CAPS Career Abiity Placement Survey

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CAPS Career Abiity Placement Survey



B-III BETA III CAPS Career Abiity Placement Survey CTONI Comprehensive Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence CMAT Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test CAS Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System DSSR-2 DABERON Screening for School Readiness-2nd Ed. DAP:IQ Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test DTLA-P:3 Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-Primary:3rd Ed. DTLA-4 Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-4th Ed. DAYC Developmental Assessment of Young Children DP-3 Developmental Profile-3 K-ABC:2 Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children:2nd Ed. K-BIT:2 Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test:2nd Ed. KA Kuhlmann-Anderson School Learning Ability LEITER-R Leiter International Performance Scale:Revised MD5 MD5 Mental Ability Test MAT8 Metropolitan Achievement Test 8th Ed. (Latest Version) MAB-II Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II Nurse Test (Featured Product) OASIS-3 OASIS:3 Aptitude Test OLSAT:8th Otis-Lennon School Ability Test:8th Ed. (Latest Version) PTI-2 Pictorial Test of Intelligence:2nd Ed. PTONI Primary Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence RPM:C Ravens Progressive Matrices:Coloured RPM:S Ravens Progressive Matrices:Standard RPM:A Ravens Progressice Matrices:Advance RIAS Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scale RIST Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test SATA Scholastic Ability Test of Adult SRT School Readiness Test SIT:R3 Slosson Intelligence Test-Revised: Children & Adult S-FRIT Slosson Full-Range Intelligence Test SHIPLEY-2 Shipley Institute of Living Scale:2nd Ed. SOI-LA Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test SAT:10th Standford Achievement Test:10th Edition (Latest Version) SB-5 Standford Binet Intelligence Scale:5th Ed. Teacher Test (New Product) TEMA:3 Test of Early Mathematics Ability:3rd Ed. TARPS Test of Auditory Reasoning and Processing Skills TOMAGS Test of Mathematical Abilities for Gifted Students TOMAL:2 Test of Memory Learning:2nd Ed TONI:3 Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence:3rd Ed. TONI:4 Test of Non-Verbal Intelligence:4th Ed. UNIT Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test WRAML:2 Wide Range Assessmentof Memory & Learning:2nd Ed. WRAVMA Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities WRIT Wide Range Intelligence Test WRAT:Exp. Wide Range Achievement Test:Expanded


CASI Career Atitudes and Strategy Survey CDS Career Decision Scale CTI Career Thoughts Inventory CAPS Career Ability Placement Survey COPES Career Orientation and Evaluation Survey COPS Career Occupational Preference System Interest Inventory COPS-PIC COPSystem Picture Inventory DHOC Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes, 3rd Ed. EOF Educational Opportunities FInders GPII Geist Picture Interest Inventory LAF Leisure Activities Finders MVC Making Vocational Choices, 3rd Ed. OASIS:3 OASIS:3 Interest Test PCI Position Classification Inventory SMALSI School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory SAMS Study Attitude and Methods Survey SDS Self-Directed Search Series  Form R  Career Explorer  Career Planning SACQ Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire STEP Student Transition and Educational Planning VPI Vocationa Preference Inventory WRIOT:2 Wide Range Interest and Occupation Test 2nd Ed. YYC You and Your Career


 What Do I Like to Do? 101 Activities to Identify Interest and Plan Career  Strengths-Based Career Development for School Guidance and Counseling Program  UNFOCUSED KID  Professional School Counseling: A Handbook of Theories, Programs, and Practices – Second Edition  SOPS: Summary of Performance System  Success at Work: Transitions to Employment  IMPACT

ADULT PERSONALITY TESTS A-II Axis II Personality Checklist ASIQ Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire AQ Aggression Questionnaire AGVQ Attitude Towards Guns and Violation Questionnairre BARON:EQ BarOn Emotional Intelligence: Adult Version BORRTI Bell Object Relations and Reality Testing Inventory CAS College Adjustment Scale CDS Cognitive Distortion Scales CTI Constructive Thinking Inventory COVR Classification of Violence Risk CAIR Clinical Assessment of Interpersonal Relationship DAPS Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress DOSC:W Dimension of Self-Concept : Worker EDI:3 Eating Disorder Inventory:3rd Ed. EPI Emotions Profile Index EPQ-R Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised EMAS Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scale EPI Eysenck Personality Inventory FSSCT Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test HDI Hamilton Depression Inventory HT The Hand Test HFDT Human Figure Drawing Test HTPT House Tree Person Test IBS Interpersonal Behavior Survey ISI Interpersonal Style Inventory JSS Job Stress Survey MMPI:2:SS MMPI:2 Structural Summary ME:R Manson Evaluation: Revised MPS Malingering Probability Scale MPD Measures of Psychosocial Development MSC:Adult Mental Status Checklist for Adult MSEI Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory NEO PI-R NEO Personality Inventory:Revised NEO-FFI NEO Five Factor Inventory NEO-3 NEO Inventories (Coming Soon) OSI-R Occupational Stress Inventory-Revised OMNI OMNI Personality Inventory OMNI-IV OMNI Personality Disorder Inventory PAI Personality Assessment Inventory PEC Problem Experience Checklist: Adult PPC Personal Problem Checklist:Adult PDSS Postpartum Depression Screening Questionnaire PDSQ Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire PPI-R Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised PRI Primer for Rorschach Interpretation RIT Rorschach Inkblot Test RIG Rorschach Introductory Guide Rorschach Form Quality Pocket Guide RDSI Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory STAI State-Trait Anxiety Inventory STAXI-2 State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 SA-45 Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire TSP The Stress Profile T-JTA Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis TSCS-2 Tennessee Self-Concept Scale: 2nd Ed. TAI Trauma Assessment Inventory TSI Trauma Symptoms Inventory TAT Thematic Apperception Test TOMM Test of Memory Malingering TABS Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale VAI Vpsyche: Ai (Filipino Made Test) WEPPS Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales WPI Western Personality Inventory


ABS-S2 AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale School: 2nd Ed. AAC Adolescent Apperception Cards AARS Adolescent Anger Rating Scale APPI Adolescent Potential Problem Inventory (Filipino Made Test) ACUTE Adolescent & Child Urgent Threat Evaluation APS-SF Adolescent Psychopathology Scale-Short Form ADHD-SC:4 ADHD Symptoms Checklist:4 ASI-4 Adolescent Symptoms Inventory-4 AQ Aggression Questionnaire AGVQ Attitude Toward Guns & Violation Questionnaire BERS-2 Behavioral Emotional Rating Scale-2nd Ed. BSAG Bristol Social Adjustment Guide BRIA Bell Relationship Inventory for Adolescent BRP-2 Behavior Rating Profile:2 CCAE Checklist for Child Abuse Evaluation CPPI Childrens Potential Problem Inventory (Filipino Made) CAB Clinical Assessment Behavior CAD Clinical Assessment for Depression CAPI Child Abuse Potential Inventory CAS Children's Aggression Scale CDI Children Depression Inventory CDRS-R Childrens Depression Rating Scale-Revised CSB Children's Story Box (Filipino Made) CSBI Child Sexual Behavior Inventory ChIA Children Inventory for Anger CAT Children Apperception Test CAT-C Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit Child CAIR Clinical Assessment of Interpersonal Relationships CAYC Cognitive Assessment for Young Children CDS Conduct Disorder Scale CRI-Y Coping Response Inventory for Youth CFSEI-3 Culture Free Self Esteem Inventories-3rd Ed. DSMD Devereux Scales of Mental Disorder DOSC Dimension of Self-Concept: Youth DAP-SPED Draw-A-Person:Screening for Emptional Disturbance DSSMED Differential Scales of Social Maladjustment & Emotional Disturbance ECI-4 Early Childhood Inventory-4th Ed. FFPI-C Five-Factor Personality Inventory-Children H-PCL Hare PCL-Youth Version HTP/DAP House-Tree-Person & Draw-A-Person as Measurement of Abuse in Children: A Quantitative Scoring IASC Inventory of Altered Self-Capacities LISRES-Y Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory-Youth MSC-C Mental Status Checklist-Children MSC-A Mental Status Checklist-Adolescent MSEI Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory MSCS Multidimensional Self-Concept Scale MWES My Worst Experience Scale PAI-A Personality Assessment Inventory-Adolescent PPC-C Personal Problem Checklist-Childen PPC-A Personal Problem Checklist-Adolescent PIC-2 Personality Inventory for Children-2th Ed. PIY Personality Inventory for Youth PHCSCS-2 Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale:2nd Ed. PBCL Pre-School Behavior Checklist PBI Problem Behaviour Inventory PEC-C Problem Experience Checklist-Children PEC-A Problem Experience Checklist-Adolescent RAASI Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory RADS Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, 2nd Ed. RDSI Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory RCDS Reynolds Child Depression Scale RSTI Risk-Sophistication Treatment Inventory ROBERTS-2 Roberts Apperception Test for Children:2nd Ed. RCMAS Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale SAED Scale of Assessing Emotional Disturbance SEI Self-Esteem Index SSRS Social Skills Rating Scale SBS Student Behaviour Survey SIQ Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire STAI State Trat Anxiety Inventory STAIC State Trat Anxiety Inventory for Children TEMAS Tell Me A Story TSCS:2 Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, 2nd Ed. TSCC Trauma Symtoms Checklist for Children VAI Vpsyche: Ai YI-4 Youth Inventory Test 4th Ed.


ABAS-II Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System-2nd Ed. ACTeRS-2 ADD-H Comprehensive Teacher's Rating Scale ABI Adaptive Behaviour Inventory ASDS Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale ADHD-SRS ADHD Symtoms Rating Scale ADHDT Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder Test ASIEP-3 Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning:3rd Ed. ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview-Review BEERY Beer-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration 5th Ed. BS Behavioral Summary BADDS Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scale CAIMI Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory CARE College AHDH Response Evaluation CARS Childhood Austism Rating Scale CAYC Cognitive Assessment for Young Children CREVT2 Comprehensive Receptive & Expressive Vocabulary Test CTOPP Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing CTOBS-2 Criterion Test of Basic Skills 2nd Ed. DAB-3 Diagnostic Achievement Battery-III DTLA-3 Detroit Test of Learning Aptitude-Primary 3 DESD Decoding-Encoding Screener for Dyslexia DST Decoding Skils Test-Revised DAYC Developmental Assessment of Young Children DOCS Developmental Observation Checklist System DP-3 Developmental Profile-3 DTVP-A Developmental Test for Visual Perception-Adolescent DTVP-2 Developmental Test for Visual Perception-2nd ed. DIAL-3 Developmental Indicatorss for the Assessment of Learning ERA WRAT-Expanded Early Reading Assessment EOWPVT Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test 2000 Ed. GARS-2 Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-2 GADS Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale GRS Gifted Rating Scale GORT-4 Gray Oral Reading Test-Revised K-SEALS Kaufman Survey of Early Academic & Language Skills KOPPITZ-2 Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test LDDI Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory LRS Light Retention Scale 2006 Version MAP Miller Assessment for Preschoolers M-P-R Miller-Palmer Revised Scales of Development OWLS-WE OWLS: Written Expression Scale PDMS-2 Peabody Developmental Motor Scale 2nd Ed. PDDBI PDD Bahavior Inventory PEP-3 Psychoeducational Profile-3 ROS Reading Observation Scale RBPC Revised Behavior Problem Checklists SRI-2 Standardized Reading Inventory-2 SRT School Readiness Test SVPSS Slosson Visual Perceptual Skill Screener SCAN-A-A Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescent SCAN-C Test for Auditory Processing Disorder in Children-Revised TNL Test of Narrative Language TABS Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale TAPS-3 Test of Auditory Processing Skills, 3rd Ed. TARPS Test of Auditory Reasoning and Processing Skills TIWRE Test of Irregular Word Reading Proficiency TORC-4 Test of Reading Comprehension 4th Ed. TORE Test of Reading Efficiency TOSWRF Test of Silent Reading Proficiency THS-R Test of Handwriting Skills-Revised TEMA-3 Test of Early Math Ability 3rd Ed. TERA-3 Test of Early Reading Ability 3rd Ed. TEWL-2 Test of EarlyWritten Language TVMS-R Test of Visual Motor Skills Revised TVMS-UL Test of Visual Motor Skill- Upper Level TVPS-3 Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (non-motor) 3rd Ed. TOWL-4 Test of Written Language 4th Ed. TOVA Test of Variables of Attention TOLD-4 Test of Language Development-Primary 4th Ed. WRAT4 Wide Range Achievement Test 4th Ed. YCAT Young Children's Achievement Test YI-4 Youth Inventory-4th Ed.


SASSI-A2 Adolescent Substance Abuse ASPECT Ackerman-Schoendorf Scale of Parent Evaluation CAPI Child Abuse Potential Inventory CCAE Checklist for Child Abuse Evaluation COVR Classification of Violence Risk HCR-20 Assessing Risk for Violence (Version 2) IORNS Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs and Strengths JI-R Jesness Inventory Revised M-FAST Miller Forensic Assessment of Symtoms Test of Custody PCL:SV Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version PCL:R Hare Psychopathy Checklist:Revised PCL:YV Hare Psychopathy Checklist:Youth Version PPI-R Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised RSTI Risk-Sophistication Treatment Inventory SASSI-3 Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory SAVRY Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth SVR-20 Sexual Violence Risk-20


ABS-RC:2 AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-Residential & Community:2nd Ed. ABS-S:2 AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale-School:2nd Ed. ABAS-II Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-2nd Ed. ADI Adolescent Drinking Index AS-A2 Adolescent SASSI-A2 CAS Children's Aggression Scale CPCI Chronic Pain Coping Inventory CAB Clinical Assessment of Behavior CAD Clinical Assessment of Depression CHIPS Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes CAT-A Clinical Assessment of Attention-Deficit-Adult CAT-C Clinical Assessment of Attention-Deficit-Children CONNERS-3 Conners-3rd Edition CBRS Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale CAARS Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scale CRI Coping Responses Inventory CAIR Clinical Assessment of Interpersonal Relationships COVR Classification of Violence Risk ECI Early Coping Inventory ECPS Early Childhood Parenting Skills EDDT Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree ECBI/SESBI-R Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory FSS Fear Survey Schedule FAST/FASI Firestone Assessment of Self-Destructive Thoughts and Firestone Assessment of Suicide Intent FAVT Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts FAM-II Family Assessment Measure-II ITS Index of Teaching Stress LISRES-A Life Stressor & Social Resources Inventory:Adult MSI-R Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised MHP Multidimensional Health Profile PBRS Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale PAM Parenting Alliance Measure PSI-3 Parenting Stress Index:3rd Ed. PSI-SF Parenting Stress Index:Short Form PDSQ Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire QNST-II Quick Neurological Screening Test-II ROBERTS-2 Roberts Apperception Test for Children 2nd Ed. SARA Substance Abuse Relapse Assessment SSRS Social Skills Rating Scale SIPA Stress Indexfor Parents of Adolescent STAXI-2 State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory 2nd Ed. SBS Student Behavior Survey



AE Ability Explorer CEI Career Exploration Inventory CPS Career Planning Scale CSSS College Survival & Success Scale Nurse Test (Featured Product) HHN Home Health Nurse Teacher Test (Feaured Product) C2C College-To-Career Transition Inventory Dealing with Conflict Diversity of Cultural Awareness DISC DISCstyles Assessment The Exceptional Team Survey INSIGHT INSIGHT Inventory PVQ Personal Value Questionnaire NEO-3 NEO Inventories (Coming Soon)

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