Minutes of Dornoch Community Council s1

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Minutes of Dornoch Community Council s1



Yvonne Ross, Chair Jimmy Melville, Vice Chair/Treasurer Judi Sutherland, Secretary Graeme Ross Willie Melville William Hamilton Peter Fairgrieve Annabel Murray Gordon Clunie Jim McGillivray, Councillor

4 members of the public


No apologies – all members in attendance.


Two changes to the minutes of the last meeting –

Jerry Bishop – spelling error, Jerry with a “J” not a “G” There will be no “co-opting” of additional members, Associate members only

J Sutherland requested that from now on the project previously known as “Dornoch Sports Barn” be referred to as “Dornoch Sports Centre”.

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed as a true record Proposed – G Ross, Seconded, G Clunie

3 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (new item - not on agenda)

The members discussed the new Public Entertainment Licence which will come into effect in April 2012. At present it is proving difficult to get any hard and fast rules on the regulations surrounding the new licence, however it looks likely to have a severe adverse effect on small voluntary run groups holding events locally. Y Ross made several calls to the staff who usually deal with licensing enquiries in the Highland Council and has made little headway in getting any more information than is currently posted on the Highland Council website.

Questions were asked as to the type of event which may be effected, or likewise may be exempt from the charges but as yet there is not a definitive list, and any enquiries can be directed to Mike Elslie, Highland Council, Town House, Inverness where a decision will be made as to whether an event is chargeable. It would appear that a licence may be required for any event, and for each venue that an event may take place in.

This will place a severe financial strain on events which are for locals and visitors alike, which are not for the aim of making money, but solely for pleasure. Members anticipated many events being cancelled due to these new regulations and there was concern round the table at the lack of consultation.

Monica Dargie attended the meeting on behalf of St Finnbarr’s to raise her own concerns over this matter and the Community Council fully supported her issues and were happy to take this forward.

Members all expressed their own concerns over the new regulations and agreed that a strong letter of concern be written to our local MSP. Y Ross will write direct to the First Minister. J Sutherland agreed to contact other Community Councils to seek their views and have a consistent approach going forward.

MATTERS ARISING – Update from Jim McGillivray 4 NISA signage – there was a suggestion of the cream painted wall on the side of the Toilet Block on Shore Road just off the Square be used for signage. Thought to be no issues of it being part of the Conservation area, and does not seem to pose any issues with the Planning Authority. It would also make sense to now update the “pointer” signs on the lamp post, ie. Remove the pointer sign for the abattoir and replace with Retail & Business Park or similar.

Skinner Place – ongoing. Ian Macdonald, Housing Maintenance looking to progress work.

Dornoch Sports Centre – No new news.

Trees – J McGillivray has walk round with Nick Richards. It was noted that it was 10 years since a tree survey was last undertaken. It would seem time to seek a price for a new survey to be carried out and the cost of the surgery work afterwards. Will look at the trees at the Old Post Office at this time.

Recommendation that the metal grills round the trees in St Gilbert Street be removed. The cost implications of this need to be considered.

A-Boards – Ongoing – see WC block noticeboard as a possible solution?

Oil & Gas Training – Ongoing possibilities with the development of the Nigg Yard. North Highland College to be involved in the new training at Nigg.

Winter Gritting – all issues previously reported have been passed to TEC Services.

Footpath Earls Cross – Tree – work now done. The members thanks Jim for doing this. It was noted that signage in this area is now in fairly poor condition. Matt Dent to be invited to visit. Royal Dornoch Golf Club are responsible for the condition of the top path.

Embo Building – now completely weather proof.

Flashing “40” signage – John Garvie applying for this for Evelix Road to the Academy from Camore.

Embo St – agreed an area of hard standing at South East junction where there is a substantial verge. Need TEC Services input for this and this will be looked at in the new financial year.

Embo – a request for a “beware – Children Crossing” type sign by the playpark, which is on the route to the school bus. If the average speeds in the area are less than 24mph we can request a 20mph sign to be erected. Potholes/Verge Clearance – TECS currently working on these.

Sheriff Court Building – J McGillivray requested a search on the building ownership.

Mercat Cross – ongoing

Elizabeth Court – follow up with Housing & Property

J McGillivray’s email – investigate more of Option 2 (attached)???

Street Signage – W Melville asked that any future developments new to the town have the street signage as part of the original planning application.

Esker at Camore area. Planning & Building Standards have visited the area to ensure that nothing untoward has been done at this point. The members had a general discussion regarding the ongoing works in the area and all raised their concerns, in particular regarding the reinstatement to correct height, and the possibility that this area may have archaeological and geological interest. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Planning & Building Standards to express the concerns of the Community Council and to ask to be kept informed of any further/future works to this area.


No Northern Constabulary staff in attendance tonight. No issues. 5 ROADS

No issues other than those covered in Matters Arising. 6 The Members noted the visible attempt by TEC Service to complete works to pot holes which have been reported.

Clunie Crescent – KEEP OFF GRASS signage – this is a Council erected sign. Social Work Services should be asked to assess and assist the tenants who may have mobility issues regarding parking at the houses in this area.

Embo – ongoing issues regarding access at the lane in Gate Street – this appears to have reached a stalemate.


No issues. 7 PLANNING

Windfarms at Proncy (this is a possible re-application). J McGillivray to check if previous comments 8 sent regarding an application will still stand.


Two Associate Members can be co-opted onto the Council – on reading the constitution it would 9 appear that they should be brought in for a defined period and usually for a specific need, ie. For specialist knowledge on a particular topic.

Y Ross has had representation from particular outlying areas of the Community Council area highlighting their concern that they do not have a representative from their area on the Council. J Sutherland felt it undemocratic to bring in an associate member solely for the reason of representing a particular area, when they were not voted in during election. J Sutherland again suggested that the Council look at a leaflet drop or similar to increase the profile of the Community Council.

It was agreed firstly to ascertain whether or not a person from that particular area would even have an interested in becoming an Associate member before discussing any further.


NHS Highland Highlights brochure. 10 Invoice from Forestry Commission – some queries around the cost of the trees in comparison to previous years. Y Ross to contact the Forestry before payment. Connecting Carers Forum update – with offer to attend a meeting in future. Letter from Trading Standards regarding Doorstop Crime, promoting a new Community Safety Team. Variation Licence letter from Highland Council – Co-op’s PPL licence. DADCA – re permit to use School Mini-bus. Community Benefit Workshop – invite to members – J Sutherland, and J Melville to attend. £100 invoice from Chris Ferne for the updating of the town map.


Y Ross Check funds in the Windfarm Account and apply for funding for new roses for the area in front of 11 Masonic Hall. J Sutherland to check again with the Flowers & Fairs committee re costs.

RAF Representative – not discussed at last meeting, however J Melville happy to continue to attend any meetings etc.

Roles of Secretary – to continue as is, with Y Ross to liaise closely with Lesley and Judi to ensure that all actions are covered but work not duplicated.

J Sutherland Pipe Band Championship. Has been in touch with Bob and Linda Niven, re the possibility of a championship held in Dornoch under the umbrella of the Year of Homecoming 2014. Has applied for funding from the Scottish Government towards this, and could be a strong contender. Need to get the ball rolling this year to begin this if it were to go ahead, and must notify the North of Scotland Pipe Band branch by next year. It was recommended to avoid July as a date for an event. Fiona Hampton, Highlife Highland is happy to help, and this could also be a suitable event to take on an Associate Member for expertise.

Royal Dornoch Golf Club – Y Ross took minutes at the presentation by the Golf Club last month, and these will be typed up and circulated for those who were not in attendance.

Community Councillor training event – J Sutherland looking to attend the Dingwall session although it was suggested that they be approached to request a session slightly more local.

Dornoch Sports Centre – Parent Council are forming a Limited Company in order that they may project manage if the build gets the go ahead.

DDA Compliance of Council Chambers – raised concerns over the lack of a chair-lift at the Chambers, which may be inhibiting public from attending the meetings. Members agreed that if they had representation from a member of the public who wished to attend but needed level access, we could look to hold the meeting elsewhere to accommodate. Judi felt that the public may not wish to disrupt a meeting in such a way and may not ask. Lesley to ask Willie Erskine, Chief Execs Service for advice. Willie has been heavily involved in all the DDA works which have taken place across Highland in making our Service Points more accessible.

Tourist Leaflet – push for this to be completed before the start of the visitor season. W Hamilton Dog Fouling in Embo village – there is no dog waste bin at the pier side of the village, by the playpark. Email James Sanderson, Dog Warden to see if he will visit or request a bin.

G Ross Sutherland Road – the sign for the street seems to have disappeared? It was thought to have previously been on the wall of the 1st house?

W Melville Beach Play Area – very poor facilities at the sand/playpark area. Previously 2 toys were taken away due to poor condition but have not been replaced. Can we look at this? Agreed to get some brochures for the next meeting for discussion.

Wall on School Hill – rubble now dangerous. Y Ross to speak to Angi Sutherland or Seany Anderson for advice or repair/removal.

Proncy Cemetery - gate will be repaired this week.

G Clunie Requested that the seats around the square be checked over for general maintenance before the beginning of the visitor season. It was noted that the plaque on one of the benches commemorating Sutherland Edinburgh Association has gone missing. Bench at the beach – it was discussed and much work has been previously attempted to repair this bench. Could we replace? Check the Ogilvies brochure for options.

A Murray Dog fouling – it was mentioned that there is an issue with dog fouling heading out the Sutherland Road area on the low road. This may be due to the increasing number of new houses in that area. Mention to James Sanderson, Dog Warden as possibly no waste bins in that area?

J McGillivray Informed members that the previous Chief Executive of A & M (abattoir) has now gone. This is disappointing as he had been a good contact.

J Melville Building at the Old Doctors (again A & M) – doors are now in a state of disrepair. Raised the issue of the amount of shop workers around the town who are parking for the whole day, parking right outside the property they work in, taking up valuable parking spaces from the shoppers themselves. Could they be encourages to park elsewhere? D Williams (asked from the floor), where should they then park? J Melville suggested the Meadows Road car park often has much parking space available.

From the Floor- Karensa Carr

On the previous discussion of bringing in Associate members raised that she felt this would be undemocratic, although did agree with bringing in an associate member with a particular skill or expertise for a particular project.

Asked also if the members when discussing the replacement roses at the front of the Masonic Hall would consider something hardier which may act more as a barrier to the burn which she felt is a health and safety hazard. J Sutherland to discuss options with the Flowers & Fairs group as they in the long run would maintain the area. If the burn itself were to be blocked by railings etc it would be likely that it would end up with railings similar to that outside of the Library Building itself.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING Wednesday 21st March 2012 at 7.00pm


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