Animal Welfare - Brief Submissions 1

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Animal Welfare - Brief Submissions 1

1.Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Regulation of Agriculture

2. Animal welfare brief submissions 1

The Commission received a large number of brief submissions from private individuals and organisations expressing opinions on the regulation of farm animal welfare in Australia. These submissions are a valuable source of information about people’s views on animal welfare issues. They are being considered by the Commissioners and staff, and will be drawn on in the preparation of the final inquiry report.

Many of the submissions were in template form (there were three main templates). To aid transparency and ease of reading by others with an interest in this inquiry, the Commission has published the three submissions, followed by the names of the submitters.

To aid readability, some minor formatting has also been undertaken.

1 I strongly support recommendations 5.1 and 5.2 of the Draft Report, relating to the regulation of farm animal welfare. - We urgently need an independent animal welfare body to develop animal welfare standards that are based on current animal welfare science and community expectations. The independent body should also be responsible for overseeing the effectiveness of live export regulation and animal welfare enforcement at a state level. - Greater resources must be dedicated to animal welfare policy and enforcement at federal and state levels. - These reforms will improve community and consumer confidence in Australian livestock industries and the government’s commitment to animal welfare.

2 Adele Hanafin Amanda Leeson Anne Best Adrienne Palmer Amanda O’Neill Anne Bowerman

Affie Nuzum Amanda Tennent Anne Wilson

Ailsa Kuiper Andrea Brough Annette Paine

Alan Bedford Andrea Chambers Annette Reynolds

Alex Kucharska Andrew Pinfold Antonia Craig

Alexandra Andoni Angela Callard Apostolic Hadoulis

Alexandra Nolan Ani Hart Azucena King

Alison Doull Anita Moss Barbara Willis

Alison Faulkner Ann Young Bart Kelsey

Amanda Davis Anna Brewer Becky Wood

Amanda Diaz Annabella Kirby Belinda Grimes

Belinda Hatzievangelou Chris Paterson Diana Tod

Belinda Wray Christina Linforth-Barker Diana Tomkins

Bernadette Shingles Christine Carter Diana Vizard

Bernadette Webster Christine Clifton Dominique Holy

Bijou Whitbread Christine Durrant Donna Devlin

Bodil Schou-Hansen Christine Jones Donna Gowan

Brad Cox Christine Selmes Dorelle Brereton

Brenda Bacon Christy Markiewicz Dorothy Loughton

Brenda Robinson Cindy L Dostana Ljusic

Brenda Spillane Clare Rhoden Eaine Joy Flockhart

Brian Daly Corie Walters Elizabeth Duggan

Bridgett Lorrigan Corrina Mason Elisabeth Bechmann

Bronwen Evans Cynthia Antulov Elizabeth Brown

Bruce Smith Cynthia Lyons Elizabeth Mitchell

Bunty Condon Danielle Scott Emma Joseph

Caitlin Brunskill Danni Jones Enid Estep

Carel Lucas David Hopkinson Esme Haggie

Carlie Williamson David J Scott F Hill

Carmel Barry David Mirenda Felicity Cromback

Carol Hedley David Walsh Fernanda Leite

Carol McDonald Debbie Davis Fernando Da Silva

Carol Sullivan Debbie Wales Fiona Hird

Carole Burrough Deborah Johnson Fiona McCuaig

Carolina Rodriguex Deborah Kent Fleur Ruiz

Caroline Langer Deborah Mclean Frank Sykes

Caroline Perks Deborah Ryan Gayle Buttrose 3 4 Establish a new independent farmed animal welfare body. The body should represent the interests of farmed animals. The body should recognise the sentience of animals, as supported by animal science. The main objective should be to end animal agriculture in Australia. This is because animals suffer when used in agriculture and humans do not need to consume animal products as shown by nutritional science. The farmed animal welfare body should plan for the complete phasing out of animal agriculture within ten years. The body should conduct research into how to phase out animal agriculture with the least impact on the economy and employment and the best impact on the environment and human health. The managing board of the body should only include those who represent the interests of animals and not include representatives of animal agriculture industries. The body should educate the community about animal sentience, animal exploitation in agriculture, and a healthy vegan diet. The community is 99% against cruelty to animals and the majority believe that vegan diets can be healthy. Given the right information, the public will support the complete phasing out of animal agriculture in Australia.

5 Aasha Broad Dekotah Thompson Julie Tatton Adrian George Denise Kelly Julie Woodberry

Alex Green Des Woodberry Justin Nigh

Alison Nodlex Dilan Fernando Kate Battams

Alison Valentine Elizabeth Berns Kate Vincent

Amanda Brewer Elizabeth Filipczuk Katherine Bellman

Amanda Farley-Higgins Elizabeth Jacobs Kathryn Lloyd

Amy Hendicott Elizabeth Wright Kellan Wakeman

Andrea Colbert Emma Blair Kellie Anderson

Angela Blakely Fiona Geoghegan Kellie Wooldridge

Anne Anandam Gillian Wheatley Kelsea Higgins

Belinda Sharpe Heleen Roex-Hatijiema Kianna Hope

Benjamin Lupton Houston Wong Kim Eldret

Bradley Matthews Irina Bradley Kim Ross

Bronwen Hughes Jacqui Jewell Kim Sellers

Carolyn Bruce Jamie Neal Krista Paterson

Charlotte Tremain Janine Horry Kristina Mardiyants

Christine Knight Jasmine Martens Kyale McNally

Chyena Markley Jennifer Roberts Kylie Chain

Cora Lea Jodie Matheson Lauren Murray

Cynthia van der Wielen Jonathon Clifford Layla Sizer-Robertson

Dallas Legg Jose Cabrera Lisa Ryan

Danica Clayton Judy De Groot Loredana Santoro

Lucy O’Brien Samantha Fee

Madalin Coghlan Sammie Soutter

Maggie Rose Sara Kahlau

Marie Pepper Sarah Cutting

Marilyn Orr Shamali Fernando

Mark Tanner Shirley Keeffe

Megan Garner Simone Squires

Melody McCormick Stacey Solomon

Meron Oxley Steven Ferrante

Michael Beasley Sue Moran

Michael Hughes Sungee Heijineman

Michelle Gravolin Susan Woodbury

Michelle Stampfli T Logan

Mitchell Tyler Terri Vincent

6 7 Dear Commissioners, The Australian community expects animals involved in farming to be treated with compassion and protected from cruel practices. I wish to lend my support to recommendations 5.1 and 5.2 in the draft report seeking to provide national independent frameworks for animal welfare. I recommend this body is a statutory Independent Office of Animal Welfare (IOAW) which would: Have a mandate to achieve excellence in animal welfare. Facilitate balanced consultation between all stakeholders on nationally consistent, evidence based standards to protect animals from cruelty and promote good animal welfare. Meet the expectations of the public and consumers with regard to animal welfare standards. Safeguard Australia’s reputation and investment opportunities, by meeting international benchmarks for animal welfare. Reduce poor animal welfare incidences by taking a proactive, instead of reactive approach to animal welfare. Be staffed by policy, law & community consultation experts, and guided by a balanced advisory committee, with strong animal welfare expertise. The establishment of a national body for animal welfare has broad community support. Galaxy polling undertaken by World Animal Protection in early 2016 found; 75% of people support the re-establishment of a national body focusing on animal welfare. 84% believe the federal government should set goals for animal welfare and have a plan to achieve them. A clear majority of Australian believe farm animals could be treated better, both city residents (73%) and rural and regional people (70%) alike. Horrific footage of animals involved in the live export trade continue to shock the Australians. The draft report discusses the difficulty in assessing community expectations related to animal welfare. It is safe to say the community expects better than this.

8 A Lamb Amanda Lockwood AniMae Chi Achini Kuruppu Amela Martin Anita Hannaford

Ada Wong Amelia Allan Anita Hartridge

Adam Csenger Amelita Larson Anita Masson

Adam Ledden Andre Martinovici Anita Peura

Adela Schmidthall Andrea Brough Anita Wisch

Adrian Bright Andrea Caldwell Ann Webb

Adrian Cooke Andrea Chimilar Anna Anagno

Akosita Brown Andrea Goudi Anna Howes

Alana Bulgarelli Andrew Anthony Anna Pavincich

Alexandra Nolan Andrew Davison Anna White

Alice Witt Andrew Foster Annabel Shepherd

Alicia Olive Andrew Gentle Anne Burley

Alisha Tampalini Andrew Grosse Anne Cordiner

Alison Baker Andrew Haden Anne Hastings

Alison Dorn Andrea McKay Anne Lewis

Allan Wood Anetta Menkarska Anne Roberts

Allison Dietrich Angela Kan Anne Susskind

Amanda Holmes Angela Torrance Anne-Marie Hewitt

Anne-Marie Neckebroeck Bronwyn Boyd Cherrie Kerwell

Annette Cook Brooke Twemlow Cheryl Hughes

Annie Campbell Bruce Thomson Chloe Smith

Annie Hicks Candace Brown Chris Argyle

Anthony Consedine Carmelina Casely Chris Costa

Anthony Foster Carol Erskin Chris Raymond

Anthony Goff Carol Ibrahim Chris Sloan

Antje Nebel Carol Watt Christina Cameron

Antonia Dick Carole Collins Christina Demers

Antonietta Salerno Carolina Borda Christine Czintos

Arlene Henley Caroline Miller Christine Kelly

Ashleigh Shearn Caroline Ward Christine McVeigh

Asta Polo Carlos Whiley Christine Newnham

Aurelia George Mulgan Carolyn Bury Christine Thomson

Aviva Shliselberg Carolyn P Christopher Wyatt

Barb Bernal Carrie Leavy Cindy Lynch

Barbara Koeppel Cary Falcon Clare Colson

Barbi Hofmockel Casey O’Callaghan Colin Sagar

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