Creekwood Crossing Homeowners Association
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Meeting Minutes
Officer’s Report A. Secretary’s Report: Approval of 2006 annual meeting minutes - completed B. Treasurer’s Report: 2006 – completed Old Business A. Treasurer a. Budget 2007 – reviewed in detail b. 2007 Dues = $135 B. Ponds a. Update regarding pond maintenance plan – - Letter sent out to homeowners to inform them of upcoming work. - Board solicited 3 bids for recommended work. - Board selected JFNu to perform work to stop erosion and make landscape changes. i. Work to be performed will include the planting of aquatic plants in both ponds that will help with future erosion control and water quality. Grading of slopes around both ponds and then planting of wild flowers and native plantings – with both plugs and seeds. Retrieve limestone wall pieces out of ponds and put back into place in walls. All the work performed will help with erosion, water quality and geese control. ii. It was requested that homeowners refrain from fishing to allow for planting to grow in first year. iii. TLC lawn service will water plants to help with growth in first year. TLC will work with JFNu to learn proper procedure for weeding and maintenance. - Goose control – 2 new fake swans will be placed in north pond to help keep geese away. It was noted that this worked in the south pond last summer. C. Compliance a. 2006 recap of violations notices – notices sent in 2006 = 4/2 lamp post light; 8/5 boat & trailer storage; 8/17 unapproved playhouse (allowed to keep by planting a row of evergreen trees to screen neighbors); 11/2 boat & trailer storage. b. Request for cement boat storage slab in backyard was denied by board. V. New Business A. Compliance a. Boat/Trailer storage – reminder that boat and trailer storage is not allowed b. Detached structures – reminder that detached structures of any kind are not allowed. A structure is an outbuilding with a footing. c. Inflatable pools – board recommendation of no larger than 17 feet circumference by 4 ½ feet tall, only up from May 1 to Sept 31 and only in back or side of house – preferably not visible from street. d. Play sets – board recommendation of no larger than 30 feet by 15 feet e. Mailbox structures – need to be maintained by homeowners. Significant damage caused by plow from this past winter. f. Ice fishing – only allowed by homeowners. No fishing shanties. g. Vacant lot on Walden Pass & Whitetail – no restriction on timeline to build in deed restrictions. B. Board Membership a. Treasurer & Compliance Officer’s – retiring and needs replacement – asked for volunteers to call Sue S. if interested. b. General Board – nominate & vote on existing board for a new 2-year term - completed c. Attorney – any members willing to volunteer to look at By-law updates – no volunteers. C. Deed Restriction Discussion a. It was noted that the association only needs a 51% vote of approval from among the attendees at the annual meeting. If any changes are to be made the board agreed to notify homeowners in annual meeting notice of items to be changed and proposed language. b. No changes agreed upon at meeting.
Meeting was opened at 7:00 pm and closed at 8:10 pm.
Attendees: Association Board Members, Carol Mann, Julius Ruff, Robert Masline, Troy Wagner, Michael & Joyce Bonnett, David Raabe, Patti Nagai, Bonnie Clow, Larry Kreiter, Judy Maret, Layus Burng, Mary Stuckey, Dan & Abbie Ajibok, Kim Power, Darrel Heckman