Template for Statement of Pupil Premium Strategy Primary Schools
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Pupil premium strategy statement 2016/18
1. Summary information School Heacham Infant and Nursery School Academic Year 2017/18 Total PP budget £37,100 17/18
Total number of 113 Number of pupils 28 (22%) Date for next internal review February pupils eligible for PP of this strategy 2017
Pupils Pupils not eligible Pupils eligible for PP Pupils not eligible for eligible for for PP 2016 PP 2016 PP 2017 2017 % achieving expected or above in reading, 5/10 25/28 5/7 27/30 writing and maths 50% 89% 71% 90% % making expected progress in reading 70% 92% 100% 97% % making expected progress in writing 70 % 80% 100% 97% % making expected progress in maths 80% 92% 100% 97%
1. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP including high ability)
In-school barriers (issues to be addressed in school, such as poor oral language skills) A. We have high levels of FSM and very high levels of additional need (EHCP/Social care and Early help) in our school context published in our IDSR. Small steps progress for nurture, attitude and attention can be used to evidence progress B. Our school community should be alert to in school barriers and question and solve access levels for FSM children. There must be a drive for all teachers to give more time, have high expectations, good and frequent feedback, long time at parents evenings, access clubs, trips, be chosen to represent the school for sports C. Parents that are very hard to reach and slip away from contacting us and being involved in school attitudes and life, or conversations about their children perhaps because they have had difficult experiences of school and teachers themselves External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates) A. We have had increased involvement from outside agencies ( FSP, Norfolk EH, PSA, NHS, HCC, CP, Food bank) for families where children and parents may be vulnerable B. We have had an increase in incidence of families that struggle to manage time, money, boundaries and pressures of parenting – these families may need help with supervising and stimulating children to support their learning and often had difficulties with education themselves C. We live in a rural coastal area where there are few employers, services and opportunities that can support families– very few of our families are educated at higher levels and very few access levels of pay above national averages – so there is little access to aspirational opportunities 2. Outcomes Desired outcomes and how they will be Success criteria measured A. Improve oral language skills for pupils eligible for PP in PP children are represented well in those children that can Nursery and Reception. Use research based Primary Writing retell stories fluently and can make their own invention Project as a springboard to raise awareness of the importance of storytelling, reading books and talking together. PP families are well represented at training/family events Supplement this with Power of Reading teaching and learning including those on FSM sequences. Use the data collection sheets for baseline and exit and attitudes. Use the staff training to engage families PP children have increased levels of attainment in EYFS in and ensure PP are well represented in those who attend CLL and Literacy compared to previous years training, complete homework and parental events ( bedtime stories/ open mornings/ parents evenings/ Learning catalyst) Target PP in EYFS for higher APS B. Increase the attainment and progress rates in KS1 RWM for PP children making progress from different starting points those in school who are disadvantaged by ensuring staff though T4W project, targeted intervention, tests, prioritise those children and understand that we need to drive assessments and in work collections measured termly so that a value for inclusion and equality to re address differences. all except P scale children make good progress.
Teach children what they need to pass test by looking at Attainment for PP currently in KS1 is higher than national gaps analysis and rehearsing vocab and knowledge averages after those with EHCP is removed and there is increased progress brought about by excellent teaching, Use small group intervention for sounds discovery, spellings, feedback, intervention handwriting, tackling tables C. Improve the engagement with school for the harder to reach Are equal numbers of PP children coming to events held by families of those with PP/FSM in order for the aims and school? objectives for child are shared between family/school. Do families that have previous lack of engagement now To be monitored through attendance at training sessions, engage with school? early help meetings, parents evenings, offer reward schemes and adult workshops ( aroma therapy/mental health) D. Ensure that enrichment activities and competitive /selective Are there equal numbers of PP children ( sports teams, opportunities contain equal numbers of PP. Go to extra school council, performers, jobs) lengths to promote skills beyond R/W/M for those who are disadvantaged to ensure that children feel pride and self- esteem – that attitudes remain very positive
3. Planned expenditure Academic year 2017/18 The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school strategies. i. Quality of teaching for all through coordinated and research based whole improvement strategy Desired outcome Chosen action / What is the evidence and How will you ensure it is implemented SReview approach rationale for this choice? well? A. Improved oral T4 writing over two Invest PP funding into longer term Senior staff, including head will drive project aims through- L language skills in years change which will help all pupils. ensuring that leaders represent EYFS and KS1. BJ Reception and Nursery Small group targeted CS with shared strategy of speech and language Ofsted 2016 report identifies the next Training for all staff so message is consistent across T T4W between school support step for us “ make sure that pupils school and home Additional adult speaking skills are well developed , support (afternoons particularly boys, so that spoken, Analysing outcomes for PP and non PP termly in data during Autumn term) reading and written skills are checks and work collections consistently good” Monitoring data checks termly as well as hosting BIG events like bedtime stories that include all ages of children and families Total budgeted cost £12,000
ii. Targeted support and increased feedback to accelerate progress for PP Desired outcome Action What is the evidence How will you ensure it is implemented S Review and rationale for this well? t choice? a f f l e a d B Increase the Target PP pupils in Y2 for Increasing the access to higher Identify focus pupils for Spring Term 18 in staff meeting B April 18 attainment and progress additional access to teacher levels of professional training S June 18 rates in RWM for those and HLTA through increased and subject knowledge so that Ask for increased levels of group work, feedback sheets K in KS1 cohort where group work in class( not most disadvantaged pupils gain and time to meet with families P there is lower levels of necessarily taken out for the most teaching time L progress and attainment group) Tchs/Hltas to sit with PP at least daily supporting child’s J Through intervention , Train staff to see that language progress and understanding J feedback, tracking and Focus on work collections/ is vital to developing access to C quality teaching class observations for those national expected benchmarks- Tchs/hlta to chat with families weekly and invite in for T with PP Power of reading, T4W, Talk progress meetings Target PP in EYFS for boost, word aware, cooperative higher APS learning – all form basis of our HT observe and check work collections Target EHCP/PP pupils in Y1 curriculum to ensure rich for additional mentoring from opportunities to talk, read and SENco and HLTA and write for purpose effective interventions for phnics, reading and maths Targeting effective support for specific literacy and numeracy Total budgeted cost £ 13,000
i. Targeted support for families to educate and inspire their children and overcome difficult barriers Desired outcome Action What is the evidence How will you ensure it is implemented S Review and rationale for this well? t choice? a f f l e a d C. Improve the Have good staff in before Through warmth and Advertise courses and training with crèche and M April 2018 engagement with school school learning café and engagement we want to model refreshments offered. W for the harder to reach reward PP with vouchers and positive and exciting attitudes to ( families of those with stickers- earning points for school and ensure our families Target courses families want too ( aromatherapy for l PP/FSM in order for the children university pass have access to quality kids, tackling tables, top trumps, well-being and e aims and objectives for Innovative events that information and resources. relaxation) to ensure families want to come in a child are shared between increase opportunities and r family/school. To be motivation for those with less We host many meetings before n monitored through positive schooling experience school during school and after i attendance at training led by staff and learning school around themes that n sessions, early help catalyst interest us, children and g meetings, parents families- these are led by c evenings, Children’s University access different people- sometimes a and make sure they attain! teachers, learning catalysts , t) Track high attaining PP visiting specialists pupils as a unique group L J Retain before school We want families to feel happy J provision and drop in run by and comfortable with us so that HLTA staff in learning café they can be school positive and K daily – add breakfast option? start to work in partnership to E £2000 promote progress, attendance D. Increased PP family Make sure families are Some of the PP who are not Targeted pupil support daily from a pastoral key person P Ongoing 17/18 engagement with invited in to school with able to attain struggle with very S learning with targeted warmth and open agendas difficult circumstances. Daily comfort club for target group led by TA each A social and emotional lunchtime H support for pupils that Spread the word that we can A minority of the PP children T are the most challenging help and will respect and have very difficult behaviours Time for children to have social skills, nurture with tolerate ( though we are not a and/or high levels of SEN senior staff/PSA/Bought in SEMH services soft touch) Families and children need Involve quality early help support from specialist staff and professionals in a team senior staff to maintain control around school and family of children and learning.
Children need to feel safe, calm Involve staff for lunchtime and loved before they can settle and before school that can to learning. nurture children and develop social interaction and well being
Outside agency support for SEMH Total budgeted cost 6,000
i. Other approaches Desired outcome Chosen Estimated impact: Did you meet the Lessons learned Cost action/approac success criteria? Include impact on pupils (and whether you will h not eligible for PP, if appropriate. continue with this approach) To ensure all pupils have Free additional hours PP children that face disadvantage through barriers at Highly successful in increasing £5,000 access to quality adult EYFS provision home to have increased support above 15 hours for lunch progress in language, behaviour, interactions to increase Free drop in and additional sessions nutrition and learning progress provision To ensure that all pupils Subsidised costs of All pupils have been able to participate in full programme of To continue to offer subsidised £1,000 can access the full educational visits, educational visits and activities educational visits and club programme of dance club, sports programme to all PP pupils educational visits and club 2026/17 activities
To offer extended tuition Free access to PP pupil have had the opportunity to take up extracurricular To continue to offer free lessons to £600 for pupils who wish to recorder lessons for lessons if they wish to learn. all PP pupils 2017/18 learn skills – PP pupils dance/music/sports
Overall spend 17/18 £39,600
Review of expenditure Previous Academic Year £33,600 16-17 Quality of teaching for all through coordinated and research based whole improvement strategy Desired outcome Chosen action/approach Impact: Did you meet Lessons learned Actual the success criteria? (and whether you will continue with this Spent Include impact on approach) pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. Improve oral language skills for T4W training for staff The strategy of imitating and We continue with T4W to learn and retell stories, we will invite 12,000 over pupils eligible for PP in Nursery and retelling know stories families to more information sessions on talking and reading to two years Reception. Delivery of imitation phase regularly through repeated actions the children, continue with analysing the language through year and repetition has been development and developing our case studies. highly effective in supporting + additional children’s language skills in Primary writing/T4W is now being piloted by Education costs for cover EYFS. Endowment Trust to assess progress / effectiveness to monitor We have video evidence of impact and before and after for key Also investing in Power Of Reading (CLPE) to enhance T4W take video children that are PP / as former is expressive and allows children to use the evidence and EYFSPP and the motivation language skills developed through imitation. POR also has language and language skills are WONDERFUL books to read aloud with children assessments improved rapidly. We have transcripts of the Consider using Talk Boost in KS1? Looks effective when stories for focus pupils to researched and looking at education trust recommended. evidence aspects of Targeting pupils and good broad language that are improved ( provision sentence structure, adjectives, wider range of Free nouns , conjunctions ) No exceeding -Target YR pupil with PP for exceeding if they Target PP in EYFS for higher APS Intervention are more able . Sounds discovery, numicon, HLTA Outcomes for YR 2017 were staffing very good and above national average with attainment at 100% on track Increase the attainment and in CLL with high need Continue with high quality teaching intervention and gaps progress rates in RWM for those in removed and progress for analysis. Additional Y2 2017 cohort where there is this group as well above the Could we have accelerated progress more for those childen staffing lower levels of progress and non-pupil premium group. that were not secure fit at end of KS1 ? Sen support? We have £13 000 attainment currently due to specific completed case studies for this –our analysis would say that cohort the 3 children that were close to expected were not secure A small cohort with high enough to be assessed as expected. need filtered has an APS of 34 which is higher than 15/16
Other approaches Parental partnerships Desired outcome Chosen action/approach Estimated impact: Lessons learned Cost Did you meet the (and whether you will continue with this success criteria? approach) Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. Improve the engagement with Many families use our Yes – the impact on some families for the workshops and Staffing to host school for the harder to reach Learning café learning café over time and resources in the café are good. They give good feedback for café every families of those with PP in order Learning catalyst the register shows that PP increased motivation, useful information and resources. We morning and for the aims and objectives for child families frequently attend. have also increased our Early help provision which is now led provide fruit are shared between family/school. There are adult focussed by higher qualified staff so that meetings can be target led and and rewards To be monitored through activities that bring higher improvement goal focussed. attendance at training sessions, numbers into school ( mental £2,000 early help meetings, parents health, relaxation Long, unstructured meetings from PSA were not effective in evenings moving families on or achieve goals and do not continue.
Wellbeing people support Increased PP targeted social and Engage behaviour team In this academic year we had Families continue to need quality support and therapeutic emotional support for pupils that are three PP children that were support for their children. We will continue to access the the most challenging vulnerable to exclusion, they therapeutic approach for those in need. were also SEN and had £2,000 previous FSP/EH support – children had concerning
i. Other approaches Desired outcome Chosen action/approach Estimated impact: Lessons learned Cost Did you meet the (and whether you will continue with this success criteria? approach) Include impact on pupils not eligible for PP, if appropriate. To ensure all pupils have access to Free additional hours EYFS PP children that face Costly but staff are already present for other children so £7,000 quality adult interactions to increase provision disadvantage through making pupil numbers higher and highly successful in progress Free drop in provision barriers at home to have increasing progress in language, behaviour, nutrition and increased support above 15 learning. The children that are targeted are making good hours for lunch and progress across EYFS additional sessions
To ensure that all pupils can access Subsidised costs of educational All pupils have been able to To continue to offer subsidised educational visits, access to £1,000 the full programme of educational visits, dance club, sports club participate in full programme children’s university and club programme to targeted PP visits and activities of educational visits and pupils activities