What Is Lenormand
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Lenormand Briefly Layers of Symbolism The cards are live symbols holding fragments of What is Lenormand information. You will approach each symbol in a unique way, but you must understand the cards Lenormand is a deck of 36 cards, each boasting a foundation. Having a clear understanding of each unique symbol. The deck was created in the 18th th cards meaning will allow your readings to remain and 19 century, and began as a game called, The focused and accurate. Game of Hope. The name Lenormand was given because of the famous French cartomancer, There are 3 levels of symbolism: Mademoiselle Marie Anne Lenormand. The name is a misnomer because M. Lenormand most likely Universal-Archetypal symbols are ingrained into never used this particular deck. The name was more our psyche. These are relatable symbols that span of a marketing ploy. beyond culture, and religion. For Example: The Woman or The Man. Unlike Tarot, Lenormand has no suite structure (unless you use playing card insets), and they are not General- Traditional symbols that have become a divided into major or minor arcana. They are part of our culture. These can vary from place to simple 36 individual symbols, that when place, though they are commonly held amongst connected together form meanings. groups. For Example: Black cats are bad luck.
The cards are read like individual words, when Personal- Over time you will attach special strung together they form sentences. There is no meanings to symbols that are all your own. They need to use a spread with assigned meaning. The become part of your unique experience. This is cards can be laid out side-by-side and interpreted. where the extra cards originated in my deck. You read the cards like reading a story. When reading with Lenormand you should Reading the Cards understand the Traditional symbols, but you will ultimately see the cards through your own unique Lenormand is often candid, and to the point. The perspective! Just be very clear with how you see cards are read in a narrative style, moving from one each card. card to the next as you create a story. The reading is an energetic snapshot of the person/question. Intuition
It isn’t necessary to ask a question when performing Intuition is the thread that pulls everything a reading, but the clearer you are in your together. Some people will only read based on intention for consulting the cards, the clearer the symbols, adding nothing of their own intuition to the reading. As a beginner it is often easier to start with reading. To me this is a loss. Your intuition is a a question. navigation system.
The simplest method of reading is to lay out 3 cards The cards contain symbols that active intuitive side by side. The center card generally represents responses. In order to gain the most information you the focus of the question being asked. From here must lace together the symbols as directed by begin to make connection between the first and intuition. This will take practice. the third card. You can take a noun + adjective approach when reading the cards, but at times this can be limiting.
© Shaheen Miro 2013 All Rights Reserved ShaheenMiroInsights.com 2 Stay consistent with your meanings. Begin Here: The above rule isn’t always right. Remember, the Take the cards in hand. Tap on them a few times. reading is alive; it’s not a static thing happening on Think of a clear and concise question. Shuffle the cardstock. Ultimately check your intuition. cards. When you are reading layout 3. Remember: Card Meanings focus + supporting information. 1. The Rider: Messages, news, Notice what you notice. information, receiving, What was your initial response? something incoming, What is “highlighted” in each card? opportunity. What is the overall feel of the card combinations? 2. The Clover: Luck new Are there any phrases in your head? beginnings, opportunity, What thoughts crossed your mind? quick action. 3. The Ship: Travel, long What stands out? distance, trade, long-term Which cards are negative, positive, neutral? commitment, commerce. Do the cards reflect the question asked? 4. The House: Family, home, Can you make a sentence easily with the cards? dwelling space, security, loved ones, grounding. Tips and Tricks 5. The Tree: Health, growth, progress, expansion, lineage, Use significators. A significator is a card that vitality. represents a person or thing pertinent to the question. 6. The Clouds: Confusion, conflict, lack of The Man and The Woman cards are automatic focus, obstacles, worries, depression. significators. They represent the person being read, and people connected to them. But other cards are 7. The Snake: Deception, attack, difficulties, significators as well. The Heart would be a envy, wisdom, writhing, bad omen. significator for love. The Tree would be a 8. The Coffin: Respite, ending, burial, death, significator for health. The Book would be a life change, illness, depletion, significator for education. 9. The Bouquet: Gifts, offerings, affection, encouragement, happiness, aesthetic. Look for significators to affirm your question. 10. The Scythe: Cutting, severing ties, surprise, You want the cards to reiterate what you asked, and quick ending, break-up, surgery. then offer more insight. 11. The Whip: Attraction, sex, the physical, conflict, arguments, punishment, repetitive. Don’t add more cards if you are stuck. Try to stay 12. The Birds: Words, companionship, calm, and look at the cards closely. Make a simple meetings, conversation, communication, sentence. clique. 13. The Child: A child, innocence, youth, small Try describing what you see. in proportion. 14. The Fox: Cunning, mask, two-faced, career. Look at the context of the question. 15. The Bear: Strength, mother, sustenance, providence, authority, nourishment. If you are reading for another person, and you are stuck, ask them if any of the symbols have personal 16. The Stars: Wishes, hopes, possibilities, significance. guidance, independence, dreams, expansion, fame.
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17. The Stork: Change, restlessness, energy, 35. The Anchor: Work, security, longevity, birth, movement. stability, tenacity, connection. 18. The Dog: Companionship, loyalty, trust, 36. The Cross: Struggle, “cross to bear”, friendship, dedication, reliability. burden, guilt, devastation, grief, depression, 19. The Tower: Authority, large business, religion, dogma, faith. buildings, places of power, school, church, 37. The Seer: Visionary, prophecy, creative enterprise, condescendence. thinking, insight, muses, connection, 20. The Garden: Gatherings, celebration, eternity, clarity. meetings, social events, public property, 38. The Bats: rebirth, change, transformation, ceremony, creation. the unknown, pay attention, shaman. 21. The Mountain: Obstacles, challenges, load 39. The Umbrella: Optimism, clear direction, of work, decisions, delays, stability, floating, triumph, “against all odds”. opposition. 40. The Aura: Energy body, cords, healing, 22. The Roads: Options, direction, opportunity, trust body/mind/spirit. need to let go, indecision, crossroads. 41. The Familiar: Guardian, spirit guide, 23. The Mice: Anxiety, worry, stress, irritation, protector, warning, shape shifting. problems, stomach issues, gnawing, theft, hidden issues. 24. The Heart: Love, empathy, emotions, compassion, sweetness, affection, About Shaheen attachments. Intuitive reader, writer, artist, fashion design 25. The Ring: Contracts, connections, student, gypsy, teacher (tea leaf reading, partnerships, marriage, commitment. cartomancy, intuition) and creator of Shaheen’s 26. The Book: Books, accounts, records, Tattered Nomad Oracle. secrets, occult knowledge, mystery, study, and education. 27. The Letter: Correspondence, written words,For More Information Visit: written communication, documents, ShaheenMiroInsights.com invitations. 28. The Man: Male significator. Contact: 29. The Woman: Female significator. [email protected] 30. The Lilies: Purity, peace, ease, wisdom, serenity, prayer, sexuality, self-care. 31. The Sun: Success, good health, vitality, electricity, warmth, victory, summer, invention, ideas, thinking. 32. The Moon: Emotion, feeling, intuition, lunar cycle, art, hidden talents, imagination, winter. 33. The Key: Doorways, moving forward, being locked in or out, offerings, the “go ahead”, solutions. 34. The Fish: Money, success, small business, freedom, movement, luck, prosperity.
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