Sort Objects Using One Characteristic (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-A1)

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Sort Objects Using One Characteristic (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-A1)

Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 Unit 5: Christmas

Study Focus: Christmas Traditions

Study Focus Description: This study focuses on the holiday of Christmas, Christmas traditions, and traditional Christmas stories.

Student Understandings: Students will develop an understanding of Christmas traditions.

Guiding Questions: 1. Can students identify what Christmas is? 2. Can students name a tradition? 3. Can the students identify their family’s traditions?

Guiding Vocabulary: Christmas, tradition, reindeer, Santa, sleigh, ornament, tree, gift, wreath, bow, elves, garland, decorations

Grade-Level Expectations

GLE# GLE Text and Benchmarks

ELA-1a Demonstrate understanding of phonological awareness by manipulating endings of words and nonsense words to make rhyming sounds. (PK-LL-L3)(ELA-1-E1) ELA-1b Demonstrate understanding of phonological awareness by manipulating syllables in spoken words (segment/blend). (PK-LL-L3)(ELA-1-E1) ELA-1d Demonstrate understanding of phonological awareness by repeating each word in a simple sentence. (PK-LL-L3)(ELA-1-E1) ELA-3a Demonstrate understanding of alphabetic principle by identifying own first name in print. (PK-LL-L3)(ELA-1-E1) ELA-4 Orally respond to questions using new vocabulary introduced in conversations, activities, stories, or books. (PK-LL-L4)(ELA-1-E1) ELA-5a Demonstrate understanding of book and print concepts by recognizing that a book has a cover and identifying the cover and title of a book. (PK-LL-R3)(ELA-1-E2) ELA-5b Demonstrate understanding of book and print concepts by holding a book right side up. (PK-LL-R3)(ELA-1-E2) ELA-5c Demonstrate understanding of book and print concepts by differentiating between an illustration and printed text. (PK-LL-R3)(ELA-1-E2) ELA-5d Demonstrate understanding of book and print concepts by recognizing that print is read left-to-right and top-to-bottom. (PK-LL-R3)(ELA-1-E2) ELA-6 Relate pictures to characters. (PK-LL-R4)(ELA-1-E4)

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 1 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 ELA-7 Role-play using different voices to represent characters in familiar stories, (PK-LL-S1)(ELA-1-E4) ELA-8 Listen to a story and state orally what the story is about.(PK-LL-R1)(PK-LL-R2)(PK-LL-L1)(ELA-1-E5) ELA-9 Answer simple questions about a story read aloud. (PK-LL-S3)(PK-LL-R4)(ELA-1-E5)

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 2 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

ELA-29 Recognize and follow agreed-upon rules for discussing, such as raising one's hand, waiting one's turn, and speaking one at a time (PK- LL-S1) (PK-SE-C1) (ELA-4-E7) ELA-30 Identify a computer mouse and its purpose (i.e., to navigate the screen) (PK-LL-L5) (ELA-5-E1) ELA-31 Identify and use information that is formatted in a chart or graph, such as a daily schedule (PK-LL-S1) (ELA-5-E6) M-1 Count by ones to 10 (PK-CM-N3) (N-1-E) (N-3-E) M-2 Count a set of 5 or fewer objects by establishing a 1-to-1 correspondence between number names and objects (PK-CM-N2) (N-1-E) M-3 Identify an object’s position as first or last (PK- -G3) (N-1-E) M-4 Identify numerals 1 to 5 (PK-CM-N5) (N-1-E) (N-3-E) ELA-10M-5 Compare Share related sets life of experiences objects using after stories the words are read same/different aloud (PK-LL-L1) and (PK-LL-S1) more/less/fewer (ELA-1-E6) (PK-CM-N1) CM (N-3-E) (N-7-E) ELA-11M-6 UseOrally comparative express thoughts vocabulary about characters in measurement or events in a settingsstory (PK-LL-S1) (e.g., long/longer, (PK-LL-S2) (PKS-LL-R2)short/shorter, (ELA-1-E6) more/less, hotter/colder, heavier/lighter, ELA-12a bigger/smallerDemonstrate understanding) (PK-CM-M3) of texts read(M-1-E) aloud using(M-2-E) a variety (M-3-E) of strategies by sequencing two or three pictures to illustrate events in a story. (PK- LL-R2) (ELA- M-7 Use7-E1) words such as day, week, month, schedule, morning, noon, night (PK-CM-M1) (M-2-E) ELA-12bM-8 IdentifyDemonstrate rectangles, understanding squares, of texts circles, read aloud and using triangles a variety using of strategies concrete by modelsparticipating (G-2-E) in a group discussion to predict what a book will be about. (PK- LL- R2) (ELA-7-E1) ELA-12cM-9 DemonstrateSort concrete understanding objects by of an texts attribute read aloud (e.g., using shape, a variety size, of color)strategies (PK-CM-D1) by determining (G-2-E) whether the(D-1-E) prediction was accurate. (PK- LL-R2) (ELA-7-E1) ELA-14aM-10 Use simple words reasoning that indicate skills by direction identifying and reality position and fantasy of an in object texts read (e.g., aloud. up, (PF-LL-R1)down, over, (PK-LL-R2) under, above, (PK-LL-S3) below, (ELA-7-E4) beside, in, out, behind) (PK- CM-G3) (G-3-E) ELA-14c Use simple reasoning skills by asking simple questions about a story read aloud (e.g., who, where). (PF-LL-R1) (PK-LL-R2) (PK-LL-S3) (ELA-7-E4) M-11 Recognize and manipulate an object’s position in space (e.g., blocks, assembling puzzles) (PK-CM-G3) (G-3-E) (G-4-E) ELA-15 Use scribble writing, letter-like forms, dictation, or drawing to represent a word or concept (PK-LL-W1) (PK-LL-W2) (PK-LL-W3) (ELA-2-E1) M-12 Arrange objects or pictures of objects to make an object or picture graph (PK-CM-D2) (D-4-E) ELA-16 Orally generate words, ideas, and lists for group writing activities (PK-LL-W3) (ELA-2-E3) M-13 Recognize and copy repeated patterns (e.g., concrete objects, songs, rhymes, and body movements) (PK-CM-P1) (PK-CM-P2) (P-1- ELA-17 Write informal notes, lists, and letters using scribble writing and/or pictures (PK-LL-W2) (PK-LL-W3) (PK-LL-W4) (ELA-2-E4) E) (P-3-E) ELA-18 Participate in group-shared writing activities that include rhyming and descriptive words (PK-LL-W3) (PK-LL-W4) (PK-LL-L3) (ELA-2-E5) SCI-1 Ask questions about objects and events in the environment (e.g., plants, rocks, storms) (PK-CS-I1) (SI-E-A1) ELA-19 Scribble write or draw a picture of a life experience or response to a text read aloud (PK-LL-W2) (PK-LL-W4) (ELA-2-E6) SCI-2 Pose questions that can be answered by using students’ own observations and scientific knowledge (PK-CS-I1) (SI-E-A1) ELA-20 Demonstrate consistent top-to-bottom formation for letters or letter-like forms (PK-LL-W2) (ELA-3-E1) SCI-3 Use the five senses to describe observations (PK-CS-P3) (SI-E-A3) ELA-21 Use words, phrases, and/or sentences to express feelings, ideas, needs, and wants (PK-LL-S1) (PK-LL-S2) (ELA-4-E1) SCI-4 Select and use developmentally appropriate equipment and tools and units of measurement to observe and collect data (PK-CS-I4) ELA-22 Carry on a conversation about a topic, thought, or idea from the classroom, home, or community (PK-LL-S1) (PK-LL-S3) (ELA-4-E1) (SI-E-A4) ELA-23 Repeat an instruction given orally (PK-LL-S1) (ELA-4-E2) SCI-5 Express data in a variety of ways by constructing illustrations, graphs, charts, tables, concept maps, and oral and written explanations ELA-24 Follow one- and two-step verbal and nonverbal directions (PK-LL-L2) (ELA-4-E2) as appropriate (PK-CS-I5) (SI-E-A5) (SI-E-B4) ELA-25 Retell part of a favorite story (PK-LL-R2) (ELA-4-E3) SCI-6 Use a variety of appropriate formats to describe procedures and to express ideas about demonstrations or experiments (e.g., drawings, ELA-26 Speak about life experiences or topics of interest (PK-LL-S3) (ELA-4-E4) journals, reports, presentations, exhibitions, portfolios) (PK-CS-I5) (SI-E-A6) ELA-27 Actively participate in role-playing, creative dramatics, finger plays, nursery rhymes and choral speaking (PK-LL-R1) (PK-LL-S2) (PK-LL-L3) (PK-LL-L4) SCI-7 Identify and use appropriate safety procedures and equipment when conducting investigations (e.g., gloves, goggles, hair ties) (PK- Prekindergarten (ELA-4-E5)Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 3 ELA-28 ListenCS-I4) and (SI-E-A7) orally respond to questions about media, including music and videos (PK-LL-L5) (ELA-4-E6) SCI-8 Recognize that a variety of tools can be used to examine objects at different degrees of magnification (e.g., hand lens, microscope) (PK-CS-I4) (SI-E-B3) Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

SCI-9 Sort objects using one characteristic (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-A1) SCI-10 Determine whether objects float or sink through investigations (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A1) SCI-11 Describe properties of materials by using observations made with the aid of equipment such as magnets, magnifying glasses, pan balances, and mirrors (PK-CS-P4) (PS-E-A2) SCI-13 Compare the properties of different solids and liquids through observation (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A4) SCI-14 Identify components of simple mixtures (e.g., salt/water, rice/beans, iron filings/sand) (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A5) SCI-15 Demonstrate motion by using students’ own bodies (PK-CS-P3) (PS-E-B3) SCI-16 Explore the motion of objects by using balls, toy cars, or spinning tops (PK-CS-I2) (PS-E-B3) SCI-17 Identify different sounds as soft or loud (PK-CS-P3) (PS-E-C1) SCI-18 Identify selected substances as hot or cold (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-C3) SCI-19 Identify parts of the body and how they move (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-A3) SCI-21 Distinguish food items from nonfood items (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-A6) SCI-22 Learn about animals and plants through nonfiction literature (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-B1) SCI-23 Observe and care for pets and plants (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-B1) SCI-24 Describe plants and animals in the schoolyard or home environments (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-C1) SCI-25 Explore and describe various properties of rocks, minerals, and soils (PK-CS-L2) (ESS-E-A1) SCI-26 Describe the weather and its daily changes (PK-CS-ES2) (ESS-E-A4) SCI-27 Describe different types of weather students have experienced and give examples of how daily activities and appropriate attire are affected by weather conditions (PK-CS-ES2) (ESS-E-A4) SS-1 Identify representations of roads, bodies of water, and buildings in play activities (PK-CSS-G1) (G-1A-E1) SS-2 Demonstrate an awareness of the world around them (e.g., provide simple information about a trip the student has taken or where the student lives) (PK-CSS-G3) (G-1A-E2) SS-4 Discuss ways people can help each other (e.g., sharing, paying attention, taking turns) (PK-SE-C1) (C-1D-E4) SS-5 Participate in patriotic activities (PK-CSS-C2) (C-1D-E4) SS-6 Demonstrate an awareness of the uses of money in play activities (PK-CSS-E1) (E-1A-E3) SS-7 Demonstrate an awareness of time by using and responding to such words as yesterday, today, and tomorrow (PK-CSS-H1) (H-1A- E1)

SCI-8 Recognize that a variety of tools can be used to examine objects at different degrees of magnification (e.g., hand lens, microscope) (PK-CS-I4) (SI-E-B3) SCI-9 Sort objects using one characteristic (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-A1) SCI-10 Determine whether objects float or sink through investigations (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A1) SCI-11 Describe properties of materials by using observations made with the aid of equipment such as magnets, magnifying glasses, pan balances, and mirrors (PK-CS-P4) (PS-E-A2) Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 4 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

SCI-13 Compare the properties of different solids and liquids through observation (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A4) SCI-14 Identify components of simple mixtures (e.g., salt/water, rice/beans, iron filings/sand) (PK-CS-P1) (PS-E-A5) SCI-15 Demonstrate motion by using students’ own bodies (PK-CS-P3) (PS-E-B3) SCI-16 Explore the motion of objects by using balls, toy cars, or spinning tops (PK-CS-I2) (PS-E-B3) SCI-17 Identify different sounds as soft or loud (PK-CS-P3) (PS-E-C1) SCI-18 Identify selected substances as hot or cold (PK-CS-P2) (PS-E-C3) SCI-19 Identify parts of the body and how they move (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-A3) SCI-21 Distinguish food items from nonfood items (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-A6) SCI-22 Learn about animals and plants through nonfiction literature (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-B1) SCI-23 Observe and care for pets and plants (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-B1) SCI-24 Describe plants and animals in the schoolyard or home environments (PK-CS-L1) (LS-E-C1) SCI-25 Explore and describe various properties of rocks, minerals, and soils (PK-CS-L2) (ESS-E-A1) SCI-26 Describe the weather and its daily changes (PK-CS-ES2) (ESS-E-A4) SCI-27 Describe different types of weather students have experienced and give examples of how daily activities and appropriate attire are affected by weather conditions (PK-CS-ES2) (ESS-E-A4)

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 5 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 Study Focus

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 6 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 Santa Reindeer Christmas Gift Tree Whole Group Activities Letters to Santa Reindeer Christmas Gift Tree ELA 2, 3b, 19, 24, ELA 3b, 4, 5a, 12a, 24 ELA 1a, 3b, 4, 5a, 18, 24 ELA 2, 3b, 24, 27 ELA: 2, 3b, 24, 27 M: 3, 6 27

Morning Circle Time What does Santa Who is your favorite What do you like to What is the best gift Do you have a ELA 1d, 3a, 4, 21, 22, 26, 27, Do? Reindeer? eat at Christmas? you have ever gotten Christmas Tree at 29, 31; for Christmas? home? M 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 13; SCI 26, 27; SS 2, 4, 5, 7

Storytime Santa’s Stuck Rudolph The Red Froggy’s Best Christmas The Best Gift Ever The Bernstein Bear’s Suggested alternative Nosed Reindeer Christmas Tree story titles are listed in the bibliography. ELA 1a, 1b, 1d, 4, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12b, 12c, 14c, 25, 29

Small Group Activities Please Santa Reindeer Positional Christmas Patterns Pass the Present Tree Sizes M: 2, 4 Words M 10, 11 M 13 M 1, 2 M 5, 6

Music and Movement “S-A-N-T-A” (Sung “Little Reindeer” “Twinkle, Twinkle “Here Comes Santa “Christmas Tree” (Sung To: B-I-N-G-O) Christmas Star” Claus” To I'm A Little Tea Pot) Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 7 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 One little, two little, three I know a man with a little reindeer Twinkle, Twinkle Here comes Santa Claus! I'm a little Christmas tree long white beard Four little, five little, six Christmas Star Here comes Santa Claus! tall and straight And Santa is his name-o little reindeer Right down Santa Claus S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, Way up high is where you Here are I'm A Little my S-A-N-T-A Seven little, eight little, are. Lane! Vixen and Blitzen branches for you to And Santa is his name-o! nine little reindeer Shining bright for all to see and all his reindeer decorate. Pulling Santa's Sleigh ELA Are pulling on the reins. First you put the star on the He wears a red hat and 1d, 24, 27, 29 On the top of our tree Bells are ringing, children very top big black boots SCI 15 Twinkle, Twinkle singing; All is merry and Just be careful that my And Santa is his name-o Christmas star bright. balls don't drop ELA 1d, S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, Way up high is where you Hang your stockings and 24, 27, 29 S-A-N-T-A are. say your prayers, 'Cause SCI 15 And Santa is his name-o! ELA 1d, 24, 27, 29 Santa Claus comes tonight. Eight little reindeer pull SCI 15 Here comes Santa Claus! his sleigh Here comes Santa Claus! And Santa is his name-o Right down Santa Claus S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, Lane! He's got a bag that is S-A-N-T-A filled with toys And Santa is his name-o! For the boys and girls again. And Santa is his name-o! Hear those sleigh bells He slides down the chimney with a pack on jingle jangle, what a his back beautiful sight. And santa is his name-o Jump in bed and cover up S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, your head, 'cause Santa S-A-N-T-A Claus comes tonight. And Santa is his name-o! ELA 1d, 24, 27, 29 He leaves toys, under the SCI 15 Christmas tree And Santa is his name-o S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A, S-A-N-T-A And Santa is his name-o! ELA 1d, 24, 27, 29 SCI 15

Field Experiences / Visit a Christmas tree farm; have Santa visit your class. Guest Speakers

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 8 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Study Focus Activities for Learning Centers that can be incorporated into your existing center activities. Remember any center activity that you can do indoors, could be done outdoors! Language/Literacy Can you find the Sand Letters Playdough letters Dot letters Gel Board ELA 3, 15, 17, 20, 24 Letter? Letter Rubbings Letter jars Letter Puzzles Letter game Letter symbols

Math Number Relations Measurement Geometry Data Collection Patterning M 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13 Presents Put seriating elves in Create a Christmas Graph the colors of Ornament patterning programmed with size order from tree using shapes. the presents. Which game. numbers 0 to 10. largest to smallest. TTW provide large one has the most? Students count out the green triangles, small correct number of brown rectangles, bows to place on the small multi colored presents. circles, small stars, and medium squares and rectangles for presents. Science Learning logs and writing tools, nonfiction books related to current study SCI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25 Add bell game, pinecone measuring, nut sorting, Christmas flashlights, add collection of pine needles and holly ELA 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 31 M 6, 9, 11; SS 4 Add teacher made book about the smells of Christmas. Add canisters with the different scents ( gingerbread, pine, peppermint, cinnamon, sugar cookies)

Gross Motor Drop Christmas ornaments into a bucket ELA 23, 24 Pass Jingle Bells from cup to cup M 11, 13 Play elf, elf, Santa (like duck, duck, goose) SCI 15, 16; SS 4 Play Santa Says

Blocks Writing tools, paper, and tape for making student made signs and labels ELA 15, 17, 20, 23, 24

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 9 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 Add small Christmas tree, small ornaments, small presents (cut up garland)

Manipulative / Table Games Add lacing elf shoes, Christmas lacing beads, Add Christmas pattern and sequence cards and counters ELA 23, 24 Add theme related puzzles, add numbered tree to flannel board to add correct number of decorations. Add M 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, peppermint scented play dough 11, 13 SCI 9 SS 4 Computer Sammy Science making toys ELA 30 Tape Christmas tree template to monitor for children to trace in KidPix and then add decorations.

Art Add Christmas tree shapes to decorate with glitter, sequins, ribbon, etc. ELA 23, 24 Add ornament cutouts to decorate, add bathroom tissue rolls to make Santas or reindeer, M 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 Add Christmas sequins, foam, trees, mittens, and stars, SCI 3, 13, 14 Add red, green, and gold glitter. Add red and green paint. SS 4 Make Christmas Cards Sensory Sand and Water ELA 22, 23 24 Add Christmas cups, Christmas sponges, M 5, 6, 10 Add miniature gifts to hide in sand to sort, wrapped present garland, mini ornaments SCI 2, 3, 10, 13, 14 SS 4 Music CD player and CDs, previously introduced musical instruments ELA 27, 28 Green and red scarves, Christmas CDs, bells M 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13 Some featured songs: SCI 15, 17, 19 Sleigh Bells from DLM kit SS 4 Dramatic Play In addition to the regular housekeeping center, add one or more of the following: ELA 7, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, Add decorations for the Christmas tree, small boxes, bows, tape, wrapping paper, small gifts M 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 Add elf hats, Santa hat, bag of toys SCI 3, 15, 17, 18, 21, 26, 27 Add fireplace and stockings

Books and Listening Center A variety of books and recordings related to the study focus; puppets, flannel board and/or magnetic board ELA 1a, 1d, 3a, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, figures; class made books

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 10 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 6, 7, 10, 11, 12a, 14a, 14c, 21, How Santa got his job 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29 Christmas CDs SS 2, 4 Arthur's Perfect Christmas Who will guide my Sleigh? The Night Before Christmas Frosty the Snowman Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer

Writing Blank books; paper in a variety of colors and sizes; student name cards; stencils; variety of writing tools such ELA 3a, 3b, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 as: pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers M 11, 13 Shape books, picture vocabulary cards, stamps and stencils stickers, envelopes and old Christmas cards. SS 4 Pocket Chart I see a ____ ELA 3, 27, 1a, 5 b-c I see number word Christmas trees.

Whole Group Activities

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 11 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Whole Group Activity 1: (GLEs ELA 2, 3b, 19, 24, 27)

Objective: TSW develop phonemic awareness AEB completion of the activities.

Materials List: The Polar Express, paper, markers, song: “Here Comes Santa Clause”. Activity: Introduction:TT and the students will sing the ABC song and point to the letters as they sing the song. TT and TSW discuss that S is for Santa Clause. TTW then read the story The Polar Express. TT and TSW discuss the story then the students will write their own letter to Santa. TSW use scribble writing or draw pictures to represent the things that they want for Christmas.

Resource: Comprehensive Curriculum

Closure/ Assessment: Sing the song Here Comes Santa Clause. Review that Santa starts with an S. Accommodations: Assist children as needed when writing the letter to Santa.

Whole Group Activity 2: (GLEs ELA 3b, 4, 5a, 12a, 24)

Objective: TT and TSW develop phonemic awareness AEB completion of the activities.

Materials: Book: Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonigh?t Song: “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”.

Activity: TT and TSW sing the ABC song and point to the letter. TT and TSW discuss that R is the first letter in reindeer. TTW begin by singing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. TT will then read the book Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight? . TT and TSW sequence the order the animals from the story. TT and TSW end circle time by singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.”

Accommodations: none needed


Whole Group Activity 3: (GLEs ELA 1a, 3b, 4, 5a, 18, 24)

Objective: TSW develop phonemic awareness AEB completion of the activities.

Materials: Book: The Night Before Christmas Song:”We Wish You a Merry Christmas”

Activity: TT and TSW sing the ABC song and point to the letters as they sing. TT and TSW discuss that C is the first letter in Christmas, candy cane, and carol. TTW begin by singing “We wish you a Merry Christmas.” TTW then read the book The Night Before Christmas pointing out rhyming words as the book is read. After reading the book TT and TSW participate in a group writing activity listing the pairs of rhyming words. TT and TSW sing”We Wish you a Merry Christmas” again to close.

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 12 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 Resource: Teacher Created

Accommodations: None Needed

Whole Group Activity 4: (GLEs ELA 2, 3b, 24, 27)

Materials: Book: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Song: “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”

Activity: TT and TSW sing the ABC song and point to the letters as they sing. TT and TSW discuss that G is the first letter in gift and Grinch. TT will say the /g/ poem from the DLM English Phonics guide. TSW circle the g’s in the poem. TSW then create a circle map of items that begin with the /g/ sound. TTW end circle time by reading the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

Accommodations: Assist children as needed

Whole Group Activity 5: (ELA: 2, 3b, 24, 27 M: 3, 6)

Materials: Book: Christmas Tree Song: “O Christmas Tree”

Activity: TT and TSW sing the ABC song and point to the letters as they sing. TT and TSW discuss that the letter T is the first letter in the word tree. TT and TSW then sing the song “O Christmas Tree” TTW then read the book Christmas Tree to the students. TT and TSW then discuss how there are different sizes and shapes of Christmas trees. TT and TSW then put a set of Christmas trees in size order from smallest to largest and then discuss which tree is first, second, third, and fourth in line. TT and TSW then sing “ O Christmas Tree” to close. Resource: Teacher created

Small Group Activities

Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 13 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 Activity 1: Please Santa(GLEs: M 2, 4) Materials: TTW provide each student with stockings programmed with the numbers 1-5 and a catalogue or magazine. TTW instruct the students to cut out pictures of items they want for Christmas and to glue the appropriate number of items onto each stocking.

Activity 2: Reindeer Positional Words (GLEs: M 10, 11) Materials: TTW provide each student with a sleigh and a reindeer. TTW instruct the students where they should place their reindeer (next to the sleigh, in the sleigh, over the sleigh, under the sleigh, on top of the sleigh, behind the sleigh. Accommodations: Assist students who have difficulty

Activity 3: Christmas Patterns (GLEs M 13) Materials: Pattern strips, various Christmas candy TTW create a pattern from the candy. TSW then copy and extend the pattern. Accommodations: assist the children as needed.

Activity 4: Pass the Present (gift) (GLEs M 1, 2)

Materials: TTW provide a gift wrapped box and number of items to place inside the box. Activity: TTW place a number of the items into the box and pass it to the first student. TSW count the number of items in the box and orally say, “ I have 4 in my box.” The student then choses items to place in the box and then passes it to the next student who does repeats until everyone has had a turn.

Activity 5: Tree Sizes (GLEs M 5, 6) TTW provide each student with three Christmas trees in varying sizes. TSW put the trees in order from smallest to largest. Accommodations: Assist students who have difficulty.

Sample Assessments

General Guidelines Documentation of student understanding will be recorded by the teacher through observation, notes and anecdotal records as well as student- generated products. These items will be dated and kept in the form of portfolio assessment.

General Assessments  Observations of students recalling words to songs  Anecdotal records of students relating life experiences to timelines from books about human stages of development  Work samples of students copying the names of classmates and drawing pictures of their classmates  Work samples in the form of illustrations of significant events in an autobiography/biography  Checklist of the student’s ability to identify the role of an author and illustrator  Audiotape of students asking questions about the subjects of autobiographies and biographies Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 14 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008

Activity-Specific Assessments  Small Group Activity 2: Observe students as they put the reindeer in the different places. Document via photos and/or anecdotal records.  Whole Group Activity 5: Observe students as they sequence their trees short, taller, tallest. Assess students’ abilities to follow directions. Document via photos and/or anecdotal records.


Children’s Books: Santa’s Stuck~Linda Ford Frosty the Snowman Rudolph~Robert L. May Alpha Zoo Christmas~Susan Harrison Kwanzaa Hanukkah Christmas Seven Spools of Thread: A Kwanzaa Story~Angela Medearis A Silent Night ~ Mary Manz Simon The Friendly Beasts (an old English Christmas Carol) ~ Tomie DePaola Mouse's First Christmas ~ Lauren Thompson Merry Christmas Everybody! ~ Constance Allen Clifford's First Christmas ~ Norman Bridwell Clifford's Christmas ~ Norman Bridwell A Very Merry Santa Clause Story ~ Joanne Barkan Santa's Noisy Night ~ Julie Sukes and Tim Warnes Corduroy's Christmas ~ Don Freeman Merry Christmas Mom and Dad ~ Mercer Mayer Froggy's Best Christmas ~ Jonathan London The Bear Santa Clause Forgot~ Diana Kimpton Mimi's Christmas ~ Martin Waddell The Christmas Blizzard ~ Helen Ketteman The Dog Who Found Christmas ~ Linda Jennings Bear's Christmas Star ~ Mireille D'Allance The Night Before Christmas ~ Clement Moore If You Take a Mouse to the Movies ~ Laura Numeroff Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 15 Louisiana Comprehensive Curriculum, Revised 2008 The Wild Christmas Reindeer ~ Jan Brett The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ Jan Brett The Gingerbread Baby~Jan Brett The Gingerbread Man~Jim Aylesworth Mrs. Wishy Washy’s Christmas~Joy Cowley The 12 Bugs of Christmas~David A. Carter Olive the other Reindeer~Vivian Walsh

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Prekindergarten Unit 17A – Christmas Study Focus –Traditions 16

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