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Winona State University s5


Department: Music Date: February 15, 2006

MUS 206 Jazz Fundamentals 2

Course No. Course Name Credits

This proposal is for a(n) X Undergraduate Course ______Graduate Course

Applies to: ______Major ______Minor ______University Studies* _____ Required _____ Required __X__ Elective __X___Elective

Prerequisites: MUS 201 or permission of instructor

Grading method: ___X___ Grade only ______P/NC only ______Grade and P/NC Option

Frequency of offering: every other year

A. Course Description 1. Catalog Description: Intended to be taken as a prerequisite to the jazz improvisation sequence, Jazz Fundamentals will focus on basic jazz chord theory, graded major, minor and modal scales, arpeggios, and jazz patterns at specific metronome markings. Prerequisites: MUS 201 or permission of instructor. Offered every other year.

2. Course Syllabus / Goals a. Rhythm: Establish a working knowledge of jazz rhythms  syllabic interpretation of written figures  call and response activities designed to develop rhythmic vocabulary b. Scales: Perform a variety of scales used in jazz improvisation in all keys at given tempi  major  jazz minor  harmonic minor  dorian  mixolydian  diminished  blues c. Arpeggios: Perform arpeggios to the ninth on the four primary chords used in beginning improvisation in all keys at given tempi  major 7th  minor 7th  dominant 7th  diminished 7th d. Jazz Patterns: Perform assigned basic jazz patterns in all keys at given tempi  easy ii-V-I cycles  blues patterns e. Listening: Be able to identify formal structure of selected jazz tunes. 3. Instructional Plan Students will bring instruments to class, and be prepared to perform a variety of exercises as assigned. These exercises will be available online in SmartMusic, which is a computer-based accompaniment program. SmartMusic will serve as a practice-room tool, while in class activities will focus on the theory behind the practice routines. A series of call and response and guided listening activities will also be employed on a weekly basis.

4. Course requirements This is a performance-based class and as such, grades will be totally objective, based on the level of performance attained. Performances of assigned rhythms, scales, arpeggios and patterns will be evaluated at specified intervals (bi-monthly). Metronomic markings will serve as a guide for competency testing.

5. Course materials SmartMusic software (available through the WSU music department at a substantial student discount of $25 per year) or online at: Jazz rhythm handouts provided by instructor Assigned jazz listening examples available online through WSU library

6. Bibliography Baker, David: Jazz Improvisation (2nd ed.) 1988. Coker, Jerry, J. Casale, G. Campbell, J. Greene: Patterns for Jazz Improvisation (3rd ed.) 1970. Felch Keith: Chord / Scale Mastery 2004 Haerle, Dan: The Jazz Language 1980.

B. Rationale 1. Major focus and objectives The focus of this course is to create a hands-on learning environment where students achieve a balance of theoretical and technical knowledge on their instrument in preparation for the four-semester sequence of jazz improvisation courses. As an introductory course, it is likely that most students in this course will be freshmen, who are, in the majority of cases, just discovering form and structure in music from an analytical perspective. This course will bridge the two arenas of performance and analysis, thus setting the stage for well-conceived extemporaneous performing in jazz settings.

2. Contribution to department curriculum This course will eventually be the initial course toward a minor in jazz (to be proposed in the spring of 2006). This jazz minor will be an additional option for music majors and also non-majors who wish to continue their musical training in the jazz area.

3. No courses will be dropped due to the initiation of this course.

C. Impact on Other Departments This course will have no impact on other departments, other than to offer more elective options in the arts for all students.

D. University Studies This course will not be submitted for approval in the university studies program.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal: R. Richard MacDonald x5259 [email protected] Name (please print) Phone e-mail address

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