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Thomas Jefferson High
Federal Way Public Schools Course Syllabus 2017-2018
Class: Nutrition & Wellness
Teacher Name/Room Number: Jennifer McKay F1
Communication: Phone- 253-945-5662 Email:[email protected]
Welcome to Nutrition & Wellness! My name is Jeni McKay and I am excited to teach Nutrition and Wellness at Thomas Jefferson High School. I attended Western Michigan University where I earned my teaching certificate in Family and Consumer Sciences & English Education. I also have a master’s degree in Educational Technology from Central Michigan University. My educational experience makes me highly qualified to teach Nutrition & Wellness. Teaching high school students life skills is my passion! Below is some information about the course, but please feel free to contact me throughout the year with any questions you have.
Course description: This course meets the district’s occupational (CTE) requirement. It focuses on factors that influence nutrition and wellness across the life span. Students learn to evaluate nutritional needs of individuals & families, and to evaluate factors that affect food safety from production through consumption. A variety of lab experiences will allow students to demonstrate their ability to handle and use foods in basic recipe preparation.
Necessary materials: File folder/ binder Student planner Writing utensil
Student Expectations: 1. Be kind 2. Be responsible 3. Be safe 4. Head phones may be used during independent work time only 5. Cell phones off and out of sight during class, unless teacher allows 6. School wide rules printed in the Thomas Jefferson Student Handbook apply to this classroom
Food Lab Expectations: 1. Follow food safety rules and lab procedures at all times 2. Watch demonstrations closely and ask questions if needed 3. Always wash hands with hot, soapy water 4. Divide and assign group roles, share tasks 5. Gather lab supplies, equipment, and food at the beginning of class 6. Review recipe and directions thoroughly before starting 7. Eat food while sitting, not standing 8. Clean kitchen station thoroughly 9. Return all supplies and equipment 10. Check-out inspection before you leave
*** If the above expectations are not followed your cooking privileges may be taken away***
Middle Years Program
(This is an IB MYP class. The goal of the IB MYP program is to provide a balanced, rigorous program that provides all students with the ability to be successful in further academic studies.
MYP has four major assessment criteria in Course Name, and rubrics for each will be used to assess student work: A. Knowing and Understanding B. Investigating C. Communicating D. Thinking Critically
Assessments: Cooking labs Group projects Quizzes/ Tests
Grading Procedures: The Federal Way Grading System: Each course has a set of learning standards (priority standards). These can be accessed on the FWPS website ( Individual assignments are linked to one or more priority standards, and the score for that assignment will be averaged with all other assignment scores in that priority standard, resulting in an overall score for that standard. The class grade is the result of the average of all priority standard scores. Please check your child’s grade frequently using the district app or ParentVue. You may need to contact the counseling office to get the password for your student ([email protected])
Thomas Jefferson High School Grading System:
MYP Scale and Rubrics
In the gradebook, students will be graded on a 1-8.
1 = Missing work, 2 = Developing, 3-4 = Nearly Proficient, 5-6 = Proficient, 7-8 = Highly Proficient.
Priority Standards are the major concepts and skills that will be taught in the class. Class grade barriers are as follows: A = 8.0-6.6, B = 6.5-4.6, C = 4.5-3.0, F = 2.99-0.0.
The teacher will determine a student’s level of proficiency for each learning target using an MYP rubric to give students more specific feedback and to be in compliance with the MYP program.
Due dates and meeting due dates are an important part of student learning. The teacher will provide students with due dates well in advance of work to be submitted.
There are situations beyond a student’s control that prevent them from meeting the deadlines provided. Please communicate with the instructor if issues arise.
Reassessment Policy: TJHS students will have multiple opportunities to achieve mastery of a Priority Standard. This includes re-taking portions of tests (Policy 2420P), recognizing that students learn at different rates and times.
Students are guaranteed at least two attempts for each priority standard. Multiple Opportunities: Teachers will communicate when a particular standard will be assessed again as part of the curriculum. These “multiple opportunities”, as defined by the teacher, are offered to all students as part of the designed curriculum. Students need to show no extra readiness to participate.
Retake Policy: Retakes will be worth the same score as the original assessment or assignment. Any assignment given for practice or completion will not be used to determine a student’s grade, but can be entered into the grade book for communication.
Formula for Success:
1. Arrive on time and prepared for class 2. Utilize the goals of the IB Learner Profile - Approach your classes with a growth mindset. The learning is the most important element. Take pride in your own work, acknowledge when you have fallen short of your capabilities, and learn from your errors. 3. Students take responsibility for their learning by: Bring Planner to class daily Complete daily work on time Communicate with teacher and parents about class information and needs
Attendance and Tardies: Showing up for school has a huge impact on a student’s academic success. We realize some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. When students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically.
Attendance is key to student success. Your child is less likely to succeed if he/she is chronically absent or late (excused or unexcused). Chronic absence is defined as more than 8 absences a year. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time. Students are expected to be in class when the bell rings. After an absence, students must follow up with the teacher about missed work. The daily standards, expectations and Do-Now review are shared at the beginning of the period. Students arriving late to class may miss out on the tools they need to be successful in class.
How to get help: The Library at TJ will be open after school Mondays through Thursdays from 2:10 to 3:55 for students to work on homework or projects. Tutors and staff are available during this time. An activity bus is available to take students home at 4:00 on these afternoons. Academic Integrity: At TJ, academic integrity is a guiding principle in all classes. Students must be diligent in protecting their academic reputation and avoiding all forms of plagiarism, academic misconduct, collusion, and cheating.
Discipline: District policies apply. Each student is accountable for his/her own actions. To be successful, each student must treat others in a respectful manner. When a student does not uphold the rules, there will be a fair and clear process to resolve the situation. The student, teacher, administrator and parent will work together to resolve situations and assign consequences as needed.
Media in the classroom: A variety of short educational videos will be shown in class to reinforce learning objectives. Videos will be shown about food safety & sanitation, preparation techniques, cooking methods and nutrition. The following food related documentaries may be shown in class: Fast Food Nation, Fed Up, Food Inc., Food Matters & Food Chain, Hungry for Change and Super-Size Me.
Food allergies: If a student has a food allergy of any kind it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor of the allergy to ensure their safety. Please indicate allergies at the end of this syllabus in the signature area.
Nutrition & Wellness Priority Standards
Priority Standards PS 1 Analyze potential career choices to determine the knowledge, skills, and attitudes associated with each career. PS 2 Demonstrate leadership and teamwork skills in school, community and workplace settings. PS 3 Analyze and demonstrate conditions and practices that promote safe food handling. PS 4 Identify, maintain, and demonstrate the proper use of cooking and baking equipment PS 5 Define standardized recipe terminology, including cooking methods and techniques. PS 6 Demonstrate ability to select, store, prepare, and serve nutritious and aesthetically pleasing food. PS 7 Demonstrate understanding of water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals on health and diet. PS 8 Analyze the effects of influences on food choices and other nutritional practices. PS 9 Analyze and apply sources of food and nutrition information, including food labels, related to health and wellness. PS 10 Analyze effects of dietary choices on overall health and wellness. PS 11 Develop meal plans based on current dietary recommendations. CCSS 1 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9-10 texts and topics. CCSS 2 Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form and translate information expressed visually or mathematically into words. CCSS 3 Use technology to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically. CCSS 4 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources; assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research question; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas.
Communication: I look forward to inspiring each student to learn and achieve the goals of this course. I will return email and/or phone messages within 24 hours. Please check grades online, listen to Connect Ed messages, review progress reports & report cards, and discuss classroom content during SLCs in order to keep updated and informed about your student’s progress. You are the most influential people in your student’s life. Your support is incredibly important to your child and their success. I hope we can work as a team to make this a productive year. If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email me.
Stay Connected!
Classroom Instagram: TJHSCulinary
Classroom Twitter: TJHSCulinary
Please complete & return this page!
We expect to have a great class with lots of student involvement and learning. I look forward to working with you this year. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
Student Name (Please Print): ______
***Student Signature: ______
Student E-mail: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian E-mail: ______
Parent/Guardian Phone: ______
Please initial if you will allow your student to possibly view the following food related documentaries: Fast Food Nation, Fed Up, Food Inc., Food Matters, Food Chain, Hungry for Change and Super-Size Me. .
______Parent/ guardian initial Food allergies: ______
*By signing this, I am certifying that I understand what is expected in Nutrition & Wellness and that I agree to participate to the best of my ability.
Due date: ______
Stay Connected!
Classroom Instagram: TJHSCulinary
Classroom Twitter: TJHSCulinary