Badger Region Volleyball Association
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Badger Region Volleyball Association Board of Directors Meeting Region Office on Monday, February 24, 2014 *6:00 pm
Board Members In Attendance: Julie Voeck, Jim Momsen, Kim Wudi, Kelly Lehman, Todd Lyon, Paul Schlomer Anne Slattery, BJ Leroy, Chad Schreiber Call in: Nancy Paulson Ex-Officio Members Present: Jennifer Armson-Dyer, Colleen Houk, Deb Stadick, Terry Paulson, Tom Gulak Absent: BJ Bryant
“Everyone has had a chance to review the agenda. Does anyone have a conflict of interest with anything we plan to discuss? Let the minutes reflect…”
I. Call to Order Voeck calls meeting to order at 6:10 pm
Approval of Minutes – to be done for last meeting electronically No conflict of interest revealed for the upcoming agenda
II. Region Office/Region Growth a. Office Report i. Pre-Reads were sent out prior to meeting. 1. Visit Milwaukee is interested in bringing the World League to the area 2. The Region received $750 from USAV for Hilton ad a. Can be used as the Region wants 3. Ability Athletic Center—Moving forward on Froedert grounds a. Volleyball courts will be included in the center b. This is a strong group with a strong history of success
ii. Wisconsin Volleyball Forum 1. Wudi would like the Region to consider offering a forum a. What should the vision be? b. Who could this benefit? a. Officials & HS coaches 1. What are their needs, challenges, how can we help? 2. Offer a one day event? 3. Brainstorming between those with like interests b. A possible partnership with WIAA? c. Consider an Expo or Market place a. What are the issues of our audience? 1. Gym space? How to start a club? Best officiating practices? d. Possibly model after the AVCA convention? a. Survey Monkey could be sent out for suggested topics 2. Wudi will led a region committee (Houk, Momsen, Slattery) with plans for a future forum a. Would BRC—2nd weekend possibly work??
iii. Training Coaches How To Coach—Todd’s Academy 1. Lyon states that the regions coaches need to be better educated a. There are many coaches that could benefit from continued education b. Are the certifications (Impact, CAP) really being used? a. Could the region seek out mentor coaches?
1. There are many experienced coaches in our area that struggle finding enough time to devote to a full season but might be willing to put in a weekend or an evening to teach. 2. Lyon will lead a region committee to develop the coaching academy
Discussion Require Impact re-certification? Most feel that is not the answer. Should the region put together our own coaching cadre (a group of coaches that would be willing to show up at practices and or games)? A coach’s academy (with a club academy seal approval). Could year two of Impact re-certification be age specific or subject specific? o Should this be a requirement? Agreed that this could not be mandated. Consider offering a Coaches Cadre Hotline similar to a Nurse Hotline. Special award or recognition on the website for those that have taken the extra steps to better educate themselves. o Much like CAP I or CAP II Require club admin/director/coach from each club to get re-certified with the intention of taking the information back to their club for sharing. 2014/15—Run regular Impact with the suggestion that the prior year’s Impact coaches do a new clinic.
III. Tournaments a. Bracket Pal Tourney Scheduler Option for JCD’s i. Created by Jesse Gumm ii. Will consider making this available to TD’s for a 1-day event for 2014/15 iii. T Paulson explained that the system is easily customized and user friendly 1. Event registrations would still be done via AES a. AES is the preferred system to use as a scheduler for 2-3 day events 2. Bracket Pal will be offered to two chosen events yet this season a. Dale Rohde Memorial-April 13 b. Southport-May 18 (Back in the Gym event) iv. How would this be paid for? 1. Region offer as a service—pay Bracket Pal per season 2. Region offer/charge clubs for using?
b. Badger League Update/Discussion i. BL numbers were down due to removing the Qualifier. Additional costs such as adding trainers upset the overall profit margin. ii. Is it worth running in the future? 1. Numbers need to be increased 2. Early event registration may help with numbers a. Dates and locations could be re-evaluated b. Is this a long range planning topic? a. There really is no vision right now b. Should be marketed to “2’s” & “3’s” teams iii. T Paulson will bring new formatting ideas to the JCD May meeting
Discussion 2 day/1 weekend Extravaganza. 3-1 day events so that teams that have a lot of basketball players wouldn’t have problems with numbers. 2 seeding days/1 weekend at a Jr Club site with the 2nd weekend being in the Dells. Those BOD’s that are CD’s discussed why they did or didn’t attend the BL. Tournament registration to be open before 12/1.
c. Badger Region Qualifier Discussion i. A Slattery suggests that the CD’s/coaches of entered teams rank all teams within their division
ii. The numbers (50) are up due to the National Championships being in Minnesota iii. BRQ is being held at two sites (KM & AHS) (Paulson’s at KM & C Houk/T Gulak at AHS) iv. AES will be used for the formatting and double elimination tournament
IV. Juniors a. Starlings Report i. Armson-Dyer explained how the Region is helping out with the Starlings b. Juniors Tryout Dates for 14 & Under i. The Great Lakes Region has asked the Badger Region to consider moving the 14 & Under 1st date of tryouts to the Sunday after the Oct 1st date 1. The date will be left at October 1st c. Club Contact Policy i. Leroy would like the wording changed on the new policy. Choose one or the either **We are removing the word “registered” from representatives. **We are leaving “registered” in the language. If the language doesn’t include the word “registered” (choice A), we can hold the clubs responsible for all their representatives, registered or not.
Discussion Only registered members are within the regions control Should those people being harassed report this with police as a bullying issue? You can’t police integrity
Gold Seal clubs should be required to be good people and not allow their non-members to be bullies.
The word register needs to be left in. o The effective date will be February 25th
V. Financial a. Badger Region Senior Membership i. There has been a request from a USAV member from the Madison area that would like the region to consider adding a senior membership for $35. 1. There are currently only 27 people in the region that are born before 1948.
**Motion #1: Move to add a reduced membership option for anyone 65 & over as of 9/1/2014 at a cost of $35. Motion moved by Schlomer, Second by Momsen Vote: Motion Passed (Unanimously)
b. Region Standing Update i. Budgets are doing well-there is nothing to worry about at this time. ii. All Chairpersons will be given the numbers to review and accept. iii. The budget will be reviewed extensively at the long range planning meeting 1. Wish Lists should be sent to A. Slattery by May 15 for June 6th approval.
VI. Executive Committee a. Long Range Planning (June 6/7) Site: TBA i. Facilitator will be Professor Doug Irke 1. BOD governance will be on the agenda 2. Prof Irke will contact all BOD members prior to help with the meeting structure. ii. Request for Topics 1. Succession Planning (J. Momsen) a. Documentation of what each position (Region Staff) does and how they do it.
2. Board Structure and By Laws 3. Challenge Department Heads a. Summarize how their population can give them help 4. Badger Region Website—some feel as though it is hard to navigate 5. Beach—long range planning 6. Spectator Behavior and Code of Conduct a. Possibly set additional rules a. Empower referees b. Hiring of Arbitrators c. PCA for Parents 7. Youth VB Leagues a. Developing more around the state 8. Financially Diversification a. More Revenue-how can this be accomplished? 9. Long Range Planning Meeting should be open to the members a. Advertise to membership/attend for a fee a. Who should be invited? Need to sign up by a specific date b. Plea for agenda items from membership
iii. Agenda items to J. Armson-Dyer by April 1st
VII. New Business a. Elections i. Nominating Committee (Secretary BJB will head) 1. Treasurer (Schrieber), Metro Milw (Slattery), At Large (Lyon) b. Early Tryout Dates i. There is a request by a few junior clubs to move the early October tryout dates back to November 1. Tabled to be discussed at the long range meeting c. Modification rules for 10’s team that compete in 11’s/12’s events 1. Tabled to be discussed at the long range meeting
Adjourn **Motion #2: To Adjourn Moved by Schlomer, Second by Lyon Vote: Motion Passed (Unanimously)
Meeting adjourned at 9:31 pm
Motions Motion #1~ Move to add a reduced membership option for anyone 65 & over as of 9/1/2014 at a cost of $35. Motion moved by Schlomer, Second by Momsen **Motion #2: To Adjourn Moved by Schlomer, Second by Lyon
Action Items * Wudi will led a region committee (Houk, Momsen, Slattery) with plans for a future forum * Lyon will lead a region committee (TBA) to develop the Badger Region Coaching Academy * 2015 Badger League- T Paulson will bring new formatting ideas to the JCD May meeting * Budget Wish Lists should be sent to A. Slattery by May 15 for June 6th approval at LRP. * Prof Irke will contact all BOD members prior to the LRP Meeting to help with the meeting structure * LRP agenda items should be sent to J. Armson-Dyer by April 1st * BJB along with the Nominating Committee will put together a slate of candidates by: