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Agreement Strongly disagree Disagree Completely disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Mostly disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Slightly disagree Agree Slightly agree Strongly agree Mostly agree Completely agree Occurrences Very rarely Never Not at all Rarely Seldom Little Occasionally About half the time Occasionally Frequently Usually Often all the time Very frequently Always Not really Never Never Somewhat Rarely Seldom Quite a bit Sometimes Sometimes Often Often Always Not much A little Not much Some Some Little A great deal A lot Somewhat Much A great deal Importance Not important Unimportant Unimportant Moderately important Of little importance Of little importance Very important Important Moderately important Very important Important Very important Quality Poor Very poor Extremely poor Fair Not good Below average Average All right Average Good Good Above average Excellent Excellent Excellent Content Too elementary Too fast Poor Okay Just right Not good Too technical Too slow Good Excellent Did not understand No help at all Quite unsuccessful Understood a little Slightly helpful Somewhat unsuccessful Understood most of it Fairly helpful Somewhat successful Understood very well Very helpful Quite successful Implementation Definitely will not Absolutely no Never true Probably will not Mostly non Sometimes true Probably will Neither yes nor no Often true Definitely will Mostly yes Absolutely yes Not at all Not at all true Probably not Very little Slightly true Maybe Somewhat True about half the time Quite likely To a great extent Mostly true Definitely Completely true Overall Impression Very dissatisfied Not at all satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat satisfied Somewhat satisfied Very much satisfied Very satisfied Didn’t get what I wanted Very uncomfortable Got a little of what I wanted Uncomfortable Got a lot of what I wanted Comfortable Got everything I wanted Very comfortable
Used with permission from University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, Program Development and Evaluation, Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes, 2008, modified and adapted by Julie Pigott Dillard, UF IFAS Washington County Extension, 2013 Likert-type Scale Sample Ratings
What does a Likert Scale measure? Likert-type, or frequency scales, use fixed choice response formats to measure attitudes or opinions. (Bowling 1997, Burns & Grove 1997)
Individuals express how much they agree or disagree with a statement.
How do you use Likert results? Summarize using: Median - the middle number in a sorted list of numbers. Find Median by placing the numbers you are given in value order and find the middle number
Mode – the number that appears most often. Find mode, or modal value, by putting numbers in order then counting how many there is of each number.
Mode is probably the most suitable for easy interpretation. Display distribution of observations in a bar chart.
Used with permission from University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, Program Development and Evaluation, Building Capacity in Evaluating Outcomes, 2008, modified and adapted by Julie Pigott Dillard, UF IFAS Washington County Extension, 2013