date Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 10

Vision and Scope Document Mon 9/22/08 Fri 10/3/08 Establish Business Practitioner Thu 10/2/08 Sun 10/5/08 Research Phase Mon 10/6/08 Sun 10/26/08 Revise V&S Document Fri 10/10/08 Sun 10/26/08 Identification of required hardware and software Mon 10/6/08 Thu 10/9/08 Research potential configurations Fri 10/10/08 Fri 10/17/08 Status report 1 Mon 10/20/08 Sun 10/26/08 Design Phase Mon 10/27/08 Tue 12/2/08 Creation of network diagram Mon 10/27/08 Fri 11/7/08 Firewall configuration Tue 10/28/08 Tue 12/2/08 Server setup recommendation Tue 10/28/08 Tue 12/2/08 Web server configuration Tue 10/28/08 Tue 12/2/08 Database server configuration Tue 10/28/08 Tue 12/2/08 Revise V&S Document Fri 11/7/08 Sun 11/16/08 Status report 2 Mon 11/17/08 Sun 11/23/08 Finalization Phase Tue 11/18/08 Sun 12/14/08 Revise V&S Document Sun 11/23/08 Fri 12/5/08 Recommendation Rough Draft Tue 11/18/08 Sun 11/30/08 Final Recommendation Mon 12/1/08 Sun 12/7/08 Project Write-up Mon 12/8/08 Sun 12/14/08 Project Presentation Mon 12/8/08 Sun 12/14/08

16. Educational/Program Outcomes

The conclusion of this project that has been described in this document will allow Emerald Pharmaceuticals to host and maintain their company website internally in a secure and robust environment. The end product will not only allow the company to have greater control of their appearance to the public on the web, but also permit it’s customers access to various information on the company and it’s numerous products.

16.1. General Education

The proposed project will require the researching of network and system servers that will handle both web hosting and database needs for a large organization. The evaluation of the overall costs of the project and savings the company will incur versus continuing having their current website Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 11 hosted externally will also aid in whether the project is necessary and successful. The true success of this project will be determined by the ability of the team to convince other parties why such a move from external hosting to internal hosting is not only needed but also crucial in aiding Emerald Pharmaceuticals to have a more prevalent presence on the internet and becoming more accessible to their customers.

16.2. Information Technology

The project requires the understanding of secure and reliable server and networking components that will host the company’s website and other vital systems to assist in their overall presence on the Internet. This in turn will involve the implementation of various systems and databases as well as improved administration and security practices and policies.

The execution of this system will also require the development and maintenance of all devices as well as company security policies. Since the website will be linked to sensitive information stored in the database, all security policies need to be evaluated and updated. Success will be identified by the creation of a document that provides Emerald Pharmaceuticals with the information to host a website internally while maintaining private access only to authorized users to confidential company information. Vision and Scope for Emerald Pharmaceuticals Page 12

17. Annotated Bibliography

Center for the study of AIDS. Aspen’s generics ensure affordable AIDS treatment. Retrieved

09/27/2008 from

This site provides information about the efforts that being made to help get the AIDS epidemic in Africa under control.

Davis, W.S. (1993). Business systems analysis and design. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing


Rob, P., Coronel, C. (2007). Database systems design, management, and implementation.


MA: Thomson Course Technology.

South South Africa’s Population. Retrieved 09/27/2008 from

This site provides population and other information particularly targeting the country of Africa.

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