Plus Practice Unit 6 Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with relative pronouns. Omit the pronoun where possible. 1 I haven’t met the old lady ______cat has gone missing. 2 I travelled round a country ______the standard of living was clearly very low. 3 We fixed up one of the walls, ______was falling down. 4 I remember a time ______you could leave your door open and nobody would steal anything. 5 Using a computer is something ______my grandfather will never get the hang of. 6 Rob is a friendly guy ______lives downstairs.

2 Join the sentences with relative pronouns. 1 Tom has a brother. He is a professional footballer. ______2 Do you remember the park? We played rugby there. ______3 Jessica left the house at a really early hour of the morning. There were no people in the streets then. ______4 I met an accountant. His company works on the accounts of many famous celebrities. ______5 In her job, Louise gets lots of tips. She shares them with the other waiters. ______

3 Join the sentences. Use commas where necessary. 1 A leading company has gone into liquidation. It employs hundreds of people. ______2 We visited a wonderful nature reserve. You can see flamingos feeding there. ______3 The Alps are a popular place to go skiing. They are located north of Italy. ______4 My brother rang me last night. You met him once. ______5 Walter Cavendish has just moved in next door. He is a well-known poet. ______

4 Join the sentences with relative pronouns. 1 One of my oldest friends has just written me an email. He has recently moved to Canada. ______2 Exciting summer jobs in exotic countries can be found by looking on the internet. They are obviously very much in demand. ______3 I thought it was a lovely moment. Harry kissed June after the wedding ceremony. ______4 I didn’t really want the present. Ian gave it to me. ______5 We visited a small village. It was in ruins following the bombing. ______6 Do you know the name of the shop? Tim bought the TV there. ______

5 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Then rewrite them as formal sentences. 1 He isn’t someone I could work ______. ______2 Who is Fiona getting married ______? ______3 It isn’t something I could possibly agree ______. ______4 The place we had to work ______was awful. ______5 Amy is the girl I was telling you ______. ______6 Who are you arguing ______? ______

6 Translate the sentences into your own language. 1 Do you know the girl Jo has just arrived with? ______2 We went to an old castle, where a king used to live. ______3 Who did you give it to? ______4 My uncle, who left home when he was 12, spent most of his life at sea. ______5 Aspirin is one of those medicines everyone uses. ______

Vocabulary 1 Write a noun for each definition. 1 a lack of strength ______2 not telling the truth ______3 disinterest and boredom ______4 honesty and trustworthiness ______5 inability to make your mind up ______6 wanting to do something ______

2 Write an adjective for each definition. 1 very organized and thorough ______2 uncertain and unwilling ______3 good at seeing what’s true ______4 friendly and sociable ______5 very reliable and good at working ______6 good at looking at complex things in detail ______

3 Circle two words in each list with similar meanings. 1 methodical sensitive organized 2 flexible intuitive adaptable 3 extrovert introvert outgoing 4 initiative integrity honesty 5 unsure unemotional indecisive

4 Complete the sentences with appropriate adjectives. 1 Penny often shows good ______. She makes good decisions and chooses carefully. 2 Roger is a very ______person who does things on the spur of the moment without wasting any time. 3 Damien has shown ______in his new role. He has held meetings and contacted new clients. 4 Simon is ______. He likes working with his hands and is good at sorting out problems. 5 Julie isn’t afraid to show her feelings and to sympathize with others. She’s an ______person. 6 Will is ______– he enjoys change, and is good at working in challenging situations. 7 Matt is a friendly, ______person who is good at meeting and getting on with people. 8 Kerry is good with numbers, statistics and data. In fact, she’s ______in everything she does. 9 Kim arrives on time, does the job well, and is very ______in all areas of her work. 10 Jack is ______– he never knows what to do or which option to take.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 Could you ______me to buy potatoes on the way home? 2 I don’t ______what happened last weekend. I think I’ve forgotten everything. 3 The kids from school went on a day ______to the zoo. They had a good time. 4 Stephanie can be a very ______girl. She gets hurt easily if people talk about her. 5 Wendy always goes with the ______. She doesn’t like being the leader. 6 I don’t understand Dave at all! I don’t know what ______him tick. 7 Rebecca has got a ______in economics, so she’s very well qualified for the job. 8 We don’t ______the weather to get any better. It’ll probably rain all day. 9 Sue has ______her purse. She can’t find it anywhere. 10 How much do you ______each week in your part-time job? 11 We ______the last bus and had to walk all the way home. 12 Good luck! I ______you do well in today’s exam. 13 Andy’s sense of humour is characteristic of him. It is an odd personality ______. 14 I think ______broadens the mind. Everybody should go to foreign countries and have adventures. 15 A ______in law must be very rewarding. It’s a job for life and very interesting.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1 I’ll deal ______all this work. You can relax. 2 Doing well at university is a good way of getting ______in life. 3 I don’t want to end ______in a boring job. 4 I don’t how you put up ______Robert’s rude behaviour. 5 The company has taken ______some more staff for the summer. 6 I’m saving ______to buy a bike. 7 Greg moved ______last Friday. He doesn’t live here anymore.