Central Iowa EMS Directors Meeting s1
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Central Iowa EMS Directors Meeting March 24, 2008
West Des Moines EMS
Attendees: John Woutat WDM EMS Deb Wilkinson Polk City FD Dan Gubbins Polk City FD Dan Keough Mercy Tom Patava DSM Fire Ryan Young Altoona FD Kirk Schmitt Bureau of EMS Jenn Drey Elkhart FD Chip Mathis Elkhart FD Jim Mitchell Urbandale FD Brent Hagan Bondurant FD Scott Locker Polk Co. Sheriff’s Office Steve Vannetta Mercy School of Health Sciences Scott Gavin Dallas Co. EMS
Meeting was called to order at 1830
Dan Keough welcomed everyone and thanked West Des Moines EMS for hosting the meeting.
Introductions were made.
Meeting Minutes Minutes from the January meeting were approved as written on a motion by Frank Prowant, 2nd by Scott Gavin
Agenda – no additions or corrections
Treasurer's Report Checking $2918.04 Savings $4016.18
Guests/Presentation None Suggestion for upcoming meetings: Overview of 2 wheel trauma course Bureau of EMS update Committee Reports
Education Committee – Frank Prowant Minutes of the last meeting are posted at: http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CIEMSD/files/CIEMSD%20Training%20Committee/
NREMT classes are completed and were successful. May sponsor more classes in September and February Developing curriculum for advanced airway program Compiling data from area departments for training program development
Medical Director Committee – Dan Keough Medical directors are reviewing protocols. Comparing and possibly sharing with the ED’s. Talked about pain control management. Next discussion is going to be respiratory problems Larger number of doctors are attending
Operations Committee – Dan Gubbins Discussion of quarterly publication – possibly a printed newsletter to send to hospitals as a communication between EMS and hospital staff. (PROPOSAL) o Drafted a letter for each hospital looking for sponsorship Working on revamping the EMS Strike teams. Discussions around: o Update strike teams o Incorporate into the existing fire department teams cards o Use tiered inner circle approach – get resources to event in shortest time frame
Communication Center Reports Polk County – Scott Locker – interested in revamping the strike teams cards. The dispatch center is close to full staff
WestCom – 30 applicants for the director position. Hiring 2 dispatch position full time ad some part time. Will relocate to Station 19 in the basement
Des Moines – Sandy Morris – no report
Polk County Fire Chiefs Report – no report
IEMSA – Jeff Dumermuth Looking for speakers for the conference – it you have ideas, email Jeff Website: www.iemsa.net Metro Trauma Committee – Dan Keough Sponsoring prevention awareness and mock crash events – drunk driving awareness o Every 15 Min program @ Valley HS including both trauma centers. Multi patient mock trauma. Hospital trauma alert in the field house o Want to focus on bad decision-making
Metro ED – Dan Keough Meetings focus on hospital plans for moving patients of the ER to rooms Working on plan for EMS to triage patients in the field to see if they actually need to be transported to a hospital. Maybe make other arrangements such as going to a clinic.
IDPH – Kirk Schmitt 3152 out of 5068 people with EMS certifications have renewed so far. Only have until March 31st. $82,000 available in AED Grants System standards pilot projects are being conducted in several counties EMS week is May 19 – 24. Will have a proclamation from the Governor. Will recognize businesses that allow EMS employees to respond to emergencies during working hours.
MMRS – Tom Patava Return the reflective vest survey to Steve Noland Funding has been approved for the electronic hospital notification system
NDMS – Tom Patava Have a table top exercise Wednesday and Thursday this week
Polk County Emergency Management: Steve Noland – no report
Polk County Medical Examiner - no report
Hospital Reports Mercy – Dan Keough – Construction update – still on target for end of June completion New helicopter is rear loading. Will no longer have hot loads or unloads. Shuts down in 30 seconds Taking applications for honors for people going above and beyond. Will present awards at EMS week luncheon on Tuesday May 20th Make sure your 12-lead strip has patients name on it – it can be hand-written Methodist – also getting a new rear-loading helicopter Lutheran – no report Blank - no report Broadlawns – no report VA – no report Other – no report
Member Counties: Boone – no report Dallas – Scott Gavin - no report Jasper – Rex Heisdorffer – having an active shooter drill – will coordinate between PD, CERT, and Sheriff’s Office Madison – no report Marshall – no report Marion – no report Story – no report Warren – Doug Richardson - no report Polk County EMS -
Old Business Website information Scott Gavin - website will be up soon Need 2 pictures from each service – should be jpeg format. Email 1 rig and 1 action photo to Scott. Send articles in Word.doc format www.centraliowaems.com. Domain idea was www.ciemsd.com
New Business - CIEMSD (Yahoo Groups) – Dan Gubbins [email protected]
Announcements 8 services in the area are hiring P/PS now. Brian Helland was hired as Clive’s new training chief
Patava asked for info on automated cardiac compression devices WDM crews are happy with their use Expensive, heavy, bulky Urbandale is testing one, but hasn’t used it yet Upcoming Training Opportunities Mercy School of EMS – Steve Vannetta June 2nd – full-time Basic class M – F Sept – evening PS program Evening Basic program Still evaluating a bridge from P to PS curriculum Have formal alignment with DM University using their simulation lab Have full-time PS instructor vacancy
Next meeting – May 19th – 1830 - 2030 Altoona Fire Department 950 Venbury Drive
2008 Meeting schedule July 28 Urbandale Fire Department 3927 121 St. Sept 22 Ankeny Fire Department 120 NW Ash Drive Nov 24 Bondurant Fire Department 100 Lincoln Street NE
Meeting adjourned at 2000
Respectfully Submitted, Deb Wilkinson, Secretary/Treasurer [email protected]