Siddhartha Questions Chapter 2 / “With the Samanas” afflict – to cause severe mental or physical distress to mortification – feeling of humiliation or shame somebody mute – unable to speak alleged - supposed Nirvana – final release from the cycle of Atman - reincarnation attained by extinction of all desires and Brahman considered as the Universal Soul, the great S individual existence, culminating (in Buddhism) in elf or Person that dwells in the entire created order absolute blessedness, or (in Hinduism) in austere – plain and simple, without luxury or self- absorption into Brahman indulgence onerous – burdensome, oppressive, or troublesome benefactor - palliative – soothing anxieties or other intense patron, supporter, sponsor, backer, protector emotions carcass – the dead body of an animal respite – delay or rest chasm – gap or gorge Sakya - The Buddha's clan. Sakyamuni, "wise man of consolations – comfort to somebody who is distressed the Sakyas," is one of the Buddha's names. or disappointed Ulcer – a sore on the skin accompanied by folly – a foolish action disintegration of the tissue and the formation of pus fraud – deceit or trickery Upanishads – a group of writings sacred in Hinduism hither – to or toward a place concerning the relations of humans, God, and the jesting – joke or witty remark universe mock – to treat with ridicule Vedas – ancient sacred Hindu book modesty – free from vanity

Read this chapter with the Second Noble Truth in mind: Suffering arises from desire. 1. What Christian references can you find in this chapter? 2. How much time passes when Siddhartha and Govinda are with the Samanas? 3.Why does Siddhartha fast, abstain from sex, and withdraw completely from anything that provides him comfort? 4. How do you make sense of the phrase “he slipped out of his Self in a thousand different forms”? Ultimately, Siddhartha finds this method unsuccessful. Why? 5.What epithet is used to describe Govinda? What important characteristic about Govinda is Hesse helping the reader remember and understand by using this epithet? 6. Support the following statement: From his time living with the Samanas, Siddhartha learns that the path to bliss cannot be found through studying and learning from books or from the lessons of the old masters. 7.Why does Siddhartha say that he could learn more from the inns with their prostitutes than from the Samanas? 8. Support the following statement: Part way through this chapter, Govinda stops being Siddhartha’s follower and begins to follow his own path or destiny. 9. How do you make sense of the apparent paradox “knowledge has no worse enemy than the man of knowledge, than learning”? 10. What early conflicting rumors and opinions arise concerning the Buddha? 11. What do you suppose Siddhartha means when he says about the Buddha’s teachings “I believe in my heart that we have already tasted the best fruit of it”? 12.Why do you think Siddhartha hypnotizes the old Samana? 13. For all his talents, Siddhartha is still learning. How can you tell that Siddhartha is still very young? 14. Support the following statement: Siddhartha has learned the second of the Noble Truths: Suffering arises from desire. 15. Which steps of The Hero’s Journey has Siddhartha completed? Support with detail from the book.