Overview: This Summative Is Worth 10% of Your Final Science Mark

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Overview: This Summative Is Worth 10% of Your Final Science Mark

SNC2D Canadian Industry Culminating NAME: DATE: Project

Overview: This summative is worth 10% of your final Science mark.

1. Choose a Canadian Industry such as those suggested in the list below:

List of Canadian Industries: Agriculture and Dairy farming, Livestock farming, Egg farming, Crops, Food Food: processing, Cheese manufacturing, Baked goods, Wineries Consumer Clothes, Toys and Games, Footwear, Furniture, Household Products: Appliances, Jewelry, Printing and Publishing, Recreational boats, Medicine Manufacturing: Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Biopharmaceuticals, Hydrogen cell and alternate fuels, Medical Devices, Pharmaceuticals, Plastics, Textiles, Chemicals, Primary Metals, Shipbuilding, Contact lens manufacturing, Glasses manufacturing, Insulation Service Industries: Medicine, Retirement Residences, Daycares, Funerals, Water treatment, Sewage treatment, Ecotourism Technologies: Security, Nanotechnology, Ocean technologies, Wind energy, Tidal energy Resource Pulp and Paper, Fishing, Fish farming, Oil and Gas Extraction: Transport and Truck transport, Railway, High speed railway, Ski-doos, Jet Communication: skis, Satellites, Fiber optics, Paving, Bridges {Industries are listed by the Government of Canada. Industry Canada “Find your Industry Category” http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/ic-ic.nsf/eng/home accessed October, 2012}

2. Consider your Industry as it relates to: Climate Change Chemistry and Chemical Reactions And either The Biology of Systems OR Geometric Optics

3. Your Final Presentation: Could be any one of the following examples. Try to be creative and display your information the best way possible. You should include lots of pictures/graphs/tables as well.  Cartoon, comic strip & graphic novel  Commercial or public service announcement  Drama/skit  Song or poem  Magazine  Letter or speech  Advertisement/poster  Formal report (minimum 3 pages)

4. Questions You Might Want to Explore: Chemistry: What materials are used in your Industry? What chemical properties of these materials make them useful? How are the materials handled safely? Are there any Chemical reactions done? {Show the balanced reactions where possible. } Example: Asbestos clean-up…How can asbestos be handled safely? How are fibers detected? What makes Asbestos resistant to flames? Climate Change: What impact does your Industry have on Climate change? How might Climate Change affect your industry? (Has it already?) How might your Industry adapt to Climate Change? Will similar Industries in other countries be impacted differently? Example: SunTech greenhouses in Osgoode had a surplus of tomatoes in 2012 and will have to try different crops to make good use of its greenhouse space.

Biology: Are there technological developments in the field of systems biology (e.g., cloning, stem cell research, live organ transplants, transgenic transplants) associated with your industry? Has disease or abnormality related to tissues, organs, or systems of humans or plants been linked to your industry? Does working in the industry of your choice have any health implications for its employees? Does your industry fund health sciences research? Example: The production of Enzymes by Ottawa firm Iogen…What biological organisms naturally produced the enzymes now manufactured in Bioreactors?

Geometric Optics: Does your Industry use precision Optical instruments in either Manufacturing or Quality Control? How does your industry use the characteristics and properties of light, mirrors, and/or lenses? How effective is it? How has society been affected (positively and/or negatively) by your industry’s development of optical devices and technologies? Include the following considerations: social impacts, environmental impacts, etc.) Example: Canada’s Confederation Bridge to PEI has fiber optic cables throughout which register any stresses which signal structural weaknesses.

5. Timeline and Evaluation: You will be given 3 Class Periods to work on your ISU. The Final Project need to be submitted by May 29th, 2014.

You MUST keep track of your references in a works cited list. You may want to use an online program like Diigo to assist you with this.

Name: ______Assignment Assessment Rubric:

Category/Criteria Level 2: Level 1: Needs R (<50%) Level 4: Excellent Level 3: Good for Success Satisfactory Improvement Knowledge and 20 19 17 16 14 13 11 8 5 4 0 Understanding 18 15 12 Quality of Layout demonstrates the Identifies all key Identifies most key Identifies some key Information relative importance of the concepts concepts concepts  Information ideas as well as the clearly explains relationships between Makes several links Makes several links Makes some links the industry them. between ideas and between ideas between ideas related ideas Thinking and 20 19 17 16 14 13 11 8 5 4 0 Investigation 18 15 12 Link between Layout demonstrates the Identifies all key Identifies most key Identifies some key Industry chosen relative importance of the concepts concepts concepts and Course Units ideas as well as the relationships between Makes several links Makes several links Makes some links them. between ideas and between ideas between ideas related ideas Communication 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 Overall Student presents Presents all information Presents most Presents some presentation, information in a logical in logical order information in logical information in logical effort, and quality order with correct order order of work spelling, grammar, and Uses spelling and punctuation. grammar correctly in all Uses spelling and Uses spelling and places grammar correctly in grammar correctly in most places some places Appropriate for the Student communicates Student communicates Student communicates Student communicates intended audience with a high degree of with considerable with some with limited or no appropriateness to the appropriateness to the appropriateness to the appropriateness to the intended audience. intended audience. intended audience. intended audience. Application 10 9 8 7 6 5 0 Documents all Student documents all Student documents all Student documents all Student documents all sources using the sources with a high sources with sources with some sources with limited required form of degree of accuracy. All considerable accuracy. accuracy. Most sources accuracy or not at all. A documentation sources are reliable and All sources are reliable are reliable and student limited amount of student has provided more and student has provided has provided at least 3 sources are reliable and  Sources are than three different at least 3 different different sources. student has not reliable sources (exceeded sources. provided at least 4  At least 3 different expectations). different sources. sources provided

Mark out of 70: ______

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