West Coast Hospital Redevelopment Partnership Group Meeting Minutes: 31 August 2017
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Date Thursday, 31 August 2017 Time 10.15am Location Ministry of Health Offices, 48 Hereford Street, Christchurch Chair Cathy Cooney (Chair) Members in Jenny Black, Trevor Wilkinson attendance Terry Moore (via teleconference) Ex Officios Michael Hundleby Director Critical Projects David Meates, CEO Christchurch and West Coast District Health Board Attendees MoH: John Hazeldine – Chief Advisor DHB Funding & Planning, Marbeth Isaac – Finance Manager, Tony Lloyd – Programme Director, Jim Coard - Project Manager Lynn Archibald – minutes WCDHB: Margo Kyle – Facilities Consultant, Pradu Dayaram – Chair Clinical Leaders Group, Mark Newsome – Director, West Coast Capability Development, Johnstaff: Alistair Burke, Project Director, Jarred McCartney, Regional Director, CCM: Adam Flowers, Director, Aecom: Steuart Ogilvie, Associate Director (via teleconference) Item Subject The Chair opened the meeting at 10.15am. 1 a Apologies There were no apologies.
b Conflicts of Interest There were no updates to conflicts register.
c Minutes of 4 August 2017 That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 August 2017 are accepted as a true and correct record. Moved by the Chair Seconded Jenny Black
d Outstanding Action Points i. Programme / Unsubstantiated variations. Jim Coard reported a meeting had taken place with FCC, himself and Tony Lloyd from the Ministry. FCC had responded immediately with a programme which the team will continue to work with FCC to refine. Good gains have been made in terms of programme and it was noted there has been no additional time lost in the past seven months. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. A further meeting with the QS and FCC is planned for Monday, 4th September to address this. Withheld under s9(2)(j)
ii. Timeline prepared for baseline programme to include staff user groups and communication and public engagement process. This action item was covered under item 4 below.
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2 Greymouth Consultant reports a Johnstaff Alistair Burke spoke to the Johnstaff report as at 21 August 2017. Momentum on construction site is being maintained. Important milestone has been reached with the advancement of the IFHC structure. Concern around the significant amount of work sitting with mechanical contractor. Three significant work fronts are being worked concurrently with large contractors indicating they are in a position to resource up as required. Strong focus from consultants on site monitoring with weekly site observations provided. Boiler house is underway. The Programme is resource driven from this point on. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX. withheld under s(9)(2)(j) FCC continue to have significant problems demonstrating viable claims. FCC spending a lot of time upskilling local labour and local community with health and safety workshops. This upskilling has a positive outcome for wider community. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX withheld under s(9)(2)(j)
b CCM The CCM report to 14 August 2017 was taken received. Noted that whilst reported as work anticipated, courtyard design sits outside this project. Flagged that parking and other site works also remain outside this project due to budget restraints. These will still need to be addressed at some stage.
The cashflow is still reflecting building progress to be 3-5 months behind schedule. The QS confirmed his intention to recast remainder of cashflow out to July completion date which will track whether falling behind that spend profile. Withheld under s9(2) (j)
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Action: A letter be drafted XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. This draft to circulated to the Partnership Group for their review. Withheld under s9(2)(j)
3 WCDHB Change Management The report for 31 August 2017 was received. Margo Kyle spoke to this report noting progress with workforce planning, FF&E and ICT remain on track. An example of recent DHB engagement with the community and staff in the form of a circular was noted.
The Grey Base Hospital & IFHC consultants left the meeting.
4 a Buller Integrated Family Health Centre (IFHC) Project Manager’s report The Buller status report dated 24 August 2017 was taken as read. A revised milestone summary was tabled.
b Due Diligence – Buller District Council Michael Hundleby confirmed the due diligence process on the original offer from the Buller District Council was continuing. It was noted the Buller District Council had written to Ministers copying the Ministry and Partnership Group advising they did not support site, scope and bed numbers and wanted a complete review.
There was discussion as with these conditions it appeared there was not a firm proposal on the table from the Buller District Council.
Action: Deloitte to provide a written report of the due diligence process they have undertaken to date for the next Partnership Group meeting (22/9).
c The West Coast District Health Board Facilities re-engagement plan was tabled in response to a request at last month’s Partnership Group meeting.
The project needs to progress the user group process as part of the next design phase and the District Health Board plans to re-engage with staff and the community on the models of care.
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5 General Business Noted the WCDHB had received a request from the Westport News for the seismic ratings for hospital buildings in Buller. The meeting concluded at 11.58am.
Reports/Documents Distributed prior to the Meeting Minutes of Previous Meeting 4 August 2017 Johnstaff Project Manager’s report as at 21 August 2017 & Risk Management Plan AECOM QS report # 15 dated 22 August 2017 CCM Architect’s report dated 14 August 2017 Opus report dated 17 August 2017 WCDHB Facility Redevelopment Change Management report August 2017 West Coast Health Facilities Redevelopment Update August 2017 Buller IFHC Project Status report August 2017 West Coast District Health Board Buller Facilities Re Engagement Plan
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