WWT made Easy

A User Guide to running a WWT Group

2012 – 2013 1. Introduction

This guide provides information on a number of issues involved with running a WWT group and planning WWT events. This guide is for groups that are already operational. For information and assistance with setting up a new WWT group, contact your local HSE Office or visit the WWT Website

2. The WWT group network

The WWT groups deliver the aims and objectives of the Working Well Together (WWT) construction health and safety initiative which are:  To improve health and safety knowledge and good practice within the construction industry and seek to continuously improve health, safety and welfare performance in the construction industry.  To provide practical advice and assistance to the construction industry on the provision and maintenance of healthy and safe working environments.  To encourage co-operation between members in relation to sharing knowledge of health and safety matters.  To promote training and learning in health and safety.  To provide free or low cost information, advice and training to employers and workers in the construction industry.  To stage events where at least half the people who attend will be from small businesses (15 or fewer employees) and 20% are micro businesses (5 or fewer employees).

3. Group structure

 As part of the wider WWT Network, all regional groups must adopt the standard model constitution.  The model constitution may be amended to suit the circumstances of individual groups. However, the proposed amendments must have prior HSE approval.  Amendments to the constitution can only be made by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), following which the agreed amended constitution must be circulated to all group members.  All regional groups shall at all times operate in accordance with the constitution under the management of a Committee set up in accordance with the constitution.  The Chairs of all the WWT regional groups also sit on the CONIAC WWT National Steering Group that meets twice a year.

4. Group operation

 A WWT Group may offer different types/levels of membership and also charge subscription fees.  Subscription fees must be determined by the Committee and approved at the AGM. The income from these fees must be used to support WWT activity  Health and Safety Executive (HSE) membership is mandatory for WWT groups seeking funding or financial sponsorship from HSE.  HSE own the WWT Logo, Brand and Website. All WWT groups may freely use these, provided the use is in pursuance of the aims and objectives as set out above.  Every Group shall be responsible for keeping their website pages up to date with planned events, news articles etc.

5. Finance

 All WWT groups must set up a separate bank account in the name of the group.  Any financial transaction of a WWT group must require at least two Committee member signatures.  HSE employees acting as Committee members cannot be signatories nor have any involvement with financial transactions associated with a group’s activity.  The group accounts must be independently examined annually. The findings of this examination must be circulated to all members.

6. Event Planning and Funding

 The WWT work year will run from April 1 to March 31. Each WWT group must proactively produce an outline annual plan of activity and submit this to HSE (along with any requests for HSE support in terms of finance and staff).  A national list of WWT events will be compiled based on the annual plans and circulated to groups and stakeholders.  Where funding is required from HSE, this must be agreed with HSE before any financial commitment to an event or venue is made.  Providing HSE is a member of the WWT group in question, HSE will consider providing funding on an event by event basis taking into account the financial status of the group.  For events supported by HSE, programmes/booking forms, flyers/posters, SHAD packs/supporting literature and attendance certificates will be provided. These will need to be ordered through the HSE group member.  Post event management and evaluation information must be submitted to HSE within one month of an event taking place.  The use of contentious or reputational risky venues for WWT events should be avoided and groups must notify HSE if they intend to invite the media to an event.  Any purchase orders and invoices sent to HSE must clearly state the reasons for the expenditure e.g. refreshments, guest speaker, a share of the venue cost etc. Invoices requesting part payment by HSE should be accompanied by a copy invoice for the full amount.

7. Important Notes  The HSE financial year runs from April 1 to March 31 and to ensure invoices presented to HSE are cleared before the end of the financial year o invoices for events held between April to January must be presented to HSE within 8 weeks of the event o invoices for events held in February and March - invoices must be presented immediately following the event  For events to attract HSE support, they must support HSE’s strategy for health and safety, link to the Construction Division’s plan of work and aim at the WWT target audiences (small and micro businesses).  To allow HSE sufficient time to consider and allocate resources to proposed events, the outline annual plan should be submitted to HSE by mid January of the preceding work year at the latest.  There is a Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance policy in place to cover all WWT groups in England and Wales (Scotland has a separate arrangement). The limits are £2m for Public Liability and £1m for Professional Indemnity. The policy is with Hiscox and held by the North & West Yorkshire Group. However, it is important to check beforehand that all venues, paid or unpaid do have their own Public Liability Insurance in place.