Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2008

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Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2008

CP Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2013 Name:______Directions: Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Due the day of the exam

1. What state of matter has particles relatively far apart, takes the shape container & are compressible? 2. What phase (solid, liquid, gas) are the elements that compose family 8A? 3. Is Boron a metal, nonmetal or metalloid? 4. What is the formula for Magnesium Phosphate? 5. Which of the following contains a metal, nonmetal and metalloid? a. Al, C, Mg b. Li, Si, Ca c. Cu, Na, Cl d. Ar, P, Si 6. What is the formula for hydrofluoric acid? 7. What is the formula for sulfuric acid? 8. What is the formula for pentanitrogen heptahydride? 9. What is the charge of a nitride ion? 10. What is the formula for the compound formed with magnesium and chlorite ions? 11. What charge and type of ion does nitrogen form, cations or anions 12. Name the 7 diatomic molecules? 13. What subatomic particle is neutral, found in the atom and has a mass of one AMU? 14. What the difference between a hypothesis, a theory, and a law 15. What pieces of lab equipment are used to measure mass, volume, length 16. What is the difference between precise and accurate? 17. What Law states that the atoms in the reactants must equal the reactants in the products?

18. Identify the type of equation. CaOH + HCl à CaCl2 + H2O

19. Balance the following reaction: Fe + H2SO4 à Fe2(SO4)3 + H2 20. What are the characteristics that indicate a chemical reaction has occurred? 21. Put the subatomic particles in order of size largest to smallest: proton, electron, neutron 22. What phase of matter has the lowest kinetic energy: solid, liquid, gas? Which has the highest energy? 23. How is the motion of molecules affected by changes in temperature? 24. An atom of Ca+2 has how many total electrons? 25. Which set of elements would have similar chemical properties: a) K, Ca b) N, P c) F, N 26. How many electrons will sulfur need to be a neutral atom? 27. Does Oxygen need to gain or lose electrons to become stable? How many? 28. What is the density of water? Will a substance with a density of .5 g/mL sink or float? CP Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2013 Name:______29. Which type of radiation has the weakest penetration ability and has the heaviest mass? 30. When two nuclei come together to form one larger nucleus the process is called ______? 31. Fusion is the process used to create new elements (true or false) 32. What is the formula when aluminum and oxygen combine? 33. When Fe+3 and O-2 form a compound it is called ______. 34. What type of bond is created when a compound shares electrons evenly? 35. What type of bond is formed by a transfer of electrons? 36. Name an element that would have similar properties as fluorine. 37. Elements in a family/column has the same physical and chemical properties because ______? 38. When chlorine bonds ionically, it would want to ______electrons to become stable. 39. An element that can not conduct electricity, is dull, and is found on the right side of the periodic table would be classified as a ______. 40. Which subatomic particle identifies the element? 41. Which element in the group below has the: highest ionization energy O S Te largest radius O S Te lowest electronegativity O S Te 42. How many valance electrons do the following families have: IA ___ IIA ____ IIIA ___ IVA ___ VA ___ VIA ___ VIIA ___VIIIA ___ 43. Describe the location of metals, nonmetals and metalloids on the periodic table. 44. Every element is unique and can be identified by ______. In the flame test, electrons first absorb energy and so they jump to ______then they ______back to their original starting position and give off the extra energy they absorbed in the form of ______. 45. As you go across periods, electronegativity ______, and as you go down families electronegativity ______. 46. How many protons, neutrons and electrons do the isotopes C-14 and Kr-84 have? 47. Given the following electron configuration, 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2, what does this element want to do to become stable? 48. Calculate the average atomic mass for Lithium: Li-6 is 7.5% and Li-7 is 92.5%. 49. Of the two isotopes listed in number 48, which has the greatest effect on average atomic mass? 50. What is the orbital spin diagram for oxygen (the diagram with the arrows representing the electrons)? 51. Calculate the density for each of these items: a. Mass 42.3 g CP Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2013 Name:______Initial Volume 22 mL Final Volume 49.4 mL

b. A cube that measures 3.0 cm for the length of one side. The cube has a mass of 58.6grams. 52. If a substance has a density of .24 g/mL and a mass of 1250 grams, what volume will it occupy? 53. The average mass of 10 metal blocks was measured to be 15.89 g on an older balance. The actual value was 15.63 g. What is the percent error of the older balance? 54. Identify the elements with the following noble gas configuration: a. [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p2 b. [He] 2s2 2p4 55. Which element from number 54 is the most stable? 56. What type of bond can conduct electricity, dissolves in water, and does not dissolve in oil? 57. What is the difference between a heterogeneous mixture and a homogenous mixture? 58. What process created all elements heavier than helium? 59. What is the most reactive group of metals on the periodic table? 60. Given the following electron configurations, which is the most stable element? a. 1s2 2s2 2p3 b. 1s2 2s2 2p4 c. 1s2 2s2 2p5 d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 61. Is a phase change chemical or physical? 62. Classify each of the following as element, compound, heterogeneous or homogeneous. Hydrogen Pepperoni Pizza Kool-aid NaCl

63. Balance the following nuclear equation.

64. Determine the bond type for the following: F2, H2O, NaCl 65. Elements in the same period have the same what? 66. Define electronegativity. 67. What is the charge on an aluminum ion? A chlorine ion? A magnesium ion?

68. Which of the following is an ionic bond? SbBr3 or NaCl How do you know? 69. Name LiCl. 70. The density of water is 1.0 g/mL. During an experiment, a student found the density to be 1.02 g/mL. What is the percent error? 71. A substance with a fixed volume, takes the shapes of its container, and is not compressible is a solid, liquid, or gas? 72. If 125g of sodium is reacted with 165 g of Chlorine, and there is 65 grams of chlorine left over after the reaction is complete. How much sodium chloride was produced? CP Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2013 Name:______73. Most elements are in what state of matter at room temperature? 74. Define half life. 75. What is the correct noble gas notation for Aluminum? Bromine? 76. Draw the correct orbital spin diagram for Be? 77. Draw the correct Lewis dot structure for P, Na, Kr. 78. An atom of Mg +2 would have how many electrons. F -1 would have how many electrons? 79. A mixture of metals is called what? 80. What is the correct formula for Copper (I) Chloride?

81. Name H2SO3, HF, H3PO3

82. Draw the Lewis Structure for CCl4, HF 83. Which has the larger atomic radius: Mg, Sr, Ra? 84. Which has the larger ionic radius: Na, B, F? 85. A metal and a nonmetal bonded, other than oxygen, is a______?

1. gas 2. gas 3. metalloid (non-metal) 4. Mg3(PO4)2 5. Al, C, Mg 6. HF 7. H2SO4 8. N5H7 9. N-3 CP Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2013 Name:______10. Mg(ClO2)2 11. Negative- anion 12. H2 N2 O2 F2 Cl2 Br2 I2 13. neutron 14. A hypothesis is an observation, a theory is a belief, a law has been proven repeatedly 15. Triple beam balance, graduated cylinder, ruler 16. Precision is the same number over and over and accuracy is the same as the expected value 17. Law of Conservation of Mass 18. Double displacement 19. 2 3 à 1 3 20. Change in color, production of gas, formation of a precipitate, change in smell, change in temp. bubbles 21. Proton – neutron - electron 22. Solid = least, gas = most 23. solid -> liquid = faster, liquid ->gas = faster, gas ->liquid = slower, liquid ->solid = slower 24. 18 25. B (N, P) 26. Gain 2 e- 27. Gain 2 electrons 28. 1 g/mL, float 29. alpha 30. fusion 31. True 32. Al2O3 33. iron (III) oxide 34. non-polar covalent 35. ionic 36. chlorine, bromine, iodine, or astatine 37. they have the same number of valence electrons 38. gain 39. non-metal 40. proton 41. highest I.E. = O largest radius = Te lowest electronegativity = Te 42. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 43. Metals- to the left of the stair steps, metalloids- along the stair steps, nonmetals- to the right of the stair steps and hydrogen 44. the colors in a flame test, higher enengy levels, fall, light. 45. increases, decreases 46. C-14: 6, 8, 6 Kr-84: 36, 48, 36 47. Magnesium, Lose 2 electrons 48. 6.925 amu 49. Li-7 (highest percentage) 50. 51. a. 42.3/ (49.4-22) = 1.54 g/mL b. 2.17 g/cm3 52. 5208 mL 53. 1.67% 54. Ge, O; 55. stable = oxygen 56. ionic 57. hetero – a combination of substances that does not have a uniform composition; ex: pepperoni pizza homo – a substance with the same uniform appearance and composition throughout; ex: salt water 58. Nuclear fusion CP Final Exam Study Guide Fall 2013 Name:______59. Alkali metals 60. 1s2 2s2 2p6 61. Physical 62. H= element, Pep. Pizza= Heterogeneous, Kool-aid= homogenous, NaCl= compound 14 63. 7 N 64. Non-polar, polar, ionic 65. Energy level 66. Ability to attract electrons 67. Al +3, Cl -1, Mg +2 68. NaCl because it is a metal and a non-metal bonded together 69. Lithium Chloride 70. 2% 71. Liquid 72. 225 g of NaCl 73. Solid 74. Time it takes for half of a radioactive isotope to decay. 75. [Ne] 3s2 3p1, [Ar] 4s2 3d10 4p5 76.

77. : : . . . 78. 10, 10 79. Alloy 80. CuCl 81. Sulfurous acid, Hydrofluoric acid, Phosphorous acid . . : Cl: . . . . 82. : Cl Cl: ...... : Cl : . . 83. Ra 84. Na 85. Salt

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