Review point Due date ATS 1 Wednesday 17 Jan 2018 ATS 2 Wednesday 28 March 2018 ATS 3 Wednesday 23 May 2018 ATS Final Thursday 21 June 2018

Help Files Teachers’ Standards (effective from 1 September 2012) ATS Level Descriptors Teachers’ Standards Exemplified

Student Teacher: ……………………… Student Number: ……………………… PGCE Pathway: ………………………


Mentor: Mentor:

School: School: Entry profile The EP allows you to identify and reflect on the qualities and achievements you have developed which are relevant to a career in teaching. The EP helps you to relate your experience and/or achievements to the values, knowledge and skills contained in the Teachers’ Standards parts one and two.

Title of first degree:

Degree content relevant to the school curriculum:

Other previous qualifications and experience relevant to teaching, including employment and any positions of responsibility:

Additional experience relevant to teaching

Other areas of interest or subjects offered:

Pre-course and post interview experience and progress related to the Teachers’ Standards

Describe how it Describe the activity, provides evidence Teachers’ experience or learning Dates and duration related to the Reference Standards you have undertaken Teachers’ Standards?

Initial Training Plan Target Tasks and strategies

2 Assessment of Teaching Standards

There are three review points through the training year at which the trainee is assessed against the Teachers’ Standards. To prepare for the mentor meeting prior to a review point the trainee should complete a self-evaluation. During the Mentor meeting the Mentor should discuss the grades with the trainee and agree the final assessment.

The Mentor should grade the trainee using the level descriptors.

Each of the following key aspects of performance must be assessed

TS1 Sources of Evidence Claim e.g. Lesson observation feedback Grade 2: The highlighted points on the feedback show that clear 12th Dec. relationships with pupils have been built through established Lesson plan and resources for routines. The resources used allowed pupils with a range of the lesson. abilities to access and engage in the lesson effectively. 1








Part Sources of Evidence Claim Two

N.B. Trainee Teachers cannot usually receive a fail grade at the review points unless it coincides with a Cause for Concern review. Under normal circumstances the final deadlines for initiating a Cause for Concern before each review point would be Wednesday 3 January 2017, Wed 14th March 2018 and Wed 9th May 2018. However it is hoped that communication between the Mentor and Tutor will have taken place prior to this and concerns about the trainee’s performance are dealt with by implementing a Progress Support Plan. Hopefully the Progress Support Plan will be effective in providing the support needed and the trainee will continue to make progress. The Progress Support and Cause for Concern

3 procedure is detailed in the Partnership and Mentor handbooks. Available at

4 The completed form should be emailed to [email protected] with copies to the trainee and the university tutor by each due date. It does not require signatures provided it is sent by the Mentor or by the Professional Co-ordinating Mentor. Part One Review of Targets

Targets Set (related to Standards) Evidence produced met/partially met/not met e.g. plan lessons that take account Lesson observation feedback (5/12) met. of the needs of groups of learners Lesson plan and evaluation (5/12) and individuals (TS 4 Grade 2) Weekly Meeting Record 5

Initial targets at the starting point (Sept) Targets Set (related to Standards) Evidence produced met/partially met/not met

Targets set at first review (Jan) Targets Set (related to Standards) Evidence produced met/partially met/not met

Targets set at second review (Apr) Targets Set (related to Standards) Evidence produced met/partially met/not met

Targets set at third review (May) Targets Set (related to Standards) Evidence produced met/partially met/not met

5 Part Two

Assessment of trainee’s performance

Please agree a grade for each of the following features of trainee’s performance according to the level descriptors:

Jan March May June How well do they… TS S = Trainee Self Assessment S A S A A S A A = Agreed Assessment 1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils 2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils 3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge 4 Plan and teach well structured lessons 5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils 6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning 7 environment. 8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

6 Part Three Summary Please comment on the trainee’s personal and professional conduct (referring to Part 2 of the Teachers’ Standards) and their potential to become a good or outstanding teacher.

Review point 1 (Jan) Review point 2 (Apr) Review point 3 (May) Final assessment

Targets to be developed in the next phase of training: Jan - Apr Apr - May May - June Induction 1. 1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3. 3.

Attendance Record: (please record the number of days attended):

SBT 1:

SBT 2:

Placement 3:


7 Part Four 11-16 pre-phase experience Key Stage 2/3 progression

Name of School Age range Placement supervisor Supervisor’s role Dates of placement Age group/s observed

Trainee: Give a brief description of your placement experience (Note: if your pre-phase experience wasn’t on placement please describe it here.)

Placement supervisor: Please comment on evidence that shows the trainee teacher has made progress in relation to their development targets and to the Teachers’ Standards

Placement supervisor: Please comment briefly on the Student Teacher’s overall contribution to the placement Professional conduct. Attendance and punctuality. Communicating and working effectively with colleagues and young people

Part Five (Optional) 8 Placement 3: Alternative setting Placement supervisor’s monitoring and assessment report

Name of Organisation Name of trainee Placement supervisor Dates of placement

Trainee: give a brief description of your role and responsibilities

Placement supervisor: please comment on the evidence that the trainee teacher has shown progress in relation to their development targets and to the Teachers’ Standards

Placement supervisor: Please comment briefly on the trainee’s overall contribution to the placement Professional conduct. Attendance and punctuality. Communicating and working effectively with colleagues and young people.