Senate Republican Committee Assignments for the 112Th Congress

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Senate Republican Committee Assignments for the 112Th Congress


WASHINGTON, DC – On Thursday, U.S. Senate Republicans announced committee assignments for the 112th Congress.

"Our entire conference was honored to have Mike Crapo leading our negotiations on committee assignments," Senator McConnell said. "And I'd like to thank him and Mike Johanns for their hard work guiding our Committee on Committees through the process." Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) served as chairman for the Senate Republicans’ Committee on Committees, the panel responsible for the committee assignments during the 112th Congress. The assignment marks the fourth consecutive Congressional two-year term that Senate leadership has asked Crapo to chair negotiations among his Republican peers in the Senate. Senator Mike Johanns (R-NE) assisted the Committee in the selection process.

All assignments have been ratified by the Republican Conference, and are subject to ratification by the full Senate:

Appropriations Thad Cochran, Miss. Mitch McConnell, Ky. Richard Shelby, Ala. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Lamar Alexander, Tenn. Susan Collins, Maine Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Lindsey Graham, S.C. Mark Kirk, Ill. Dan Coats, Ind. Roy Blunt, Mo. Jerry Moran, Kan. James Hoeven, N.D. Ron Johnson, Wis.

Armed Services John McCain, Ariz. Jim Inhofe, Okla. Jeff Sessions, Ala. Saxby Chambliss, Ga. Roger Wicker, Miss. Scott Brown, Mass. Rob Portman, Ohio Kelly Ayotte, N.H. Susan Collins, Maine Lindsey Graham, S.C. John Cornyn, Texas David Vitter, La.

Finance Chuck Grassley, Iowa Orrin Hatch, Utah Olympia Snowe, Maine Jon Kyl, Ariz. Mike Crapo, Idaho Pat Roberts, Kan. John Ensign, Nev. Mike Enzi, Wyo. John Cornyn, Texas Tom Coburn, Okla. John Thune, S.D.

Foreign Relations Richard Lugar, Ind. Bob Corker, Tenn. Jim Risch, Idaho Marco Rubio, Fla. Jim Inhofe, Okla. Jim DeMint, S.C. Johnny Isakson, Ga. John Barrasso, Wyo. Mike Lee, Utah

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Saxby Chambliss, Ga. Richard Lugar, Ind. Thad Cochran, Miss. Mitch McConnell, Ky. Pat Roberts, Kan. Mike Johanns, Neb. John Boozman, Ark. Chuck Grassley, Iowa John Thune, S.D. John Hoeven, N.D.

Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Richard Shelby, Ala. Mike Crapo, Idaho Bob Corker, Tenn. Jim DeMint, S.C. David Vitter, La. Mike Johanns, Neb. Pat Toomey, Penn. Mark Kirk, Ill. Jerry Moran, Kan. Roger Wicker, Miss.

Commerce, Science, and Transportation Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Olympia Snowe, Maine John Ensign, Nev. Jim DeMint, S.C. John Thune, S.D. Roger Wicker, Miss. Johnny Isakson, Ga. Roy Blunt, Mo. John Boozman, Ark. Pat Toomey, Penn. Marco Rubio, Fla. Kelly Ayotte, N.H.

Energy and Natural Resources Lisa Murkowski, Alaska Richard Burr, N.C. John Barrasso, Wyo. Jim Risch, Idaho Mike Lee, Utah Rand Paul, Ky. Dan Coats, Ind. Rob Portman, Ohio John Hoeven, N.D. Bob Corker, Tenn.

Environment and Public Works Jim Inhofe, Okla. David Vitter, La. John Barrasso, Wyo. Jeff Sessions, Ala. Mike Crapo, Idaho Lamar Alexander, Tenn. Mike Johanns, Neb. John Boozman, Ark. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Susan Collins, Maine Tom Coburn, Okla. Scott Brown, Mass. John McCain, Ariz. Ron Johnson, Wis. John Ensign, Nev. Rob Portman, Ohio Rand Paul, Ky.

Judiciary Jeff Sessions, Ala. Orrin Hatch, Utah Chuck Grassley, Iowa Jon Kyl, Ariz. Lindsey Graham, S.C. John Cornyn, Texas Mike Lee, Utah Tom Coburn, Okla.

Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Mike Enzi, Wyo. Lamar Alexander, Tenn. Richard Burr, N.C. Johnny Isakson, Ga. Rand Paul, Ky. Orrin Hatch, Utah John McCain, Ariz. Pat Roberts, Kan. Lisa Murkowski, Ala. Mark Kirk, Ill.

Aging Bob Corker, Tenn. Susan Collins, Maine Orrin Hatch, Utah Mark Kirk, Ill. Jerry Moran, Kan. Ron Johnson, Wis. Kelly Ayotte, N.H. Richard Shelby, Ala. Lindsey Graham, S.C. Saxby Chambliss, Ga.

Budget Chuck Grassley, Iowa Mike Enzi, Wyo. Jeff Sessions, Ala. Mike Crapo, Idaho John Ensign, Nev. John Cornyn, Texas Lindsey Graham, S.C. John Thune, S.D. Rob Portman, Ohio Pat Toomey, Penn. Ron Johnson, Wis.

Ethics Johnny Isakson, Ga. Pat Roberts, Kan. Jim Risch, Idaho

Indian Affairs John Barrasso, Wyo. John McCain, Ariz. Lisa Murkowski, Alaska John Hoeven, N.D. Mike Crapo, Idaho Mike Johanns, Neb.

Intelligence Saxby Chambliss, Ga. Olympia Snowe, Maine Richard Burr, N.C. Jim Risch, Idaho Dan Coats, Ind. Roy Blunt, Mo. Marco Rubio, Fla.

Joint Economic Committee Jim DeMint, S.C. Dan Coats, Ind. Mike Lee, Utah Pat Toomey, Penn.

Rules and Administration Mitch McConnell, Ky. Thad Cochran, Miss. Saxby Chambliss, Ga. Kay Bailey Hutchison, Texas Lamar Alexander, Tenn. Pat Roberts, Kan. Richard Shelby, Ala. Roy Blunt, Mo.

Small Business Olympia Snowe, Maine David Vitter, La. Jim Risch, Idaho Marco Rubio, Fla. Rand Paul, Ky. Kelly Ayotte, N.H. Mike Enzi, Wyo. Scott Brown, Mass. Jerry Moran, Kan.

Veterans Affairs Richard Burr, N.C. Johnny Isakson, Ga. Roger Wicker, Miss. Mike Johanns, Neb. Scott Brown, Mass. Jerry Moran, Kan. John Boozman, Ark.


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